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Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Leo blushes, his face turning red as she squinted at Deloris."Del, it's been a while," The hunter murmurs, rubbing his arm. She was afraid the man had lost his spark, before he grins, winking at her, "As if you'd want me to put a shirt back on. Don't lie, now; that'd just be rude." Laughing, he walks up to the woman, giving her a hearty slap on the shoulder, "I'll stay between you and any of these 'ogre' thingies you're talking about."

[Little bit of RP, or go off looking for your Nem- I mean, person of interest?]
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Del chuckles, before punching Leo in the shoulder unable to contain her smile any longer. That's Great, because I'm already tired. Come on, lets go find whoever was stupid enough to wander out here alone. I don't like this one little bit, we can catch up while we look, it's been awhile. she said, wandering back out of the village. Who would be so foolish, honestly.

We can do both, ya idjit.
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

"I dunno if she's really all that dumb, Del," Leo says, following after the Descendant towards her little hut Southwest of the village, "I wasn't around when she stopped by, but the Elder thought pretty highly of her - that pig Kayakan didn't even say anything crass about her. That has to mean something, right?"

[Current Position: -1, -1]

Arriving at the clearing, Del was surprised to see not only all ogres dead - but no sign of the person that had caused the damage. One of the ogres had literally been split in two - the big(ger), slow(er), stupid(er) one. The other was missing it's head; who knows where it went.

The worse part, however, was Deloris' destroyed hut. It must have been the ogres, as the two bodies weren't too far away from it. Leo wanders over, looking on the carnage in awe.

"I thought you only killed one..."

[Perception Checks for the next round:]
Del: 2 + 9 = 11
Leo: 13 + 6 + 4 (Hunter) = 23

[Unknown]: 13 + 15 = 28


[Shuddup Bobby, you're dead anyways. D:]
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Del snorted in mild amusement at Leo's statement before they found her home, or... What was left of it. Looking around carefully, Del didn't see anything, other then the obvious carnage, holding up a hand to silence Leo. I did only kill one you idjit. Someone else did this... But... who.

Del waited several more minutes, not moving, before slowly wandering to dig through the wreckage of her house, looking for the few precious things she still owned. Most notably a small silver hand mirror, a gift from her mother. She hoped it was still here.

Keep your eyes open Leo, I don't like this, not one little bit.
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

"Was it that little bastard Hctib that did them in?" Leo asks with a grin. Hctib's attitude was well known to the village, usually causing so much trouble it just wasn't even worth keeping him around. Still, when he realized the stern attitude Del had taken, Leo decided to stop teasing her about the imp, and began to look for what might have killed the ogres, keeping his eyes open.

Del's shanty was completely demolished, the wood splintered and totally beyond repair. Her bed mat was torn apart, and the small chest that held her valuables was crushed open, the contents in it (most clothing) ripped apart or broken in some way. While they weren't the highest end when it came to clothes, Del still felt a twinge of sorrow at the loss of her possessions. It would do nothing to mourn over the clothes, though, and it certainly wouldn't help the missing girl. She stands and gets Leo's attention; but as the Hunter looks over, he jumps, pointing behind her.

"Holy Aedus, behind you!" He shouts. Del spins around, expecting to see a horrible monster... but instead, finds a woman - probably the one she was looking for. She was a half-elf, judging by the pointed ears, sticking out just beneath her long, flowing, brown hair. She seemed to be studying Del with bright, golden brown eyes that seemed to glow. She was wearing leather armor - nothing too thick, but it looked like could (and had) survive a few blows.

"...Deloris?" She asks after a few moment, her eyes flicking up to meet Del's.
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Deloris was... disappointed, that her belongings had been destroyed, being that they amounted to what little she had to herself, and when she found the shattered remains of her mirror, she cast it away, hiding the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes before Leo's shout pulled her from her own sorrow.

Looking back, she raised an eyebrow at the person standing behind her, a half elf woman, a beautiful woman no less with long brown hair and softly glowing amber eyes that nonetheless made her shiver slightly when they raised to meet hers.

Hearing the one word question, but still not sure, or assuming this was the person they were after, Deloris only raised her eyebrow higher. Yea, We're here to bring you back to the village, chasing out after me was foolish, it was only right I come out to make sure you're okay, Leo was kind enough to join me as I'm rather tired, though I see the ogre issue has been handled... You know my name, what's yours. She said, backing up slowly.