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Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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This is a little lewd 1on1 CYOA Between me and Corruptive spirit that'll take place in a fictional world from the perspective of a first person narrator. Parking it here because that way I got all my rps nicely assembled, I'm sure you wont mind the read. ^^
Text maked by // denotes an explanation from the narrator. 'Wrong' choices give no gameover instead they'll change things about.
Your character starts with 10 Strength, 100% health and 0% corruption.


Standing at a handsome 6" with cropped black hair and a small pair of spectacles, her skin is flecked with a few freckles that bring unwelcome attention to her wide green eyes. Despite a rather sensual body, Amelia was too shy and socially awkward to even tentatively engage in any kind of social life. Amelia was always a rather queer girl. She spent most of her time during her lessons daydreaming about fabulous adventures and brave knights. Books never lasted long in her hands, only managing to entertain her for a few days before being passed along for the next. Her mentors and tutors were equal parts amazing and infuriated with her eclectic tastes and set to diverting it towards the academia they were hired to teach.

She was placed solidly in a world of numbers, history, and fact rather than fiction. It was torture for poor Amelia but she learned to adapt. Sure enough she excelled in all the ways her parents could have expected, especially in writing. What she could no longer read, she wrote and the more dreary her life became the wilder her fantasies grew. When she was 15 she decided she would be a writer. Now, five years later she was, of sorts. She had written a number of manuscripts, she only needed to be published and as the bills piled higher, Amelia is growing more and more desperate. She needed an edge that will make her stories sell, and she needed it soon.

She perked up at the knocking on her door. It seemed time for the appointment with the mysterious benefactor interested in her books rough draft. Amelia barely managed to open the door as a red haired beauty in a black dress with crimson undertones swooped in, casually taking place upon the chair infront of Amelias desk.. truly, it needed a sharp eye to recognize the desk under the mountains of paper, collected and crumpled up.

"Why hello there, Amelia, I can call you Amelia? As I said in the letter, my name is madame Estrada and I am quite interested in your work of fiction. First of all, you claimed it was based on a true story you experienced as a child, or.. was it a dream? You seemed oddly vague about this. Either way, I read the introduction, and I'd love to hear the rest of it, let us go right ahead. No no, don't look at me with those big eyes, time is money, I want to hear were exactly you want to go with the story.." Madam Estrada grinned.

"First of all, you describe your character as rather impressively competent and handsome, if I remember right.. Bridget was her name yes?


Her skin tan and scarred, taught under her defined muscles. Even with a heart-shaped face framed by strawlike red hair, Bridget is the very definition of of intimidating, standing at a handsome 6', curvy and with a shape that many a man futily chased. She can often resolve her problems with a little intimidation rather than actual swordplay. It's a good thing too, she had been in more scrapes than most and she was unsure she could've survived this long by fighting through all of them. She'd explored a crypt or two and fought in half a dozen small wars between capricious princes and kings. There's one truth she's learned through all of it, complacency is death. Even the greatest warriors and lords eventually fall when a tragedy lines up with a moment of weakness. She has no intentions of letting the two meet for a long time after she's retired and has the guts to make sure of it."

Madam Estrada recited.
"So, your intro has me intrigued, but it seems as if you haven't quite made up your mind where Bridget will go, can you help me out here? I'll read your intro again to help get you into the right mindset."

Estrada presented another letter, clearing her throat and reading:

The legend of the Eldritch Mountain. Bridget had long planned to find out what was going on with the odd mountain in the east, a place many an adventurer had entered.. never to leave again before. Rumour had it that unholy beings roamed these long halls.. little did Bridget know that these rumours had more than a bit of terrible truth in them...

After two days travel, Bridget finally arrived at her goal. She draws her blade from its sheathe, readying it by her side as she sits down upon a moss-overgrown rock to catch her breath. She stretches, and looks upon the looming mountain before her. Kargath mountain its called, if not worse and derogatory terms.
The Mountain looks truly intimidating, its rough, weathered surface looks as if creatures with wicked claws had tried to dig into the solid rock itself, gnarled trees hanging from every little bit of earth that gathers upon the hints of earth upon them and atop the mountain is a sickish purple discoloration, likely from poisonous mushrooms and exotic mosses growing upon the lone mountain. No one quite knows what grows upon it, as climbing the mountain would be a fools errand.

And now, the heroines treasure hunt began. Before her is a dark caves entrance, like a gaping maw, as she readies her blade, standing up and wondering which dangers may hide within the mountains depths. Gathering her courage, she determinedly thrusts her blade into its sheath and marches forwards.

Bridget looks upon the dark walls of the cave, seeing nothing but wet walls and muddy puddles in the large entrance tunnel. She lights her reliable lantern and carefully steps forward into the darkness. There is a scratching of a weirdly bent pyramid in one of the walls, but it looks ancient, perhaps an old treasure hunters waymark, its meaning lost to time.

The way ahead seperates infront of her, into two pretty much idential looking tunnels. She can either go [[West]] or [[East]].

//"So here we are." Estrada mused. "You seem uncertain which choice Bridget should take, so perhaps you should answer for the one that you think will have a more.. interesting outcome first? Of course over time I'd like to have you explore all the different paths Bridget can take, remember you can easily go back if you don't like how a choice turns out. Just to get an idea for the perfect way for your story." Estrada gave Amelia a playful smile. "Oh and, remember to describe how your character acts.. a bit.. sexy. I know, I know, it sounds odd, but emphatizing her .. assets does wonder if you want increase your male readership."//
Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain


10 Strength, 100% health and 0% corruption

There's drawing her to one direction over the other. She decides to follow her instincts and start down the east path. Her hand rests ready on her sword as she drifts down into the darkness beyond. There is little sound over the cracking of the torch and the squishing of her boots into the filth below. Her toned rear rises and falls with each balanced step as she focuses on keeping her balance in the slippery mud of this dreary hall.

//"Like that?" Amelia muses. "I mean I'd rather- I'd prefer to focus on the action and atmospheric descriptors. Bridget is a very um, focused girl you know? I just don't want readers to gloss over her personality and inner struggles." She adjusts her glasses and makes a few notes on her already worn manuscript. "Well, you're the expert on selling books I suppose. I'll try and fit it in where I can."//


10 Strength, 100% health and 0% corruption

Bridget runs her fingers over the indent of the pyramid on the wall. Perhaps a sign? Or a warning even. There's no way to be sure but if she intended to take the safest path then she wouldn't of come to this place in the first place. She turns and starts down the marked path, keeping good time. It's not long before a large drop of some unpleasant liquid falls and lands between her ample breasts. Bridget has to stop to wipe it away. The size of her chest makes it hard to slip even a rag into her cleavage but the moment of hesitation a distraction is even worse. Within another moment she is back on the trail, deeper into the complex.

//"I don't see how this sort of thing is going to increase my consumer base." Amelia shifts uncomfortably, looking over her own small revisions. "It's just the same thing as before but I talk about her chest instead of her neck. Do people really buy books on the promise of cleavage?"//
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

East path

//You can focus on the atmospheric descriptions AND portraying your heroine as erotic, can't you? Lets see..//

The corridor ends after just a short travel time, infront of a locked door of simple wood. Bridget doesn't hear or see anything behind it, though there is a smell of moisture in the air. She can either [[Try to break open the door]] or return back to the crossing and on the [[West]]

West path

//You have no idea about the amount of things people by based on cleavage.. but lets go on first.. so, you continue onwards..//

After a few metres the corridor Bridget is in shifts northward. Carefully Bridget approaches an indenture in the wall, a torch hanging over a little natural hole in the rock. Within the gaping seat in the stone lies a woman in a dark set of robes with a deep cut, emphatizing her unhealthily pale cleavage. She seems of a fair, almost white complexion and, more importantly, deep asleep on her guard duty, though the robes cover up most of her apperance. Bridget.. [[Tries to sneak past on tiptoes]] or [[rushes past before the woman can wake up?]]
Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

East path

Try to break open the door

"Really? That's it?" Bridget shrugs to herself and takes a step back. The wood's probably rotten from all the moisture in the air. Lock's likely rusty as well; what a piece of cake. She takes a breath and runs her hands through her thick red hair. The curls stretch and recoil under the assault, leaving it as wild and vibrant as ever Bridget leans forward and plants her boot squarely to the left of the locking mechanism. It'd either snap the deadbolt or even better: take the wooden part off of the metal entirely.

//"I think the hair thing counts right? I mean guys like it when they do that. I think. Haven't had the chance to ask. Or a reason to I suppose." Amelia scratches her hairline as she pours over the same few lines. She was sure she could give it a better flow than this but it'd have to do for now.//


Knowing better than to try her luck, Bridget decides to head back the other way. She makes good time stepping through the slippery layer of mud. She takes the opportunity to pause and make sure nothing had tried to follow her by carefully tracing her steps in the mud. The ovals of bare stone are undisturbed to her relief. With little left to keep her, Bridget closes the gap to the crossroads and heads down the opposite direction. Perhaps the east hall will hold something a bit more substantial.

West path

Tries to sneak past on tiptoes

Every battle avoided is a battle won. It was an old adage one of her commanders had shared with her. Carefully, Bridget begins walking in an arc around the woman. Her eyes stay fixed on the woman, watching for any twitch or movement. For some reason they keep losing their into the woman's ample chest. It's a bright patch of contrast against the dark robes the woman wears. They're quite shapely for what looks to be some ancient guardian. She'd have to visit a brothel with all the gold she's about to make from this little adventure.

But first, she has to make it past the woman. Slow and steady she inches along the floor as condensation falls from the roof all around her.

rushes past before the woman can wake up?

There's no time for this nonsense! Bridgette eyes the floor ahead of her barely illuminated by the torch. She can't slip or else everything's going to fall apart. It doesn't take long for her to reach full speed, peeling down the wet stone hallway. Her powerful thighs pump up and down under the leather faulds of her armor.

//"I hope the boys like thighs as much as tits." She mumbles to herself. "I know I certainly do..."//
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

East path, door breaking ((p.s. adding some pseudocode to make things easier for me later))

Bridget rams her shoulder into the door, and, with a second attempt and a small curse she manages to push through... only to find herself crushing through the door, with a slight aching of her shoulder.. and unable to slow down before the pit opening itself before her.. a trap!

However, the short fall reveals that, rather than deadly spikes, the pit is filled with an odd, dark oozing goo, with a smell that is somehow both odd and disgusting and arousing. Luckily, the goo is not all too deep, and, with a struggling effort, reaching out to the edge of the pit, Bridget manages to catch herself, a pumping effort of her muscles pulling her back out of the pit, half covered in the odd sludge.

She wipes it off, best as she can, still feeling sticky, as she finds herself struggling to get the sludges smell out of her nose and realizes she has no other choice but to [Head West]

<-5% hitpoints, +1% corruption>

//Well, certainly an interesting trap you set up there. It would have been extreme to kill her off there, I presume, but future traps could be more deadly, perhaps with more of a warning though? Then again, random bad luck makes the story more real.//

West Path
Sneaking past
Bridget careful tiptoes around the pale, robed woman. She notices she is carrying a whip, but little actual weaponry. Bridget also notices the womans shapely breasts rising and falling with her sleep-calmed breathing. A strange dungeon for sure. The guard shifts ever so slightly in her sleep, but she manages to sneak past, and onwards.

Rushing past
Rushing Forward, Bridgets armor scrapes against a narrow part of the stonewall, alerting the sleeping cultist. Her eyes open wide, and she reaches out for a small rope, attached to a bell set in the stone.. Bridget has to act fast. Drawing her sword and ramming her shoulder into the soft from of the robed woman, she smacks her up against the wall.
The guard curses, drawing out a whip and lashing it over Bridges arm, it feels painful, but also oddly tingly.
With a swift sword strike Bridget.. solves the issue of he guard. She decided to [head on], to ensure none have heard the commotion and prepare to fight her now.

<-7% hitpoints>

//Interesting so far, if a bit brutal, perhaps instead of killing foes she could simply disable them. I do like how the paths reunite, so you have a final story in mind that will happen no matter what we go with? Or perhaps depending on which path Bridget follows the ending will change?

We should keep track of how healthy Bridget is, being defeated by creatures because she can't fight on might end up having.. interesting results.
<if corruption 1> You seem to be getting into the apperance focused storytelling, remember, our readers have to.. get into how the character looks, ok? <endif>
Now, lets read on..//

Bridget continues on along the corridor leading northward. To her left, on the west-side of the corridor there is a door out of simple wooden boards. Behind of it there is a scratching noise, like from something snorring rather pronouncedly. Does she want to try to [Open the door?] or simply [continue on northwards?]
Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Head West

//"You can't kill anyone this early. There has to be an arc, conflict and the like." She waves her pen around. "Unless the point is to show the danger of the trap itself which has merit. But not quite yet you see?" A few more notes are scribbled down in a notebook about Bridget's wounds and trials for future reference.//

The walk back to the T-junction long and unpleasant. She was already soaked up to her knees in the gunk and the mud didn't help. By the time she had reached where she started, there was a clear delineation between the old mud from the pit and a lighter shade on the bottoms of her boots. It had better wash out.

West Path

//"It helps me to design the details around the larger events. Like meat on a skeleton, or leaves on a tree. There's certainly things I haven't worked out for sure yet but I've written out most of the possible variations just in case.<if corruption 1> As for her body, I think I get what your going for. It took a few tries but it makes sense. It doesn't detract from the story any and like you said, more readers never hurt.</endif>//

Open the door?

<if corruption 1>Against her better judgement given her track record with doors,</endif> Bridget decides to try the door<if corruption 1> again<endif>. She reaches down<if corruption 1> bending at the waist, letting her leather battle skirt pool in front of her thighs.<else> grabbing the doorknob firmly in her grip.<endif> She pulls gently on it, then harder; either opening it with force, or the more likely option: putting its hinges and strength of steel in a test against her own. She hadn't put much thought to what might lay beyond the door<if corruption 1> but she wouldn't mind if it was anything like that pale woman before. The image of her chest sill lay burned in her mind<endif>.

continue on northwards?

Mmm, Best to leave some doors unopened.<if corruption 1> It wasn't a bad decision given the results the other one held.<endif> There was more to be seen farther down the passage. It was better for her to be cautious and the noises from behind the door didn't give her a good vibe. This may not have been the perfect choice, but it was the safe choice and that's what would get her through this alive.
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

(Appreciate the assitance, but let me worry about the code. Rather focus on spelling, for example, the twine variable code I will use would be <if $Corruption gte 1> <endif>. Lets do this, if you want something to only happen to highly corrupted bridget, .. or Amelia, just use Red to highlight it in color, sounds good? ^^)

Open the Door
The door leads into a small, slightly dirty room. In the middle is a wobbly table with a burning candle atop of it, below Bridget can spot a small wooden chest. On the other end of the room however, on a rather dirty looking bed, sleeps another robed cultist, her robe having fallen open to reveal a nice C-cup bossom in the dim candlelight. She seems no immediate threat the way she is resting over there.
She can either attempt to [Steal the chest]
Or [Leave the room and go north]
<corruption only> [Or cup a feel??]

Continue North?

Bridget carefully looks on ahead to the north. She follow the corridor, discovering another odd marking on the wall, slowly increasing in frequency. She begins to suspect that these drawings tell a story, but the writing is unintelligable, and the edged drawings crude depictions of females in.. compromising situations. Her best guess is that there are creatures .. offering nude, or scantly clad women to creatures and other odd things. Continuing without wanting to dwell too much on the implications of this she spots another door, this time on the western wall. She listens on it, but hears nothing this time. She could try
[Opening this door]
[Continue onwards north still]
Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

(Sorry about that. I just thought to copy your formatting.
Colored text is a good idea!)

Steal the chest

With the utmost care, Bridget makes her way over to where the woman is sleeping. It doesn't take long and soon she stands above the woman and the chest. She kneels down, keeping herself balanced as she reaches for the chest. Bridget would check the inside now, carry it out after.

It wouldn't do her any good to take the woman's laundry. Though the thought of her beauty walking around naked underneath the cloak was exciting. Maybe even she'd be able to see her nipples poking through. It brought a smile to her face.

Leave the room and go north

Now that she knew the contents of the room, Bridget was content to leave them behind. She slowly shut the door, making sure to lift up on the handle to keep the hinges from squeaking. There, she had better things to do than disturb another of the minions of some dark god.

<corruption only> Or cup a feel??

//I can always cut it later. Think of it as a writing exercise Amelia, that way it's not so... exciting.//

Oh, could she? There wasn't anyone stopping her. She took a cautious step forward, pausing to make sure the woman's breathing was still even. Another step forward, the floor was sturdy and silent. Bridget crept up to the sleeping maiden. Sure enough, her chest was splayed out in front of her. From this close a distance, she could see the unmarred skin in all its purity. The soft curves of her chest almost seemed supernatural beautiful. The nobles Bridget had met in her travels were never quite as perfect as the woman before her. Bridget's hand hovered over her chest for a taught second. Finally, upon breathing out slightly, she clasped her chest, feeling the softness relent to her touch.

Opening this door

At the very least there wasn't anything moving behind the door. Perhaps this one would fare better than the others? She could certainly do for some treasure or a relic about now. Anything but another trap or monster really. No use waiting any longer. she had already decided. She reached for the handle, opening the door and taking a step through.

continue onwards north still

There was more to be seen. She didn't have the time for another distraction. From what she'd seen so far, she'd need to be on guard to make it through this fortress intact and barging into any more rooms wouldn't help with that. She gave the door a last look before continuing down the hall. There was a noticeable sway to her step now. Her hips shifted from side to side, pulling any watchers to them as she subconsciously strutted down the hall at a brisk pace.
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

((My formatting is only half of the code, to remind me, no need to be sorry, we could write this all in gamecode, but, its better to have some fun rp times, then I slap my face for an hour, and hammer it all into code. IF you -really- wanna be a dear you could help me editing spelling/Grammar first.. but for now, we still got a big campaign ahead of us first!)

Stealing the chest

Bridget carefully extends a hand and gets lucky, snatching the chest, creating little noise and sneaking back out.. inside she finds a single piece of gold <gold +1> and.. a sextoy, a blac, slightly curved dildo that, after some consideration, she decided to keep as loot, for it .. might prove useful later... Afterwards, she leaves the room and [Goes north]

Cup a feel

The breast of the Cultist felt warm and soft and yielding, so nicely tempting, however, before as Bridget cups a curious feel, the cultists eyes open wide, and she reaches out with a lustful grin, trying to pull Bridget into a kiss! Most of her face is obscured by the robes, but her pale skin contrasts with oddly dark lips, a strange lipstick perhaps? And her tongue extends outwards lustfully.

Lesser cultist: Strength: 6 Corruption: 18%, Health: 100%

Bridget easily overpowers the cultist, knocking her away, blushing and shaking her head as she rushes away from the lust crazed woman who tries to tear away her armor. Slamming the door closed behind her she can't help but wonder what drove her to this action and why she'd do such.. but the cultits oddly pale, supple flesh surely felt.. interesting.

<Corruption +1>
//That one is an interesting approach, my dear. I like how you slowly build up tension to something worse ahead, if Bridget keeps exploring. Perhaps we should build on that further?//

Trusting the door to hold, for now, she has little choice but to [Go north now.]

Opening the West-Door

This door easily opens into a small room, with edged stoneplates all over. Compared to outside there are beautiful drawings of serpentine creatures all over the walls and even on the floor. Snakes, half snake-women creatures, and other such things. In the middle of the room stands a pedestal, and on that paedestal, a small, silvery chest.
Bridget can [Try to open this chest]
Or [Forget about it and make her way north]

Onto the North further!

After following the corridor for a while, only briefly distracted by the crude paintings upon the walls, Bridget arrives at a third, similiar door, on the east again. This time there is no need to listen up against it, as with a frown she notices a TERRIBLE singing voice from behind it. its off key, and makes little sense. Does she want to [Go out inside and find out whats going on?]
Or forgets about it, instead [Continue her way further north, deeper into the mountains]
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

(I'd be happy to help edit once everything's well and done. Also I'm using Green as sort of an <<else>> function so there can be alternatives to the corrupt additions.)

Stealing the chest

She takes her time to shut the lid, making sure not to let it strike the wooden rim of the chest. Finally, she creeps back out of the entrance. Bridget can still feel the outline of the dildo pressing against her lower back through her thin pack.

Cup a feel

//You know, I just might. It's actually a bit fun to put Bridget in situations outside her norm.//

Opening the West-Door

Try to open this chest

//I'm not sure if we should put any close descriptions on the tablets like you had in mind but it fits well for a scene I had already mostly written up already. Here, read this://

Finally! This is what she came for. Nevermind the odd depictions surrounding it, there was likely some ritual object or relic stored in there. She'd come down here for treasure after all; were a few inappropriate works of art supposed to scare her off? If anything they just egged her on. Bridget sauntered up to the pedestal and carefully picked the chest up, running her finger over the seam to find the latch.

Forget about it and make her way north

No way. Everything about this room screamed traps. No one would put anything of real value on display like that unless it was cursed or trapped. Bridget herself had never been a firm believer in the arcane arts but from what she'd already seen down here it didn't seem impossible. she wasn't about to press her luck for whatever perverted object might lie inside it.

Onto the North further!

Go out inside and find out whats going on?

She really shouldn't... But there was just something about the caterwauling that was just so disarming. She had to know what was going on. Bridget leaned up against the door to get a good listen at the strange and frankly unpleasant singing. After getting her fill of the irritating tune she popped open the door and stuck her head through.

Continue her way further north, deeper into the mountains

Bollocks to that, she wasn't here to attend the worlds worst solo singing. There was bound to be something worth looting sooner or later and she didn't want to be around when people realized she was here. The best course of action would be to keep moving deeper until something shiny or sexy caught her eye.
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Grabbing the Chest

Bridget snatches up the chest and quickly, silently leaves the room. Opening it up she discovers.. a black, rubbers sex toy, a bit over average in size, and two gold pieces. Well.. its some from of treasure. She pokets the luckily clean looking toy and continues on [north1]

//An interesting direction to take this one, I mean.. that is something you could find in certain peoples chests, but I didn't expect you to be so.. open about it.//

Grabbing the Chest

Bridget sucessfully grabs the chest of the low ranking cultist (Strength 4). It has a nicely soft and supple feel, then, shaking her head, wondering just why she'd try such a thing she rushes out of the room just as the female cultist stirs and yawns. Still remembering the feeling of soft, supple flesh on her hand, Bridget decides to continue [north1]

--> Go to the west door decision above

Trying the treasure chest!

The little chest is suprisingly light, though as soon as Bridget picks it up, something inside seems to move. Just as Bridget notices this, the chest snaps open and a tiny, serpentine creature slithers forth from it, biting into Bridgets wrist! There is a piercing pain, followed by an oddly numbing wave of pleasure.
Tiny Viper: Strength 2
Bridget yelps and twirls her arm, slapping down the viper and stomping on it. Her arm doesn't feel painful, there is more a pleasurable numbness and for an odd moment as the rush of adrenaline dies down, Bridget finds herself thinking about hissing, serpentine creatures coiling around her, gently sinking their fangs into her, filling her with poison to calm her worried thoughts and... .. the heroines shakes her head clear of these things. During the struggle, a small key with the engraving of an eye upon it has fallen out. Bridget picks it up and carries it along as she leaves the room, her hand still throbbing, to the [north2]
<-1% Hitpoints>
<+2% Corruption>

Forgetting about the Treasure chest

//Yeah, it might hold some sort of naughty traps, though keep in mind, it'd be a bit anticlimactic to have Bridget explore the dungeon, just to turn back at every opportunity.//

Bridget perhaps wisely decides not to risk this room and continues her way [North2]

Go inside the noisy room!

You enter the room, finding a simply equipped chamber, a table and a candle with a flickering flame upon it, illuminating the place. Upon the table you two large cups and a bottle, besides it two cultists, one male, one female, both indulging in heavily alcohol. Their out of tune singing in an unknown language stops as you enter, and both struggle to get up. The female is topless, her robe hanging loose, whilest the male removes his hand from the very same, struggling to draw a sword. Both still wear hoods, obscuring most of their facial features and seem unusually pale, with dark veins under their skin, but perhaps that is just a trick of the candlelight. Both also seem rather inebriated, so Bridget should have the time to knock out at least one of them without retaliation, but which one?
[Drunk Male cultist, Strength 4]
[Drunk Female cultist, Strength 3]

Further onwards!

Finally, the way north ends, splitting up into two corridors. One seems to lead on for a longer way to the east, whilest another leads to the west. The eastern corridor is unmarked, but the one to the west has several leathery costumes, nailed to the wall. Bridget can either
[Go west and explore this] or [Find out what lies east]

//I'm rather curious as to what inspired you to this passage, was it a dream, a real life experience? Because it does begin to sound rather.. kinky in places.//
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Grabbing the Chest

//Don't put this on me! You're the one going on about that sort of appeal. I just figured we should put something in the girls would enjoy or relate to as well. I know I do. Well, the idea of it I mean!//

Trying the treasure chest!

The key feels heavy in her throbbing hand. She can make out every curve, every ridge as she runs her tingling fingers over it. She had to pause in the doorway to catch her breath, leaning on the wall to steady herself. She wasn't sweating, nor was she flushed more than average. No swelling either; That was a close one. The metal key feels like it's radiating heat in her bitten hand. Bridget drops it in her bag before she drops it or something silly. ((If she had the dildo already: Of course, that's when something phallic brushes her hand- the dildo. Against her better judgement she pulls it out to examine while she walks. It feels so nice against the snake bite. It felt good to grip something, gently sliding her fingers up and down it to get the pins and needles to fade. The shape of it really did fit well in her hand. Part of her wished her weapon was as pleasant to hold as it. Maybe she'd give it a try later. No harm done right?))

Forgetting about the Treasure chest

//It builds tension. Besides, we have to show her cautious, not just tell the reader. Even if it leaves them wondering what's inside.//

Drunk Male cultist, Strength 4

Bridget rushes the man. The sternum cracks against her shoulder as she topples him over. His sword never even leaves its sheath. She follows it up with a quick kick to his side, drawing out a cough and a low moan. He seemed to have gotten enough, leaving Bridget with a one-on-one. An unarmed woman, cultist or not would be the easier fight. Her own sword sings as she pulls it free and levels it at the woman.

"Don't try it. Don't give me a reason to do something you'll regret." Her bare chest is a bit of a distraction. Bridget would rather not harm such a lovely looking work of art.

Drunk Female cultist, Strength 3
In a flash Bridget sidles up next to the woman. Her fist meets the drunken cultist's jaw, sending her toppling to the floor. Her fall catches the table, pulling it with her and giving Bridget the distraction she needs to draw her sword. The warrior facing her would be dangerous. The religious ones always were. Best to keep out of their way; turn their zeal back on them. Bridget keeps her stance low and the two start circling.

Further onwards!

//Most horror has an element of the taboo, sometimes even the erotic. You wouldn't believe how many horror books are just a a few degrees away from erotica. And if you have to know... yes. I did in fact have a dream about this and that's all I'm going to say on the matter.//

Go west and explore this

Alright, Bridget just had to know what the meaning of this was. Maybe even snag a few select pieces for her own use. You couldn't buy most of this even in the richest cities. She had to be honest, this wasn't what came to mind when she imagined what the treasure of Eldritch Mountain would be. Regardless of what she thought about it, she had to concede the craftsmanship on the outfits was of the highest quality. If only the creator had turned their talents to making armor rather than whatever perversion this was.

Find out what lies east

Alright, that was just silly. Whatever lay west was undoubtedly deviant and unrelated to her goals. Anything would be better than stumbling through some madman's wet dream. The east had to be it. Bridget was pretty sure it'd be another connecting hallway going by how the architecture had progressed so far. It made her work easier for her at least.
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Taking out the Male Cultist

However, Bridget underestimated the swiftness of the female cultist, who had gotten behind her and was now reaching out, roughly groping her chest. Although this happened through the armor plating covering Bridgets chest she felt a sensual tingling, as a spell of eldritch energy seeped into her body, leaving her chest delightfully sensitive and tingly. "Don't fight it my sweet." The woman a bit drunkenly whispers into Bridgets ears. She'd love for it to be handled further, though for now, Bridget struggles and..
[[Reaches for her sword!]]
[[Hesitates just one moment as she finds a hand sneaking between her legs as well..]]

<Corruption +3%>
<Health -1%>
Taking out the Female Cultist

However, Bridget underestimated the strength of the male cultist, who slammed her sword aside, rushing forward, grabbing her arm, with his other hand gripping her bottom. Although this happened through the armor plating covering Bridgets ass she felt a sensual tingling, as a spell of eldritch energy seeped into her body, leaving her behind delightfully sensitive and tingling in anticipation. "Now, you don't want to be a bad girl, do you?" He asks, drunk but with a lustful forcefulness that is darkly attractive. She felt a desire to enjoy a proper spanking now. However, then the man releases her sword and tries to sneak one hand between her legs and under her armor, giving her a chance to..
[[Strike him down!]]
[[Hesitates just one moment as she finds his hand sneaking towards her pussy.]]

<Corruption +3%>
<Health -2%>

Going west and.. exploring

The corridor continues along the weird expose, up to a leather-clad door. As Bridget follows along she can hear angry screams, noises of things smashing into one another, and lewd moans. Bridget has a pretty good idea what could be happening there, but considering the place she is at, perhaps theres something more.. extreme waiting for her inside. Perhaps Bridget should think about this again and [Turn back to head east] Instead, she could dare to [Open the door.]

Find out what lies east

Bridget continues onwards to the east, leaving the odd leathery contraptions firmly behind her. She notices that slowly, she is getting deeper into the dark mountain and hopes she is prepared for what lies ahead. She arrives at another crossing of ways, though this one has a sign attached to it.. that sadly is written in an undeciperhable language. Trying your best to read it, Bridget ends up getting a slight headache and feeling oddly distracted for her effort, its like those letters wiggle in her head.
She will have to blindly decide to [[continue on east]] or instead [[Turn north.]] But only one way could technically lead deeper into the mountain.
<Corruption +1%>
Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Taking out the Male Cultist

Reaches for her sword!

Bridget breaths out, centering herself in spite of the strange feelings radiating from the touch. Her hand reached forward, tightened into a fist and shot back as she buried her elbow in the cultist's gut. Her first steps spin Bridget to face her adversary. She lunged forward pulling her sword up from where it had fallen and pointing it at the woman's bare chest. The cultist was still stumbling, Bridget should make it there before she regains her balance.

Hesitates just one moment as she finds a hand sneaking between her legs as well..

She breathes in sharply as she notices the woman's hand sliding down her hip. She watched, paralyzed as it slid closer, missing her moment of opportunity. The cultist tightens her grip on Bridgette. The smaller woman wasn't particularly strong it seemed but she had Bridget in some sort of hold. Every push of resistance only sent another lance of pain through pinned arm. Bridget's breathing quickened as watches the woman's hand slip beneath the leather strips protecting her lower half. The magic planted in her chest was potent and Bridget was not excited to see what it'd do between her legs.

Taking out the Female Cultist

Strike him down!

Before the sword even strikes the cobbles, Bridget already has it in her hand. She jerks pommel upwards into the man's jaw, throwing him back. The drunken cultist stumbles back into a stool, tripping him and sending him tumbling to the floor. Bridget wastes no time following up by kicking the same stool into his chest as he tries to sit up. He doesn't get a second chance. Bridget steps on his chest and levels her sword at the man's neck.

"I have a few questions for you, and unless you want to end up a lot worse than your friend, I suggest you cooperate."

Hesitates just one moment as she finds his hand sneaking towards her pussy.

Bridget freezes at the feeling. The sword clatters to the floor harmlessly. She looks down to find the man's hand sitting on her hip and moving lower. He wouldn't... He is!

Something inside of her freezes as the tingling in her ass begins to spread. She really shouldn't be doing this, but she can't bring herself to act. There were so many ways she could turn the tables on this cultist but instead her curiosity and lust get the better of her. What was he even thinking!

Going west and.. exploring

Turn back to head east

Stupid stupid stupid! What was she expecting? Some armory to pilfer? These were madmen, probably fucking eachother in ways that'd make a veteran like her blush. Appealing as that was, Bridget shakes her head and turns to make her way back to the T-junction. She didn't lose much time with the detour but it was a bit embarrassing to think about. It was fine, nobody had to know. It was all well intentioned... Not really but who could blame her? She'd look good in one of those outfits~

Instead, she could dare to Open the door.

What the hell were they doing in there?! Was it some sort of torture room? Bridget kicked the door down, hand clasped to the pommel of her sword. She'd put a stop to it, whatever it was they were doing in there. Part of her hoped they would actually be fucking. It'd give her something to think about. Even if it was just something disgusting as she imagined, she'd put a stop to it right quick.

Find out what lies east

continue on east

With no way to read what the sign says, Bridget decides to ignore it entirely. It was at best some culty ritual garbage and at worst a badly disguised trap. She was making good progress the way she was going.

She keeps walking east, trying to push those puzzing and irritating symbols from her head. Instead she focuses on keeping her eyes peeled for any tripwires or unstable ground in case she had in fact made a mistake.going over the symbols in her head as she walks. Something tells her she could figure it out if she kept at it. It was as if it was a memory long forgotten or a word on the tip of her tongue. <Corruption +1%>

Turn north.

There were only so many ways to go. It might as well be this one. The strange dancing letters definitely caught her attention and while she wouldn't mind an explanation, simply taking a look wouldn't hurt. If she had any luck there would be treasure at the end of the hallway. <If snake>It'd better not be something like that damn viper. Her hand still tingles from where it bit her.</if>
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Striking down both cultists

Bridet feels exhausted from dealing with two cultists, but she also got a good workout in.
<+1 strength>
<-2% Health>
With both cultists knocked out theresn ow time to search the room, and under the drunkyards table, Bridget finds an odd tome. Flipping through it, the creator of the book must have been half mad, for it contains impossible theories about creatures he'd have to fight, a spell he devleoped for this.. thats interesting actually. Luckily those drunkyards were all far too far gone to be able to understand the mages interesting theorems on dragonfire. A spell to stop eve the nastiest threats of unholy fires.. Bridget flips forward and finds a magical formula.: Eva Ervid, arva evid, AVed envan! which, together with a slow circular motion of the arms is supposed to snuff out unholy energies. Bridget repeats spell a few times to memorize it, should it come in handy. As she grins, poketing the book and leaving the chamber with one spell wiser.. though, casting this kind of magic is draining, so perhaps she will limit its usage to more dangerous foes.
<Add firebane spell to inventory>

//That spell wasn't part of a true story or was it.. most people think theres no such thing as spells, you know..//
[Continue on outside]

Hesitation, Female

The moment of hesitation was all the female cultist needed, her hand cupping the womans sex, as she smirked and tempted.. and unleashed a crackling of unholy energy into Bridgets sex. Cooing soothingly, she swiftly undressed Brigdet, leaning forward, her dark, smooth, slightly slick feeling breasts rubbing up against Bridgets nude, and pleasurely sensitive nipples. "This pleasure feels too good, doesn't it? Soon you'll just want to be one of us." She tempted, gently, with feminine expertise stroking Bridgets sex, stripping her naked, only to lure and pull her over to where a new cloak of their cult was hanging.. it seems Bridget was loosing herself ot the cultists here..

But before Bridget could protest about this furhter, a cloak was pressed ontop of her head. Immediatly there was a worrysome searing sensation on her head, as if something hot had been in the robe and was now stuck to her.. but all of the sudden, those worries dulled. She didn't have to worry about this. The masters would know what to do.. and right now.. apparently her fellow servants would show her what do do anyway, she realized, as the one she knocked out earlier struggled up and grinned, both approaching her, the woman keeping her presented and stimulated, dressing her up into a cultists robe, whilest the man pushed deep, sensually into her. "Welcome, new sister." They coo.

<<corruption +7%>>
//"Now now, my dear, it can't be over that easily. .. I was sure you'd want to write a longer book than that."
The woman calmly puts her papers down for a moment, every movement of hers sensual in its own way. "I know you want lewd things to happen to your character, but lets not go too far, whenever Bridget would lose herself, I'll help you get your story on track, I'm here to ~help~ you after all. So lets instead say Bridget resisted instead.. or did you like writing this? [[Striking down both cultists]]//

Hesitation, Male

The moment of hesitation was all the male cultist needed, his hand cupping then pushing into the womans sex as he smirked for a moment, before releasing a crackling burst of unholy energy, cirectly into Bridgets sex. Moaning lustfully he freed his own shaft, stepping behind the heroine, quickly tearing away her armor and weaponry, with her unable to defend with how tingly she still felt "I'll let you feel something no mortal man can. Soon you'll just want to be one of us." He commanded, spreading Bridgets over sensitive pussy lips, thrusting into her deep, yet guiding her with rough, determined spankings.. only to push her to where a new cloak of their cult was hanging.. it seems Bridget was loosing herself ot the cultists here..

But before Bridget could protest about this furhter, a cloak was pressed ontop of her head. Immediatly there was a worrysome searing sensation on her head, as if something hot had been in the robe and was now stuck to her.. but all of the sudden, those worries dulled. She didn't have to worry about this. The masters would know what to do.. and right now.. apparently her fellow servants would show her what do do anyway, she realized, as the one she knocked out earlier struggled up and grinned, both approaching her, the woman keeping her presented and stimulated, dressing her up into a cultists robe, whilest the man pushed deep, sensually into her. "Welcome, new sister." They coo.

//"Now now, my dear, it can't be over that easily. .. I was sure you'd want to write a longer book than that."
The woman calmly puts her papers down for a moment, every movement of hers sensual in its own way. "I know you want lewd things to happen to your character, but lets not go too far, whenever Bridget would lose herself, I'll help you get your story on track, I'm here to ~help~ you after all. So lets instead say Bridget resisted instead [[Striking down both cultists]]//

Opening the west door
The door opens into a larger.. dungeon is the best word for it. a huge almost thronelike armchair towers over a massive table, hinting that this one is a higher up in the cult. Bridgets eyes are quickly attracted to a chest beneath the table. In one corner of the room you spot a humanoid woman thats clad in leather arnd ruber and angrily swings a whip on a similiar creature, which quivers under every blow.
She faces: Elite Leatherclad Sadist: Strength 6,
Leatherclad Masochist: Strength 3
Bridget can:
[[Attack the whipping one, in the hopes that the other will come to her aid.]]
[[Attack both of her foes.]]

Continue on east
The corridor ends with a massive wooden door which hangs in heavy iron angles. the keyhole is too dusty to look through, but putting her head against the wood, Bridget hears murmuring and rattlig as from spoons on plates. Whatever is behind this door, it is a multitude of creatures. Bridget can either [[Open up and head in]]
or [[Head back and take the other road?]]

Head Northwards
Bridget makes her way northwards, deeper into the mountain. After only a short while, there, on the easter(right) side of the corridor, she hears a groaning noise. As she leans in to listen on the door, there is a weak call for help and mercy from within. Does she [Risk open the door?] or would she [Continue onwards, further north.]

(If the choices/branches get to many, just poke me, I can delay answering some until the current ones are resolved, up to you!)
Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Striking down both cultists

//It creates a mystery; if it works than that means that other magic is possible, and if it doesn't that Bridget's going to have a bad time if she relies on it. I thought it might make a good plot hook or escalator later. I can always edit it out if we don't find a place to slip it in.//

Having found the book, Bridget considers giving the room another once over but decides against it. A cursory glance doesn't For a moment she thought to loot the cultists but the woman's bare chest and the the bulge in the man's robes gives Bridget pause. There'd be better prizes elsewhere. She sheaths her sword and exits the room, leaving behind a chaotic mess of destroyed furniture and fallen foes. It was pretty good for going in blind and outnumbered.


//Sorry... Just got carried away there for a second. Y-you know how it is?//

Opening the west door

Attack the whipping one, in the hopes that the other will come to her aid.

This was sick! Bridget had seen some rough treatment in the service of armies and lords but this was something else. The perverse pleasure that the attacker got out of all this was something else. The leather strips around the grip of her sword began to squeak from her incensed grip. Bridget approaches the torturer from behind, keeping her steps light. The sound of her boots is marginal compared to the cracking of the whip. From this distance, she could clearly see the materials on this cultist were strange and reflective, even more so than the constrictive leather constricting the two people. That black reflective surface ignited a dark flame inside her. Something about it was so sensual, enough to momentarily distract her from the sadism in front of her.

Finally, she readies her sword. The sound of it leaving its scabbard sure enough catches the attention of the unnatural cultist in front of her. Unwilling to waste her advantage, Bridget steps forward, her sword following behind her in a large sweep. Her left foot crosses over, her right close to the torturers own. The momentum of the attack is enough to carry her through the twisting maneuver. By the end of it, she'd land herself between the attacker and its victim.

"C'mon, I'm here to help but that doesn't mean to can't pitch in." Bridget is too focused on the enemy in front of her to check on the poor wretch no doubt still quivering behind their savior

Attack both of her foes.

The whole scene was disgusting, bordering on horrifying. How interesting... Both participants had been twisted into alluring mockeries of their former selves. Chest be damned, Bridget would take care of this mess first. She draws her sword, making sure both of them heard the sound of it. She sprints towards her foes, a battlecry growing in her chest. By the time she reaches them, her voice fills the entire room. It's a shame she had to rough them up so much, she'd be happy to steal that rubber getup off the sadist.

Continue on east
[[Open up and head in]]

Bridget swallows, her mouth dry from the possible dangers behind the door. Her hand however, doesn't hesitate a second as she peels the door open to get a better look at what was inside. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Head back and take the other road?

Bridget didn't really need to check out that door anyways. The fact she couldn't read the sign irritates her to no end as she trudges back to the crossing. She goes over the symbols again just to pass the time with little success other than another headache. Ugh, what an irritating slog.

<<corruption +1%>>

Head Northwards
Risk open the door?

Gods above, what had they been doing to that poor soul? Bridget hastily opens the door to save the prisoner obviously contained within. If they moved fast, they might be able to make it to the exit unmolested by the other creatures in the caves.

Continue onwards, further north.

It was probably a trap. It is a trap. At least that's what Bridget told herself as she passed on by the groaning door. There'd be plenty of time later to save them if she even made it back. There's no point in helping someone if it just gets you captured as well.
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain


//The woman.. potential publisher, Amelia had to remind herself, smiled ever so slightly "Oh no, nothing wrong with getting carried away a little. I just wonder why you'd portray a character that seems somewhat based on you in such situations.. but lets read on!"//

Attacking the Mistress only
Bridget rushes in, drawing her blade to take down the leatherclad dominatrix. While she is certain she can overwhelm the woman, the servant picks up a nasty looking whip but, to her disappointment, lashes at her, drawing her knees from below her!
Bridget is fighting the Eldritch Dominatrix(strength 6) and her pet(Strength 3)

With her thusly distracted, Bridget becomes an easy victim for the dominatrix who, suddenly, pulls a tight, leathery thing over her head, taking away her sight.. this will make it hard to fight against these creatures! "How dare you attack me slut.. time to learn your place!" An angry, domineering female proclaims. Then, suddenly, something licks at her neck..

Attacking Both!
Deciding that, likely, the other creature was into it, Bridget draws her blade.
Bridget is fighting the Eldritch Dominatrix(strength 6) and her pet(Strength 3)
Thanks to her caution, the servant is easily knocked out.. it was already pretty beaten up after all. The dominatrix in her black leathers proves more of a challenge, dropping low, snarling, more like a creature than a woman as she jumps at Bridget, but, with a quick riposte and years of training the mighty warrioress finally manages to subdue the leathery attacker, knocking her out too.
She is faced with a massive ironclad chest. While the chest very well may contain valuable treasures, there is no key in sight. Bridget can [[try breaking open the chest]]
Or simply [[head back out and continue on her way.]]

Open up and head in (door to the west)

Bridget opens the door with many voices inside. As soon as she enters she realize this has to be some sort of dining chamber for the cultists. Around a semi-round table sit a total of five robed figures, most drinking a dark-ichor colored wine and slurping from bowls with content she doesn't want to identify.
As Bridget enters, one points at you and shouts. Does she feel daring enough to [[challenge five cultists at once?]] or perhaps she has no choice but to offer to [[satisfy them in a different way...]]

Risk opening the door with screams behind it.

The door.. is actually tightly locked, with no key in sight. Bridget could try [[breaking it open]], the classical ramming into the door, or she could [[continue northwards]] instead, not risking injury?

Continue North (This will be a nightmare to edit together later on <.< :p But I wanted to make a labyrinthine exploration path, this is my punishment! :p )
After continuing for a short while, Bridget arrives, this time at two doors, one wooden and leading to the east, listening on it nothing can be heard, at least nothing can be heard over the loud screaming coming from the other door to the west, Bridgets left. If the screams weren't interrupted by occasional moans, one could think someone was being tortured inside...
Bridget decides to
[[Check out the east door]] the silent door
[[Check out the west door]] the one with the screams
[[Or ignore the doors, and continue northwards?]] towards what seems to be a portcullis

//"Hoh, a lot of options to chose from for Bridget, I guess you really wanted to create a feeling of actual exploration, though its a bit repetetive... for a fantasy story. So it is based on real experiences.. admit it, come on, I'm curious." The woman gave Amelia a smile that, if .. she had been into dark haired beauties like this one, would most definitly have been seductive.. but she wasn't, of course. Right?//
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Attacking the Mistress only
Her angry retort is stifled by the enclosing leather rendering mute except for some muffled grunts. Bridget wastes no time struggling against the sudden restraint. Blind, and disarmed, she begins to panic as she pulls on the strange mask enclosing her. Her fingers have trouble finding a seam to pull on and when something touches her neck. Was it the little simpering traitor? No, they're masked just like the mistress. What was it then?! Her struggles intensified as she tries to hook her fingers under where it met her neck.

Something brushes her thigh, eliciting a violent kick in its direction. She isn't some piece of livestock to be played with!

Attacking Both!
try breaking open the chest

Bridget cracks her knuckles.

"This should be fun." The box looks sturdy but it must be pretty old to be stuck all the way down here. She gives it a tap with her boot, listening to the density of the material. It sounded hollow enough and the was a bit of a jiggle to it. Sure, that works. The second time, she slams the heel into the top, hoping to simply collapse the top.

head back out and continue on her way.

"Probably just more toys and tools." It's not like they'd keep anything valuable in their sex dungeon. It's a waste of time and energy, not to mention likely trapped. She scoffs at it and walks back towards the exit, drying her sword on her thigh. Of course, what's the matter with 'accumulating' a few more toys for the road. Perhaps she should take another look->try breaking open the chest

Open up and head in (door to the west)

challenge five cultists at once?

"Oh joy." Bridget backs into the hallway as she pulls her sword free. She waits for the first one to approach her; the moment he reaches the doorway, she pushes off of the back wall of the hall and vaults into him. The flat of her sword clangs loudly against his head, effectively clotheslining him. She steps over him as he collapses to the ground.

"That's one..." She looks over the rest of them, a bit cagey at her odds. Her sword swivels between them like a broken compass. "Who's next?" She licks her lips as she waits for the next cultist to try their luck.

satisfy them in a different way...

Her lower lip was already sore from all the chewing she'd been doing on it. There really wasn't any other way and Bridget wasn't about to die in here. She raises her hands above her head. "Hey, no worries everybody. I thought you'd like some... party favors?" Bridget reaches down and starts to unhook her leather cuirass, letting it flop forwards, exposing a thin shirt and her prominent nipples. Was she getting excited? Naught girl!

She kneels in front of one of the men in the black robes, fishing out his already erect cock. 'At least he's already hard,' she thinks to herself as she takes him into her mouth. He tasted funny, but not in a way she could place. She bobs up and down on it, pausing to lick against the head whenever she's all the way back. It fills her mouth, making it harder and harder not to gag as she swallows it.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before it had an effect. Just as he begins to twitch, she breathes in through her nose and takes him as deep as she could manage. The cultist's delicious musk made her head swim as she felt him unload down her throat. Just the thought of him filling her with cum made her dripping wet. The cock leaves her mouth with a small 'pop.' The taste still lingers in her mouth as she stands to face the other cultists.

"Delicious~ Who's next?"

Risk opening the door with screams behind it.

breaking it open

"Nothing ventured..." She slams, shoulder first, into the door. It shakes on its hinges and a smidge of stone dust drapes over her wild hair. Again she throws herself into the door, letting her solid frame bend and break the wood. "One more outta do it," she mutters lining another charge.

continue northwards

"Well, out of my hands now. At least I tried." The path ahead was waiting. Bridget doesn't have time to risk her neck (or more accurately shoulder) on every loose end.

Continue North

Check out the east door

"Well at least it won't be sex, or torture.(If leather dominatrix encountered).. Or both." She grimaces smilesremembering that messed up sadistically perverse performance. (/If leather dominatrix encountered) She carefully opens the door to her right, lifting it on its hinges to try and lessen the natural squeakiness of old hinges.

Check out the west door

"What is it this time-" She says as she throws the door open. (If actually seen anything so far)It was getting frustrating to deal with all the messed up sex sex sex the cultists were into.(/If actually seen anything so far) She'd make this one fast.

Or ignore the doors, and continue northwards?

Bridget did not have the time, nor energy for this. Treasure? Yes, but not whatever was going on here. She hurried forwards, only stopping when she reaches what looked like a heavy iron gate... Really? Did she have to turn around? She starts searching the area for any sort of secret lever or push-stone.

//Amelia swallowed as the woman gave her a look, the look. Part of her wished she'd just pounce her then and there- oh nonono. That stuff only happens in stories. "You have to build the whole world you s-see. It has to feel like an entire full space even if the reader just sees a tiny portion of it when they read it. It's good for the immer-immersion." she stammered out." A pregnant pause held in the air as she danced around the question given to her. "Wouldn't you say every story is based on real experiences? In part at least."//
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Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Captured by the bondage-mistress Gameover

Bridget feels the mask tight over her face.. it doesn't just take away her sight, it limits her hearing and smells like sticky leather. She kicks out in response, gaining a painful yelp, which is robbed of its satisfaction as a moan follows.. and the same one reaches up to her thighs again, a tongue licking past them. "And he just wanted to play, you naughty girl." is the only warning Bridget gets, before a whip bites into her back. With the second searing swing the voice now informs: "You need to be trained.. soon, you'll get addicted to it. Come on, say it!" The whip cracked again and, even if Bridget might be tempted to lie about how her body felt, perhaps it was the mask or an enchantment on the whip or something, it was definitly not her body tingling in growing anticipation at her helplessness and the pain all on its own...

//Seems Bridget is becoming a painslut to the bondage mistress here, kinky.//

Breaking the box!

Bridget cracks the box open, which is suprisingly not quite as sturdy. She peers inside to see an impressive glittering of gold coins, a potion and.. However, as she reaches inside, she hears the howling of an arrow, whistling through the air and poking into her side. She sinks to all fours, woozy from the poison for a moment, pulling out the little poisoned dart and bandaging the cut. She feels a little better after a moment but still exhausted, like a sludge is over her mind, making it harder to think things fully through.

The Chest contained: +25 gold
An expensive looking glove with silvery runes with unknown usage,
A potion that reads: Potion of invisibility.

Bridget collects all these things, wary of further traps in the bondage dungeon then [[leaves the room and heads on..]]
<< corruption +5%>>
<< health -3%>>

Challenging all five cultists!

Bridget readies her blade.. this will be a hard fight. She faces five cultists: Strength 3-4

She vaults into the first, cutting them down, and parries the second, pushing them away, however two of them cut into her side as she avoids a third one, leaving her with a nasty cut. She responds by taking down another culitst, and then a third one, another one stabbing a dagger into her side, only for her to spin around and knock her out with the pommel of her blade. Bridget notices that, what might be deadly wounds on her, instead just.. itches and tingles oddly.

Bridget pants heavily after her impressive victory, searching the bodies of the knocked out or dead cultists, but only finds odd dodats, glass-marbles and one or two dildos on them.. what kind of cult is this? She looks around, and the only really interesting thing is a long, locked case, about half her height in size and smaller than her hands width. She could try [[opening this case]] or simply go, as she is now [[now free to leave and continue her journey north.]]
In either way, defeating so many cultists gave her a good work out, even if it battered her up.
<<Strength +1>>
<<Corruption +2%>>
<<Health -15%>>

Overcome the cultists in.. a different way.

That was a bit much. Facing all these cultist for, what looks like little treasure lies about, seems a bit foolish, but now that they noticed her, theres little option Bridget had.. other than this. But perhaps a part of her wanted this..

Quickly, another cultist stepped up to the plate, and then another, after they all had satisfied Bridget with her cum they grinned, petting her and telling her...: Such a good cocksucker, by the way, if you want to join the cult, go ahead, ignore the doors and make sure to pull the RIGHT lever, not the left one, ok?" As he smears some of his precum around her lips. Unless Bridget wants to.. relax and indulge further, she is [[now free to leave and continue her journey north.]] Albeit with the taste of delicious cum on her lips. It tastes kind of.. refreshing and nutritious, really.
<<Corruption +10%>>
<< health +5%>>
//"Bridget is developing into a good horny cocksucker, isn't she? So she swings both ways equally in your mind, enchanted by a buff man with a nice, big cock as well as a sensual, voluptous female? I wonder how this story will continue!" The woman smiled and Bridget was pretty sure she didn't imagine the way that she seductively caresses a hand along her outer leg for a moment.//

In the north, east door.

The door reveals itself to be tightly locked. Bridget can [[try forcing it open]] or [[Try the west door instead]] or [[Continue north, to some sort of portcullis]]

In the north, west door.

Bridget opens the western door which isn't locked, only to see a messed up scene before her. This might be a torture chamber, if a torturer was particularly perverted and had a high interest in rubber. On the walls hang multiple implements, and in the middle of the room stand two hunched over, leatherclad beings that hold trapped a beautiful, nude blonde elf, with a cup breasts and smooth, if slightly reddened skin. The leather-creatures seem to have quite the time, toying on her body with nipple clamps, one caressing along her skin with a riding crop. Bridget can see she is restrained with leather and chains, binding her to the ceiling as the second leather-man whips her backside with the cracking of an oily looking with. The elf maiden moans for a last time and then falls silent, unconscious, her body twitching with an overwhelming orgasm.. that whip seems dangerous!
The two leather-creatures poke the elf once or twice, then turn to Bridget, their impenetrable leather-masks seeming to nonetheless shoot angry glares at the one that somehow must have been at fault for their plaything fainting and their fun being cut short.
[[Quickly closes the door and runs down the corridor to the north, wanting none of this!]]
[[Draws her blade to end the creatues foul play!]]
[[Picks up a whip from the wall to 'wake the elf back up properly']]

In the north!

//Oh, I'm not critiquing you.. there, its important you .. write with all you have. I just wonder how much Brigdets... and your own interests are... alike, you see.//
Bridget looks around and quickly spots two leavers, which must be used to open the portcullis. one is on the left wall, one on the right. The question is, which of them is the right one? It seems pretty much a coin toss.
Will she...
[[Pull the right one]]
[[Pull the left one]]
Re: Expedition to the Eldritch Mountain

Captured by the bondage-mistress Gameover
//Well I'm glad you like it because there is no way this is this making it into the final draft.//

Her rebuttal is cut off by another off-tempo strike which draws out something else entirely. The leather covering Bridget's face muffles her loud breathy moan. By this point, ashamed of her wanton response, she gives up on pulling off the mask and focuses on instead crawling away. Another swift strike to her raised ass shows her how bad an idea that was. Bridget's scream quickly slides into another moan as she catches herself panting heavily into the pungent leather mask. She pauses, shivering and trying to ignore the trickle of arousal slowly spreading down her legs.

Bridget only had a moment catch her breath before another strike forces her to relent. "Fine! I need to be trained! Just... Stop," Her head swims as she breathes heavily through the leather mask. Did she mean that? Why is she so damn turned on by this? Bridget was supposed to be the one in power, the one making the choices so why is it so exciting to be at the mercy of this cultist?

Breaking the box!

leaves the room and heads on..

The door was... moving? No, it was just her vision. Bridget stumbles a bit as the fog in her head starts to clear. Whatever was in that dart must've been pretty potent because it feels like she just downed a few drinks too many. The feeling fades more as she walks down the hallway, one hand on the wall to steady herself. That potion better be one hell of a drink for all the trouble she went through to get it.

Challenging all five cultists!
opening this case

It could be a weapon with those dimensions. The lock on it gives her pause but a little set up and she has it on the side of one of the chairs with the side of it hanging off the side. She spreads her legs, making sure the arc won't connect with her legs and brings her sword down on the lock.

now free to leave and continue her journey north.

For the first time in a while, Bridget stretches as she leaves, making sure to work out all the kinks in her shoulders and legs. She had really worked up a sweat in there and honestly felt like she could tackle a bear! The walk onward is a bit quicker than before as she tries to keep her heart rate up.

Overcome the cultists in.. a different way.

now free to leave and continue her journey north.

//"Well uh... yeah. Did you have to put it that way? I feel like you're going out of you way to- eep!" Was there a spider on her leg or worse, was she being hit on?! "Uh, nevermind. She's into boys and girls. Just, you know to be inclusive. And you know, write from experience?" Oh god, did she really say that? It was so much easier to do this in books than real life.//

'Pull the right lever' they said. Bridget goes over it a couple times trying to commit it to memory as she walks. Or was this another trap? They could be lying to her, but it wasn't too likely. They weren't going to kill someone a good cock-sucker like her. As she walks she unconsciously licks her lips, trying to get just a little more of that slightly salty flavor. It was never that good when she was drunk in a tavern, then why now?

In the north, east door.

try forcing it open

Bridget leans on the door, using the frame to steady herself and mule kicks the damn thing a could times for good measure. If the wood's rotten around the lock is should pop right off.

Try the west door instead

Eh, how about the other one! She turns around and gives the other door a try.

Continue north, to some sort of portcullis

Bridget thinks better of it. There's greener pastures elsewhere and she didn't have time to waste on locked doors.

In the north, west door.

Bridget opens the western door which isn't locked, only to see a messed up scene before her. This might be a torture chamber, if a torturer was particularly perverted and had a high interest in rubber. On the walls hang multiple implements, and in the middle of the room stand two hunched over, leatherclad beings that hold trapped a beautiful, nude blonde elf, with a cup breasts and smooth, if slightly reddened skin. The leather-creatures seem to have quite the time, toying on her body with nipple clamps, one caressing along her skin with a riding crop. Bridget can see she is restrained with leather and chains, binding her to the ceiling as the second leather-man whips her backside with the cracking of an oily looking with. The elf maiden moans for a last time and then falls silent, unconscious, her body twitching with an overwhelming orgasm.. that whip seems dangerous!
The two leather-creatures poke the elf once or twice, then turn to Bridget, their impenetrable leather-masks seeming to nonetheless shoot angry glares at the one that somehow must have been at fault for their plaything fainting and their fun being cut short.
Quickly closes the door and runs down the corridor to the north, wanting none of this!

Nope nope nope! Not today, not any day really. Bridget was not about to get herself involved in something that would undoubtedly give her nightmares if she didn't forget it as soon as she saw it. The first few steps away are quieter before she breaks into a soft jog away from the door.

Draws her blade to end the creatues foul play!

Did these monsters really have no shame? Apparently not. Bridget couldn't help but feel a need to protect the captured elf. Whatever they had in plan for her was a fate Bridget wouldn't wish on anyone. Her sword is out before she even starts striding towards the two men? Creatures? It's hard to tell. She lines it up so that the two are mostly in a row and charges. As quick as they are, Bridget is trained and has much better posture. She kicks the first one out of the way, lining up a larger swing on the second. It barely clips it, sending it backwards and splitting open its skintight suit.

Picks up a whip from the wall to 'wake the elf back up properly'

"Really? Amateurs." She mutters as she walks into the room. She wastes no time picking her tool. It was a similar riding crop as the one held by the creature. Black and red leather win a beautiful diamond pattern on the handle and spiraling up the length. She orders the two creatures to get the elf strung up for someone who isn't interested in back problems like the two hunched gremlins. "Now what do we have here? An elf? You're far away from home aren't you?" Why was Bridget doing this? It was wrong, it was so wrong. Yet, it felt so right.

She struck the unconscious elf across the tits with her riding crop, leaving a red mark across the top. "Hello? Any one in there?" Bridget rolls her eyes at the elf's lack of response. She plugs the woman's nose and covers her mouth. This'll give her a good reason to wake up. "Listen when your mistress is speaking!"

In the north!

//What- I... I'm not dignifying that with a response!//

Pull the right one

(If cultist suck) This is what those cultists were talking about when they mentioned the gate. Well, time to find out if they were lying or not. Bridget wishes she had more faith in her oral skills. If she was better with her tongue at least then they'd never lie to her, probably. (/cult)

"It's a fifty-fifty shot, here goes." She reaches out and pulls down on the right lever all the way until she hears a 'click' at the bottom.

Pull the left one

"I got a fifty percent chance to get this right, Luck be a lady or something..." She grabs the left lever and slides it down into place.
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