Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)



Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The two men sat and watched somewhat ammused as Bea tore into her meal. There might have been a laugh or two, but it wasn't really Bea's fault for getting all excited, so they kept it down as much as they could.

Afterwards, Frankie stood up and offered Bea a hand. "Yeah, sure, I'll take you to her if you want to thank her in person." He looked slightly conerned, as if to say she shouldn't be getting all excited before resting, but did not formally protest. "She's on the other side of the warehouse, where we have some pipes to trap the smoke, so it won't be seen." He led her out, past what looked like an area that was to be used for sanitation concerns. Across the open space Bea could see a young dark skinned woman watching a pot over a barrel with a small fire in it, that seemed to be where they were heading.


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

That must be her! Seeing someone hovering over a pot usually meant that was the cook. Anyone could tell Bea wanted to get up and actually run over, but she just didn't have the strength. Instead she was forced to approach at a casual pace, but even then you could still feel her excitement.

"Excuse me, are you the chef?" Once it was confirmed Bea was determined to thank her, and she did so be reaching out and scooping the woman into a hug. "Thank you for the food!"


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The woman looked up somewhat surprised and spoke with a well educated accent. Yes, yes I am." She looked somewhat startled by Bea's excited praise. Well, I'm glad you like it, I try and make it the best I can with this... situation going on..." She went back to cooking and waved a hand idlely in the air, a sign of frustration with the general state of the city.


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"And I appreciate it more than you'll ever know, Miss...?" Bea was obviously feeling a little better now that she had something in her stomach, but it wasn't enough to overcome the exhaustion she felt. So she could only stand in place when her savior pulled away and returned to her duties. But that didn't mean she was done. Once she had the darker woman's name she would give her own making sure to give her full first name since she appeared to be a rather educated person.

With introductions out of the way Bea took the time to take a step or two back before sitting down and resting a bit to recover a little more. "Mind if I watch you work?" Even though she was kinda stuck there at the moment Bea would have asked if she could stay even if she was capable to jumping over Frankie's head. There was just something she liked about watching someone else cook. It probably had something to do with her own inability to make anything that was more than adequate. Watching someone else who was skilled was somewhat mesmerizing, and she like to think that whenever she did watch she would get just a tiny bit better.


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"May. May Jennings." She extended a hand for a shake then quickly glanced at the pot to make sure it was still under control after the brief distraction. "You can watch if you want, but this is the last batch I'm making till later. Then I've got some other things to do, and if you're around watching then, someone's bound to put you to work helping. I hear you may need some rest..." She continued to stir frequently as she carefully got out some bowls to put the soup in, keeping a steady pace with breaks to manuver the dishes.


A bug
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Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Understood. Thank you, Miss May." And with that Bea sat herself against a nearby wall, tucked her knees close to her chest, then folding her arms on top so she could use them to rest her chin. She stayed that way for a while simply watching the woman work, being reminded of simpler days when her mom had those few precious days when she could actually stay home and cook a meal instead of working her ass to the bone, but as the seconds passed her eyes started getting a little heavier. Her head began to tilt, and more and more of her face joined her chin atop her makeshift pillow. She didn't even realize she was starting to lose it until her body slumped a little too far to the left and made her lose her balance.

A sharp yelp came out when Bea finally crashed on the floor, and while she picked herself up and rubbed her now aching head her cheeks became a rather vivid red that echoed the embarrassment in her eyes. She meekly looked around to see who noticed her little stunt. "I guess I should hit the hay..." The laugh that followed couldn't have been more nervous. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you." She was able to look May in the eyes when she made her apology, but a quick glance toward Frankie quite plainly said let's get out of here before I make an even bigger fool of myself.


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The cook didn't even jump, she had just started getting bowls for the others, but didn't drop any. "Yes dearie, you look quite tired, I think if you go back to the quarters and go to sleep no one will disturb you." She gave a little laugh, letting Bea know everything was okay. Frankie had been looking around, about to head off for more work. He just shook his head at Bea, but had a smile on his face. "Yeah, let's get you back there. It's nice and safe, you can relax and sleep without any worries." He bent down a bit and patted his back. "Here, I'll even give you a ride. And if you really want, I'm sure someone will be glad to stand watch, if you still don't feel safe."


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

When Frankie offered to carry her Bea nearly let out a small sigh. What was it with those two that made them want to carry her everywhere? But when she tried to lift herself and found her muscles protesting now that they'd started to rest she started blushing a bit. "I guess a ride won't hurt..."

Finally managing to get herself to her feet she climbed onto Frankie's back, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms looping in front of his neck. Now that she was ready to leave she took a moment to look back at May as the cook was preparing to bring some food to some other people. "It was nice meeting you, May! And thanks again for the food!" With her goodbye said and done Bea fully relaxed, her body plastered against his and not even caring that she was pressing herself against him so intimately.


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The cook smiled and waved, quickly turning back to her work. Frankie didn't move to fast as he carried her, while he wouldn't admit it, he was showing signs of fatigue too. "You're going to have to help around here soon enough, though. I'd be thinking about what you want to do, if I were you, cause if you can suggest something first, it's better then just being "volunteered" for something..." He paused a bit as they entered the room as set Bea down softly. Max was gone. "It may sound kinda strict when I describe it, but really, we're all working together, and everyone's in a pretty good mood. I'm kinda concerned, though, as there's a chance we may not be able to fit everyone on the truck..." He sighed, and sat down next to her, wiping his brow.


A bug
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Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Mhm." As much as it looked like Bea was starting to drift off on Frankie's back she still heard everything he said. Max said something about the people needing help, and she knew she would have to do something if she wanted to stay here instead of wandering around while gigantic spiders tried to jump you, but she really couldn't think of anything she could actually volunteer for. Her skill set in the civilized world was useful, or at least enough to keep her employed, but in this post-apocalyptic wasteland the only thing she was good for was fighting. Maybe she could act as a bodyguard, but her specialty was close quarters. Waiting for a group of monsters to get close was sure to get everyone else grabbed and dragged to lord knows where. But without any other choice she'd either have to do that or ask where she could be useful.

When she returned to her room Bea was gently set down. Of course she also noticed the considerable strain Frankie was putting on himself, and she wondered just how much he thought he would accomplish if he suddenly dropped from exhaustion. But the comment on the truck caught her attention. Max had said something about a van earlier, but he didn't mention anything about it having a limited capacity. "Does it have a hitch? I'd imagine anything found around here would have some horsepower, so maybe it could drag something everyone else could ride in.

A sudden but rather large yawn hit her as she finished that last sentence, and once it passed she looked even more tired than usual. She would wait for Frankie's response, but after that she laid back down on the bedroll and started making herself comfortable. "Sorry, it's really starting to hit me, now. I just need some shuteye." Her mind started drifting at that point. "Hey." She managed to keep herself awake long enough to say one more thing. "Don't work yourself too hard, okay? I don't think I'll be able to carry you back..." A short giggle was the last thing she gave before she finally passed out.


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Frankie put his hand to his chin in thought. "Well, not exactly, but maybe we could make one or something... I'll bring it up..." He got up and tucked her in before going to the door. "I'll check on ya later." He wasn't sure if she was still awake or not, so he left.

Bea woke up to someone poking her. She recognized the voice as that of the redhead from the rescue party. "Hey, wake up, we don't have time for you to sleep all day. We need an extra pair of hands now." Bea felt like she'd slept long enough to be rested, but could have gone another hour or so.


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

With sleep claiming her once more Bea is once again dreaming a strange dream. So what could it be this time? It starts off with Bea running around the shelter, a few weeks having passed without any luck finding the part needed to repair the truck. Bea had some free time, and she decided to wander over to the kitchen to visit May. There she found the dark beauty once again preparing a meal, this one looking like a stew. But supplies had been running low, and none of the search parties had found any meats that could be used. So what exactly was she cooking? "Spider stew." At that point the head of a spider floats to the surface, and Bea swore it actually blinked at her before it sank back down. A moment later another spider walked right up to the spot and sniffed it. It chirped in approval, and in a blink it was standing next to Bea and poking her in the shoulder. "Hey, wake up."

That poking felt a little too real, and soon enough Bea's eyes fluttered open. She no longer felt drained, but the large yawn and the half-closed eyes were enough of a sign to say she could have used a bit more rest. It took a moment to process what was said, but when she did she turned to find Jenny looking down at her. "Huh? Oh, o-*YAAAAAAAWN*-kay..." It took a couple seconds to get back on her feet, but once she was up Bea started to wake up a little more. "What do you need?"


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The woman sighed a bit, not at Bea, but at their situation in general. "That short loudmouth had a good idea for once. We're going to rig up a trailer to our escape vehicle. We need some sheet metal and even MORE parts to make it work though. A few of us are going outside to get supplies. We're short handed, so every person we can scrounge up now will help." She looked Bea over, in almost an unnerving way. She continued with a little disdain in her voice. "You want to go armed, or are you going to carry extra?"


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Listening to Jenny talk Bea stood up and started stretching her back. "Of course it's a good idea. He may be a little loud and obnoxious, but he's a good guy. He just needs a little direction, you know?" She continued stretching, her arms and legs getting pulled to their limits to loosen her muscles a bit. From the sounds of things she was going to go out with a search party, and if she did she knew she would have to start fighting. Might as well get the kinks out now.

At Jenny's question Bea came to a slow stop before bringing herself upright. "I'd like to go armed, but...I'm really not any good with a gun." The woman shifted nervously. There was no telling what the bossy lady would think of someone who literally couldn't shoot straight to save her own hide. "Do you have something else, like a bat or a crowbar or some other thing I could use for a weapon?" A bit of confidence returned to Bea at that point, and then she started wondering. Where is my bat, anyway?


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

She just gave Bea a blank look, almost as if she was looking down on her. "No. I guess you'll just carry the big stuff. Follow me." There was a quite clear edge of irritability in her voice. It probably had been there from the start, but only became obvious now. She left the room and motioned for Bea to follow. The shyer, blonde girl was waiting at the door and followed Jenny. She looked nervious and a bit intimedated by the redhead.

(Your stuff is in the corner of the room, she just didn't see it, but you'll notice it on your way out)


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

A pack mule, huh? Well it could be worse. Bea really didn't trust herself with a gun, but she still wished she had something she could use to defend... Hold on a sec... "There you are!" She nearly sounded giddy when she noticed what little bit of stuff there was stacked over in the corner, and among them was her trusty bat that she gave to Max. Even with the short time she had been wielding it she thought of it as her baby, and now that she had it back in her hands her happiness just wouldn't be contained. She had to showboat.

The woman's left hand took hold of her weapon, and a moment later that same arm was whipping behind her back in a practiced move that almost felt like second nature. Her grip was released, and with that the bat spun a couple times in the air as it rose. Once it reached the height of its jump her right hand reached over her shoulder and plucked the bat right out of the air by its handle. A quick chop brought her sword back to her front, and once she was done she held her pose for a split second.

With that bit of grand-standing done Bea was feeling a lot better, and when she turned back toward the redhead she had a mischievous little grin on her face. "Lead the way!" It was at this point that she noticed Kris waiting nearby, and Bea decided to give the blond a casual wave hello.


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The redhead sighed and shook her head. "Fine, but if that gets in the way and you have to drop it we'll just leave it. Can't keep track of half the junk in here I swear..." Her voice trailed off. She had a lot of frustration, but it didn't all seem to be directed at Bea. Fortunately the blonde was in a better mood, letting Bea go ahead of her so she would take up the rear. She looked a bit apologetic, but didn't challenge the other woman.

Before heading out they checked if anyone else was free to go, but everyone was busy with defending the warehouse or preparing for their eventual departure. They exited through a bay door, out a direction Bea hadn't been yet. "We have to go a few blocks, as we've already searched around here." She didn't waste any time in heading down one of the alleys. The pace was quick enough that Bea would have to struggle to keep up. "For now just keep your eyes open for monsters, I have a map here of where we might find supplies." There were any hostiles in sight, but the warehouses had roofs that were perfect for ambushes, and they seemed to be traveling down the creepiest, dark paths.


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

At the mention of Bea having to leave her bat if it got in the way of carrying things the woman raised an eyebrow. "But if I brought a gun then..." Don't finish that thought! Jen seemed annoyed at everything, but right now that annoyance wasn't at aimed her. Her inner voice told her it was best to let sleeping dogs lie instead of pointing out that if she had a gun that would be as much of a burden as a bat, and they sure as hell wouldn't be leaving that behind. "Nevermind."

With Bea keeping her objections under wraps she followed the redhead as they group wandered around the warehouse asking if other people were willing to volunteer. She really wasn't paying too much attention, though. She really couldn't overlook the fact that even if it was a means of defense the bat still occupied one of her hands. If they were going to pick up some sheet metal or some other large thing than her weapon would get in the way. She needed some way to carry it without actually having to carry it, like a harness or some other thing. Doubtful anything like that was nearby. Maybe if she had a leather strap and some bungee cords...

That thought was broken when it was time to leave. Once outside it was all business, and the first thing she noticed was the speed they were all taking. Bea felt like she was having to push herself to keep up with them. If they all ran into a group of spiders blocking their path then combat would be a little strained since they all would be a little winded. But the longer they spent out here the greater the chance of being spotted. Maybe speed was more preferable to stealth.

But that made it that much harder to keep an eye out for monsters. There were too many viable ambush locations, and shifting attention from one to the other while practically running all over the place was just too much. So it was time to prioritize. Jen was in the lead, so she would be watching where they were actually heading. Kris was in the rear, so she would be the first to hear anything trying to catch them from behind. That left Bea to watch the rooftops. Her attention was focused on that space right over their heads, the only time it wasn't those few moments when she needed to look down and keep track of where everyone was heading. She really wished Jen would decide to slow down at least a little bit, but until then she would just have to do her best.


Turtle Poker
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

After stumbling around debris a few times, Bea noticed that a lot of the stuff was automotive. They were looking for car parts, of course, but neither of the other women said anything about finding what they were looking for.

They finally slowed down when the group found a chainlink gate blocking the path. Kris looked uneasy, but Jen's grump "hmph" sounded a bit more content then usual. She pulled a lockpick out of her pocket and began fiddling with the padlock. "This is going to take a minute... but there's bound to be good stuff in here..." Her voice was quiet, to avoid attracting attention, but her bad attitude made it a bit louder then it probably should have been. Kris nervously glanced back, but kept her eyes on their line of retreat for anything sneaking up on them. They were kind of boxed into a corner, though there were some loading bays nearby and other doors that could potentially be other escape routes, though they could just as easily contain monsters themselves. The tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

(I know not much to do here, but believe me, the little details of your next post will determine a few things (how's that for tension ;) ))


A bug
RP Moderator
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Noticing that they were looking for car parts Bea let Jen rush the group forward since she seemed to have her mind already set on a specific area to search. With their trip suddenly coming to a halt next to a chainlink gate the woman took the time to let her body gain a bit of rest. As she did she took a look around and found that they were pretty much stuck in a corner, their backs to the wall with no real escape should something decide to pop down and ambush them. There were a few doors and loading bays nearby that could offer a possible escape, but without knowing what was on the other side the humans could just as likely open the door to another spider nest. Things were not looking good.

With Jen working on the lock and Kris looking nervous as hell Bea figured she might as well try and see if she could hear anything. She closed her eyes and tilted her head from side to side, her mind able to focus more easily on any sounds she may have ignored while her attention was focused on what she could see. She opened her eyes every few seconds to take another look at the rooftops in case something was moving silently, but she also started moving closer to the nearby walls to try and catch any slight shuffling or skittering from behind the nearby exits. Jen would probably finish before Bea was done, and once that lock was popped she tried to get the leader's attention and silently ask her to stay still for a few more seconds. Once she was assured things were safe then she'd open her eyes and nod her head to say she was ready to keep going.
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