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Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"One way to find out," the bruiser replied. She tightened her hold, not completely cutting the goblin off from oxygen but leaving it a bit scarcer to come by. She wasn't sure if their method of interrogation would really have any effect at all, but it was certainly proving to be fun. A lot more enjoyable than playing twenty questions with a dog, if nothing else, she considered idly as she made to punch the goblin in the skull with her off hand for good measure.

Try to deal ye unarmed damage, I guess, since I'm pretty sure it's still an option at grapple level 1.

10 dex and a hand-to-hand skill of 3, which means she's likely to miss and hit her own arm or something probably, and 30 strength, so +6 to damage if she hits. Also, I still am not entirely sure where the unarmed damage dice are in the rules. >.>
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Well fuck a duck. Apparently I didn't put that down. It's 1d6+StrMod, modified by any type of any unarmed weapon used; Several feats increase it, and soon several skills will also.
Anyways, since the Goblin isn't really trying to get out of the grapple... I'm going to say Erryn hits, and gains some extra damage to due to the submission style of the hold.
Crit Chance: 19
Sylvia Damage: 3 + 2 + 4 = 9
Erryn Damage: 6 + 6 + 2 = 14
Combined: 9 + 14 = 23 - 6 = 17.
Headhunter BP: 18/35
(Armor not included, due to where Erryn is applying pressure)

[Shivara's Charisma:]
Shivara: 14 + 20 + 10 + 10* = 54
Headhunter: 3 + 15 = 18
Shivara Wins.
(*- Interrogation bonus.)

[What Emelie and Ares see...]
As the Kobolds were hugged, the two dog-like creatures murred happily, tails wagging back and forward, making an odd, almost hollow noise when they bumped into something. The second hug to calm them down was a perfect plan, as their tails began to wag frantically, the first Kobold leaning up to lick her cheek. The second one got a dopey look on his face as the Descendant stroked his head, smiling in a dazed way as she stroked his ears back. When she asked if the group seemed mean, the brown furred kobold yarped at her; They had been spotted, and they hadn't tried to trade- but the next answer was slightly confusing, as the kobolds argued for a quick second, before the first one answered in the affirmative. She clarified; when the Kobolds approached, apparently they were attacked - or driven off. It was hard to tell with the limited approach she had to the Kobold's language.

The next part was hard. The kobolds seemed to understand Emelie's number system; but as she began to count... she got very, very different numbers. When she got to fifty, the black kobold arfed, only for the brown one to begin arguing with him. It lasted a little longer, and when she got up to around two hundred, the brown one arfed - only for the black kobold to argue this. So, when she started again, she got three different answers: One around 20, one around 50, and another at 200. The brown Kobold looked up at Emelie, realizing that was probably a more difficult question to answer with just yes and no. Hoping for the best, she continued... but it just got even more confusing as she asked questions.

When she asked if people were camping there, she got two different answers from the kobolds: The brown one said yes, the black one said no - and there was no arguing this time. If they had been camping for a while, the two answered in the affirmative; and if they moved their camp a lot... Well, that's when she got two different answers from the Kobolds again. The same for if they moved their camp; and when she asked if they were moving it towards the village, the Kobolds stared up at Emelie. It was easy to tell they had no idea. So, she continued: The Goblins weren't from the group... But the big group to the North happened to be mostly Goblins. Did they mean the one that was 200 strong? That was... not good news. When she continued, they answered that they had seen the leader - and when she asked if it was a Goblin, the black one agreed - but the brown one immediately began to argue. Asking if it was something bigger, the first Kobold nodded eagerly; he took a step back, gesturing from his ears, down to his feet... Before puffing out his chest, flexing his arms at his side, and stomping around, snarling menacingly as he did. He stopped after a few moments, looking up at Emelie with a big grin.

Was the group mean: Yes.
Did they see the 'Bolds: Yes.
Did they trade with you/vice versa: No.
Did they attack you when/if you tried: Yes.

How many people were there: Unknown.

Are they camping there: Yes, no.
Have they been camping for a while: Yes.
Do they move their camp a lot: Yes, no.
[Oh god complicated questions:]
Are they moving: Yes, no.
Towards the village: Bitch, we don't know where that's at. D:
Are the goblins from the group: No.
Is the big group north mostly goblins: Yes.
Have you seen the leader: Yes.
Is he a goblin: Yes.
Something bigger: Yes.]

[What Erryn, Lyna, Sylvia, and Shivara see...]
The Goblin looks up at Sylvia as she starts to approach, his orange eyes burning with a fiery sense of hatred. When she stops in front of him, he grins up at her, tugging on Erryn's arm about his neck.
"Oh, yew wan' some now, yew twat- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! The Goblin jumps with the swift 'tap' between his legs, his body shuddering for a second. Panting, he glares back up at Sylvia, forgetting all about Erryn, "I coulda lost me baaaghhgj!" Whatever word he was about to finished, the bruiser above him cuts short with a firm pressure to his neck. Erryn can feel his throat vibrating as the goblin tries to breath and get more words out, only to fail. He clutches Erryn's arms, weakly trying to pull away, glaring at both Lyna and Shivara. When his airway was less constricted, the Goblin pants, his voice raspy as he shook in rage.

Fine... Yew wanna know where me Drum Roll is, be me guest. Keep 'eadin' north, ter da dark woods. Can't miss us, yew little twits," The Goblin spits on the ground, looking down... and after a few moments, with a scowl, he looks at Shivara's feet, a scowl on his face, "...But we ain't got yahr little slut. Haven't ever been dis far sowf befawer. Yahr little dog friends started some shi' down 'ere, an' now we're forced ter come down an' wipe aht some dogs. Still shaking just a bit, the Goblin looks up at Shivara once more, looking more than displeased, "Sorted mate?"

['Sowf' = South. 'Aht' = out.]
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Well, we're mostly sorted, but I'm not your mate, ugly. In fact, someone as foul mouthed, revolting, and obviously intent upon harming me and my friends should really never be allowed to mate with anything or anyone ever again..."

She cocked her head to the side, still meeting the goblin's gaze. "Sylvia dear, would you mind cutting this creature's balls off? And maybe snip off the upper half of his cock too."

Shivara's eyes lit up sadistically as the creature might struggle at hearing this order, but to little or no avail while within Erryn's grasp. The goblin would have a small window of opportunity to beg for his bits, and if he convinced her he might be sorry enough, she'd let him scamper off unharmed. But really, an attitude adjustment was in order here - just as he would no doubt attempt to adjust her attitude if the situations were reversed.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"It would be my very great pleasure~" Sylvia replied smoothly, stepping towards the goblin.

(I technically didn't pick a knife and am unsure as to whether or not we're allowed to assume we can have a little piece of junk knife on us. That said, there are probably sharp rocks about that would serve the same purpose.)
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"You're a pretty bold little guy considering your position," the bruiser noted aloud. "It's a shame that after you're neutered you're probably gonna go all sad and fat and girly," she added absentmindedly as she tightened her grip around his neck so that Sylvia could do the deed without as much flailing on the goblin's part.

Progress ye grapple, I guess? Iunno, why not.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

So, according to her two little friends here, there was some kind of goblin group somewhere off to the North. It numbered... somewhere in the 200s, in the worst case, and it had some kind of really big thing that looked like a goblin leading it. Maybe an orc or something? Worse, they seemed to be hostile, and armed. They had slaves, so it was probably slavers... hopefully, that meant they weren't two-hundred guys all ready and waiting to fight them, and that at least some of them would fight at their side if things had to come to that. Hmmmm...

She looked at the kobold's weapons, and then at the goblin's. "Say, what kind of weapons did those guys have? Same kind like my friends have too? Or were they fancier kinds, made of something different than wood and rocks?"

Emelie rubbed her chin. "Oh, do those guys live around here? You said they weren't from that group from the North, right? Do you know where they live? Could you take us to that place, if we wanted to look?"

Em was running out of questions she could think to ask. It might be a good idea to rejoin the others to report what she'd interpreted. That would involve drawing the two kobold's attentions back to the goblin and getting their hackles up again, though...

While she stroked them behind the ears, she turned to look what the heck they were doing, calling out to them. "Hey! Did you guys find out anything yet?"