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GySGT Barry Anderson


Nov 10, 2008
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He lay in the prone 200 ft. from LCPl Tell, looking through the scope of his C16 he could see the bright red apple gleam on the bald pate of his fellow marine. The rest of the squad stood nearby, they'd all done this already, and it was time for the FNG to be inducted into the squad.
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Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

Barry let the new guy sweat it for several moments before fully sighting his sniper rifle, taking proper aim at the dead center of the apple sitting on LCPl Tell's head. Then, almost as if firing the weapon was a casual afterthought, pulled the trigger.


The apple quite literally exploded as the .357 Lapua Magnum Sniper round found it's mark, mere inches above the most likely terrified newbie's head. A tiny bit of juice now covered the kids face, usually something that was amusing to the already seasoned veterans of the team, if you could call some who'd only been there for a year or two veterans that was.

With this now done, he snapped the safety back on the weapon, then stood and casually jogged towards the rest of the group, failing slightly to hide his half laugh, half grin.
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

The squad broke into a cheer as Grandpa ran back to them with his ill concealed smile. Tell wiped the apple from his face, and came running over with shaky legs and a relieved face.As he got to the group he faced you and with a snap to parade rest, "GySGT Anderson, LCPL Tell is ready to move to the final part of his induction, GySGT."
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

Barry nodded once, then grinned.

"Very well, this way LCPl."

((Not quite sure where to proceed from that part so ... Yeah, brain fart.))
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

The marine follows you along with everyone else back towards the sleeping area.

(That would probably be the culminating point in a FNG hazing. Actually a rather extreme hazing, but I aim to please. Just take him to the tent give him an NA and tell him he's accepted, squad party type thing, etc. I'll pretty much react to you so feel free to come up with anything.)
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

Eventually they would reach their quarters and enter, at which point Barry looked one more time to the young LCPl, then spoke.

"Well then, congratulations on getting this far, and welcome to our little group."

The term little was an understatement, as there were more than twenty people there, but still to most that was considered a small group of people.

After ensuring everything was all in order and the LCPl understood everything, and what would be expected of him, he would allow everyone to disperse and take a little bit of free time. They had no current orders for anything, which usually meant 'sit tight and don't do anything.'

((Not sure what an NA is, and Wiki didn't help so ... lol))
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

(LOL, an NA is a nonalcoholic beer not even a military term. Ya know Odoul's)

While everyone goes about their usual relaxation routine. The company XO comes in awkwardly as ever and waves for you to come over.
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

((Oh. Well I don't drink so prolly why I don't know the term.))

Barry catches the movement out of the corner of his eye and makes his way over to the person. He gives a quick salute before responding.

"What can I do for you sir?"

((Going off the assumption here it IS a guy, since ya didn't specify.))
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

(Well technically you still wouldn't be drinking with NA, but meh.)

"Need to have you back at HQ, Gunny. Some strange orders came down from NATO for ya. So you may want to say a good-bye to yer squad, before coming over." He says.

(Not that it really matters since some things have already been stretched, just for funs sake. See Simca's character. An XO (executive officer) in a combat unit would be male as the US doesn't allow women in combat positions.)

(Also something I probably should have stated as Burrito did it, too. You don't salute out in the field or in a combat zone. Ya know snipers an all that. You also don't salute in doors. You didn't know that though so, meh)
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

If the news surprised Barry at all, he didn't outwardly show it at all. He only nodded once.

"Understood sir. I'll be along in ten minutes."

When the XO had left, he'd turn to his men.

"Alright folks listen up. Seems I'm being called in with orders from NATO, not sure when I'll be back. Hopefully shortly, but we all know how long these kinds of things can get. Until I return, Nicholsen your in command."

When everything was set, he'd return to HQ.
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

The news was accepted with out much problem by his men, though a few looked a little saddened by it. They'd lost people before and this was nothing new to most of them. Nicholson nodded his head as you put him in charge. With a see you back in the world from everyone you headed for HQ.

Arriving there the commander shook your hand, gave you the orders, and said how much it had been a pleasure to have known you. "Theres a driver outside to take you to the airfield, I guess theres transport waiting there. Good luck, Gunny."
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

Barry would listen regarding his orders then nod once when all was said and done.

"Likewise sir, hope to return soon. Guess we'll see on that. Thank you."

Without further delay, he proceeded to the pick-up point to begin his journey.
Re: GySGT Barry Anderson

The HMMWV doesn't take long before it arrives at a hangar near a C-130, that's all ready to go. You can see two people: a rather tall fellow with a bright red unkempt mop of hair on his head who appears to be waiting for the flight to leave, the other you're typical fly boy crewman.

(Intro finished feel free to move to SGT Kelly's thread and interact with him while you fly over.)