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Fox in the Lusty City


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Our story begins with our hero reaching out his hand out from under a pile of hefty, full trash bags. A second hand would reach out, both hands getting a grip on the plastic bags as kitsune male would pull himself out from under the garbage, gasping for air. He'd crawl more and more out from under the pile until he finally escaped, leaving him tumbling onto the damp concrete floor. He'd take more and more deep breaths now that he was free from his tomb of trash. However, the deep breaths quickly proved to be a bad idea as polluted air filled his lungs causing him to cough uncontrollably. 'Where could I possibly be where the air is this bad? How did I get here? Wait, what happened last night... and the night before that...?'

This chain of questioning proved to be more and more troubling as he realized the only thing he could remember was his name; Jin. Looking around at his surroundings, Jin would see he was in some sort of damp alleyway with a few dumpsters with mountains of garbage piled up beside them. Next to one of the dumpsters was a tall, cracked mirror and upon stepping in front of it, Jin saw that he was also completely naked! He saw that he was also some sort of lithe, fair-skinned kitsune with green eyes standing roughly 5'7" in height with chestnut brown hair, ears and tail. Looking down, he'd check out what he had going on below the belt, and needless to say he was not impressed; He had a four and a half inch long flaccid uncut shaft with a pair of walnut-sized testes. Blushing deeply, Jin would cover his crotch and continue looking around the alley for anything useful.

Next to the mirror was a broken mirror shard that could be wielded as a weapon. Dangling out of another dumpster was a skimpy black thong with a white skull on the front, the undergarment in question looking like it was covered in splooges of fresh semen. Near the back of the alley was a loose sewer grate with an unusual sweet smell wafting up from it. Near the grate was a fire escape leading up one of the buildings. And of course there was also the main exit to the alleyway onto the street.

Pick a letter and a number:

A. Grab the mirror shard.
B. Grab the thong.

1. Exit through the sewer.
2. Ascend the fire escape.
3. Exit the alley onto the streets.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Given his current situation, Jin would consider wearing the cum-drenched undergarment, but such considerations quickly flew out the window. He may be naked and without any memories, but he still had his pride. Though, it wouldn't be wise for him to wander through a strange location naked and unarmed. He'd quickly grab the mirror shard and hold it like a knife, 'There, this should allow me defend myself,' he'd quietly think to himself.

Now Jin had to think of where he wanted to go from here. Surely wandering out into the streets, naked as he was would be a foolish decision for too many reasons to count and entering the sewer seemed like a disgusting proposition no matter what kind of smell was coming from it. This left Jin only one option, the fire escape. Jin would climb up on the dumpster nearest the fire escape, being careful not to cut himself with his mirror shard. The kitsune would line up his jump and effortlessly leap off the dumpster and grip onto the lower rungs of the ladder. Jin remembered that he is quite agile. After the initial recollection wore off, he'd quickly ascend the fire escape.

Before passing by each window, he'd peek in to make sure nobody was watching before moving to the next ladder. Most of the windows would have their blinds closed, but there were a few that didn't; One window was loosely boarded up. Another room was decorated with pink and white with lots of lace and giant plushies with bizarrely fleshy-looking vaginas or penises. The next open window was a dark apartment illuminated by the glow of a computer monitor. And the last open window was a rather clean-looking room where nothing looked out of place. Once he ascended to the roof, Jin's heart sank to the pit of his stomach as he realized what sort of place in which he woke up; Surrounding this scummy apartment were several towering buildings, all illuminated by perverse red neon signs depicting acts of carnal activity, sexual innuendos, XXXs, etc, all of them projecting their neon glow onto a pink mist weaving between most of the buildings. For miles this city stretched outwards as a single giant red light district, and in the center was helpless, naked, amnesiac kitsune named Jin. To make things worse, rain began to pour from the cloudy night sky. Jin would shiver and look for cover to no avail. Seeing the doorway down into the apartment building he'd rush over to see if he could take shelter in the stairwell, but upon trying the doorknob, he'd whine as it was locked from the inside. He had to get to shelter fast before he catches a cold, but where? Perhaps he could sneak into one of the open windows?

Choose one:

A. Boarded up window.

B. Plushie window.

C. Dark window.

D. Normal window.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
Reputation score
C) It would be easier to hide in a dark room, and he might be able to learn something from the computer.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
With a plan in his mind and a determination to escape the rain, Jin would rush back to the fire escape. As he descended he had time to think about which window would be the best choice to enter. Jin would make it back to the window of the dark apartment, quickly peeking inside to look around. The glow from the computer monitor upon the desk in the corner shined light upon the bedroom, revealing a couch next to the computer desk and a messy bed and a dresser on the other side of the room. Littering the floor and crumpled up bed sheets were a wide variety of sex toys, restraints, empty tubes of lubricant, used condoms and dirty discarded lingerie.

Jin would blush deeply and reluctantly step into the room, seeing no sign of anyone in the apartment. Carefully and cautiously, he'd tip-toe through the minefield of butt-plugs and fuzzy handcuffs, making his way over to the door he presumed to be the exit. In a sick twist of fate, as he was long past the halfway point of the room, the very door he was heading towards began to unlock from the other side. Panicked, the color would fade from his skin and his fox tail would frizz up, he had to act fast. He didn't have time to return through the window, so he had to hide. He'd quickly dive under the filthy bed, landing atop wads of crumpled tissues crusted with dried jism and more used condoms. Jin retched and fought back the urge to vomit in sheer revulsion as he repositions himself under the bed. This scenario was not ideal, but the scenarios that would likely befall the naked kitsune should the owners of this perverse apartment discover his intrusion would surely be far worse. Now facing the door and laying on his belly, Jin held his mirror shard at the ready, watching as the door swung open.

The first to enter was a chocolate-furred tanuki male with curly brown, side-swept hair covering one of his amber-colored eyes. He was wearing naught but a pink chastity cage over his dick, a purple butt-plug up his ass, a pair of sky-blue barbel piercings in his nipples beneath a mesh tank-top, and a black slave collar with a pink, heart-shaped tag dangling from it. Connected to the collar was a hot pink leash being held onto by the second person to enter the room; A slender, curvy demoness with smooth, creamy white skin, medium-length purple hair, rectangular glasses, curled ram's horns, short purple vestigial wings, and a spade-tipped purple demon tail. She wore a white button-up shirt beneath a long-sleeved suit jacket top paired with a matching skirt that extended just above her knees as well as lavender-colored nylon pantyhose and deep purple heels the same color as her hair. The tanuki pet would be the first to speak.

"I'm sorry I forgot to bring the umbrella, mistress."

"Forget the umbrella. You failed to find an actress for our newest production. What do you have to say for yourself?!"

He'd hang his head, "I'm sorry mistress..."

She'd yank the leash, pulling him close for an earful, "Sorry isn't good enough!" Letting go of the leash, the demoness would shove presumably her pet onto the bed, the mattress giving way atop Jin forcing him to cover his mouth to stifle a gasp. The lights would turn on in the room, Jin squinting his eyes to adjust to the light. The night thing he saw was the demoness approaching the far wall, grabbing a wooden paddle, "Assume the position!"

The bed atop Jin would shift around as the tanuki moves atop him. What was to follow was a lengthy punishment of the tanuki, each paddle of his rear caused him to tense up and press into the mattress, Jin a hair's length away from being crushed each time. A light sobbing would fill the room as the demoness drops the paddle to the floor before joining the tanuki on the bed, "You know I do this because I love you. I have my needs, and if I can make our rent money by starring in my own porno flicks, then that's a bonus. So you better try harder tomorrow to find a girl to star in your next production! Understood?"

"Y-Yes mistress!"

"Good, now spread your cheeks. All that punishment has left me nice and needy~."

"C-Can you please use lube?"

"Only good boys deserve lube."


This seemed like a good opportunity to act.

What should Jin do?:

A. Stay hidden beneath the bed.

B. Make a run for the front door.

C. Sneak to the front door.

D. Escape through the open window.


Demon Girl
May 23, 2014
Reputation score
C. If that bed doesn't support their weight well enough they'll figure out we're there the moment their weight bears down on us.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
I'll tie-break for you with coin-flips.



Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Jin immediately regretted his choice of hiding spot. The added weight of the demoness would surely crush him now. in desperation to escape this situation, he began to slowly crawl on his belly out from under the bed, trying to discreetly make his way to the door. However, once Jin had fully crawled out from under the bed, the lewd noises coming from the bed ceased. The nude kitsune would sweat nervously as he continued his crawl only to be stopped by a heeled shoe pressing down hard on the small of his back, causing him to yelp and squirm frantically.

"Well, what have we here? A home invader?" She asks rhetorically before stomping the wrist of Jin's hand holding the mirror shard, forcing him to cry out and release his grip on it, the demoness kicking away the make-shift weapon, "Armed too."

"What should we do with him, mistress?"

The demoness would dismount Jin's back and roughly kick him over onto his back, Jin now getting a good view of the demoness's girthy dick and hefty nuts, a cranberry-red blush forming on his cheeks both at this embarrassing situation and that she was bigger than him. Kneeling down, the demoness would grab Jin by the throat and lift him into the air at arm's length, choking him out as she looked him over. Jin would gasp for air, struggling, flailing, and even clawing at the arm holding him, desperate to break free. As Jin struggled the melodious giggle of the demon rang through his ears. At first he thought it was because of the sadistic glee she got from choking him, but one quick glance down revealed the reason to be even more shameful; Jin's dick was completely erect. Jin remembered that he is a shameful masochist.

The demoness would slap Jin on the cheek would her other hand, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to get his attention, "Eyes up here, slut!"

Jin would whimper and look the demoness in the eye.

"Good. Now, the way I see it, I have two options. Option one, I can turn you over to the police for breaking into our apartment with a deadly weapon. Or option two," A devious grin forms across her face, "... You can star in our latest porn production. So, what's it going to be?"

What should Jin choose?:

A. Turn himself into the police.

B. Star in a porn.


Demon Girl
May 23, 2014
Reputation score
I hate to say it, but go with B. I feel like much worse things would happen to Jin if he got arrested. We can't simply trust her to let us go once she's done though so keep an eye out for an escape opportunity.