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Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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When Desmas felt his consciousness returning, it almost felt like a dream. Perhaps he had died, and was awaking to some kind of after life? The ground beneath him felt soft, and he felt a constant wave crash over his skin over now and then. He lingered on this state of half-consciousness for some time, before a larger wave crashed over his whole body, splashing him in the face.

The rude awakening made Desmas open his eyes, and notice the world around him. He was laying on his back, on what appeared to be a beach. The waves were mostly calm, calm enough for him to have been safely carried by the current to this place. There was a patch of woods beyond the sandy beach, and further observation of his location revealed mountains in the distance, arranged so that one might be able to walk through them, if they found the proper path...

Seagulls cawed overhead, and the slight breeze made his soaked body shiver from the cold...


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas slowly came to study his surroundings, after having coughed up a good amount of water in surprise. First he turned quickly to the sea, hoping that whatever had attacked him before wasn't going to return or had already been following. Noticing everything looked fairly calm, he tried to weigh his options, none of which seemed very optimistic while he was naked. Speaking of which, he was freezing, and because of this, he decided walking into the forest wouldn't be the best choice and instead started walking down the beach. If he got lucky, he could spot a survivor, but in the meantime, he'd keep a wary eye on the ocean.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Naked, and vulnerable, Desmas walks along the beach, quickly feeling the sun dry off his wet body, and not seeing a single monster in sight for the longest time. Once he'd begun to feel his body mostly dried off, he suddenly noticed something very green catch his eye. Looking over into the woods, he saw something that, thankfully, looked more human than the octopus woman from before.

was green in skin color, had brown, short hair, hardly even reaching her shoulders, was laying on her back, using some kind of shell on her back as a bed, and had a strange dish-like object that resides on her head. She didn't seem to notice Desmas at all, in fact, when Desmas got a better look, she actually appeared to be asleep, resting on the beach, under the sun, without a care in the world...


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The woman caught his eye. At first, he was taken aback by the fact she was still a monster. However, upon closer inspection, perhaps because she was sleeping, she seemed to be a docile creature. Something about seeing her like this, he couldn't imagine her being too dangerous when awake. He thought about the fact she is the first 'person' he saw since being shipwrecked, and although he didn't want to wake her, he felt he could trust her and wanted to speak with her. Taking care to not disturb her, he sat down some distance away from her, not too close to surprise her if she woke up, but close enough to converse with her if she did. He, of course, wanted to keep some distance in case she was at all dangerous but he decided against sitting too far off, as his staring might seem creepy to a skittish creature and could frighten her off.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

After a time, the green skinned girl slowly began to move. She stretched her arms, and legs out. Her eyes slowly opened, and a grin appeared on her face as she looked up at the blue sky. Her eyes, now that Desmas could see them, were yellow in color, and her facial expression seemed exactly as Desmas expected, although she seemed quite cheerful as well.

She sat up, stretching a little more, until she froze a little upon seeing Desmas, looking at her. She only smiled a little more, and finished stretching, remaining in a sitting position as she lifted a hand, and waved at him. "Hi there!" she said in greeting, then suddenly perked up in interest, "Say, were you watching me sleep?" she winked at Desmas, "See something you like?"


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

After having sat for a while and resting his head in his hands, Desmas' head shot up when he saw the girl was stirring. He was caught off guard when the girl looked up him, realizing he hadn't previously thought to say anything when she finally saw him. However, he instead flashed a smile when she made the first move and waved at him. He turned and gave a chuckle at her wink, which may have seemed forward to him, if not for the fact his last experience with anything female left him raped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't want to wake you, but I also was wondering if you could help me at all. See, I'm kind of lost, I'm shipwrecked and, I honestly have no idea what's going on here." He wanted to tell her the cause of the wreck, and his confusion was due to these monster women, but she seemed friendly enough and he didn't know her, so he didn't want to say anything that might upset her.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The green skinned woman put a finger to her lip in thought, "Hmm... So, you want my help, huh?" she began to negotiate, "Well, do you think you can help me with a little something first?" she asked, her yellow eyes narrowing with a strong sexual suggestion, occasionally drifting down at Desmas's exposed cock. "It's been a while since a man came down by the water... And I do get lonely sometimes..."


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas' smile faded as he caught her eyes wandering. There was little doubt to what she wanted, and it was something he was really trying to avoid, considering last time. However, in this case, the girl at least had the decency to ask, and she doesn't have any friends that were trying to blow him up either. He didn't want to outright refuse her, but he wasn't about to leave the first person that could help him. "Uhh, well in all honesty, I'm a little wary of the water. Like I said, the ship I was on was wrecked, but it was done so while some octopus-woman forced herself on me, then the rest of her kind tried to kill me. Ever since, I'm trying to keep my eyes on the ocean, beacuse I'm afraid for my life." Wrinkles of worry appeared at the sides of his eyes as he talked about it, trying to present the fact he is actually frightened and not trying to hurt her feelings.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Her eyes half closed near the end of Desmas's explanation, a disappointed expression on her face, "Aw, come on..." she whined, "You don't wanna have sex with me, do you?" She fell backwards, landing in a similar position she was in when she was sleeping, "How lame! What kinda human doesn't wanna have sex?"


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

After her reaction, Desmas froze for a second, with one side of his face scrunching up in confusion, before responding in a near sarcastic tone, ".. a traumatized one?" He shook the look after thinking for a second. Sure being raped kinda pissed him off, and he was still scared about it, but he was far from traumatized. "Sorry, it's just considering what just happened and since I met you, it's just soon.." he trailed off at that. He started to think about what she said,and he felt bad about his reaction so far. She said it's been a long time since a man's been with her.. are there any men here? Is there anyone here? These are the same questions he came to her with, so it would hurt to ask her. He inched closer to her as she laid there and tipped her hand with his to get her attention and spoke apologetically. "How long... has it been?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The green skinned woman blinked, looking up at the sky as she seemed to dwell in her thoughts. She sighed, closing her eyes in what appeared to be loneliness, before turning her head to look at him, "I haven't ever had sex..." she said, "The few times I saw men here, they ran away from me... I sometimes hear about how my sisters made love to a man, about how incredible it was... But... I guess I'm just not meant to be with a man..." she said, drowning herself in self pity as she looked at Desmas with sorrow.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas's face dropped, before returning a gaze of pity. He hesitated before asking a new question, even opening his mouth to speak and shutting a few times, and finally squeezed out "Are there other humans here?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The green skinned woman sighs, shaking her head, "Well, yeah, I just told you there were... And you'll be just another one that runs away... Leaving me all alone by the water..." she pouts, feeling very sorry for herself at Desmas's lack of interest in sex.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas looked towards the line of the beach, then turned back to her. "Hey now, you said we could help each other out, right? Well, the only help I wanted was the information you just gave me." He reached out for her hands, so that he could hold them in his. "And I'm not so selfish to turn away from that deal." Before letting her speak or react, Desmas once again turned towards the beach before looking back at her. "Is there just... anyway we could avoid the ocean? I seriously do fear for my life by there."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The previously depressed green skinned girl suddenly brightened up, under the suspicion that Desmas was agreeing to have sex with her. "Y-yes!" she said, "If you'll just wait for me a little ways inside the forest... I... I need water..." she said, before cheerfully rising to her feet, "Wait for me!" she yelled back to him, running like an excited child towards the water, getting in to the water, seemingly just wanting to get wet...


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

just wanting to get wet...
(ain't that always the problem)

Curious as to why she was running off, Desmas smiled at her and waved her off. The smile turned as he stared at the ground for a second, trying to figure out exactly what the hell he was thinking. He definitely didn't want to upset the girl and it was obvious that even a small refusal would do so, but was he really about to have sex with her for that? But then, it wasn't just for that, if she's on this island, then she must have been surviving, and she's familiar with it. He still may be whoring himself out, but it's not just to avoid being rude, it's for protection and guidance, does that make it ok? Before he could answer himself, he returned his eyes to the girl wading in the water.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Watching the woman, he saw that she seemed to want to completely submerge herself in the water for a time, vanishing under the blue water. Once she came back out, she seemed like a whole different kind of person. She looked back to him, and let out a big smile. She waded back out of the water as fast as she could, running right towards him with glee, before Desmas suddenly saw her leap towards him, lifting off the ground, aiming to collide with him. Once she did, he fell on his back, with her on top of him. She planted a quick kiss on his mouth, before pulling back into a straddling position. She grabbed at her little swim suit she had on, and gave it a ferocious yank, tearing it off. Her B cup breasts bounced as they were freed, and her pink pussy was already dripping wet with love juices.

She put her hands on his naked chest, blushing deep red, "I want you... I need you inside me so bad..." She leaned down in a flash, and began kissing his neck, before trailing her tongue along his cheek, reaching his ear, when she whispered, "Please fill me..." she begged. She pulled back, adjusting her round bottom back, so that Desmas's cock was right in front of her crotch. She took his member in her hands, and slowly began to stroke it...


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

His face widened in alarm to the rampaging woman, headed right for him. Knowing there was no way he could turn back on this, he tried to brace himself for the impact, letting out a small cough as slammed on top of him to the ground, turning back soon enough to be surprised by a kiss. He could only just lay there, still caught off guard by the forwardness of everything, as she stripped herself and started feeling his chest. She moved forward, now with her mouth on his neck, Desmas turned his chin to give up more of his neck as she moved on. When she sat back, he was feeling more comfortable, placing his hands on her thighs straddling him, gasping a bit as she began to play with him. He couldn't think of anything to say to her, just smiling to her to show his agreement before biting his lip and rubbing her skin.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

His member being stroked by the green skinned woman, Desmas quickly got hard in a matter of moments, with help from his already beating heart. The girl looked down at his throbbing cock, and smiled at it, before lifting herself up, and gently pushing down, first taking the head inside her, then pushing down, all the way to his hilt, taking his whole cock inside her. She let out a moan as his cock slipped inside, closing her eyes to let the erotic feeling course through her being. A similar sensation went through Desmas, as her pussy took in his cock, her warm, soft folds wrapping around his member, and squeezing it pleasurably.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas let out a slow exhale as she brought herself down which quickly released as she forced his member completely into herself. He closed his eyes and began to breathe heavily while his hands moved up from her thighs to her sides, helping to lift her and keep her movement up on top of him. He grinded his hips slowly into her, causing even more sensation inside her already tight pussy.