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Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Much as Lyna wished to, she couldn't understand the pair of goblins as they whispered to each other. Solaris above, what could the be saying!? The fear began building as she saw the one-eyed goblins begin to step away. It seemed he would not listen. But what hurt more about the whole affair was not that her plea wasn't heard, it was that it was completely ignored. She attempted to raise her voice to protest. "But...But...what about..."But she didn't have the words. Instead, all she could do was feel an unpleasent shiver run down her spine as the goblin leered at her, making her somewhat sick to her stomach. This feeling quickly vanished though, and the healer nearly jumped out of her skin when Sylvia grabbed her shoulder. As Sylvia explained the full situation, Lyna's eyes just widened. "You...you can''t be serious? We need to warn the others!"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Oh yeah, you gobs could totally take us all without any danger to yourselves..." Shivara waved her hand towards the pile of goblin bodies intermingled with kobolds on the battle field. "Nice job with your flawless victory so far."

Sylvia's warning stopped her from adding more sarcastic barbs. Instead she scowled and dropped all pretense.

"Right. Now one of you dies. You idiots aren't talking to humans... you're talking to Descendants! First I'm gonna kill your friend, then I'm gonna make you my bitch!"

Shivara casts icicle shard on the goblin who's gone to start trouble with his club.
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Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

It took a few moments to realize what the dogmen were trying to say.

"Hmm... I think they said they didn't want us to follow them... just that there's something up this-a-way." Scratching her chin, Emelie thought for a minute, before looking at the kobold again. "Uuhm... okay... let's try this. Go 'arf!' one time-" she held up one finger, to symbolize what she meant, "- to say yes. Go 'arf!' twice for no, okay?" She held up the appropriate number of fingers again. "And just shake your head if you don't know. Do you understand me?"

"Now. Have you seen humans or orcs or half-orcs or half-elves? Were they from our village?" Were they weird people, from far away? Were they dressed different from us? Did they have other folks, that looked like they didn't want to be there with them?
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Eh? It just sounded like barking, growling, and whining to me... Whatever, I guess." Erryn muttered, mostly to herself. She supposed it didn't matter though. The bruiser clasped her hands behind her head as she waited for the other earth descendant to figure out whatever the kobolds were trying to tell them. Man, she hadn't been expecting the dangerous-looking things to be so peaceful and talkative, she had been hoping they'd be more... punch-ative and punchable, or something like that. Oh well, the other three were probably just as bored, at least, if left in significantly more creepy company.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

[Uhm, Keylo hasn't posted, but I won't be punishing you guys for it, so...]

[Combat Roll:]
Shivara casts Ice Shard on HeadHunter 1:
18 + 20 + 20 [Bonus for attacking behind Goblin's back] = 58 vs. 1 [Critical Fail]
Damage: (9 + 4) * 2 [Element] * 2 [Critical] = 52. Goblin Headhunter 1 dies.

[What Erryn, Emelie, and Ares see...]
The larger Kobold looks back at his companion, then back to Emelie, his tail wagging before he lets out one, short, "Arf!". But, as she began to ask her questions, the human didn't get any useful reply; Afterall, her first question was composed of three separate questions; and the Kobolds probably had no idea which humans were from which village.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Look out!"

The group pauses, looking back as one of the Goblins gets hit in the back of the head by an ice shard, collapsing on the ground. The little Kobold seemed completely disinterested in Emelie then, the fur raising on the back of his neck as he starts towards the remaining Goblin.
Question 1: Unknown.
Question 2: Unknown.
Emelie was interrupted before she could finish asking the other questions.]

[What Lyna, Sylvia, and Shivara see...]
The Goblin oggling the three looked surprised as Shivara began to cast her spell.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Look out!" He shouts. The one-eyed Hunter doesn't even bother to look back, which spells his demise. The chunk of ice hurls through the air, striking the Goblin on the back of the head, a sickening 'crack' splitting the air, even alerting the group to the North. He groans as he falls to his knees, before flopping forward, the club rolling out of his hands and onto the ground. There's a growl behind Sylvia; As the Witch Hunter spins around, she realizes the Kobold was slowly stalking past her, towards the other Goblin, apparently thinking that they were on the same side now.

As the group all turned their attention to the Goblin, he throws his hands up in the air, apparently surrendering.

"Blimey! Hey now! No reason ter take dis any further! You've proven yahr point! Nuff said, yeah?"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Sylvia kept her expression utterly stoic as Shivara cleanly killed the offending goblin, but when she heard the growl and spotted the kobold moving toward the other remaining goblin, she calmly stepped so that she was between it, and both her companions and the goblin. She planted her staff onto the ground and scowled at it warningly. They needed both groups alive if they wanted a good idea of what was going on out here, though from what little she'd overheard of the diminutive beastmen it seemed that they weren't much for talking.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Lyna was indeed shocked at her companions actions, letting out an audible gasp as Shivara threw her spell at the unaware goblin. She knew some of her companions were aggressive, warmongering even, but even Lyna could admit that in this situation, no amount of talking would have prevented the goblin from going after the Kobolds. But with the other goblin scared into submission, Lyna was at least relieved that one of those horrible creatures was out of the picture. She then saw Sylvia take her stoic stance at the approaching kobolds. Knowing she had done nothing but sit back and spout nonsense all day, Lyna steeled herself and stepped forward next to Sylvia, gripping her makeshift spear. She had to be ready for anything. The time for talking may very well be over, much as the caretaker hated to admit it
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Whoa whoa whoa! Look out!"

Emelie suddenly looked over to see a spike of ice sprouting out of the back of one of the goblin's heads. She thought it was the least-likeable of the pair, which was good... but the fact that that was one less critter to milk for information on their missing girl's location was not good - and, in fact, far outweighed the pros of his untimely demise.

"Hey! Stop that! We still need to ask them a few things, remember?!" Em shouted at her compatriots. She then turned to see the dogman starting towards the goblin again, to which she responded by grabbing at their shoulders. "Hey, whoa there!"

She shoved him into her chest before he could get his hackles up too much - she often found a faceful of cleavage was very cathartic, and she was told her set was top-notch. Quite often, in fact! "You know... I keep a lot of birds... but I like dogs, too~ she scratched behind his ears, caressing his head. My friends are making sure he doesn't run off, so can I ask you some more questions?" She said this a little quieter, to where it wouldn't carry to the other goblin.

Assuming he agreed, she hugged him tighter for a moment, before letting go. "Okay! Remember, 'arf' for yes, 'arf arf' for no, alright?"


"First off... what's up that way?" she asked, pointing where the kobolds had been leading them. "Is it something bad?" "Something scary?" "Are they human, or elf, or orc? Maybe kobolds or goblins?"

"Also... we're looking for a human girl, named Shania. She has dark skin, like mine, but she has blue hair - kinda like the sky, I think. Have you seen her?"

I bothered Silth and gleaned that our missing girlie's name is Shania, who is Emelie-tier brown, muscular-y, and has blue hair, if we were not aware of this.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

The bruiser would end up turning toward the sudden action just in time to see a dead goblin flop to the ground. "I chose the wrong group to stick with," Erryn quietly lamented. And when the kobold moved toward the other three, she thought she had finally found some action, even if it was only in restraining the bloodthirsty dogman, but Emelie quickly stole that from her by planting its face into her breasts. She tried to figure out how to apply her particular brand of problem solving to these new developments -- maybe push the kobold's face into her fellow earth descendant's breasts even harder? -- but quickly realized that there wasn't much else to be done there.

The strongwoman's shoulders slumped in defeat. In the end, she decided to return to the goblin group, since she might at least get a chance to restrain the surviving creature, or maybe even take part in an interrogation. That thought brightened her mood a bit. "Oi, you want me to hold the gobbo down? Or try to punch some information out of him? I'd like to punch him a bit. Y'know, for information." She called out toward Shivara as she approached, since the water mage was the only one whose focus was presumably still on the lone goblin.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Kobold! If you touch this other goblin you'll get the worst and last brain freeze of your miserable life!" Shivara shouted, hopefully her threat being enough to freeze the creature in place.

As Eryyn approached with her suggestion, Shivara waved her over. "Yes please, sweetie. That'd be lovely."

"Now..." Her voice changed to a sickly sweet tone, showing that she grudgingly was returning to the diplomacy of words. She was glaring down imperiously at the surrendering goblin. "You're gonna tell us everything we want to know, riiight?~ And if you lie, I'm gonna killl youuu.~" Her voice became sing-songy, with the intent of making the goblin seriously fearing for his life.

"So. Million gold piece question: do the goblins have this girl?"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

[Intimidation Roll:]
Shivara: 9 + 20 = 29
Goblin: 3 + 15 = 18

Shivara wins.

[What Emelie and Ares see...]
The kobold looked extremely surprised as a Emelie grabbed onto his shoulders. He struggled only for a moment, the minute sound of a growl forming in his throat when she shoved the 'bold's face into her chest. She could feel every muscle in his body tense, then almost immediately relax, the creature sinking against her soft flesh. His body rumbles as he lets out a rather pleasurable murr, rubbing his maw between her breasts in a loving manner. It was hard to tell if the creature was listening, but after she asked her question, he looked up at her, happily pushing his cheeks between her breasts with a little: "Arf!".

His tail wagging, the Kobold wagging his tail, staying close to Emelie, even after she let go of the little dog person. He waited for the human to ask a follow up question; he barks twice at the question; twice at the next; and then once for each race, including the Kobolds and Goblins.

After the Shania question, he squints, his ears flattening against the back of his head... before letting out two short arfs, looking up at her with a soft, sorry stare. He didn't seem intent on letting go.
"Something bad?": No.
Human: Yes
Elf: Yes
Orc: Yes
Kobold: Yes
Goblin: Yes

Shania: No.]

[What Erryn, Lyna, Sylvia, and Shivara see...]
The Kobold stops at Sylvia, letting out a growl - not so much at her, but at the Goblin.

The goblin glares at Erryn as she walks up to the group, pointing at her. "Yew'll regret ge'in' close ter me. Know what I mean?" He says, but after a few moments, crosses his arms, wearing a rather unpleasant scowl. He didn't seem afraid of her threat at all. "We 'ave a lot ov girls. When we come frough, you'll probably be one ov 'em; so, why would I care abaht just one, 'uh? OK?
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Sylvia glared silently back at the growling kobold, holding her staff at the ready and preparing to bash its head in should it display any aggressive intentions. It didn't, at least not yet, and so she stood at the ready and simply waited, letting her comrades do the talking.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"When you come through, eh? So you're planning on coming in here with your chump friends and you're gonna take us all prisoner? Pretty ballsy claim for a short ugly dude whose last companion was just iced. Tell ya what, let's go see your friends, mm? Where's your goblin village?"

She nodded at Erryn, hoping the earth bruiser would take that as a signal to get into a "rough him up" mode.

"Talk quickly, and lovely Erryn here won't have to get too sadistic with you."
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"Ooohhhh..." Emelie cooed sadly. It would've been so nice if he could just tell her where she went! "Well, if you do see her, you'll be nice to her, right?" She asked. "And you'll do your best to make sure she's safe, right? And find me or my friends to tell us... right? That would make me so happy, and I would be sure to pay you back~"

"Hmm... actually... do you know where my friends and I live, now that I think about it?"

"And... hmmm... maybe you should call your friend over here? I would -love- to ask him questions, too, and he looks like he's getting angry... like I said, I'm sure the goblin won't be going anywhere for now... and I'd love to have you both to myself!"

If he decided to come over, she would repeat the description to the second kobold, and ask him to keep an eye out for her, as well, before continuing with her questions. "Anyway... so this thing to the North... it's people, right? Not scary monsters, or anything like that? Lots of different kinds of people? Is it travelers or wanderers? Or is it a village? Did they have weapons? ...Were there slaves or captured people?"

"Hmm... about you and that goblin over there... why were you fighting? Did they steal things from you? Steal people? Did they attack first? Or did you guys?"
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"I'll regret it, huh?" The bruiser would belatedly reply to the goblin once Shivara had given her the go-ahead in the form of a nod. She might not have been the brightest descendant among the group, but it was hard for even her to miss an opportunity to get into a senseless fight with someone, especially someone that talked as big as the goblin had. "Let's put that to the test!"

Without delay, she gleefully rushed the goblin. She wasn't going to start punching him just yet, though. Her hands moved for his wrists first, trying to keep them in control so he couldn't utilize his weapon against her. Once she had enough of a grasp on him, she would try to shift him into a headlock, which would serve the dual purpose of keeping him from running and putting her in a better position to rough him up. If his new situation didn't make him respect the water mage's questions a bit more, then some oxygen deprivation and a few knocks against his skull might rattle some answers loose.

Grapple ye goblin, Erryn has 30 strength.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

[Grapple Roll:]
Erryn tries to grapple the Headhunter:
30 + 9 = 39 vs. 3 + 20 = 32. Yon Goblin is grappled (For fluff sake, a headlock.)

[Charisma check:]
Emelie: 6 + 14 + 10 = 30
Thrasher 1: 19 + 10 = 29 [Close!]
Thrasher 2: 9 + 10 = 19

[What Emelie and Ares see...]
"Arf!" The Kobold yaps happily, quickly rubbing up against Emelie as he did. He continued with another happy, positive yap - but stopped as she asked about finding her group of friends, which came with a no reply. It looked up at her with a sad expression, yapping twice when she asked about the location of her village; But as she asked for the other Kobold to appear, the original thrasher twitched it's ears, before looking back to his friend. Making a high-pitched yelp, he easily gets the other Thrasher's attention, quickly gesturing for it to come over. With it's ears perked up, and rather intrigued, it wanders over, apparently choosing the attractive woman over a currently head-locked Goblin.

The two kobolds held a little conference before Emelie could continue; from the various gestures, she picked up that the first was explaining the one bark, two bark method of communicating. For just barks, whimpers, and grunts, Emelie could tell their language was complex- and, if she listened closely, a few sounds kept repeating themselves... but before she could try to make sense of it, the kobolds looked up at her, expectantly.

The original Kobold didn't snuggle up to Emelie unless she let him; this time, they both stood a little ways away, looking up at Emelie. Whenever she asked a question, they'd stop to discuss amongst themselves, then answer in unison; The hard part, is that they said there were people - but monsters; lots of different kinds of people; travelers or wanderers; that they had weapons; and that there were slaves or captured people. And... apparently, there wasn't a village.

When the human brought up Goblins, the thrasher that just wandered over began to growl, turning it's head to glare at the Goblin currently being interrogated by the other group. The original thrasher gives his fur a jerk, bringing him back into the conversation, looking up at Emelie. Yes, they stole things from the Kobolds; They stole Kobolds, and they attacked first. The two Kobolds vehemently denied attacking first.

Ares, meanwhile, pondered mushrooms.
Be Nice to Shania: Yes.
Make sure she's safe: Yes.
Find Emelie and Friends: No.
Location of village: No.

People to the North: Yes.
Monsters: Yes.
Different kinds of people: Yes.
Travelers/Wanderers: Yes.
Village: No.
Weapons: Yes.
Slaves/captured: Yes.

Goblins steal: yes
Stole Kobolds: Yes.
Goblins attack first: Yes
Kobolds attack first: Fuck no.]

[What Erryn, Lyna, Sylvia, and Shivara see...]
As Erryn approached, the Goblin seemed slightly weary, but didn't go for his club, simply watching the Descendant. Their scuffle was brief, but violent, as Erryn quickly realizes the creature's strength could match her own. Still, after avoiding some sloppy elbow jabs from the Goblin, she managed to get an arm around his neck. The goblin swears in his odd half-language (or at least as far as she can tell, he swears). Tightening her grip about his throat, the goblin lets out a gasp, weakly pulling at her arm. She had him.

Turning his head slightly, the goblin makes eye contact with Erryn. "Just wai' til I bend yew over, yew filthy slut." The threat seemed very real, and rather intimidating... that is, until he decided to add on: "'Nuff said, yeah?" With a small application of pressure, the goblin lets out a gasp, and seems to comply.

Sylvia realizes the Kobold held back by her staff has stopped growling; as she glances down, he's looking towards Emelie and the other, his ears perked in their direction. After a few moments, it glances up to towards Sylvia, then plods it's way over to the other group.

"Why da 'ell do yew wan' ter know where me 'Ole is anyways, girl? Can't get enuff acshun at yahr own?" The Goblin spits, glaring at Shivara.

Lyna ponders breasts. Why don't men have them too?

[Apparently 'acshun' is action.]
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Sylvia watched the kobold cease its growling and head over to join the others with a firm scowl, which she then turned to the goblin that Erryn held in a headlock. Glancing first at the strong woman and then at Shivara, Sylvia calmly strolled over following the goblin's repulsive words and, upon arriving, flicks the bottom end of her stuff up between his legs, tapping him quickly right in the balls. "Show respect, or you'll not have anything to please anyone with, witless cur!" she spat fiercely at him, after which she held herself back and allowed Shivara to do the talking.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

A dejected Lyna looked on, somewhat disappointed that all this was actually working. Her words had clearly fell on deaf ears and it seemed the gentle woman's methods were, once again, cast aside. It wouldn't be the first time the caretakers suggestion were ignored. The head locked goblin, resistant at first, seemed a tiny more suggestive to questioning after the application of more violence. However, he only seemed to sling more insults at them, something that Lyna really couldn't stand. "Bold words coming from someone who's at a disadvantage. Just tell us what we need to know and maybe my friends won't kill you. We tried to be friendly, and you squandered that." Her voice raised for the first time today, Lyna tried to talk tough, knowing it would be difficult, thanks to her earlier actions.

Nearby, Lyna could see that the kobolds were at least being somewhat more receptive to questioning, and at least it seemed like some information would be gotten today. Whatever they were saying to Ares and Emelie, it must have been important.
Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

"No? Hmmm, that's a shame... hmmm..."

Emelie tapped her chin for a short while, before continuing on after the first denied knowing where her village was. In their weakened state, she was rather worried about giving away her vulnerable tribe's location for just anyone to prey on... though, if these kobolds had been so devastated with the fighting with the goblins - surely, they'd found enough bodies to indicate so - perhaps Emelie could convince them and her tribe to merge? It would be safer for all of them, especially with the dangers that seemed to be prowling the forests nowadays, to say nothing of the threat looming in the distance... that Em still couldn't wait to get her hands on the adorable little guys was just a happy bonus!

Once the first 'bold had explained what was happening, Emelie flung her arms wide and smiled. "Yay! Hug!"

She grabbed them both, squeezing. "Thank you for helping with my questions, too - I really appreciate it!"

After letting go and getting the answers to her other questions, Em thought it best to calm them some more with another hug. She didn't want them offended if she was going to continue questioning them. "I'm sorry, dears, don't take it the wrong way!" She said, as she squashed the second 'bold between her chest. "Those two seemed shady the instant we showed up, but I just had to ask to make sure, you know?" She stroked their ears, smoothing them back.

When she released them again, she started another barrage of questions. "So this group - did it seem... mean? Did they ever see you? Did you trade with them? If they did - did they ever attack you, or just try to run you off?"

"How many people with weapons did there seem to be?" She asked. "Hmmm... about the size of a village? Bigger? Smaller?" She started counting by tens, showing them one finger, and then all ten - which they'd hopefully take as '10' - and then showing them two fingers, and then all ten again, which she hoped they'd figure meant '20'. She said each number as she did the gestures. Hopefully, she'd be able to figure out a rough estimate.

"Are they camping there? Have they been camping there for a while? If they're camped, do they move their camp around a lot? Are they moving? Are they moving... towards us? ...Are those goblins from that group? Is big group north... mostly goblins? Have you seen the leader of the group? Is he... a goblin? Something bigger?"
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Re: Freedom Fighters (Tassy, Blue, Aust and Hafnium) (Temp: Keylo, Blarg)

Shivara cast back her head and laughed throatily.

"Yep! That's totally it! I just can't get enough of thrusting my cold, hard shards of ice through goblin eyesockets and skull fucking them to death with my magic. Tell me where your little 'ole is and I'll gladly give your mates an orgy they'll like not forget for the duration of their short, miserable git lives! Ehehehahahah!"

Shivara grinned like a lunatic as she snapped her head back down and locked eyes with the goblin through loose strands of her ice blue hair. Her voice became more somber in tone, as though a new personality were speaking now.

"Of course, if bloodbaths aren't your 'thing,' we can always be convinced that you gobbos have turned over a new leaf. You let the little women go peaceful like, and we won't team up with the kobolds to unleash hell on your slaver asses... but you gotta tell us where they're being kept first."

Having crept a little closer to the goblin as she talked, Shivara stopped suddenly in place and stood bolt upright. Her voice changed again, now full of childlike wonder.

"Hey, Erryn... do you think if you squeezed hard enough, you could make those ugly eyes pop out of their sockets?"

Hopefully, at some point soon, the lone goblin would start to realize it needed to rely on survival instincts. Even a dominant personality would need to bend in the face of overwhelming pressure, otherwise it would break. And Shivara was perfectly happy to 'break' the slaver. One less bastard git in the world raping women left and right. She'd do it and go to sleep happy that night.