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Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Character Sheets

Name: Raziel
Violence: 4
Awesome: 8
Random: 6
Weirdness: 18

Description: Slim build with a mop of untidy black hair and piercing red eyes. Normally takes each day as they come and tries to let nothing get in his way of mediocrity and video games. Currently wearing a long sleeve black teeshirt, a pair of jeans and well-worn sneakers.

Name: Duke
Violence: 6
Awesome: 7
Random: 5
Weirdness: 18

Description: A slim, blonde man of average height. Blue eyes. Has a genuine ahoge, since a small lock of his hair resists all attempts to keep it down. Interested in fantasy. Has a penchant for analysis. Wears black jeans, black t-shirt and blouse, also black boots.

Name: Julian
Violence: 4
Awesome: 10
Random: 4
Weirdness: 18

Description: Stands roughly 5'9", is fairly overweight and wears a strange outfit with black pants, a yellow metal belt, and a red upper suit. His head is fairly pointed, and his eyes are strangely black with red dots in them, and has a large pink nose that hangs down over his lower lip. He has no hair except his large orange moustache, which sticks out off of his face several inches. Always waddles around rambling about conquering the world. Has a fondness for machines. Also sports a strange obsession/hate relationship with hedgehogs.

You find yourself conscious and realize that your eyes must be open. You can see all the way to the horizon and the sky seems light and blue as if it were early afternoon, though there's no source of light that you can see. Looking down and around you, you see that there seems to be nothing else here besides yourself. The ground seems to be soft humus, though you don't see any plants either, not even grass. You feel normal, though, and you're wearing your normal clothes as well. It feels as if you've forgotten something, though, but that doesn't seem too important at the moment.
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Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The man sits there for a moment, a blank expression on his face as he takes in his surroundings before he speaks.

"Wonder where I am now?" He mutters to himself quietly, seemingly unperplexed by the lack of features of his immediate surrounding and by the lack of people. Climbing to his feet the man scratches his head in confusion, the only sign thus far of any bewilderment he may be experiencing and scans the horizon once more. After a couple of minutes he breaks what could've been a neverending staring contest with a nonexisent person in the distance and resumes his concern with the matter at hand. "Well I can see this is going to be a thorn in the side of my busy schedule." He mutters to himself once more as he puts his hands in his jean pockets and begins to ponder on how he could've gotten to wherever he had been taken to. If he was a lesser man this may have sent him into a fit of rage, but as he isn't he's only mildly annoyed.
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Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Ugh..." A blonde man slowly gathered himself together, standing up and surveying his surroundings. Quite predictably, he learned nothing from this, except the fact that he was in the middle of nowhere... "Well... That's just prime." He seemed rather annoyed, but not too much. The fact that he had no idea what to do next troubled him more than the fact that he had no idea where he was. There was also another question. Why was he here? And how did this place work? There was no light source he could see, but there was definitely light around him. Maybe it came from the ground? Then again... Was that thing he was standing on even ground? This was really damn weird...
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Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

A fat man lay on his back staring up at the sky, his red pupils non-moving as he wondered where he was, and how he got here. He had completely forgotten what he had been doing before he had suddenly been aware he was here, but now he felt he was laying on something soft, and couldn't help but stare up at the sky as he tried to stand, his short legs making the task all the more difficult. "Well. I'll have to........Do something about this." he says aloud to himself, reaching his right hand up and stroking his moustache as he tries to take in his non-existent surroundings. "Well. Botheration." he says, plopping back down on his hindquarters and crossing his arms to think as he frowns
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Out of the corner of his eye, the raven-haired man notices something in the distance. Taking another look, it looks like it might be another human, or at least a humanoid.

The blonde man, looking at the ground, sees that it seems perfectly ordinary. Suddenly he notices something in a distance that he could swear wasn't there before.

The fat man sees two men in the distance, far enough to not be able to notice any details. They're looking at him. He can just tell.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Hmm..." The blonde paused to think. Well, he'd learn nothing from staring at the ground, it seemed. To be honest, he probably shouldn't be suprised by that. However, the mysterious detail in the distance was another matter entirely. Be it an object, creature or person, even a mere image, it was something that stood out. It quickly caught the blonde's attention. Knowing that for the moment he had nothing else to do, he set out towards the unusual "something", intending to examine it from a closer distance. Perhaps this would help him find out more about the situation.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The man continues his staring contest with the horizon all the while trying to come up with a logical explanation as to how he got here and why he is here. The shaggy haired man had almost given up working out where he was when he saw the faintest sign of life in the corner of his eye.

"What the..?" The man whispers to himself as he turns to face what could just an illusion of his lonely mind, and when the blur didn't disappear a look of excitement came over his face. "HEY YOU! DO YOU KNOW WHERE WE ARE?" The man shouts out, completely oblivious to the fact that it may not be a person, or at least someone who would welcome some company. He waits a few minutes to see if the figure in the distance would reply, and when it didn't he called out again. After several more minutes of waiting the raven haired man resigned to the knowledge that if it was indeed a person out on the horizon it would probably not hear his shouting. Armed with that knowledge the man breaks into a jog towards whatever it is waiting for him in the distance."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The fat man, after looking over the horizon, sees the two men, and begins to think over the possibilities. "Hrm. I wonder who those two could be...Well, no use sitting around!" he states, groaning as he struggles to stand up, then begins to waddle in the direction of the two men.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The two men reach the third quickly despite the apparent distance, only then noticing each other.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

As he nears the figure he had seen in the distance the raven haired man slows his pace down, only coming to a stop when they are several feet away from each other. "Woah, he certainly stands out..." The man thinks to himself as he looks the rather large and vibrantly coloured mustachioed man up and down. "Looks like something straight out of a.... uh... I'm not sure actually..."

It was only after taking in all of the fatman's features did he notice the third guy, who appeared just as normal-looking as himself. Though that being said anyone would look normal next to conehead the man thinks to himself.

"Wow, this is, uh... Well, I guess is a surprise," The scruffy haired man says aloud to the small group. "I didn't really expect to find other people here. Not that I know where 'here' is... Does one of you two know anything?" He asks with only a slither of hope in his voice.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The fat man eyes both of the newcomers, seeing the way they looked and wondering why they looked so strange. When one of them spoke, he himself spoke back. "Well, If I were a normal man, I would say this is a dream, dear boy." he says, then holds his right elbow in his left hand and rubs his chin with his right hand. "From a more scientific standpoint, I would say we are in an alternate dimension. Though how two normal people like you managed to get here I could never guess."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"An... alternate dimension?" The man repeats, a tone of disbelief in his voice. Though a moment later the shaggy haired man brings a hand up to his chin and hmm's as if he's got an idea though then sighs, dropping his arms to his side in defeat once more. "Guess I can kiss another day of mindless video gaming goodbye..."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The blonde approached the two men. He didn't really pay much attention to the raven-haired one. He seemed normal, if a little careless about his appearance. The other one was one Hell of a sight, though. His overall appearance made him look like some kind of movie character, or something of the sort. Greeting both of them with a nod, though he didn't speak at first, unsure how to address the odd group he found himself in. However, the exchange between the two quickly prompted him to come up with a response... Particularly the last sentence of it.

"Really? Glad to hear you have your priorities straight." The blonde replied dryly. To be honest, he was a bit more worried about waking up in the middle of nowhere - quite literally - without anything but his clothes, and with some strange companions. Such lack of emotions was suprising to him, but the blonde quickly chalked it up to the guy's potential weird quirks. Though he wanted to keep his cool, some outlet was necessary. Sarcasm seemed to do.

Shifting his focus, the blonde found himself staring at the fat man. Altough he was a bit sceptical about the 'alternate dimension' theory, it certainly could explain things. There were some details about this place that didn't quite add up in face of what the blonde believed to be the laws of physics. Thinking about it, he could imagine the reasons why - in his opinion, at least - the weird man came up with this theory, and decided that they weren't too stupid. Besides, any theory - even a false one - was better than having no idea at all. And if the idea wasn't sound, they'd learn this sooner or later. "You said you can't guess how we got here... But what about you?"
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The raven haired man narrowed his eyes at the blonde fellow as he replied to his comment. "Hey man, where do you get off ragging on what other people do?" The man replied after a moment, with slight annoyance in his voice, to his sudden challenger who he assumed was some kind of narrow minded conservatist who planned every single last action out before doing something instead of living for the now. He clearly isn't going to be getting along well with this fellow.

At the blonde man's question the scruffy haired man turned back to the rather large, uniquely dressed man. "He does make a good point, why do you think you'd have more chance of coming to a place like this than us?" Though he hated to agree with the man he couldn't help but think it was a reasonable question to ask.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"Well, I would say it's because of........" The fat man stopped mid sentence as he raised his right finger up beside his head, his memory blanking as to what he had been doing before he got here. "I...........don't know why, actually. That's the strangest thing. I seem to recall who I am, but I can't seem to remember what I was doing. I just get the feeling it might have resulted in this outcome." he says, his left index finger reaching up and rubbing the side of his conical-shaped head. He then crossed his arms and 'hrmm'd' once, trying to think as his large moustache twitched.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

The blonde glanced at the raven-haired man. "Well... Usually when people find themselves in a place that looks like..." He took a look around, trying to come up with a good description, then gave up. "This, I doubt they'd worry about games." He rubbed his chin, considering something. "Ah, whatever. Not like I was planning to do anything productive with my day either." A sheepish expression appeared on his face. "And speaking of forgetting... Does anyone recall anything? My mind's kinda... Blank. I can't really recall anything I was doing before, or where, or... Anything, really. I bet it has something to do with the place. This isn't something you'd see back home, I think... Wherever it was."
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"I say what's the point in worrying about something if it's not about to kill you. You've gotta live for the moment instead of worrying about everything," the raven haired man explains to the blonde his hands sliding back into his pockets. "Hell, when was the last time you found yourself in a place as funky as this?"

The man then listens to the larger fellow talk then the blonde again, and a look of bewilderment comes over his face once more. "You can't remember what you were doing? Odd because I... huh... Looks like I can't either," The man says, his voice trailing off as it hits him that he too cannot recall what he was up to prior to waking up in this place. "That's really odd... Why can't I remember what I was doing? I don't think I do much other than playing video games... Was I doing that before being brought here..?"
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

"I seem to recall something about world domination." the fat man says, rubbing his chin with his right hand before looking between the two men, wondering why they dressed so differently than him. It was then that it hit him to try thinking of something to occur. He began to think/wish for some form of transportation so he could explore this strange plane of existence.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

Suddenly the fat man sees movement in the horizon. Another look tells him that it seems to be some sort of vehicle, though it's too far to see any details.
Re: Game 1: In the middle of nowhere(SirOni, cross_grave, Occam's Razor)

It takes the raven haired man a moment to realise what the fatman had said, and as it sinks in he turns to the man in surprise. "Wait, what? World domination? What, as in you trying to take over the world or you stopping someone?"