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May 19, 2018
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I can't make heads or tails of this shit honestly, but if you know the author, fume, it's another mass corruption title RPG thing. The language barrier of course makes it hard for me to understand a god damn thing from the start but I managed to bumble fuck my way into the cheat room to unlock everything and in that chance I got to see that what content actually exist is seemingly rather vast down to even restyling the MC almost entirely. As aformentioned, I still got no clue what the fuck the game was actually about.

It has a fair share of futa content interwoven into much of that customization(probably avoidable if you try) as well as a multitude of other more on par for fume type touches. If someone else can figure this thing out that'd be nice since I honestly got no clue if I should have even made this thread. Any help in understanding is greatly appreciated and early apologies if I did this thread stuff wrong, mods feel free to take it down if so.
OP does not meet standard, requires: gameplay description. Thread locked. PM a mod with an update to the OP that meets the standard to get this thread unlocked.
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