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Heart of Corruption - IC

Arva Yornheim Tag: Fox-friend, Jen Mood: Battlehungry Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 21 Hp: 60/60 Buffs: Song of Endurance(One Hour) Init: Spells used: Grade 1: 3/5 Grade 2: 1/4 Bardic Song: 15/21

Arva rolled her eyes. Between Jen's predisposition towards amazonian rule and Kress... approach to social situations, it seemed this was up to her.. but she was awfully distracted. "You know you could just try and heal her Jen, if her wounds are real, they'll disappear." She determined, with a bit of a stern look. "I don't particularly care about amazons here, beastfolks there, I just like fighting strong opponents, but I heard ramblings that a pretentious nature-goddess is being hidden nearby the beastmen, and I want to punch her in the face.

Anyway, it's someone injured requesting our aid, my honor demands we give it to her.. now then.."
Arva pulled out two of her axes.. before twirling them around and offering each to the fox. "Know how to use this? It's a one handed throwing axe.. I can lend you two in order to free your sister. The ferals around here had weapons too, but they were crude and stained. A nice, clean axe should serve you far better." She nodded.

Arva gasped at the biting of her still sensitive, fuzzy, wolf-like eartip. "I do kinda want to fight you actually..." Arva mused, by nature, gasping under the nuzzling, even as she felt a little woozy from the bloodloss.
Arva then gasped under the vampire-fucking, rocking with them before gulping as they withdrew, nodding, with shy arousal on her cheeks. "Hamn.. y.. yes.. maybe.." She admitted, with an uncharaceristically shy expression on her face as she shifted nervously, panting after the lewd futa-vampire assault!
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
52/55 Armor Class: 20 (Touch: 14, FF: 17, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 7 Ref: 5 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Bikini Armor Curse

Kress pats the fox-girl on head as her big sister complex takes over. "Hush, dear. It's okay. We're going to save both and your sister, alright? You can follow us or stay here, but it'll be easier if we have somebody with us that could lead us to them. I know you're scared, and it's okay to be scared, but we can help both you and your little sister." She glances over at the former Amazon. "Right, Jen?" She sweetly, yet sternly asks.
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Name: Sharon
45/45 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17 BAB: +4
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon studies the notes a little longer after Jen points out the map. Ugh, can Kress take any longer? She turns around to remind Kress about the notes, surely she was as intrigued as Sharon, right? As soon as her eyes land on Kress in her...bikini? Woah...where did that come from? She wasn't wearing that a minute ago...not that I'm complaining... The notes slip out of Sharon's now loose hands as she looks Kress over and begins to salivate a little. The feeling of paper leaving her hand snaps her out of her lewd thoughts, she quickly turns away to pick up the papers, Kress looked as confused as she did, best not to show Kress her blushing face.

Before she gets a chance to remind Kress about the Elven notes, she hears the panicked pleas of a half-nude fox girl as she begs for Arva and Jen's help. She calmly walks over to stand near Arva, doing her best not to spook the girl. While the rest of her party discussed freeing the girl and her sister, she was quite shocked hearing such a sisterly tone from Kress.
I wonder what family ties Kress has...this girl is evoking quite a protective sibling-Esq side from her...and that armor...it looks like it originates from the neck piece...perhaps it was a necklace prior? Arva mentioned that it was cursed...Kress didn't seem to pay any mind until after she had put it on..perhaps it had some significance to her?
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress primarly Mood: Battlehungry Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 21 Hp: 60/60 Buffs: Song of Endurance(One Hour) Init: Spells used: Grade 1: 3/5 Grade 2: 1/4 Bardic Song: 15/21

"Wrong." Arva interjected.
"If she can't fight for her own freedom, she doesn't deserve it.
As I said, I care as much about politics here as you'd care about Clan-feuds in my homeland, but the simple matter is, it's wrong to interfere with a hunt directly. If the prey becomes the predator, that reflects badly upon its hunter, so I am willing to have her healed and equipped to fight her cause.
But if we take sides in this, without knowing more, well, even someone as sheltered as you should know about the political implications of fighting for the beasts against the amazons."
Arva adviced and pointed.

"If she doesn't wish to be a pet, have her prove she can be a warrior instead."
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
52/55 Armor Class: 20 (Touch: 14, FF: 17, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 7 Ref: 5 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Bikini Armor Curse

She sighs, holding the fox-girl close to her to give her some comfort. "Not everyone can be a warrior, Arva. Some are born too weak, others have no talent for it. Still others have specialties in other fields. Do you not have caretakers in your village? Those versed in the ability to heal or those that forage for food that feeds your warriors? What about those that make clothing and meals? Those that forge weapons and armor? It takes a lot of work to support warriors, you should know this. As for my family, we lived free. Free to wander the world according to our whims. Not all of my sisters could fight, but they made up for it in other ways and we looked out for each other. Those that could fight, protected the others. Those that could help in other ways did so. You might think that those who can't stand on their own are useless, I say they just need a helping hand up. I was a sword and shield for my family. We might not have all been related by blood, but we were sisters all the same. And I refuse to let somebody hold another against their will, politics be damned!" She fires back. "You can call it a hunt or whatever, but nobody deserves to be held captive against their will! I've seen too many claim that the weak belong to the strong simply because they can out-muscle them." Gods, how many of her adopted sisters were runaways due to bad parents? How many women had they rescued from abusive boyfriends or husbands? Her mother had only had a few children naturally, the vast majority were adoptees. Most of them departed once they got to another town or village, but a few stuck around.

"Also, if you want her to be able to fight, try something that's easier to start with like a quarterstaff or a spear. Axes require some martial training." She points out, staring at Arva like she should know this.
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress primarly Mood: Battlehungry Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 21 Hp: 60/60 Buffs: Song of Endurance(One Hour) Init: Spells used: Grade 1: 3/5 Grade 2: 1/4 Bardic Song: 15/21

".. you talk a lot for one that failed to defeat me, but I will induldge you: Wrong. Every man. Woman. Every child In The Bear-Clan can hold and use a weapon about the time they learn to walk. As for the wisemen and healers of the clan.. of course we have those.. I am one of them. And you think just 'cause my mother loved staying at home and cooking, she couldn't swing a sword? Pfah.. who'd even want a wife that can't slay any that'd take her away whilest you're hunting?" she chuckled, dipping in tone towards Kress, as if explaining this to a child... or at least an outsider to her harsher northern customs, which she was.

"Of course the stronger warriors protect the weak. That's their right. In exchange, they demand fealty, the duty of the weak. You mischaracterize my society.. of course we take care of injured honored warriors, learn from their wisdom. But weaklings and cowards? They are better off as pets or dead. If this one doesn't want to be a pet, have her fight to EARN the right to be anything more.

But yeah.. whom but the strong, would the weak belong to? Would you rather be lead by weaklings and cowards? Pfah. Strong fighters must rule in the end, to dominate their foemen and friends."
She cracked her neck.

"I'll give you that, however, you're right on the weapon theories.. go give the girl a proper spear. Anyone can use a spear." She decided, twirling her axes away again, slipping them back into her belt.
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
52/55 Armor Class: 20 (Touch: 14, FF: 17, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 7 Ref: 5 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Bikini Armor Curse

She rolls her eyes at Arva and sighs. "The strong are supposed to protect the weak, not use their strength to lord over them." She replies, scrounging through the scattered materials in the room before pulling out a pole-like length of wood that would serve as a haft. Taking off one of her daggers, she affixes it tightly to the shaft with some twine before offering the improvised spear to the fox-girl. "I'm going to help this girl save her sister. If anybody else wants to help, great. If not, I'll go fight them alone. However, if anybody has any other solutions, I'm open to hear them. By now, they might have tracked her to these ruins so if anyone has a plan, then hurry up and spit it out."
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress primarly Mood: Battlehungry Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 21 Hp: 60/60 Buffs: Song of Endurance(One Hour) Init: Spells used: Grade 1: 3/5 Grade 2: 1/4 Bardic Song: 15/21

"I guess you'd like that, after all, if the weak got to rule in positions of power.. even you might have a chance." Arva chuckled, and shot back. Kress' constant belligerent attitude was exhausting even her patience after a while.
"...good luck on your Journey. I'll go out and check another ruin, my defeat in battle by the Jarl demands I honor this mission. Perhaps punch an uppity goddess along the way." She nodded, and chuckled.. frankly not minding being rid of the downer-elf.
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Name: Sharon
45/45 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17 BAB: +4
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon watches as Kress and Arva argue, unsure of how to diffuse the lingering tension between them. She takes a deep breath before addressing the bickering ladies.

"Kress, the strong often do take advantage of the weak, from what I have seen. I do believe that this girl should at least know some basic offense/defense skills to defend herself from such individuals."

"Arva, we are not neglecting the Jarl's mission by helping this girl. It's not a good idea to separate ourselves in such an unknown area, especially since we're the ones trusted to report back to the Jarl about the corruption in this area."

She stands calmly as she waits from a response from Arva.

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Actually, we, the Amazons are in war with the Beastfolk. It is their fault, really. We just want to be frends with them...petting someone isn't bad, right?"

"However the Beastfolk try to bite us and resist until they see how good we treat them. We feed them special foods, they have doggie baths with warm water, and servants to pet them whenever they want. Like I said, it isn't by luck that no beastfolk ever wants to leave us."

"Still, it is indeed a war...except that instead of killing the prisoners, we pet them. Beastfolk have fluffy tails and ears to gently stroke them, after all."

"So...let me talk to the hunting team...if there is one. We will see what they have to say."
Kress rolls her eyes at Arva, obvious barbs aside and is all too happy when Sharon and Jen speak up, although she does shoot an odd look her way.
"Alright, sounds like a plan. We'll speak with them first and try to resolve this peacefully. The less blood shed, the better." She states, waiting for the fox-girl to respond and the group to move.
Arva Yornheim Tag: Sharon/Jen Mood: Battlehungry Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 21 Hp: 60/60 Buffs: Song of Endurance(One Hour) Init: Spells used: Grade 1: 3/5 Grade 2: 1/4 Bardic Song: 15/21

Arva Crossed her arms. "Splitting up is not a good idea.. for you. I'm not afraid of doing this on my own, if need be. It's less troublesome than picking sides, anyway.. as much fun as bloodshed would be, we can't go starting wars." She exhaled and chuckled.

"Jen, real talk. you are.. slavishly devoted to the amazonian ideals and I'm not certain where the line betwixt cute and fanatical lies. I'll guess we'll see more when we see more, but presume I were dragged along to this and decided to punch the amazons because they get on my nerves, as much as this somewhat or another goddess does, what would you do? You still haven't healed the girl." Arva nodded. Granted, she could just use her healing too, but her spells were more limited and the fox wasn't -that- cute.