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Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Tenta)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Milky doesn't know much about combat. She's not afraid to admit that; but every time someone calls copper 'the brown shiny rock', she can't stand it, being the only person in the village who knew of metals and what power they could bring - the only problem being that she just... didn't know where the metals came from.

She lived a mostly ordinary life, happily crafting armor for those that requested it, being the most skilled in the village. But still, when the elder calls for all Descendants and villagers, about the safety of their home.. well, she picked up the dusty old copper hammer her mother left her, and started towards the crowd.

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
Re: Forging the Way (Dia)

Milky herself would listen to those words spoken by the elder. She felt self-conscious for the lack of the better word. This would not be good for her not good for her at all. Still she was tought and powerful! She had thick and strong muscles, perhaps she could help by not being a smith and instead being a fighter!

With those inspirational thoughts Milky looked at the Elder and promptly took a step back away from the whole of the group. Who was she kidding herself? She did not want at all to leave the safety of the village. Especially with how she was suppose to be the smith, to be the one to forge the armor and items for the hero to go with! But the half-Orc knew her duty. This was her village and she would help it succead. That was her duty as a descendant. No matter the consequences.

Still the half-orcess would not want at all to deal with a battle unless she had too. Looking at the board for help she would quickly go and choose the rumors of strangers quest. Hoping that someone would be willing to come along with her to negoitate. Someone with a more silver tongue then herself.

Rumors of Strangers
We've recently heard of strangers in the forests - humans, orcs, elves; all kinds of races. Finding out what these strangers are, and what they're doing here, may help us better establish where we are in this world in comparison to our neighbors.
Find some of the strangers visiting the forests.

10 Wood, 10 Food
Rewards Doubled if trade is initiated.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia)

Milky would move from the village. She asked at the two girls following her "Alright, lets head in.. that direction." She pointed eastwards, in hopes that a forest would magically spring up along that way. After all, there were no directions on the damned piece of paper that she could barely read that told her where these strangers were sighted besides them being some forests. The forests were big and had to be here somewhere.

(Action: East I guess?)
Re: Forging the Way (Dia)

Tiriara would simply agree with Milky about the direction. She was already at the easthern end of the village before the other two and had to wait there for a moment. when Milky and Falisha got to her she said:"guess we will have to look around a bit until we see any of these strangers." before she started to walk east while holding back her urge to run ahead.

by the way I looked at the map for a moment and it seems the village is simply surrounded by forest
Re: Forging the Way (Dia)

"Indeed. We dont know if theyre hostile or not yet, so we best be guarded but not stand offish or threatening till need be. They may actually be traders or willin to negotiate. Although we wont know for sure until we encounter them. So lets not waste any more time dawdling and debating. Eastward we go." She said as she followed at a moderate pace along Milky and Tiri.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

[Dia told me East. So, East you go!]

The Eastern paths were well used, as the only known village nearby was to the Northeast. It doesn't take long to enter the forest, the trees not so thick here, having been replanted a few generations ago. Milky was stuck with, quite possibly, a half-elf slut; and another half-elf that seemed like she was ready to take off without the group. Seeing as how she had little to no fighting experience, well... They were screwed. Probably.

They had gone nearly a kilometer along the path when they came across an interesting sight: Goblins, just... sitting around, it seemed. When they notice Milky and Co, the four smaller ones hop up immediately, all of them carrying wooden clubs, glaring at the women. The conversation goes way too fast too keep up - and to control it going downhill.

"Lawd above!" One of the little goblins shouts, "What's goin' on 'ere? Are 'umans sendin' us all their beauties fer some fun?"

Another eyes the group suspciously. After a few seconds, he shakes his head, starting to back away a bit, "Might be an offerin' ter da dogs. Could be 'ryin' ter gain favor!" There was a bit of insightful "Oooooooh"s going around... before it really set in what the goblin had suggested. A third goblin slams his club in the dirt, glaring at the group.

"Oh, what tears it. Thee ain't goin' nowhere, innit." He says, advancing on the group...

"OI!" The largest Goblin, sitting on a tree stump, shouts. The smaller goblin pauses, looking back, quickly shuffling back into line.
"We ain't got no reason to be takin' these beauts 'ere less they be given us a reason, yew gits," He grumbles, looking them over, before his eyes strayed on Falisha, "... 'Least, not til we get wot we want."

[Current Position: 1, 0]
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

The Blacksmith would keep such traitorous thoughts to herself, after all if she didn't believe in them, then she would quite plainly be a depressed blacksmith. Her father had told her long ago, that if you don't believe and put everything you got into something, it would always be a piece of crap. He had made an amazing coppar shield at the time of him telling her that. Milky always kept those words in her head, both as a motto and as a fond memory of her father.

Milky's eyes rang with the noise emanating from the goblins as she looked confusedly down at her 'smaller' cousins in a way. "Offering for the dogs? You mean the kobolds? No were not here to do that. were instead looking for some strangers that are neither goblins and kobolds. Through.." Milky fell silent for a moment before she continued saying "What would you want from us?" Milky had a sinking feeling even as she asked this.

Still she had to ask it of them even as she asked them for information about any strangers they had seen. But maybe as a little show and intimidation, she flexed her muscles. She may not have had as great muscles as Erryn but she still had a blacksmith's build. Still she kept an eye on Falisha's and Tiriara's reactions.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Falisha sighed out before smirking sultry and walking up to the largest goblin and bending over to tickle his chin, her cute rump shaking as does so- "Well, we might not mind to cooperate as long as you tell us what it is you want, cutie~ And if you can possibly help us out with our little job~ You konw, tits for tat and all that~ We heard rumors of strange new..... people, creatures, tromping through these here woods~ You wouldn't know anything about that would you? Where they went? How many and all that? If you tell us I would at least be willing to offer some sort of 'reward'....." she sang out as she gingerly reached into his loincloth and began gently stroking his member, lciking her lips.

((Using Charisma))
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Tiriara had first looked at the Milky's and Falisha's reactions before she decided how to react herself. She knew she wouldn't realy like serving the goblins but then again they could have some usefull information. Deciding they could better get some information now instead of wandering around the forrest until they finaly found one of the strangers.

Tiriara eventually decided to go along with the goblins for now. "We are not an offer for anyone" She said. "But we would like some information as these two already said and you want something from us. maybe we could come to some kind of agreement." While Tiriara was talking she slowly got between Milky and the group of goblins, because it looked like she was the one who disliked what the goblins probably wanted the most.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Milky practically blanched at the way both Falisha and Tiriara were being bold. She was actually hoping that they would not pointedly push that as an offering to the goblins even as she, herself whispered "Thanks" to Tiriara for being thoughtful enough to get in front of her and be a far more alluring object for the goblins.

Milky was hoping that this band of goblins was not going to ask for all of them for one piece of information as she even spoke up, to stop the goblins from taking Falisha's offering "Falisha may be willing to fuck you for the information, but if you want a piece from me or Tiriara you are going to have to offer more. When I mean more, I mean far more then just information. Otherwise, you will have to fight for anything from me." Blunt Milky was and blunt she will always be. She gave them her answer as for a possible answer, even she reluctantly stepped away from Tiriara. Letting them again to have a full view of her body, but this time, she made sure her hammer was out, its coppar gleaming. Her hands on it were steady and she knew how to wield it quite well even if not for combat, she knew how to swing it with full force. With her muscles, Milky would be able to at least kill one or two of them before they managed to knock her prone.

'Now if only Falisha hadn't offered sex as the first thing. And already pushing for it.' Milky thought bitterly.

(Charisma/Inimidation Check - Seeing if they'll start dropping some bits of info or if they fear her at all. -Information Milky is interested - Knowledge about Ore Mines, or Ore location.)
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Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

[Falisha's Charisma roll:]
Falisha: 2 + 10 + 10 = 22
Goblin Warrior 1: 12 + 2 = 14.

Falisha succeeds. Can anyone say 'Goblin train'?

[Milky's Charisma roll:]
Milky: 13 + 6 = 19.
Headhunter: 20 + 20 = 40.

Milky fails.

The goblin warrior stares up at Falisha, slack jawed, as the beautiful half-elf starts to rub his cock. The overly-exageratted lip-licking was kind of odd, but that didn't seem to stop him from realizing he was going to have SEX! He looks back at the larger Goblin, who simply waves his hand. The four smaller ones let out a joyous shout, two of them pouncing on Falisha, and another two pouncing on Tiriara!

[I'm just assuming Falisha doesn't have any under garments on.]

The Goblins, while smaller than the two women, apparently had libidos of full-sized villagers. Falisha barely had time to squeak before the two had dragged her to the ground, sitting on her stomach and shoulders. She didn't quite know what they were doing until she felt deft little fingers begin to unclasp her padded armor, happy to exposed her pale skin to the dark green forest light. As they pulled her armor open, Falisha's tits pop free, unrestrained finally; she hears one of the Goblins let out a squeal of joy, while the one on her shoulders gives her tits a smack on the outside of each. "By lawd! Lookit 'er Red Red Rubies!" His small hands can't even grab the entire way around Falisha's breasts; he instead just grabs onto the peaks, pinching and twisting, as if her nipples were hard. The Elf was just starting to get randy when she felt something prod her exposed pussy. She gasps as the Goblin stuffs two of his tiny fingers into her pussy, wiggling them around, thrusting in and out of the elf's love tunnel. They were tiny little things, but they knew what they were doing, and soon Falisha was gasping in pleasure, her pink nipples hard, and her pussy making little sloppy noises as the Goblin finger-fucked her. When the ministrations at her crotch suddenly came to an end, she was only left to wonder why, as the Goblin, now on her collar bone, completely blocked her view. When the Elf felt the tip of a somewhat broad (for a Goblin, anyways) penis pushing against her labia, she suddenly knew what was going on, relishing the moment. He pushed in, surprisingly a little larger than she had imagined - but nothing to write home about. The Goblin grunts, starting to thrust in and out of Falisha, his thumb rubbing against her clitty, sending jolts of pleasure through the Elf's body. The Goblin on her chest seems content to just play with her nipples, flicking and twisting them happily. She could feel the pleasure slowly building into an orgasm, deep in her abdomen.. but the Goblin began to pick up speed. She lets out a dismayed moan, only for the Goblin to cry out, cumming inside Falisha, panting heavily as he finished up.

[Pregnancy Roll: 11. Falisha isn't pregnant.

Falisha takes 4 Submission points. She takes 5 Carnal Addiction Points. Please add this onto your sheet. For the next battle, she'll start with the Aroused status.]

Tiriara is taken by surprise, just as Falisha was, the Goblins pouncing on her arms and bringing her to the ground roughly. As soon as she landed with an 'Oof!', one of the Goblins looked at her, worried. "Yew 'kay?" He asks, but was already undoing the lower portion of his armor; glancing to the side, the half-elf saw the other goblin doing the same, grinning as he grabbed onto her arm, pushing it to his crotch. He was already growing hard, and while this wasn't really the first time Tiriara had sex, it was the first time she was asked to touch a male like this. She felt her other hand grabbed, pushed against the junk of the Goblin that asked if she was okay. Frowning a bit, she wraps her fingers lightly around the quickly hardening flesh sticks, starting to move her hands slowly. Even with her inexperience, the two Goblins soon groaned quietly in pleasure, their rods a green, fleshy color, and brown near the tips. As she looked at the odd, brown-colored head of one, a little clear liquid dripped from the hole in it; She lets out a gasp as her fingers brush over it, smearing it further down the rod. It was hot, and made moving her hands along the members easier... And the Goblin's seemed to really enjoy it, too! Biting her lip, she started to spread the clear liquid over the Goblin's members as they produced more of the stuff. She started to feel hot, a damp spot growing betwen her legs. What was going on? Why did this feel so... good? She pushed the thought from her mind as she felt something bump against her cheek. Looking over, the Goblin from before had poked his cock against her face, the drooling tip only inches from her nose. "Lick it," he says, looking at Tiriara expectantly. Slowly, she opened her mouth, her hand never stopping, as she licked the tip of the cock. The Goblin groans, and she finds... that... it really didn't taste that bad... and if the Goblin liked it, and she liked it, she should do more, right? So that's exactly what she did, licking the Goblin's cock head eagerly. Experimentally, she puts her lips around it, and finds it easier to lick and suck interchangeably - and the Goblin really seemed to like that! He moans, his hands grabbing onto Tiriara's head, forcing her down further on his cock as it began to pulse faster. It's not long before she feels the two cocks she was handling begin to throb, a hot liquid hitting the back of her throat. It tasted salty, and odd, but not all that bad... and she was able to swallow all of it, too! She looked up at the Goblin as he apparently finished his orgasm, slowly letting go of her head with a smile on his face... only to feel something hit the back of her head. Pulling her lips away from the Goblin cock, Tiriara turns, and is surprised to see a glob of Goblin cum splash against her face, covering her eyes, a final one hitting her nose and lips. She wipes the gunk away, looking up at the Goblin. He only grinned down at her, before giving her a pat on the head.

[Tiriara takes 7 Carnal Addiction points. Please adjust this in your character sheet. She'll enter the next battle in the Aroused state, and covered in cum.]

As the Goblins tackled her companions playfully, Milky kept her eyes on the larger one. After a few moments, he waves her closer. As she approaches, she hears Falisha let out a moan; was he really going to talk to her while her allies were being fucked?

"I ain't got any idea wot dese 'Ores' is." He says, simply, looking up at her, "'Onestly, we ain't even 'round from 'ere. Came ta 'elp wit da battle, innit."
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Milky flushed at the lewd actions happening to Falisha and Tiriara even as she watched them for a moment longer before sighing. She still had a flush but she accepted for the moment that these two weren't going to ignore some free cocks. At least Falisha wasn't. Especially since that half-elf seemed to have had a go at every villager in the village.

The half-orc blacksmith moved closer to the goblin, expecting him to jump her as his companions had done to hers. Through they were asking for it but still. But when instead he told her he had no ideas about the ores, Milky let out a breath of relief before she sighed, both in frustration and in disbelief. "How do you not know what ore is? Ore is the shiny bits in the ground, like gold, silver, tin, copper. That sort of stuff. Like this." As she held up her Copper hammer, not in a threatening way but eye level for the goblin to observe the properties. But still a bit away from him.

Still the half-orc woman would look at Falisha and Tiriara before resolutely turning away from them, still with a flush even as she moved over to where the goblin sat. "May I?" As she pointed towards the ground near him. If he said no, Milky would huff and would just grumble. If he allowed, she would plump herself down on the ground in a sprawl, unintentionally giving him a view of her cleavage even as she found her sight full of an orgy in front of her. Maybe not an orgy but at least two threesomes going on at once.

"Came here for battle? Does this have to do something with kobolds? I've seen some of the villagers heading out to figure out why you goblins and kobolds are fighting. Care to fill me in? Also, my name is Milky Blacksmith, I'm the blacksmith of the human village over that way." As she pointed in the general direction of her village, no doubt known to the goblins around here quite easily. As a final question for the goblin "Have you seen other traveling bands coming here?"
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

The Goblin shifts, his hand drifting towards his own club, resting against the tree stump, as Milky brings her hammer up to his eyesight. After realizing she meant no ill intent, he lets his hand drift back to his knee, pondering what she said.
"Yew mean dose shiney bits we see stickin' up outta da Pekol? Yea, we seen'd it. But we ain't dun nuffin wit' it. Wort'less junk, s'all it is." He shrugs a shoulder. When the half-orc sits down next to him, he grimaces a bit, looking away from her cleavage and off into the forest.

"I don't know much abaht it. We're from up north, near da Thick Trees. Just got da call ter come 'ere an' take care ov deese Kobolds once an' fer all. Guess they did somethin' terrible ter da den around 'ere - but no one can tell me what i' was." The Headhunter makes a frown as he hears Falisha moan. He looks back at Milky, grumbling.

"Gill." Her apparently introduces himself, but doesn't give Milky much more; and as she asks her last question, he only shrugs, looking towards the North.

"Not so much around 'ere. I've only been 'ere a day awer two, really. Up near da North, we run across all kindsa weird 'umans, innit. Carry some weird kindsa shiny stuffs wit' 'em, too."
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Tiriara was surprised by the sudden action from the goblins, hadding expected to get some information before they did anything. However it looked like she didn't have any choise but to go along with them as she got forced to the ground. She made shure her legs where closed not to make shure they didn't do anything down there, but it seemed that wasn't needed when both of them just wanted a handjob from her. Relieved that they only seemed to want her hands she tried her best to please them even though she was new at this. She was a little surprised when she noticed it was actually working as there came pre-fluid out of there cocks. she began rubbing it over them making it easyer to rub. she suddenly noticed she began getting aroused. why do I get aroused from this. I'm just giving them a handjob. she thought. She couldn't think more about that however when she felt something against her cheek. looking over to see what it was she saw it was one of the cocks. She slowly started likking it not wanting to offend the goblins and stopping them from giving information. She began to like it and started sucking the cock to. Not long after that she felt both of the cocks starting to throb. Suddenly a hot salty liquid shot down her throat, she didn’t find it al that bad and swallowed it all. as she got the cock out off her mouth she noticed something hitting the back of her head. As she turned the second goblin came all over her face. She wiped some of the cum off of her and rested for a moment.

After a minute or two she walked over to milky and the larger goblin. “so, now that’s done. Did you get any information Milky?” she asked.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Milky felt irritation at the goblin calling the metals worthless junk! "Those shiny bits! Is that what you call them?!" The half-orc sitting by Gill would practically glower at him, studiously ignoring the happenings between Falisha and Tiriara and those goblins before she sighed.

"If you bring me such of those shiny bits, I could show you just how good they are by forging something from them." As Milky relented in her glower towards him, mostly because it would be far foolish getting angry at someone who didn't even know what metal was! Still Milky would mentally keep an idea of where the goblin came from. 'To the north.. thick trees..Pekol?' She mentally thought to herself.

"So there are strangers up further north with metal weapons. Thank you for telling me this Gill." As Milky fell silent sitting besides him, watching the sixsome happening in front of her with a blush even as she closed her eyes and released a breath of air. "Well a group of my people are looking for goblins and kobolds themselves.. Either to talk peace between you two or just massarce both sides. Hopefully its the former and not the latter. Umm.. Gill, how much longer are they going to be at it?" As she just waved her hand in the direction of that. Still Milky would not have much else to say besides "Well if you manage to figure out whats happening, do you mind coming to visit my village? Would be great to show you around and hopefully you will help set up some trade between my village and your home."

After asking Milky would just sit there before she asked "How do you goblins generally live? And why aren't you participating in the sex over there? Standards?"
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Falisha gasped out in pleasure as her breasts and pussy were exposed to the open air, before she felt the goblins set on top of her, she let out a an annoyed squeal as one them smacked her round tits, "Hey, watch it! They're teats, not speed bags!" Before letting out lewd moans as he would begin to pinch and manipulate her already stiffening nipples, "Ooooh, that's more like it....." Her moaning grew louder and panting heavier and sluttier as one of them began finger her already moistening pussy, "Oooh, Ahhh, Oh yeah......" She began to thrust up against the small gobbo's fingers trying to get her self off. She mewled out a little as she felt the finger fucking stop, until she felt something that she was pretty was a penis brush up against her cunt, panting in heavy slutty anticipation of being entered, and letting out a sharp cry as he finally entered into her, Hrm.... Probably bigger then some of his friends, but not spectacular, I'm going to say maybe 8-9 inches...... so about a 6-7 on the size rating..... she thought to herself as she felt the Goblin begin to thrust in and out of her.

She felt herself getting hotter and hotter as the goblins fucked her and played with her nipples, she would get an annoyed look on her face as she noticed the straining look on the goblin banging her pussy's face and the groaning sound he made, and would get outright frustrated and angry as he came inside her. Once he would finish up, she would muster all the strength she could and shove the goblin off of her and out of her cunt, "GEEZ! You lightweight! You couldn't even let me cum before blowing your load!? I was almost there!" She sighed heavily in annoyance and frustration before gently moving the one on her chest off, standing up and gathering her armor.

"SO...... Milky? Are we done here? Did you find out anything useful from your end? Because I think I'm ready to move on..... Hopefully if we do run into these strangers, they'll be better in the sack then premature ejaculation boy over there......" She muttered that last part to herself under her breath still agitated that she couldn't get off from it.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Gill raises an eyebrow, looking at how upset Milky got at him calling the shiny bits of junk... well, junk. Shrugging, he looks off into the forest, then back at her.
Well fine. If yew wan' da stuff, it's Century Opols fer each kilogram. Sorted mate." The only problem was Milky had no idea what Opols were - or if that was a lot to barter for.

The Headhunter didn't really pay attention to the other things Milky said, looking out into the forest. As they began to finish up, he glances at Half-Orc, then back out to the forest. "Don't fancy women, innit." He murmurs.

As the little Goblins began to finish up - and, promptly pass out - Gill stood, helping Milky up... despite the fact she was about a head taller than him. He nods up at the Half-Orc, then to the two women, pausing as he looked at Tiriaria.
"Yew missed some, lass. Nuff said, yeah?" He motions to his left ear, before turning to Milky.

"If yahr friends decide they needta kill us all, just make sure they're careful ov 'em Blackskulls. I fnk they're da ones what started dis all, innit." Gill says with a nod, before waving them off. "Now git. I don't need yew around 'ere causin' mawer green cocks."

[FtW have found that there are rumors the Blackskulls, whoever they may be, are behind this.]

[Translation Notes:]
Century: somehow, this means 100.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Milky would stare at him for long moments as she asked "What is an. . . Op-ols?" She sounded out the word hoping that he would understand what she had said.

The half-orc blinked as she said "Don't fancy women? So I could basically squeeze you into my chest and not have to worry about being molested or squeeze?" Milky's words were blunt and loud even as she looked at Gill, obviously not trusting his words all the way but also unwilling to test him on it before she slowly nodded as she said "Well, do you fancy men?" This was a bit more tactful as she lowered her voice to a whisper meant only for him to hear. If he admitted to it, and is not angry at her Milky looked honestly surprised at him admitting to it before she nodded confusedly. She felt a sudden timidity at such bluntness from Gill before she let out a breath of air before she whispered "Wel-well. There might a nice hunk of man meat at our village." She let it hang there hoping he'd come visit. A blatant attempt at getting him to come and visit.

Milky nodded her head in thanks to Gill before she stood up. Milky nodded as she said "Thank you then Gill. Come on Tiriara, Falisha. The strangers are up north, so were heading that way. As for the information, well I found out some information where there might be shiny rocks at but I'll go exploring for those on my own." She figured she didn't need to explain about the blackskulls since she was just told them herself.

(Action: Movement: North: :I)
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

"Whatever gets your jollies, Gill. I of all people am not one who can judge. Im not so interested in minerals as Milky; rather herbs, artifacts, glowing rocks, and lore. But we have found out what we came here to find, and thats what is most important. Is there anything.... vital... useful, or important you can tell us about these... Blackskulls? Race, abilities, strengths and weaknesses etc.? It would be most helpful in our dealings with them should we choose to take them down for you or try to find a peaceful solution. Either way we thank you for your previous assistance and further help you might be able to offer." She said sweetly patting and rubbing Gill's head.
Re: Forging the Way (Dia) (Temp: Firebane, Tenta)

Tiriaria tried to get the rest of the cum off of her face as best as she could.
She then followed Milky to the north where the strangers should be.
"next time I'm gonna try to find an other way to get information" she said to herself when the three where out of hearing range from the goblins.