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Eluku Wolf's Dungeon suggestions [CONCEPT ART]

I completely forgot this thread existed.
Very nice artwork :3

I saw your avatar @Untamed and "Eluku", so figured it was the main thread and I just don't get the notifications, again.... Surprise!
I like it! The art does look almost identical to Eluku's, I was sure it was some concept I missed at first.
HI!! I haven't posted in forever and totally forgot about the thread. 2020 was dog water.

I really enjoyed the ghost fight in Eluku's other game Fairy Fighting. It'd be cool to see some more spirit stuff where Nona wakes up tied to two large wooden poles/crosses or something that fits with the experience and ghosts have their way with her orifices anyway they want, meanwhile she has to get free somehow or she'll get possessed as a game over scene.

Here's a little animated thing I made with a stand in character in place of Nona or a girl in one of the background scenes.

haunted concept.gif