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GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"No, there are better things to draw than him anyway." Grace says coming out of the hug and moving to sit near beside Isabella on the floor, though facing the other way with her back to the door. "I know you don't..."


Grace jumps on the spot at the sudden noise, and barely stops herself from casting a spontaneous barrier before realising it was just the light going. "... your light just popped." She states wide eyed again, pulling out her phone to hold above them both as a temporary light source. Shining it briefly in the direction of the bed, the dim light failing to illuminate much. Not spotting anything she tilts it back. "It's blown, literally. I didn't think lights did that."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella lets out a shriek as the bulb suddenly pops, cowering once more before Grace points out that it was the light bulb in the lamp next to her bed.

"Great...what else can go wrong today..." Isabella mutters as she climbs to her feet. Inspecting the lamp she then walks over to her sketchbook, and searching for the pen for a moment Isabella sits down on the bed. Opening the sketchbook the girl quickly sketches something, and a moment later an odd looking legoman-like figure climbs out of the book. "Carefully unscrew the remains of the bulb out of the lamp," Isabella unemotionally instructs her new creation.

Walking across the bed and to the lamp the small robot takes the lamp in one of its vice-like hands and carefully grips what little of the bulb is poking out of the bulb socket. Slowly unscrewing it the robot gradually removes the bulb, then places it and the lamp back down on the bedside table. Getting up Isabella pets the robot on the head once before dismissing it in a cloud of black powder. "Looks like I'm going to have to ask a caretaker to put in a new one in the morning..."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Aliens could invade?" Grace suggests in answer to Isabella's rhetorical question, still sitting on the floor. "Hehe, he's a groovy one." she adds, commenting on the helper. "Though y'know, I was just thinking, while it feels a little strange to discus 'battle tactics', I've got an idea. If you can use your powers to make uh, ink warriors, or whatever, then I could make a one way barrier. You could keep doing sketches and send them out, but be safe from interruption from anything outside."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"That could work actually," Sitting down on the bed Isabella lets out a sigh then falls backwards, looking up at the ceiling. "Though that Charles replica was supposed to be my first combat form. I'm going to have to work on something else now if I'm to be of any use."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Just draw Rambo. Sorted." Grace offers in jest with a silly smile, though then resting her chin in her hand and gazing off in thought. "Or actually... How about Ellisia?"
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"I could..." Sitting up once more Isabella looks back at Grace, letting out a small laugh at Grace's joke. "Though, I only know what you've told me so whatever powers she has I won't be able to mimic until I see them for myself."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"So you have to see things personally to mimic them properly huh." Grace says rocking her self back and forth to stand up, taking a step to turn the main light switch on. "That's better. Well I might be able to persuade her into giving a demonstration or something. Dunno." She continues, taking a moment to have a second look around the room now it was lit again, "Your rooms a lot tidier than mine. Or at least my side of it." said then spotting a stuffed toy perched out of the corner of her eye and gently plucking it up voicing a small squee.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"I'm not sure if I'll even be able to mimic her powers. I've done some in the past but this is still new to me so I don't know what the limit is," Isabella explains, watching Grace as the girl gets up and turns the light on.

"Force of habit, really. My parents always said a tidy person has a clear mind. It was their mantra they used, said it allowed them to focus on their work. I dont really see any difference in my abilities whether my room is tidy or not, but I've gotten into the habit of tidying up messes. I see you like my plushies." Isabella adds as Graces squee's, a small smile stretching across her lips.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Grace nods and makes an agreeing sound, "What's not to like. They're cuddly and soft and awesome! I didn't get to bring many of mine along when I packed to come here, but there's a bunch back home. They're a bit more old fashioned than these too actually." She says, holding the plushie up to her face and talking towards it. Then looking sideways to Isabella again as she goes on, "But yeah, my parents would fuss at me a lot about keeping tidy too, though I guess it never became habit for me. Though also one of the maids used to go easy on me and gave me extra help keeping my room in check."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"You had servants?" Now sitting crosslegged Isabella leans forward, a surprised expression on her face. "Despite my parents money we never had any of our own. Though I guess there wouldnt be any point in hiring helpers when you move house pretty often. Must've been nice to have people to personally look after you."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Oh, yeah." Grace replies, remembering that Isabella wouldn't know that, though with a face that subtly suggests she actually didn't quite like admitting having had servants. "We have three. They live in the estate with us most of the time. Two of them are a bit of a pain, and would frequently rat me out to my parents given the chance, but the other one is actually pretty cool. She'd let me get away with stuff, and even help me smuggle in things my parents wouldn't get me or let me buy myself." She says, putting the plushie softly back in it's spot. "Hmm, my dad also had a personal butler once too, but he died when I was little. I suppose he never found a replacement for him." She adds, finding a spot to lean against for a while as she faces Isabella again.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Well they don't sound like they were very good servants," Isabella frowns, then noticing that she is taking up most of the bed she slides over, making more room just in case Grace did want to sit down. "Maybe he was more than a butler to your father? I know I wouldn't want to replace anyone who was a close friend to me if they died."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Meh, they're pretty dedicated to their jobs. It's just that part of that was looking after me, only under my parents definition of what that meant. Heh, I bet they all have a lot more free time now I'm gone." She says ending with a light smirk. "You might be right about the butler. I can't even remember his name right now though. To me he was just always the old creepy guy that wasn't dad, but I think they were friends. Not easy to find people that will work and live in a place like my home in any case."

After a short pause she adds, "Uh, I didn't mean that my father is old and creepy, just that the butler was. Though maybe..." Trying to correct her line though trailing of and the end and dismissing it shaking her head with a small laugh.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Doesn't sound like it was much fun, but at least you're here now, right?" Then she laughs as Grace tries to correct herself. "Heh, yeah I get what you mean. There was an odd old man that lived at the end of one of the streets when I was younger, we moved to a new house shortly after moving there though. They never told me why either..."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"I can't decide which is worse. Having to move house all the time like you did, or being stuck not allowed to leave the same house but never in the same place." She says amusedly, "But yeah, now we live in a strange island boarding school full of weirdoes, complete with genocidal ghost knights and zealot demon hunter people. So it's all good!" Grace says with a grin, stepping forward towards the pink rug in the centre of the room and flopping down to rest on it, lying on her back, arms behind her head. Despite her words summing up the strange situation, she did look genuinely fine with it.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"I know what you mean, though I think I would've gone mad cooped up in one house without anywhere to go," Isabella says with a laugh. Seeing Grace making herself comfortable on the rug she decides to lounge once more, lying on her front facing the girl while resting her chin on her hands. Well, there are worse places to live, I guess. Though at least this school doesn't get dull, and I've made friends here. Well...one friend, but I am glad I met you." A small smile then creeps across the artists face.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"M'yeh." Grace mumbles in response to Isa's reply about being cooped up, closing her eyes and simply relaxing on the rug. Briefly half opening them again, she has for a fraction of a second a vaguely troubled expression, though it soon changes to a light smile as she looks to the side, "Yeah, same. It's cool." She says meekly, then staring off half eyed towards the ceiling.
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Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella lowers her arms down and rests them on the bed, nestling her head against her forearms as she watches Grace relax on the rug, the soft smile still stuck on the girls face though for what reason she wasn't sure. Isabella also notices a warmth growing in her chest, though again she doesn't fully understand why except that she was truly happy that Grace was in her life.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

'I need to get one of these rugs... so fluffy...' Grace muses, thinking over a several things, her thoughts slowly becoming more abstract. Not realising as she slips over the line from relaxing to falling asleep. After a moment her head tips gently to one side, and it becomes quite obvious that she's accidentally nodded off.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Lost in her own thoughts it took Isabella several minutes to notice that Grace had fallen asleep on the rug.

"Awww, ain't that cute..." Isabella thinks to herself as she quietly climbs off the bed and kneels near Grace, just staring innocently at the sleeping girl. Then standing back up Isabella looks to her wardrobe, and quietly walking over to it she rummages around in the bottom, not finding what she is looking for Isa then searches through the drawers and a couple of minutes later the girl pulls out a thin blanket. Walking back over to Grace she carefully puts the blanket over her, making sure not to stir Grace from her slumber.

Turning the light off Isabella then moves back to her bed, and flopping back down she decides to go to sleep as well. Closing her eyes Isabella relaxes in the quiet darkness, slightly confused as to why she's happy that Grace is sleeping in her room though she pushes that to the back of her mind. Letting the darkness wash over her Isabella gradually succumbs to tiredness and eventually falls to sleep.