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Greenhouse 3


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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This greenhouse has a bunch of plant-animal morphs, and is quite spacey around here.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Well here we are greenhouse 3 for all the plant animal morphs." Jenelle says cheerfully.
Re: Greenhouse 3

Norma giggles "So anything interesting here?" She asks looking around with her curious eyes.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Well let's see shall we."

(Looks around for something interesting.)
Re: Greenhouse 3

"I hope these plant-animal-things are not as shy as the animals in Greenhouse 2 and I also hope they didn´t made an carrot-spider animal or something like that. A spider with 8 carrot-legs, scarry if you ask me." she says with a amused grin.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"He-he, no I'm pretty sure there aren't any carrot spiders." Jenelle says amusedly.
Re: Greenhouse 3

Blushing and shuddering in distaste Norma gives Dyna a look that says 'you'll get it for that later'.
Re: Greenhouse 3

No carrot spiders could be seen, though there was a lot to see. It seems a red-petaled Lust Rose had either been planted or sprouted up quickly during her absence, though the trio also saw some more paths further in. Of course, there was also Lily and the one flowerbed of vines...
Re: Greenhouse 3

She giggles as she sees how Norma look at her and says "Ok, I think I have to make amends for Norma, but anyway these two plants there look interesting." she points with her finger to the Lust Rose and to Lily. "Jenelle, do you know what this things are?"
Re: Greenhouse 3

Sticking her tongue out at the receptionist Norma listens to Janelle.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Well, Lily is a lust rose who I'm kind of familiar with." Jenelle says blushing. "Just give me a second to think here, and I'll tell you the difference between the two different types of lust rose."

((Plant scan on the newer lust rose))
Re: Greenhouse 3

Scan Info: Red Petal (Thorn)

The Red Petal is more agressive then the slightly submissive Pink Petal. Often, they will not absorb portions of the blood they absorb from a victim, leaving some warpaint-style spreads over her skin, increasing her imtimidation. She's also semi sadistic, and has been known to impale enemies with her vines, then releasing the thorns, including on the vines. To compensate, the vine thorns are slightly rounded so they do not tear up the interior of the feed's vaginal and intestinal areas.

The Red Petal still seemed a little groggy from the strange gas that had subdued her, blinking and shaking her head a lot.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Well I wouldn't go to close to the red petaled one there even if it is a little groggy still. The pink one isn't really dangerous though, just playful." Jenelle says to the others.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Playful sounds nice" Alane giggles. "Well, but if you think it is better to avoid the red one, I will obey you like a little puppy." she says with an smile to Jenelle.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Yeah I met Lily earlier, she's definately playful." Jenelle says blushing. "At least she won't hurt you like the red one might. Also watch where you step some of the vine plants like to lay traps. I wouldn't want anyone to get caught by some of them. Maybe Lilies awake now, we can go see."

(Head towards Lily)
Re: Greenhouse 3

Norma looks at the roses in awe and follows Janelle toward Lilly.
Re: Greenhouse 3

Lily was still awake, and peered out at the sound of feet on the earth near her, and as she saw Jenelle she ducked down shyly.
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Hi Lily, now don't be shy. These are just some people that I'm showing around the greenhouse. This Norma, a new scientist and Alane." Looking at the other two, "This is Lily the lust rose."
Re: Greenhouse 3

"Erm... nice to meat you Lilly" Alane says to the plant "... kind of strange to talk to a plant which look like a human..." she whispers to Jenelle.
Re: Greenhouse 3

Jenelle giggles, "Yeah I guess it is a little weird talking to plants, but then a gain I am a botanist. So I'm kind of used to it even though most plants don't respond like some of the ones we have here."