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Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

Daniel's mind tried to wrap itself around the strange new lifeless sensations, his futile breathing, the stillness of his heart, and the coldness of his body. Everything about it suggested he was some kind of zombie from all those b-horror movies he'd seen.

The weirdest thing about Daniel's predicament was that he didn't feel dead. Far from it, Daniel felt more alive than ever before. Daniel's hearing was so acute that he could hear not just the crunch of leaves under his feet, but the restless fluttering of an owl way up in the trees. He could even see the creature up there grooming itself before looking down to hoot at him. Despite the blanket of darkness that covered the fairmount forest, Daniel could see plain as day. His legs felt powerful, stalking through the forest like the king of the night. He knew that he could break into a run at a moment's notice just like the flash. Daniel was dead but also very much alive. He was a predator, the apex of the forest, at least as far as he knew.

Not much of that mattered right now, considering the crushing hunger in his gut. Daniel needed to feed, and he knew it. Just then, Daniel sensed what he needed was near. There was a fire, and someone was cooking something in it. Turning toward the smell, Daniel saw the campfire not far away. He could smell the meat and marshmallows roasting over the fire, but oddly enough, he had little interest in the roasting food. His mind was far more interested in the three people laughing as they cooked their meal, blissfully ignorant of the predator in their midst. He could feel the beast inside him howling with glee. It wanted to get its paws all over those innocent people, to gorge on their delightfully sweet blood. However, the closer Daniel got to the campfire, the more uncomfortable he and the beast became. The dancing flames filled him with dread, as if they might reach out and snuff him out in an instant. His meal was so close, yet so far with the terrifying flames just as near.
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

It was something out of a dream. He didn't need to breath, but at the same time he felt more alive than ever, his reflexes and senses above and beyond what he'd had when he'd passed out in Miranda's cavern. He was moving through the woods like it was easy, and he'd seen enough bad things happen to people that just ran through the woods at night in his favored sort of films to know that that shouldn't have been possible... Not without losing an eye to a random branch or dropping into a stream or burrow that he hadn't seen at least, but he could see like it was the middle of the day and moved through the woods as if he'd been doing so for his entire life. What could have caused this? How was he doing it? As he moved his ind raced, going over his last memories before he'd fallen unconscious again and again. He'd been carried off by that woman in black, taken to her lair... Her bear-guarded lair, and tossed onto her bed. He'd been pronounced dead on the news (how the fuck did she get reception out in the woods!?) and then she'd climbed on top of him, and... Wings had sprouted from her back. Yes, wings. It had definitely been wings. And then, she'd held him down, and leaned in, and.... Bit him. On the neck. That was when it got fuzzy, he vaguely remembered some words coming from her bloodied lips, and then... Her blood. She'd fed him her blood. What did that mean?

What had she... No. No, it wasn't possible. But... They weren't real! 'Vampires aren't fucking real! There's no way... But I... And this...'

"Ahhhh, what the fuck..." Daniel grumbled aloud, his voice barely above a growl.

Light, real light rather than the light of moon and star by which he'd been navigating up until then, appeared suddenly up ahead. The way that it flickered meant a fire, and it was only then that he realized that he'd smelled it well before seeing it and had simply trusted his instincts to guide him there. He approached, the sounds of voices and laughter ringing far too clearly while the scent of marshmallows and fresh meat cooking over a fire played through his nose, strangely uninteresting despite the ravenous hunger that was gnawing at him. Soon enough Daniel was in range to look into the campsight, and the three people sitting around the campfire there, and the mere sight of them caused the beast within him to rise with glee, his hunger singing for him to rush in and tear them apart and feast upon their blood. 'Christ... I really am....'

Something else kept him back however, and it took Daniel a second to realize what his beast was afraid of. The fire. It didn't like the fire. It represented a deadly threat, and something told him that it was more dangerous to him than it would be to a regular person. For a second he considered simply rushing forth and diving into the flames, the part of him that was still human wishing to end the monstrosity that he'd been transformed into, but the beast and his own very much alive sense of self preservation kept him from doing so. Not now, at least.

For a moment he stood in indecision, the internal battle playing itself out and then nothing as he stared into the camp in frustration, but eventually he worked up the willpower to shunt the beast as far into his subconscious as it would agree to go and stepped forward. Drawing in a breath as he stepped into the light, Daniel said in a voice that was supposed to be frightened and quivering but came out a low bestial growl; "Excuse me... I... I don't know what happened to me. I just... Woke up out here. I think I was drugged or something." The beast whined at that, but he knew that he needed blood... And that he didn't need to murder these three poor bastards to get it. If he could get one of them alone, maybe he could feed without killing them... Somehow.
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

Standing in the middle of the forest, just out of sight of the campers, Daniel focused on his battle with his inner demons. It took a lot of effort, so much that he felt a little tired, but eventually the beast slunk back into it's shadowy domain. Daniel could still sense it there, lurking, but it would let him remain in control for now. It laughed at Daniel when it realized his plan, mocking him, counting the seconds until it would re-take control. It was confident, but so was Daniel. It seemed Daniel had won the battle for now, but who would win the war? Only time would tell.

Around the campfire were three people, a guy and two girls, all three of them looking to be about college age, probably just out for a fun night in the woods, telling ghost stories. Little did they knew, the subject of their stories actually lurked behind them in the woods.

The girl with brown hair and a beanie was the first to see Daniel. She screamed and pointed at him, terrified. Just the scream made her friends jump, the girl next to her with darker hair and an Iron Maiden cami went pale when she saw him, clinging to her screaming friend. "Oh my god! Matt! Look!"

Matt looked scared too but got up to stand between Daniel and the two girls, his hands up, waving around in a gesture of peace. "O-Okay Steph, Kelsey.... Yo man.... Yoooooo.... We don't want any trouble, man. We're just camping, man. Man.... We.. Holy shit, what happened to you? You look like you climbed out of the grave, man!!"

Matt, the... dude.

Steph, the clinger

Kelsey, the screamer
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

'That's right, fuck you inner demons!' Daniel thought silently as he stepped out into the light, trying (and likely succeeding given how confused he genuinely was) in looking as disoriented as possible. Of course, the girl screaming at him very nearly made Daniel panic, but he managed to get himself together and keep his calm, only looking startled and keeping the beast contained. He carefully kept his distance and held up his hands in what was hopefully a non-threatening gesture, concentrating as much on them as he did on the fire that seemed to frighten the monster inside of him, but when the man stepped between him and the two girls Daniel's full attention swiveled onto him in a manner that left even him frightened.

"I don't want any trouble either! And I look like I just came out of the grave because I just DID!" he snapped sharply at the young man, letting impatience bordering on anger show in his voice. He paused and closed his eyes, and clutched at his head dramatically. These were just kids, even younger than he was by at least a few years, and they were probably scared out of their minds. Opening his eyes again, he continued; "I think somebody tried to kill me. The last thing I remember... Was some weird chick, and then... I think somebody left me out here in the woods! They buried me, but did a shitty job since I managed to crawl my way out. Where.... Where am I?"
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

"Y-you did? What the..." Matt looked from Daniel to the girls then back again, confusion dominating his features until Daniel clarified himself. "Holy shit! You're right man! Somebody must have tried to bury you alive!! Oh man! This is so intense! Wow... a killer on the loose during our camping trip? And some crazy bitch too huh? Word..."

Matt was still pondering the bogusness of these events as Steph, the darker haired girl with the iron maiden shirt and light blue jeans, got up to approach Daniel, a worried expression on her face. "Are you okay?" She asked, touching his arm. When she felt it, she flinched, her eyes widening in concern. "Oh my god! You are so cold... you must be freezing to death. Do you feel anything at all?" She asked as she pressed her body to his, trying to warm him with her body heat. "Does this help at all? I ummm... saw it in a movie. Guys we need to find a doctor or something! I think he's dying!"

Happy birthday :)
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

"The crazy bitch presumably WAS the one that tried to kill me," he snapped at the man, strangely annoyed by his slowness despite that everything he was saying was, to one degree or another, a lie. "Uhh... At least that's what I remember.... I'm not even sure..." he added, passing off his sudden uncertainty as simply being dazed. The sudden approach of the darker haired girl caused Daniel to tense invisibly, every step that she took toward him causing the monster inside of him to take more interest in what was happening, and her question was answered with a surprised; "I... I'm not sure! I feel... I don't know, alright. Definitely weird."

He made no effort to stop her from touching his arm, and only then did he realize that he was still in his workout clothes, the black tank top and sweat pants filthy but recognizeable. 'At least the bitch didn't steal my clothes....' he thought snidely but then the girl's reaction and subsequent... Cuddling? That was as close a word as he could think to come up with for it, and it normally would have inspired a fairly animalistic reaction in him. She was, after all, apparently a fan of his favorite band, or at least a casual follower of some sort.

An animalistic reaction was what he got, but it wasn't the sort of one he would have expected. No rush of blood went down to his loins, and instead he felt his urge to open his mouth and sink his fangs into her throat rising with every second of contact. He fought down that urge, but the struggle became harder by the second, and as such he was unable to process her words until a few seconds had passed. "Uhhh... I can... Feel some things, but a lot of me is still pretty numb... I just thought it was the drugs..." he said dazedly, forcing his arms to remain at his sides while he fought down the urge to be the monster that ate the cute girl first.

Thanks! :)
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

"You poor thing. I think I know what would help..." Steph frowned in concern, her fingers brushing down Daniel's arm until lacing between his own, trying to pull him along with her even as Matt continued to pace back and forth. "Standing by the nice, toasty fire!" Steph exclaimed enthusiastically.

Looking at the fire again terrified the beast inside Daniel, squealing in terror in his mind. Each tip of the flames was like a demonic hand reaching out to strangle him, each little spark like bomb threatening to explode. The closer her got to the fire, the more the beast clawed at his mind, trying to take control. It was one thing to disagree on hunting methods, but Daniel could tell that the beast was not about to go along with toasty snuggles with the fire demons!

Meanwhile, Daniel suddenly noticed a pale woman with short black hair and red lipstick, curiously watching him from behind a thicket of trees and bushes not far away. Something deep inside him told Daniel that this woman wasn't human. She was someone like himself, but he also knew she wasn't Miranda either.

Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

Fire. The very idea of getting closer to it was uniquely terrifying, and Daniel got the impression that if he got too close and caught a spark on his skin, he would go up like a pile of dry tinder. "Ggg... Gah! No! No fire!" he stuttered in fright before he could stop himself, freezing in place so that the girl tugging on him couldn't tug him closer to the deadly flames. All thoughts on the failure of his natural biology were discarded as the fear threatened to drive him mad again, intensifying the urge to grab the girl and sink his teeth into her pale, delicate throat.

It was only then that he noticed another person there, in the woods. The woman was unnaturally pale, and he knew instinctively that it wasn't the result of an elaborate makeup job. She was like him. How he was now. Daniel had no idea how he knew, but quickly accepted the fact that he did. He pointed over in her general direction in a flight of panic, his mind working quickly but not as effectively in his fright, and said; "Wait! O.... Over there! Who's that!?"
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

"O-okay! No fire... geez are you like a pyrophobe or something?" Steph seemed a little freaked out by Daniel's reaction but didn't push it, instead taking a couple steps away from the strange campfire hating man, deciding it might be best to keep her distance. He could have rabies or something after all.

Steph might have said more, but Daniel's exclamation drew her attention, along with everyone else. The vampire woman disappeared before any of the humans saw her, but Daniel could sense she was still there. She had to be there somewhere. It had only been a few seconds. Something couldn't just disappear that fast, and Daniel was sure it wasn't an illusion. He just wasn't sure exactly where she was yet.

As Daniel surveyed the area, he found himself instinctively sniffing the air for any signs of foul creatures. He wasn't quite sure why he was doing that, but it was hard to pin down any particular scent. The scent of the humans and the urge to feed on them was overriding other smells for now. The other humans were getting frantic now too as the search continued fruitlessly, making their scent all the more sweet to the predator within his mind.

"W-what woman?" Steph asked nervously. "I didn't see any woman... did she look the bitch that attacked you?"

Matt was already pacing back and forth, frantically gesturing with his arms and looking all around. "Oh man.... She's coming man. She's coming man! Oh man... I just know it. She's here!"

Suddenly, there was a loud yelp, followed by eerie silence. To everyone's horror, they turned to find Kelsey, who no one had been paying much attention to, was gone. What's more, there was no sign of her kidnapper! The log she'd been sitting on was barren, almost completely undisturbed. It was like nothing had happened, but there was so sign of the brown haired girl at all.

"Oh god!" Matt screamed. "She took Kelsey! It's like the blair witch man! She's gonna pick us off one by one! It's like the fucking blair witch!"

"Sh-shut up Matt!" Steph cried out as she desperately looked for her friend, calling out to her when she found nothing. "Kelsey! Kelsey?! Can you hear me? Where are you?! Please say something..."

Just then, Daniel noticed a rustling in the bushes close behind where Matt was pacing back and forth. It was subtle and quiet, almost like something was purposely trying to be quiet, but Daniel was pretty sure something was there. Neither of the humans had noticed it yet...
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

That the woman vanished the very moment that he pointed her out was of no surprise to Daniel. It had only been a ploy to divert some attention from himself and provide a bit of time to recuperate from the strange fright that had arisen as a result of being brought closer to the open fire. He could still feel her nearby as the other people, understandably, panicked at the idea of a stranger lurking in the woods. Had he not already been too freaked out at his own condition to bother with it, he might very well have been right there with them, and as it was he kept a fairly level head as the kids started flailing about. "It totally did!" he said at Matt's prodding, trying to act frightened so as to add to his facade. Daniel didn't realize it yet, but he had started thinking and acting like a hunter, trying to divide and frighten his prey, and so far it seemed to be working.

The other girl being taken wasn't something he'd planned for, but when it did happen he was momentarily divided on it. What was left of his humanity was furious at the loss, while his hunger was angry over the loss of a potential meal, but his need to get the other two frightened to the point of irrationality was delighted at the opportunity that was offered. He risked a step closer to the other girl..... Steph? The one who had moved to try and warm him by the fire after hugging him, whoever she was. "Oh shit..... She's gone! She's gone!" he said, trying to sound as frightened as possible.

"We need to-" he started to declare, but then the soft rustling in the bushes silenced him, and his gaze snapped to it with a pensive stare as if he were a hound that had spotted its prey. Something was there, he was entirely sure of that, and whatever that something was, it might very well be dangerous. "There's something in the bushes!" he announced hurriedly, grabbing the remaining girl by the shoulders and pulling her away as he finished what he'd intended to say earlier; "We need to get out of here! Now! Do you have a car? A truck? Anything?"
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

"Everyone just calm down!" Steph shouted in frustration, flailing her arms around. Apparently having both Daniel and Matt freaking out was just too much for her. "If we just stick together, I think we..." Her voice cut off when she saw Daniel looking into the bushes, her eyes following his but neither of them could quite pick anything out. Steph, however, didn't have Daniel's supernatural senses and instincts that told her what the creature was.

The iron maiden girl followed Daniel when he pulled her along, but she offered some resistance at first, trying to tug them to a stop when Daniel asked for directions. "But... but... my sister, we have to save her!" Steph looked back and forth between Daniel, Matt, and the bushes, torn about what to do.

"Dude's right Steph," Matt said, running to their side. "She could already be dead... We've gotta run while we still can!"

"O-okay..." Steph decided finally, leading the group on a run through the wooded trails. The trio, with Steph in front to lead, Daniel in the middle, and Matt behind, ran through the dark woods for what felt like forever. Trees and bushes whisked past them like a blur. Although he might have been afraid or confused, the run was pretty easy for Daniel. He actually had to slow down quite a bit to led Steph lead the way. By the time they got to the parking lot and stopped in front of a banged up, old Corolla, Steph was doubled over to catch her breath. Daniel wasn't tired at all... and Matt was gone!

Having just realized it herself, Steph looked up in shock, fumbling with her keys. "Ahh... crap. Where's Matt...?"
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

Matt was making this entirely too easy. Just as Daniel was trying to come up with something to convince the girl in the Iron Maiden shirt to bail, his mind whirling to find something that was the right mix of panic and rationale, the man's panicked statement spurred the girl to move. 'Why am I doing this?' he thought to himself, a moment of clarity quickly being buried by the unnatural hunger that was gnawing at him so ferociously.

They moved quickly, albeit not as quickly as he might have liked. Just like before he'd found this group, he could somehow move impossibly quickly through the woods, as if he'd been there a hundred times before and it was broad daylight out, rather than a place he'd never been before and in the middle of the damn night. Not only that, but he was simply... Lighter, than he had been. Faster. Stronger too, though that hadn't been tested quite as rigorously.

He began to grow impatient during their trek through the woods. His efforts to appear frightened began to grow thinner and less enthusiastic, and despite his own utter confusion and fright began to grow irritable as the girl, Steph, took far longer than he liked in running from the campsite to their car. 'Why the fuck didn't they just set up camp near their car?' he grumbled inwardly, but then finally they found themselves at what he could only surmise was their vehicle, a battered up old car that he was surprised had taken all three there with all of their stuff. He wasn't even tired by the run, another surprise, but Steph apparently needed a moment to catch her own breath.

Unfortunately for her, Danie's beast wasn't looking to give her that moment. Now that he was away from the fire, Daniel could feel it squirming for control again, the hunger gnawing at his will. He spun toward her only to realize a moment after he should have that Matt was gone.... Simply gone. That frightened his beast as much as it did him, and for a moment Daniel just stood there and swept his gaze around in search of Matt while Steph fumbled for her keys.

Daniel's surprised fright didn't last long, however, and after a moment his hunger spurred him to abandon his scouring of the woods and spin towards Steph. "We need to get out of here!" he said in a harsh grunt, his tone urgent but his voice no less coarse than before. He stepped closer as he spoke, so that he was well within the girl's personal space, a spectral figure looming over her, and a hand settled onto one of her hips with a disturbingly strong grip as he looked down at her, his mouth watering and his eyes wide but dark.
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

Flaring his nostrils as he spun about, Daniel scanned the area for any signs of the missing boy, Matt. The new vampire couldn't see Matt anywhere, but he could sense that he was nearby. Blood was in the air. He didn't know for sure that it was Matt's blood, but it seemed likely - either that or the other girl, Kelsey. What Daniel did know was that it was hot, fresh, and intoxicating.

On the other hand, a human vial of potentially far more pleasing blood was standing right in front of him, struggling to open the door to her car. Daniel couldn't smell her blood just yet. It was still safely inside her body, but Daniel wouldn't have to fight another vampire over her either. The beast liked the idea that was for sure; easy prey is definitely the way to go when the hunger is so fierce.

"Ugh sorry, I got them now," Steph said in between heavy breaths, turning to look up at Daniel. Seeing him looming so close made her freeze instinctively, trying to step away from Daniel's strong grip. To the beast's delight, Daniel could practically hear the dark haired girl's heart race. Thumpthumpthump it when as Steph looked around frantically, then back to Daniel with a nervous expression. "Ummm hello? What are you doing? The passenger side is over there... Get in!"
Re: Fear of the Dark: Daniel Siegbert

The scent of blood in the air had Daniel's boiling with excitement, and the reactions of his prey only stoked the hunter's instincts that he had been forcibly gifted with. Passion reigned as the beast took over, its quarry and the slating of that maddening thirst so near at hand, and Steph would find herself completely unable to pull away from him as Daniel moved in. Her words of protest fell on deaf ears, and a moment after they were spoken Steph would catch a brief glimpse of gleaming fangs as his mouth opened wide, a quick hoarse hiss passing through his lips before they sealed against her neck.

The moment that his fangs pierced the young girl's flesh brought Daniel a rush of euphoria that was maddening all on its own, and every drop of fresh carmine that flowed from her pierced veins only served to make that sensation stronger. His arms closed around her, holding her in a tight embrace from which the human girl had no chance to escape as he fed on her sweet blood, the way he held her nearly affectionate even for its inhuman strength. His human mind rebelled at the pleasure that he took from the taste of her sliding down his throat, and had it been in control he might have been sickened, but now the beast was in control, and the most he could hope to do at that point was stop before he took too much from Steph for her to survive the feeding. Every furtive beat of her pounding heart, audible in his ears and now tasted on his tongue, was measured carefully that he might push himself to stop when it started to become weak, Daniel hoping against hope that he could pull his fangs away in time.