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Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea smiled slightly at her sister and settled in, eager to learn more of their situation as well but content to let Pollusia handle things for now.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Rua appeared to be disappointed at not being allowed to continue what she had begun, as well as slightly annoyed at Pollusia for intervening.

"Just stay still when the times comes and I take care of it myself... not like I expect you to be any good at it anyway.

The displeasure of a demoness aside, it was at that time the guard continued her explanation in regards with what she knew.

"I don't know all the details, since I only became part of this game a few rounds ago but...Apparently this game repeats itself until a "true victor" is decided, or basically when we all surrender to the Lady or she surrenders to us after being captured."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia smiles politely at the guard, then turns her suddenly icy gaze on the demoness.

"I shouldn't have to remind you that I -am- very good at sticking sharp objects in annoying demons. So shut it."

She turns back to the guard, suddenly all smiles again.

"When the Lady.. surrenders? Didn't you say she was a very powerful witch? How are we expected to make her surrender?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea gives a dissapointed frown at the succubus. "Now what did I say about behaving yourself?" she says in a mildly threatening tone. "Are you really so... in need, that you'll be so rude?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Yes although- YIP!"

Feeling a sudden shock run through her body from her collar, Rua's eyes immediately go to the small girl seated up front, only to find that she had not moved an inch. Rebuked not only Eva but also by Castea, it was then the demoness adopted a more humble attitude as she remembered who was in control in this 'relationship'. Sullen and more submissive now, the succubus drooped her head apologetically.

"I'm sorry..."


"I have no clue really, which is why most of us are wondering if we can even win this game to begin with. Supposedly there are other ways to win as well but...You'd have to ask Miss Reina or Eva there for more answers."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea frowned and bit her lower lip again as she considered things, and hesitantly slid her hand around the demon's waist, bringing it to rest just below her stomach. "Do you promise to behave yourself, serve and obey myself and my sister, and never use your... abilities... without permission from us?" Castea asked, hoping that the demoness would be bound by such a promise as she stared with deadly seriousness into the girl's eyes.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

A hint of a glare directed at the demoness, then attention drifted back to the speaking guard..

"I look forward to meeting this Reina.. though, I think, after we've found some clothes. How far away is this Haven, anyway? And.. more importantly, how did you find us?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Haven should be coming us soon enough...as for how we found you..."

The guard gestures towards Eva before continuing, to indicate who she was referring to.

"Apparently Miss Psychic Know-It-All there saw where each of you would be in advance with her abilities. Then she started sending groups of us out to where we'd find you. Course, we're probably the lucky ones given the transmissions on the radio. Some of the teams have been searching for their targets for hours without much success. Mainly as the kid's visions don't specify 'time' it seems."


Rua appeared to think for a bit, trying to decide what would be the best response to such a promise. ...Well, I'm still a goner even if I didn't accept, so it wouldn't really make a difference. Better to make her happy so that I can have a bit more freedom. Besides, it's not like she can really hold me to it, right? Having made up her mind, the red-haired demon attempted to make what was to her a "casual response", seem as sincere as possible.

"Yes, I can promise that. I promise that I will behave myself, serve, and obey you and your sister and never use my gifts without permission..."

However, the instant she uttered the words, the collar around her neck began to glow red-hot, causing her no small degree of pain as reached for it with her chained arms in an attempt to pry it off. When the object around her neck finally "cooled down", once could see that various "runes" had now been etched on it, apparently as a result of Eva's abilities once again...

(Now for a fun fact, this skill of Eva's ingame wise is actually a variant of an awakening skill usable by certain future bosses in future missions. "Chains of Punishment (Binding Variant)". What this implies storyline wise however, I will not disclose.)
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia shakes her head, a wry grin spreading across her features.

"Sounds like she must be quite talented. Are you sure she's not listening to our conversation? She seemed to tune out a while ago, but appearances can be deceiving.. especially with one as deceiving as her."

She turns in her seat to ask her sister something, and spots the red-hot collar, and the runes etching themselves across the surface.

"Wow.. that's some light show. You figure that means anything..? Maybe she's bound to her promises. That'd be amusing.."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea had flinched away from the collar, but soon replaced her hand where it was. "It seems... you're bound by your word now. You are now mine, Rua. Mine and my sister's," she said in a passive, matter-of-fact tone, as if coming to terms with it herself. She leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on the girl's temple, "Now be good, pet, and I'll keep you happy and safe, okay?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Rua could only nod as she came to the same realization that Castea had come to, that she truly was in every sense, a pet now. Unsure of what to make of this new fact, the red-haired demoness began to hear a child's cruel laughter in her head, a laughter whose tone of voice sounded extremely similar to the one that had put these bindings on her in the first place...


The guard suddenly froze as she came to this realization, beginning to laugh nervously as she began fervently hoping that such suspicions were incorrect, even beginning to badger her partner that was driving.

"Uh..heh....that couldn't be...right?...She's completely spaced out... right Jess?..."

These hopes were crushed however, as it was then that Eva spoke up, just as the vehicle came to a halt at a luxurious apartment complex, modified to match the needs for the game.

"We have arrived. Driver, escort the new pieces to the lobby to await for Reina's return. The one in the back..."Jo" was it? Come up to the driver's seat and park this car in the lot. After that, come to my room...I have something to show you."

The doors of the car swinging open with the sole exception of the one closest to "Jo" by the means of some unknown force, it was apparent that Eva wished for all of them to take their leave...with a single exception. However what would happen to that exception, was a story for another time.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia reaches over to pat the ill-fated Jo on the shoulder with a smile.

"Well, it was nice knowing you, Jo... Look me up sometime if you make it out of this alive. It'd be nice to hear from you. Cas? We're going."

And with that, the blonde hopped out of the van, landing lightly on the sidewalk. She turns, arms extended in an offer of catching her sister from the short drop.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea slipped out of her seat wth help from her sister and in turn assisted Rua out as well and glanced at the building before them. So this was it, this was 'haven'...

"Hey Poll... this isn't a dream, is it?" she asked in that matter-of-fact tone again. "As much as it seems it should be a nightmare, this is real. We're pieces in some game, defending ourselves for the amusement of someone else..."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia glances around herself.. as if the sky, or the buildings around them held the answer, then after a long moment, looks back to her sister.

"Seems.. that way. This isn't a nightmare, though. Nightmares you have no control over.. and we've already proven we can control this place. In one way or another.."

Pollusia starts, heading towards the doors of the Haven. Halfway, she looks back, and says....

"Thing is.. we're here. And I'll be damned if I go down without a sword in my hand, when I could've stood and fought to defend everything I believe in."

On impulse, she crosses the tarmac to return to her sister's side.

"Everything I love."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea smiles warmly and takes Pollusia's hand in hers, leading Rua with her other hand, and the pair walked into the building together.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Proceeding into the building hand in hand, the twins entered the place in which their role in the game would truly begin. The glass doors closing upon them as they reached the lobby.


As for our foolish guard who decided to anger a person far superior to her in power and wits?...

"Really now, did you really think you can escape me? I suppose I will have to discipline you in the same manner as I do my pets..."

Suspended in mid-air by some unknown force, "Jo" could only stare in horror as the small, "child-like" girl reach to remove her metallic blindfold... as if a demon were to be unleashed upon her.

The conclusion? Let us just say there were screams audible throughout the building coming from the basement level for the good period of a hour before Miss Reina came back with the piece she rescued...

(Castea and Pollusia have completed their scenario, and are now Level 3! Castea and Pollusia each now have 6 additional stat points with which to upgrade her stats! Please allocate or save the points as you desire, state what you to do here, and update your character sheet to reflect upon your changes!)

Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Level 3 - 6+1 points. 3 spent on mind, 2 spent on endurance, 2 spent on dex. 0 saved.