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Flame Out (CourageWolf)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Del's mom was the greatest mage the village had seen: there were many nights that her fire magic pushed back the darkness; cooked meals for the harvest feasts; or even roasted enemies where they stood.

It's been several years since she was taken, and the village had learned to move on. This was largely in thanks to Del; not in the sense that she helped 'ease' the pain, per say - not in the traditional sense, at least. With her bumbling, Pekol-may-care attitude, they quickly found the novelty of having the great fire mage's daughter wear thin. She's recently taken to staying outside the village, only come when called - or she really needs a meal. Like... today, of all days.

[Current Position: Outside Village -1, -1]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
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Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Why did Del care about what the Village thought of her, they'd made it pretty clear that she'd never measure up to her mother how many times now? Too bad, but at least food was still available, and maybe the harassment wouldn't be all that taxing today. Who knew. Sighing loudly and looking around at the trees, Del beckoned to her friends, the imps, and gave them all a kiss on the head before sending them on their way.

They were always kind to her at least, they understood her better then other people did, and it was these funny little creatures she spent most of her time talking to. Sometimes she was even lucky enough to meet one who knew her mother as a person, and not as some kind of legend on a pedestal. Shouting at the sky and pulling on her hair, the frustrated woman, her stomach growling rather loudly at her, started towards the Village, determined NOT to get into trouble today... maybe...
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Del had chosen to live outside the village after setting the last Elder's hair on fire; at least, she kept telling herself that was the real reason why - nothing to do with her Dual Heritage. Thankfully, her little hidey-hole was far enough away from the village that she didn't have to worry about people poking about and finding her practicing her true magic.

When the flare went off from the village, she had just awoken from her sleep, and the sky was still colored beautiful hues of orange and red, greeting the Descendant who lived closest to Pekol. As she prepared to get ready, she was greeted with a rather unpleasant discovery: New creatures in the woods.

As she left the little hut she had built, Deloris looks up - and spots a hulking frame near the edge of her clearing. It was humanoid, three heads taller than the Descendant; It had blue skin and a bulbous stomach, with two small horns poking out of it's bald head, just above it's ears. It was probably a male, as it had some sense of decency, his loins covered with a large cloth tied at the sides, and a large piece of leather draped over his right shoulder and half his chest. The worst part was the large sword it held in one hand; it was too big for Deloris to even think of hefting with two hands, and this creature treated it like a tooth pick! Curling his lips back, it grins at her with yellow teeth, some of which were missing...

"'Ello, poppet," The creature grunts. Del's about to lunge forward and attack, when movement to her sides catches her off guard: Two more creatures. They didn't wear anything but a loin cloth, and one only seemed to be rubbing it's knuckle; the other was carrying a large mace, which he held over his shoulder, glaring at Deloris with bright red eyes.

"Get 'er'," The one with the mace says.

[Distance: The Ogres are all exactly 8 Meters away from Deloris to the North, East, and South. Her back (the west) is the Cabin.]

[Initiative Rolls:]
Deloris: 16 + 9 = 25 [1st]
Ogre 1: 10 + 8 = 18 [2nd]
Ogre 2: 5 + 8 = 13 [3rd]
Ogre Brute: 5 + 5 = 10 [4th]

BP: 18/18, PP: 17/17, MP: 90/90
Unarmed: d4+1
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 2
Ogre 1:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Migitation: 7 (20 Durability)
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1

[GM's Helpful Hints!: You're faster, and they're dumb. You can summon one imp at a time, but that's still a great boon.]
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

And... There was the flare. That meant she could trade being helpful for foo... WHAT IN THE GODS NAME WAS THAT SMELL!? "I know I'm in a swamp, but come on~ It didn'.... O... Hello. What were those. They were big. At least they were dressed, and they could speak as well. Get er. Well, if Del was any kind of genius she knew that was probably meant to be Get Her.

Starting to move, Del smiled sweetly at the three ogres, deciding they all got one chance to live, but in honesty, she was in a lousy mood and killing would sour her stomach pretty badly. As she moved to put some more distance between herself and all 3, they'd probably notice her hand glowing, and the loud slap of said glowing hand upon the trunk of a tree, the bark blackening where she touched it, before one of her friends kinda... poofed, into existence. She'd seen other people summon Imps before, like her mother, and it was always some kind of impressive flaring magicy thing, but hers... just.. Pop! and a little cloud of smoke, and her little big eared leathery friends would be there. And here he was!

Looking at the Imp, Del pointed at the ogres. "Bad Men."

Full movement, Summon. Summon (Imp) 30MP
Movement will be 1 meter to the East, 1 meter to the South.
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Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

[Hctib's Initiative:]
10 + 4 = 14 [3rd]

Del takes a few quick steps, moving East, then South. Summoning Hctib Elttil was getting easier all the time, the leather imp appearing in a cloud of smoke. He coughs, flapping the smoke away from his face, as the brown little guy stuck out his tongue.

"What the hell, Deloris?! I was hip deep in some succubus, and- what smells like Stoneback dung?" He blinks, looking around, quickly spotting the large ogres advancing on them. As Del pointed out they were bad guys, he rolls his eyes, glaring at her.

"No shit. The big guys with clubs and swords are the bad guys? An intelligent one you ain't." Despite his protests, Hctib hands quickly a lit in flame, chattering angrily as he prepares. The ogres themselves seem to move slow, grunting with each step...

[The Ogre to the North moves 2 Meters south, putting him at 7 Meters from Deloris.

The Ogre to the East moves 1 Meter Southwest, and 1 Meter to the West, and is 4 Meters from Deloris.

The Ogre Brute moves 1 Meter Northeast, putting him 6 Meters from Deloris.

Hctib Elttil starts 1 Meter to the East of Del.]

BP: 18/18, PP: 17/17, MP: 60/90
Unarmed: d4+1
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 2

BP: 12/12, PP: 20/20, MP: 64/64
Damage Mitigation: 2
Magic Mitigation: 3
Knows all Fire spells.
Ogre 1:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Migitation: 7 (20 Durability)
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1
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Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Yea yea! Less talking, more fighting Deloris shot back at the imp as she continued to backpedal, putting more distance between herself and her opponents, before her hair started to stand on end like an angry cats. Chuckling to herself, she held out a finger and said quietly, Bang. And a tiny streamer of electricity shot out of her finger towards the creature nearest to her, the eastern most creature.

While this seemed to do next to nothing in and of itself, it was a spell that she had been practicing for awhile now, and that little streamer had violently unbalanced the electrical charge of the ogre with that of the sky above. While she didn't know the exact workings involved, she did know what this little streamer caused when she invoked the name of her true god. It was going to get very interesting here in a moment...


If Deloris house is to the west, she will be moving away from all the ogres present before using this spell. So it would be another 2 meters to the west now around the side of her home.

After Movement, Use Lightning Strike. Summoning an attack from Raiden himself, the Descendant calls lightning down onto their opponent, dealing d16 damage, and stunning them for d3 rounds.
MP Cost: 14; Magic Level: 2. Range: 10 meters.
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Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Deloris casts Lightning Strike:
Spell: 2 + 20 = 22 vs. 11 + 5 = 16. Hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 - 1 = 7. Ogre 2 BP: 36/43
Stun: 3 rounds.

Ogre 1 moves 2 Meters southwest.

Hctib Elttil casts Firelance at Ogre Brute:
Spell: 5 + 8 = 13 vs. 17. Miss.

Ogre 2 is stunned.

Ogre Brute moves 1 Meter Northwest.

Deloris' tracer hits the Ogre in front of her - and with a bright flash, the creature stops in his tracks, his entire body trembling as smoke rises form his body. The Descendant grins as she back-tracks away from him - but trips over Hectib in the process. The Imp had been preparing a spell, which went extremely wide.

"MAFUNA SUSA KAHS A DEL!"" She had no idea the language Hctib was spouting at her - but it was definitely some sort of swear. After he was finished stomping and kicking dirt at her, the little imp let out a huff of air, glaring at the Brute. "This is the standard 'Stay here, get your ass kicked while I run away' tactic, right?!"

BP: 18/18, PP: 17/17, MP: 46/90
Unarmed: d4+1
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 2

BP: 12/12, PP: 20/20, MP: 54/64
Damage Mitigation: 2
Magic Mitigation: 3
Knows all Fire spells.
Ogre 1:
BP: 36/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Migitation: 7 (20 Durability)
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 43/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1
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Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Del was almost a little shocked at how powerful the strike was, and she grinned right before she tripped over the Imp. Looking at Hctib Elttil, she sighed. Shut up and come on! The plan is we both Run, and we stop anyone that gets too close! Now move it! Del practically shouted, now angry as she scrambled to her feet and started moving as quickly as she could.

She was annoyed, because she couldn't just run to the northwest, towards the safety of the village with so many opponents in the way, if they got their hands on her, this was over. But now the ogre to the east was at least, temporarily not something to worry about. And when you were running, you didn't stop to ask "Where" You just ran. She could circle back and head towards the village if and when this was taken care of.

I've only got so much power to use left Hctib, but between the two of us, we should be able to keep them off our backs, now you can run, or ride on my back, or I can carry you, I don't care but for the love of the gods RUN! She yelled as she headed west, the only clear route at the moment, and the only real way she could go without risk...

Full on retreat to the west.
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Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Deloris moves 2 meters West.

Ogre 1 moves 2 Meters Soutwest.

Hctib moves 2 Meters West and casts Fire Lance at Ogre 1:
17 + 16 = 33 vs. 13 + 5 = 18. Hit.
Damage: 5, on fire for 3 rounds.
Ogre 1 BP: 37/43

Ogre 2 is Stunned (Round 2/3)

Ogre Brute moves 1 Meter Northwest.

"Whatever! I'm happy as long as we fuck around again!" Hctib shouts. Without warning, he runs up behind Del, leaping onto her back, quickly scrambling up her clothes until he had seated himself on the humans shoulders, his crotch right behind her head. Grabbing onto some of her hair with one hand, he pointed, kicking her shoulders. "Giddyup!"

As Del took off to the West, she spotted the other blueish ogre, starting towards her. He'd be able to head her off soon! Before she could do anything about it, Hctib cast a firespell, which splashed across the creature's broad chest; it growls, but still continues on, glaring at her with bright red eyes...

BP: 18/18, PP: 17/17, MP: 46/90
Unarmed: d4+1
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 2

BP: 12/12, PP: 20/20, MP: 44/64
Damage Mitigation: 2
Magic Mitigation: 3
Knows all Fire spells.
Ogre 1:
BP: 37/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Large Stone Sword: 3d5 + 3
Damage Migitation: 7 (20 Durability)
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre 2:
BP: 36/43, PP: 13/13, MP: 20/20
Speed: 2
Swinging Fists: 3d4 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 5
Magic Mitigation: 1

Ogre Brute:
BP: 30/30, PP: 12/12, MP: 4
Speed: 1
Freakin' Huge Stone Mallet: 4d6 + 3
Damage Mitigation: 6
Magic Mitigation: 1
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Hctib wasn't the only one to do something about the ogre that was now entirely too close, but rather then the accelerated version of the spell she had used before, this one needed the full incantation. Running, with an imp on your back riding you like a pony tended to do that, and it was with the annoyed shout of Raiden! on her lips, after a good deal of muttering a great deal more during her running, that the same spell came into existence against the other ogre.

She didn't need to keep this one occupied for long, just long enough, and striking the big blue idiots with lightning seemed to do the trick. So sadly, she was unable to reply to Hctib's annoying prod about something she could barely remember, though she swore she was going to smack him upside the head later...

Don't. Stop. Running. End of the move, Lightning Strike D16 Damage, Stun D3 Rounds, MP cost 14. 32MP remaining.
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Deloris moves 2 meters West and casts Lightning Bolt at Ogre 1:
7 + 20 = 27 vs. 19 + 5 = 24. Hit!
Damage: 8 + 4 - 1 = 11. Ogre 1 BP: 22/43
Stunned: 2 rounds

Ogre 1 is stunned. (Round 1/2)
DoT: 2 + 4 = 6. Ogre 1 BP: 16/43. (Round 1/3)

Hctib moves 2 Meters West and casts Fire Lance +1 at Ogre 1:
20 + 16 = 33 vs. 19 (Autofail)
Damage: (4 + 1 + 4) * 2 = 18. Ogre 1 Dies.

Ogre 2 is Stunned (Round 2/3)

Ogre Brute moves 1 Meter Northwest.

As there's no way possible the Ogres can catch up to Deloris now, she escapes.

"Del! Del! Right!" Hctib shouts, pulling on Deloris' hair as she keeps moving. The girl lets out a yelp, but comes to a stop, her spell lancing through the air and touching the Ogre. There was a bright flash, and Raiden himself 'blessed' the Ogre, the beast standing in the clearing with smoke rising from his body, the little hair on his body standing on end. "Atta girl, Del! Now, my turn..."

Del feels Hctib grow hot, his entire body steaming... Del quickly covered her ears, realizing this was going to be a big one for such a small little Imp! "Tē āga yupī!" Hctib screams, before a stream of fire flies from his finger tips, engulfing the ogre once more! It quickly covers the creature's body, unable to move, unable to scream, as the fire crawls around him... But, as Hctib's spell faded, the Ogre, now much more bone than flesh, fell to it's knees, then over completely, dead.

"GOGOGOGOGO!" Hctib shouts, kicking Del's shoulders. The mage realized they were still in a battle, and took off, sprinting into the thicker forests and away from the Ogres!

[Del Wins! She gains 20 EXP (10 from Ogre 1, Multiplied by 2 for Ingenuity).

Her current position is -2, -1]

BP: 18/18, PP: 17/17, MP: 32/90
Unarmed: d4+1
Damage Mitigation: 3
Magic Mitigation: 2

BP: 12/12, PP: 20/20, MP: 24/64
Damage Mitigation: 2
Magic Mitigation: 3
Knows all Fire spells.
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

What? AH! Del shouted in annoyance as Hctib yanked her to the side, though it turned out he had the situation not only well in hand, but with more then a little extra sizzle as what was a threat turned into nothing more then the desicated remains of one of her assailants.

Kicking her shoulders like the annoying little bastard he was, Del wasn't in much of a mood to argue and took off at a dead sprint, now able to put safe distance between her and the remaining two. Talk about bad days, but thankfully she'd somehow come out of this one relatively unscathed, but tired, as she was sure Hctib was as well. Stopping to rest after she was certain she'd put considerable distance between her and them, Del flopped down, her back to a tree, panting raggedly from the run.

Ooooo Shit, that was too close, thanks for the assist, though if you ever mention that night again, so help me I will brain you. Now get off my head. You've got working legs. She said, glancing up at the diminutive little... well... Imp, before facepalming rather hard, and not expecting Hctib to listen to her in the slightest.

Back to business though, Village popped a flare just before dumb, dumber, and charbroiled stupid showed up, so we need to head that way, and given the amount of excitement, I'd much rather you stuck around until I was safely behind real walls. I'm about outta power and summoning you again would leave me next to drained.

Standing slowly, and stretching her sore legs, Deloris had to think a moment about where exactly she'd wound up, before heading in the right direction, at least she knew the area well enough to handle that much. Walking at a more sane pace now, Del started to trudge back, wondering what the people wanted of her this time, and whether she'd be able to pull it off, Hell, the news that there were 2 ogres left stomping around the area, and probably more elsewhere would get the Elders' attention at least. And maybe someone more suited to the problem could handle it... Because she sure as hell couldn't, not alone... Pulling on her hair, Del swore loudly, She HATED asking for help!
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

[This roll is for Deloris moving 1 Kilometer West.]

Deloris starts off towards the village; on her way, however, she comes across a small pond. It wasn't very much, but it was just enough to take to the village and help with their reserves.

[+2 water for the village. C'MON DELORIS. YOU CAN DO BETTER. D: ]

[Current Position: -1, 0.]

[This roll is for Deloris moving 1 Kilometer Northeast.]

...And thankfully, the Descendant was able to redeem herself, finding some low-hanging fruit, as well as some water reserves, apparently just abandoned by their Kobold handlers. She spotted the canine tracks heading further West, but it was no concern to her.

[+3 to Water and food for the village.]
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Now calmed down, as she walked through the forest, Hctib still seated on her shoulders, Del properly relaxed and started whistling as they made their way towards a place she still didn't like calling Home... But her home was now the stomping ground for big blue idiots, and she was rather fond of not getting smacked around with giant clubs, and who knew what else... She really didn't want to think about it...

It was probably her musing about things that cost her when she noticed a decent amount of water, and even some food that she could haul back, they had shot up the flair after all, and now she was late, it would look a little better if she came back with something rather then empty hands and a growling stomach.

besides, the less grief she got, the better, and Hctib was probably going to bitch and moan the next time he was summoned as well, but at least he could get back to his succubus when they hit the village, maybe the little bastard would be in a better mood. Still, She appreciated the fact that he stayed with her for the time being.
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

As the village came into sight, Hctib lets out a long, drawn-out sigh. He kicks off her shoulders, plopping onto the ground and stretching.

"Alright. You're back, and I have some slutty succubi and an orgy or something." He points at her, squinting, "You don't call me unless you're willing to do the same. Again. Got it?" He asks with a grin; and, with a high pitched laugh, bursts into flames, disappearing and leaving Del there. As she heads into the village, not quite understanding why he meant 'an orgy, again' (After all, she had only... done that... with Hctib), she's surprised to see the village elder out and about with some of the other villagers - and he seemed fairly surprised to see her.

"Deloris, my dear," He had never called her Del, "I didn't know our friend would find you so soon. Are you alright?"

...Wait. Someone went to look for her?
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Don't tell me... you didn't. O dear.... I really hope whoever you sent looked in the wrong places, because I was driven out of my home by Ogres. 3 of them, I got 1 as I ran away, but that's still 2 left... I saw the flare though, and I brought some food and water for everyone. Deloris said, raising an eyebrow as she set the assorted goodies down for others to collect and handle.

Though now she was curious... they sent someone looking for her? What the hell for? she answered the flare, like she always did, why would they? Hrm...

Though, now I have to wonder. Why did you send the flare up? And why would you send someone after me? I'm a big girl... Bleh, nevermind. What can I help you with? Deloris finished, tucking her hands behind her and smiling. Keep in mind, I'm a little drained from the ogres, but if it's something simple I'm sure I could help...
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

"Well, we didn't send her after you," The Elder smiles,"I couldn't dissuade her, even though it usually takes you a little while to reply to the flare - she wanted to know where you were at. As for the other business..." He simply shrugged, "The other Descendants have taken off after I gave a speech. I was hoping you'd be here, but, sadly, you were late once more. Maybe you could find the woman who went looking for you?"
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Deloris sighed, looking as tired as she felt and shook her head. That would be a terrible Idea Elder, I'm tired after running from 3, and killing 1 Ogre, i'd more likely be a liability out there, But yes. I'll go look. What direction did she head off in? I'll head that way as fast as I can. She said, taking the time to stretch, twisting and popping her back.

Well, whoever had gone out to look for her was an idiot. That was certain, and when she found them... stern talking to, Very stern. because she couldn't properly rest and recuperate without a full nights sleep and her normal rituals and prayers.

After she had gotten the direction from the Elder, or whoever else offered the information, Deloris did what her mother would have, she tried to help despite being tired and hungry and honestly pissed off. And understandably nervous about going out again... Those stupid Ogres, she could probably outrun them again, but what about something faster? She was too drained for a real fight....

On a whim she added a second thought. If there's anyone else willing to lend me a hand, I'd appreciate it...
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

The Elder looked about as the group around Del didn't really offer any sort of help to the woman. After several silent, and very painful seconds, he smiled sadly at the girl."Im so sorry, Deloris... but I doubt any of us would be much hel-"

"I'll go," Comes a voice from the back of the small group. The elder turns to stare at the voice, his calm smile remaining the entire time. From the throng of people steps a young male hunter, holding his spear at his side. After a few moments, he nods at Del.

[Leo, Dedicated Hunter]

"Ah... Leo. If you feel you can truly help this Descendant, instead of helping the village..."

"I do," The man says, flexing his muscles as he walked towards Del, standing next to her. The Elder looks between the two of them, but nods his head after a few moments, smiling as he rubs his hands together.

"Well. I hope for great Bounty over this union." With that, the Elder and his group of disciples began to leave, leaving Leo and Del alone.
Re: Flame Out (CourageWolf)

Del wasn't surprised by the silence, and honestly she held her tongue, not judging them over much for their attitude towards her, it wasn't all that surprising. She'd once tried to make the argument to those she had helped in the past, and each time they had simply reminded her of all the trouble it had caused in the end. It was a wonder she answered these flares at all... Not really, she cared a great deal for the Elders and her mother's memory. She tried her best.

However, when someone actually spoke up and walked out to join her... She had to do a double take before grinning and cocking her hips a little. "Little Leo~? For the gods sake put a shirt on at least. Del teased, smiling despite the heavy air around the villagers. It was this way every time she returned really, it was why she lived out in the surrounding area. Too bad her hut was probably smashed to shit now.

Nodding and accepting the help anyway, Del nodded to the Elder and turned, heading out to look for this person who had apparently, and foolishly went searching for her.