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Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)

Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

"Gawdon Bennet! Opols? Opols are what we use ter trade stuff. How do yew not know what Opols are? D'yew use those stupid Wollywonks da dogs do?" Gill laughs, about to continue, before Milky blurted out her question. The goblin lets out a sigh, shifting awkwardly away from the half-orc. He remained quiet, only stirring when she mentioned something about man-meat at the village. He was about to speak, when Falisha started her diatribe; He listened, but as she continued, he began to wear a scowl, before swatting her hand away from his head.

"I don't 'ave ter speak ter any cock slut like yahrself. Stop touchin' me an' go, befawer I decide ter knock yew all upside da 'ead an' cun' flap some collars on you, innit."

[Shall we try to piss off the Goblin again? :3]
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

"I'm a blacksmith not a merchant. Most of the time I trade made products for other goods. Wollywonks? Hows does gnolls become wollywonks? You make them dizzy and smack them upside the head till their out?" Milky replied somewhat defensively, a slow blooming flush of defensive anger covering her face making her a cheeks somewhat purplish even as she tried to change the subject away from her lack of intelligence for money making. She quickly said as he started stirring. "Sorry. . . I'll be on my way." Only for Falisha to show up.

Milky starred gobsmack at Falisha before an becoming increasingly angry. The. . .the nerve of her! She hissed aloud even as she grabbed Falisha's ear, pulling harshly on the half-elfs ear "The nerve of you! He gave that freely! You are asking him to betray his own kind with nothing in return! You are asking him to basically give us swords to stab his family in the back and crush their childrens skulls!" As Milky turned towards Gil stiffly saying "I apologize for my villages slut." Even as Milky began to pull Falisha behind her, tugging on her ear even as she growled, trying to keep her voice down from the goblins from hearing "You. Will. Not. Speak at all." Milky not giving a reason as to her growl.

( :I. Tenta, your character could not have heard any of the conversation between Gill and Milky. Also Falisha is now on Milky's Annoyed List.)
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

(Then next time PM/Visitor message or something so i can edit, ye derpface!)

As Falisha would be tugged by her ear by the barbarian miscle brained blacksmith, she would abruptly send a fast sharp elbow straight to solar plexus of the orc, before turning to the goblin and bowing in courtesy to apologize, "I am deeply sorry. I did not mean to offend. I was merely looking for anything helpful to deal with the situation. We shall take our leave now." She said being sure to whisper harshly into Milkys ear, "Fucking amazon!" before shoving her out of her way continuing to proceed westward.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Tiriaria was amazed by what Falisha asked from the goblin. but even worse was his reaction. she quickly grabbed towards her bow in reflex. she was thankfull when it looked like she didn't have to use it as Milky began to drag the other half-elf away.

After Falisha got lose from Milky and had apologieds she turned towards the goblin one more time "We are grateful for the information you gave us." she said while bowing to him If we ever meet again I hope the meeting won't end like this." after that she turned around and followed Milky and Falisha.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

The Goblin's scowl quickly went away as Milky apologized to him, nodding simply at the half-orc. He watched, with a great amount of satisfaction, as Falisha was hauled off by the ear. As soon as she elbowed Milky in the stomach, the Goblin brought up his club, glaring at the elf, even through her apology.

"Very well. Jus' don't touch me friend like what again, an' I won't be comin' after yew." He says, glaring at Falisha. As Tiriaria passed by him, he nodded at the woman, "Agreed." Came the simple reply.


As the group heads North, they come across something they hadn't quite been expecting: A hut. Well... not... really a hut. This one had been built up like a cube, and made from the woods forest around them, it seemed. Rising from the oddly flat roof of the... thing... was a stone shaft, pointing straight towards the sky. There didn't seem to be a flap that led to the inside of the probably-hut, but instead a door made from a different shade of wood.

In the clearing, along with the... odd... thingy... were several pelts, off to the side, near a tanning rack, just waiting to be set. It seemed like whoever lived here hadn't been back in a while; there was no trail leading through the calf-high grass. Maybe it was abandoned?

[Current Position: 1,1]
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Milky would feel the weak blow from Falisha to her gut seeking to do something even as Milky just huffed at her, twisting her ear purposefully before releasing it. As she just looked at her before saying in a serious tone "Kinslayer." And leaving it at that.

Milky would give a nod of appreciation towards Gill before heading off.


"What a strange structure" Milky thought to herself. Even as the black smith in her boggled at how the structure was standing and looking so sturdy. It looked far more safer then her round hut and smithing shed. Still there was something odd about it. It looked deserted but. . . who would desert such a perfectly good home? Especially the the pelts just hanging by a tanning rack.

"I think we should head past this." Milky spoke aloud even as she looked at Tiriara, angry towards Falisha still. "Better to not piss off whoever lived here. Especially if the know how to build a home like this."

(Continue heading north.)
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Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

As Tiriara saw the cube her first instinct was to simply walk in there and see what would happen, She would have done so to if she where alone. however now she managed to think a little longer before deciding what she wanted to do. Suddenly she noticed the all the pelts laying around and the grass which didn't seem to have been tended to in a long time. It was then that she finaly realised the house might actually be deserted. I guess you're right who ever leaves this many pelts behind must have gone away for a good reason. Its best if we don't find out what that reason is.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

[No direction was given, but Dia told me north via IM.]

Deciding the odd hut, or whatever it was, was too suspiscious, the group continues to head North, delving further into the trees. They approached the known nothern border, everyone oddly quiet as they moved.

A wonderful scent catches Milky's nose; as she sniffs around, the half-orc quickly finds the source of the aroma: Ripening walla fruit, low hanging from several trees! She, Tiriaria, and Falisha all begin to pull the fruit from the branches, knowing that they'll have a great bounty for the village. Still, even the elation wore off, as they realized they'd be stepping into unknown territory...

[Current Position: 1,2]
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Milky smiled happily at seeing ripening fruit! This would help the village once they returned to it. Still they still needed to head north and find those strangers.

"Alright, I'm going to keep heading north, you two going to keep following or is one of you going to take the food back to the village?" She is certain that she would continue heading north.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Falisha considered the question for several moments as she helped gather the fruit to return to the village. While she and Milky may have gotten off to a rocky start, she truly held no grudge against the orc nor did she wish any harm to her- "Tiriaria, you take the fruit back to the village okay? I would go, but if Milky runs into any trouble she may find herself wishing she had a mage or ranged combatant at her side. My Iceball can hit multiple foes and I can give us the benefit of stealth if needed." She explained calmy to the other descendant before gently handing the basket of fruit.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Tiriara wanted to go with them however the fruit had to go to the village before it began to rot. I guess that's the best option, also considering you seem to be better at talking then either of us. And if I run in any problem I can’t handle I have the best chance of escaping. She said while taking the basket. I will return these to the village then and see what I can do from there. She turned around and began walking back south. [COLOR="Purple] Good luck with finding the village by the way[/COLOR] She said over her shoulder.

(separating form Dia en Tenta, heading south)
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)

Falisha and Milky bid farewell to Tiriaria, leaving the woman with all the fruit that they had found. When they were prepared, the duo starts towards the North, almost expecting for horrible beasts to leap out and attack them; after all, the Hunters, Descendants, and even the Elder all told horrible stories of evil creatures that lived deep in the forest, slaking their thirst for blood and lust from careless men and women.

...Nothing happened though. Aside from leaving the well-defined hunting paths, there really wasn't... anything. In fact, it was more annoying just trying to find a decent way around the trees that cluttered everything. The pair was so fatigued from the practice, that by the time they saw a clearing just ahead, they threw caution to the wind and fumbled towards it. However, as the two burst through the bushes, they were taken by surprise to see the clearing wasn't empty; just the same, the couple there seemed just as shocked to see anyone else around here.

Sitting near a rather nice body of water were two women - at least, they appeared feminine; it was hard to tell. They were covered head-to-toe in dusky brown fur, and both had rather long, floppy ears coming from their head - although the one reaching for her staff had the largest ears by far. They each had on clothing, although there was a fairly decent chance that their fur covered every inch of their body. As the one with the rather large ears starts to get up, the one near the pool of water reaches out and grabs onto her.

"Branca, wait," She says, "They may not want to attack us."

The other woman, staff in her hand, looks from her far calmer companion, to the two newcomers warily. Milky and Falisha hadn't seen something like this before; while they had human features, they seemed to be half rabbit or hare...

[Dores, Coello Water Descendant]

[Branca, Coello Defender]

[I hope it's obvious, but they aren't wearing the clothes they have on in their pictures; mainly just tattered rags and such.]

[8 Water found.]

[Current Position: 1,3]
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)

The tumbling and moving around through the trees were irritating to Milky. She wasn't some damned hunter! But yet she needed to help her village. Still at least this wasn't near as tiring as hewing rocks into somewhat sharp states. Or finding some metal and working on it. Still bursting out into the clearing had Milky reaching for her hammer even as the words "Stupid! Stupid!" Flashed through her head at the way she and Falisha could've stumbled right into a trap.

Milky blinked and then blinked again. "A bunny-girl?" She asked confusedly towards them as the two rabbit-esque girls were near the water. She flushed as she realized her question before she coughed as she said "Erm yeah! Not wanting to attack you. My names Milky the Blacksmith." She looked around the clearing just to make sure there wasn't anything surprising going to happen before she asked them "Are you two from around here?" Even as she thought to herself "Are these the strangers that have been sighted in the north?"

Still best to talk to them for a bit even as she whispered softly to Falisha "Now do not make this like the goblins! No asking sudden sensitive questions unless their willing to offer the information about themselves. I rather have this end on a friendly note rather then a strained friendly note!" Through she whispered it softly to Falisha, it wouldn't be soft enough to not be heard by the lapine girls, especially if their ears were good at picking sounds up.

After waiting a beat she asked "Erm have you two seen any strangers further north of here? Also do you need any help?" As Milky looked at them curiously. (Note if there are any injuries, Milky will offer to try and heal them to the best of her abilities.)

Omake! - The two lapines inspiring madness
Milky attacks for no rhyme and reason throwing her hammer with such skill it brains Falisha! She then tosses Falisha into the pool and water, laughs like a lunatic and runs around till slamming into a tree and falling unconscious. For these duo bunny girls inspire only madness!
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)

Awwwww........ How cute~ Falisha thought to herself upon seeing the bunny girls, she placed her hands behind her back and leaned in friendly like towards the bunnies, "Don't you worry, cuties~ We wouldn't attack unless somebody or something gave us cause to. We're just out exploring. Are you girls from around here? Are you lost or something? We could escort you back home, if you need it."
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)

While the one with bright blue hair smiled brightly at the two, the 'Branca' one still got to her feet, holding onto her spear tightly; even Milky could tell her body language read something along the lines of "I don't trust you" and "I will brain you". "Hi Milky! I'm Dores," The blue-haired one says, waving briefly, then gesturing to herself, "And this is Branca!" She points to her companion, who stiffens a bit, but nods at the two, "We're kind of from around here. See, we-"

She pauses as Milky suddenly turns to whisper to Falisha, her lips frozen in midsentence. Branca seems to get hesitant at the mention of Goblins, fidgeting around with her staff. When the two finished whispering, and Falisha leaned in, a dumbstruck look crossed Dores' face, as Branca just stared, her defense dropping, apparently no longer considering these two a threat. After Milky was done, the brown rabbit stares straight at her, before saying to Dores:

"Outlanders are weird." She says simply, her friend leaning over to smack the side of her leg. Dores looked back to the two, smiling brightly.

"Don't mind her. We don't let Branca talk to strangers for a reason.

"Like I was saying, we're from around here, but we're a few Kilometers away from our village. We're looking for a... a friend who.. disappeared,"
The rabbit's ears droop a little, as she glances at the ground. Apparently it was a sore topic to talk about. But still, Branca was there to clean up for her. Staring at Falisha, she said, on a rather Milky-like Abruptness level:

"We can talk, you know. No need to treat us like animals."
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)

Milky watched the stance of the 'Branca' bunny girl. Her mind weighing the pros and cons of how the lapine girl didn't look particularly fierce while she very cute especially with the way her whole body just exuded 'Don't come any closer!!! HISS!!' To her. Through a grin bloomed on her face at the bright blue hair one just exuded general happiness to meet with strangers!

The half-orc flushed as she said "Sorry for interrupting you. Still 'kind of from around here?'" Milky questioned the last part with a bit of confusion especially with how Dores said it. The confusion was plainly evident on Milky's face even as she let a happy smile bloom on her face at the sight of Branca relaxing her. Not seeing her as much as a threat anymore.

Till she heard those words, her smile becoming confused while she blinked and said "Weird? Like in funny weird or dumb weird?" A curious note in her voice even as she let out a snort at seeing Dores smack Branca, while her confused smile turn back into a happy smile at seeing the bright smile back at them from Dores.

"Don't let her talk for a reason? She's just a bit blunt isn't she?" Milky said happily before she nodded at hearing those words before asking "Erm well, be wary around here. Theres been a bit of a scuffle going around here between Goblins and Gnolls. Through. . ." Milk fell silent before saying "Do you know anything about the goblins called Black Skulls?" Letting her words end there to see if there are any sparks of recognition.

(This is before they outright ask about the goblins, an abruptness and apology)
If there were, she'd offer the information freely, albeit it was very little "Their said to have started the fight between Gnolls and Goblins."

Milky let out a giggle as she heard Branca's abrupt words. She coughed before asking "What's your friends name? Is she like you, a erm. . . bunny girl? If she is I'm sorry I haven't seen her." Through Milky waited a moment longer to hear the answer before she asked "Well would you like our help? Otherwise me and Falisha" (Finally saying Falisha's name if the half-elf hasn't introduced herself) "Will be heading north to look for strangers that our village elder is worried about. Through if you want to visit out village it is to the south and west. About um three kilometers south and one kilometer west?" She said the last part towards Falisha. She did this risky thing again by hoping that these two would respond in kind and help set up some mutual defense and trade between their villages.
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Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)

Falisha simply let Milky say her piece and and awaited the bunny girls to respond.

(Lame ass post is lame ass, but at least now silth should be able to post.)