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Far from home (Kiriana)

Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil shook her head hurriedly, dropping one arm to push herself to her feet, and grab her fallen longsword. Sheathing it, the she-elf returned to guarding her breasts with both hands, blushing deep red. "Y-yes, come on, Kiri, let's... Let's get me decent, please..." she said softly, gazing at the ruined camp. "My hopes of finding anything worthwhile in there are low. It looks like that demon burnt the whole place down while I was..." she trailed off, staring miserably at her feet as the pair began to walk to the camp site.

Quickly they realised from their shifting amidst the burnt tents, that there were no clothing stores to be found. Scraps were here and there, but no whole shirts. Even the soldiers mail shirts had been rend apart, a few links of steel every now and again. Eventually, Arynythil sighed dejectedly, and picked up a decent sized scrap of tent, tying it around her ruined tunic. It was just big enough to cover the gap in both her front and back, with the exception of a bit of pale elf flesh in the small of her back showing.

Decent again, Arynythil looked down again, and said "Th-thank you, Kiri. I... You... I don't know. I don't know what to say, or what to do, but... I will stay with you, at least until I can figure out what's going on here. And then, maybe we can go together, somewhere safer. Another society, or something. Where's my bow...? I need to get it repaired..." she mused, mostly to herself for the last half of her speech.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri bowed her head slightly. "It would be best if I lit a fire, we found a place where there won't be as many bodies, and try to sleep in shifts. You should sleep first, I can keep watch. I just wished I had the strength to help more of these poor folks..." she added with a sigh. "And why don't we try the elves first for sanctuary? Even if they don't trust us anymore they can't turn us back at the gate without at least asking you some questions..."
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil nodded, and smiled weakly, "Of course, ahah, uh, I don't think... I don't think you should take first watch. I mean, you must be tired, and I've been... Resting... For, uh, a day now. Really, you should sleep first... You can't save everyone. For instance, I really doubt anyone could save these poor people now, unless one of their nearest and dearest is as powerful magically as you. What chance do you have of bringing them back without even having their names and faces, let alone all their body parts..." she explained sadly, drawing Kiri into a light, brief hug, before continuing. "As for going to Anlorien, I don't know. You... Forgive me, even though I can vouch for you, my kin will not let you enter any settlement there, not while you reek of that foul arcane taint. Besides, it is a long way there, and we have no supplies."

As the pair talked, they walked, and eventually settled in a clean spot, about fifty metres from the destroyed camp. The pair looked around for firewood, but there was none to have without going further to get to the forest in the distance. The only fire left was the occasional arcane blaze, and Arynythil refused to go near them.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri nodded a bit, setting up some rocks in a circle before setting some fire in it with her magic. It wasn't much, but should last a little while. "If you're sure, I don't want to impose..." she muttered, still flushed as she tried to lay down. "It may be best to think of these matters in the morning..."
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil smiled slightly, and patted Kiri's shoulder as she lay down. "Don't worry. I'll wake you up when I need to sleep." she murmured, before standing up again, and leaving the Viera to sleep, the firelight flashing across her form, and casting shadows across her face.


Throughout the night, Kiri's sleep was undisturbed as her dreams flowed free, and when she awoke, it was by her own accord. The sun was beginning to creep up over the horizon, bathing the grass beneath the pair in the pale glow of dawn. Arynythil was still standing, motionless, looking into the distance. The lack of sleep didn't seem to have bothered her, she was standing just as straight and tall as she always had. For now, she hadn't noticed that the viera was awake, too preoccupied with watching.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri yawned a bit as she awoke, stretching slightly. "Mornin Aryn- hey, are you ok? You seem pensive..." she asked as she slid up from the ground, making sure the fire is out with a short chant, causing some water to gather from the morning dew around them and splashing into the fire.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil jumped when Kiri spoke, and wheeled around, her sword flashing out in an instant. After a few seconds of staring wildly around, the she-elf looked down, and saw the newly-awoken viera. Sighing unhappily, she slowly returned the sword to it's sheath, and said "Oh... Good morning, Kiri. I'm... I'm fine... Just a little jittery, after, well, dying yesterday. I... I thought you looked so peaceful sleeping, so I didn't bother to wake you. Don't worry, I can go a few days without sleep."

Her voice was calm, as were her grey eyes, the elf was even smiling warmly as she knelt down to help Kiri up, but she did indeed seem rather apprehensive about something.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri gently rose and put an arm around Aryn. Calm down, you can tell me. I'm not going to hold you back from doing anything, but you can trust me. You're the first person here that seems to truly care of my well-being..."
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil's smile broadened, and she rested on Kiri's shoulder. "Yes... No no, wait. No, don't worry. I'm fine, really. I... I'm... I just, uh... I can't believe I'm the only person who is good enough to care for a woman in need? Uh, regardless. We need to think now. We can't stay here, Kiri. We need to know where to go. Human settlements will be... Relatively safe. At least they won't attack us on sight, they can't smell the taint on you like I can. Of course, if you want to go to the big city, I think it's called Eebin, or the other one to the north, Ciirtan, I think, then there will be other Fey who will be able to smell you, but there won't be much they can do. Otherwise, we can go to other kingdoms, but that's a long travel, last time I checked a map, our current position is more or less in the middle of this hell hole. Though... I certainly wouldn't mind getting a go back at that demoness, since... Well, wherever she went, I don't know, but..." she said calmly, scrunching up her fist near the end, and sighing, flicking her hair out of her eyes.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri sighed. "I really don't suggest we go to the demon realm. Not only is it really a one-way, I don't think she'll hold back if we trespass again. I rather not want to return to the afterlife..." she paused slightly, before saying, "It'd be best if we went to the nearest human settlement. Even if there is feyfolk, we could at least find a place to sleep and a place to hang our hats, so to speak. I could even try to replace this, get rid of at least some of the taint smell," she added, gesturing to her clothing.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil let go of Kiri, and reached behind her to tighten the scrap of cloth covering her bust. "Perhaps. Goddess knows I could do with some new clothes too, they carry the smell too, perhaps I do as well. I am sure with time it will fade, but... Yes, another matter, I am afraid, is money. These humans seem to believe in gold more than their Light, but I can hardly blame them. Their economy is hardly in a good state currently, but still..." she said, picking up the shoulder of her ruined tunic to sniff, and then wrinkle her nose at. "Yes. Well... I don't know. I think the nearest settlement is a little village on the road to Eebin, their capital. If memory serves it is right next to the major river which flows later through the city. It... It's to the east, yes." she continued, pointing towards the road a couple of hundred metres south of them, and then trailing her finger towards the horizon, where a smidgeon of smoke could be seen. Bumps to the north indicated the likely beginnings of the mentioned river, and Arynythil looked at them for a few seconds, then to the far south east, before back to the Viera, smiling.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

"Ya, Gil may be a problem I am sure...." Kiri said, though not noticing her mention her home currency. "Still, small town means less people to cause trouble, right?" she reasoned, her own face looking calmer. "I'm sure it's not that long of a walk, and we can live off the land until then."
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil shrugged slightly, and began walking. "You're right. It's not that long a walk, we should eat breakfast before we get there, because it'll be a few hours I think. I'm not entirely sure that fewer people is less trouble, but probably. Nevermind, do we want to make a detour into the forest to get some food, or just wait until we get into town?" she said softly, still gazing to the skies.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

"Might be best to forage or hunt first, better then reaching town only to realize we may be outta luck, right?" Kiri added, already following as she grabs a nearby bow and quiver of arrows, now decked out with most weapons she was trained in.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil only nodded, and smiled again, turning to begin the walk to the forest without another word. For the journey, which took the best part of an hour, the she-elf was silent, and even when they arrived upon the boundaries of the forest she kept quiet, scrounging around in the undergrowth, plucking fruits from trees, but totally ignoring the wild animals that ran about, leaving Kiri to her own preferences for food.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri followed behind the she-elf, quietly grabbing at berries an herbs as well, following the elf with her eyes as she took note what she grabbed. It'd help for her to know what wasn't poisonous anyway.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

After about twenty minutes gathering, both of the two had a decent sized armful of assorted plant-foods, and Arynythil sat under the shade of a tree to begin eating hungrily, and surprisingly messily for a race known for their etiquette and grace. A few splashes of juice were on the she-elf's face when she finished, which she wiped off with a hand, and then sucked up anyway, before sighing, and leaning back. "Forgive me, Kiri, but do you usually eat only fruits and things? I assumed so, but only because, well, you remind me of a rabbit, apologies." she said, blushing slightly as she relaxed, seeming almost to blend in with the undergrowth.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri giggled a bit at her question. "It's ok. We do hunt down animal game as well, but not as a main foodsource. I've been noticing you sticking to fruits as well, is that common for elves?" she asked inquisitively.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil shrugged, and laid back further, sliding down the trunk of the tree. "Well, generally, yes. Our darker counterparts hunt game, and we ourselves are not above putting injured animals out of their misery for a meal, though yes, Elves usually prefer a vegetarian lifestyle, living off of the forest rather than its inhabitants. We keep animals, but for their products, not their meat." she explained, wiping her hands on patches of plant to her sides. "Do you wish to rest a while? It will not take more than three hours to reach the next village if my memory serves, so we have plenty of time." the she-elf continued, before pausing, and sniffing the air, looking deeper into the forest with narrowing eyes, long, pointed ears twitching. Kiri heard it too, a heavy plodding, and then, a low noise. Not exactly a threatening growl, but not too far off.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Quietly the viera tensed a bit. Slowly, she grabbed her bow, knocking a arrow up. Her ears straitened, listening into the forest. "Just as a morbid question, do you have any creatures in this land that would be easily matchable to the term 'monster'?" she asked, trying not to sound nervous.