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Elizabeth (maikochan)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Elizabeth Calanthia Fairburn
Age: 19
Physical Description:

Mental Description:

Rich, smart, beautiful and bored, and more than a little vain, Elizabeth (only her mother was alowed to call her Beth) is the rich heiress of a wealthy english family. Both of her parents died when she was sixteen, by which time Elizabeth had already completed high school and was in her first year at Oxford. With all of her parents' wealth now at her disposal, and finding little that could hold her interest for long, Elizabeth was excited to see a new product that could whet her apatite.


Elizabeth wasn't very happy when the company told her she couldn't take one of the new EGGs home, but became a little more willing to accept it when she was told that she could come by at any time to try it out until they were ready to be released.

Settling inside the compartment, it felt comfy and calming. A little cool, but a snug fit, as the lid comes down and the screens float up to life.

She fills out the first screen quickly enough, the settings allowing for a few custom options.

Humans: Y 3
Non-Human Humanoids: Y 5
Male/Female: Y 3
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 3
Slavery: Y 3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 4

Another set of screens come up, more options. A little agitated that she can't quite start yet, she has to make a few choices. First up is difficulty, easy is grayed out, and it's defaulted to normal. For all her choices a small little (?) provides a useful pop up with information.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

After selecting that, she is presented with a list of options for gameplay type and location. There are two types, though the first is grayed out. Offensive and Defensive.

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
And an odd fourth option, with a field to perhaps enter her own idea.

Ok, whew!
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Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Elizabeth ignored the little question marks as she went through the choices. Difficulty was clear enough, though she was a little curious as to why the Easy option was grayed out. Elizabeth had been planning on using the Normal difficulty, but since Easy was not an option, she figured Hard would be the sane as Normal in this case and selected that.

Seeing the next list of choices, Elizabeth rolled her eyes at seeing yet another disabled option. "They must still be developing scenarios. Makes one wonder what else is still in development." She said to herself. Once again ignoring the help icons, she quickly dismissed the Labyrinth choice, "I don't really want to run a rat maze." So that left the Mansion and the Castle choices, both of which appealed to the young aristocrat. "Well, I'll have time to experiment with the different scenarios, might as well go with the first one." With that, she selected the Mansion setting and waited for any further options.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Hard, for the record, gives enemies a +2 against you by default in all cases. However, I'm planning to let good descriptions of actions give a +1.

Deciding to skip all of that which is meaningless, Elizabeth decides to try and skip right to the good stuff. Watching as the lights around her dimmed to darkness, and feeling weightless for a few moments in the total black, she wondered why it was taking so long.

A sudden flash and she found herself in an entirely different outfit as the world around her seemed to build out of nothing, it all happened in an instant, but there were first basic shapes, then details, colors, backgrounds.

She found herself standing in front of a mansion that seemed to be abandoned. Looking around, she saw she was on a cliff face, behind her a load road down to a forest. The door to the mansion in front of her was creaking, swaying gently in the wind, in an almost inviting way.

One moment of broken immersion when a screen popped up, saying "Game Start!", and she was in the game. She could feel the breeze as she took her first step forward towards the doors.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Elizabeth was a little taken aback as the screen popped up, but she had to give a chuckle on reading its message once it had disappeared. "At least they've got a sense of humour." She comments to herself as she starts to step towards the mansion.

She only took a few steps before realizing the clothes around her were different from what she had been wearing. "It had better not be some trollop's outfit." She muttered. Elizabeth was aware that the majority of the EGG's developers were male, and she had some strong misgivings about men from some of her earlier experiances with them. Stopping, Elizabeth looked down at herself and what she was now wearing.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

As Elizabeth starts to ponder about her clothes, another little window pop up appears in front of her, as if it was a programmed reaction to what she was thinking. Another (?) was on this text box, it probably expanded into an explanation.

"Don't like clothes?(?) Click here to change them!"
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as the box appeared. Still considering herself alone, she thought out loud, "Why would they have a question mark next to clothes?" Intrigued, she did click on this explaination icon, or tried to, reaching up with her arm to try to touch the box, not quite sure if this was how the boxes were programmed.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Upon pressing the (?), it worked exactly like she might have thought it would, popping up another block with an explination.

"In Game Knowledge Base: Clothes

You may have noticed your clothes are different from when you were sitting in the EGG! This is because when you start a game, a mental scan is preformed in order to create a set of clothes that might be interesting for the situation. As other things, it may be prone to some bugs. But worry not, you can change your clothes to anything you'd like in the clothes changer. When in the clothes changer, just think of the outfit you'd like, and you'll be wearing it!
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Elizabeth nodded as she read the message, and grinned as she read the last bit. While her own wardrobe took up a small room all by itself, there were just some things that money couldn't buy. Taking a few moments to try on various extravagent outfits, Elizabeth finally settled on a simple black dress that seemed, at least to what she knew right now, the most suitable for the scenario she had chosen and still classy. (Pic )

With her new outfit, Elizabeth looked over to the mansion. "Alright, no more heel dragging, let's see what's awaiting." And with that, she started walking towards the old mansion's front door.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Having settled on a snazzy change of clothes and closing out the windows, Elizabeth strolled right through the front door of the mansion.

Inside, it wasn't in very bad shape, though there was some dust here and there, there didn't seem to be nearly enough for the place to be as abandoned as it looked. She was standing in a grand foyer, a grand staircase in front of her to the second floor, and at least ten different doors. Five on the first floor, and five on the second.

There were two doors on either side of her on the first floor, with a door visible next to the stairs in the back on the right. On the second floor there were three doors forward, with one door on both the right and left hand side of the balcony overlooking the ground floor.

Taking a closer look, Elizabeth noted that the first floor door in the back seemed ajar.

She also realized that although dim, the lights were on. Looking back, the front door was still wavering. She had expected it to be closed, but it wasn't.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Refraining from making a comment out loud this time, Elizabeth made her way to the far door that seemed a little open already. She was aware of the sound the heels she had chosen were making on the wooden floor, but still had a sense of security and control, she could stop the game at any time, right? With a shake of the head, Elizabeth pushed that nagging bit of doubt out of her mind and looked through the opening in the door.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Stepping through the door in the back, Elizabeth enters a somewhat dark hallway. Making her way through, she suddenly feels the need to jump back, and does. Just as she lands, something massive lands on the ground where she was just standing a moment ago.

It's large and slightly transparent, a blue-green in color. Recovering from it's fall, it starts to move towards her.

Slime: HP 3/3

FP 4/4
AP 0/3
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Taking several steps back from the gelatenous creature, Elizabeth looks at it with some skepticism. "A... jello creature?" Elizabeth had never played the old RPG games and really wasn't sure what to do with such a harmless looking creature, but one thing was certain, she didn't want to touch the thing. Stepping back to the door, she waited for the slime to follow her into the doorway before slamming the door on it, hoping to catch the slime between the door and jam.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

(19 vs 18+2) (Ouch, hard difficulty)
Elizabeth turns and runs back through the door, hoping that the slime would be slow enough that she can trap it in the doorway. The slime surges forward, far faster than she expected, she tried to slam the door shut, but it was already on the other side.

(9+2 vs 5)
And already on her. The slime had landed around her legs and was starting to climb up them. It reaches her thighs, it felt oddly nice, warm, and somewhat tingly. She also saw that her clothes seemed to be dissolving in the slime.

Slime 3/3 HP

Elizabeth FP 3/4 AP 1/3
(AP gives a -1 to rolls to escape for each point. Also the slime gives a -2 to attempts to escape, but not attack, and it has a +2 to attack while holding you.)
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

((HaHA! I'm back! The rape can comence now.))

"Oh gross!" Elizabeth looked down at the slime climbing her legs in disgust and started kicking at it, trying to dislodge the slime or even do some damage to it. "Get off of me you perverted jello mold!"

((Attack if possible, escape otherwise))
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

15 vs 16
13 vs 6

Elizabeth fights valiantly to try and escape the slime, but she finds herself unable to get it off her. The slime holding tough as it starts to climb her, reaching her waist and her stomach now, the pressure it's putting on her is tiring, and the sudden grinding of a hard part on her womanhood arouses her. She sees the slime mostly dissolving the rest of her clothes now wherever it is.

Slime 3/3 HP

Elizabeth FP 2/4 AP 2/3
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

((Who would have thought a +2 would make such a difference so early on...))

"Wha.. get... Off!" Trying to kick at the slime around her legs threw off Elizabeth's balance, and with the slime climbing higher, she felt herself falling backwards. Landing with a "Oomf" on her backside, splattering some of the slime, but apparently not enough to help her any, Elizabeth looked down at the slime around her. Being someone who always wanted to be in charge, she made up her mind. The thing didn't seem to want to let go, but aside from damaging her clothing, which could be replaced, the slime seemed only to make her feel good.

"Well, fine. Since you're not going to let go, you can do whatever." Laying back, Elizabeth let the slime do whatever it wanted, as long as it didn't go near her face. Although calm, inside she was thinking up inventive ways to seperate the programmers' genitalia from their body.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

The slime instantly ignored her wish of it not going towards her face. The moment it felt her stop resisting, it almost instantly stretched to expand and cover he entirely, lifting her off the ground and holding her in it's body.

She panicked at first, because she thought she might drown, but quickly learned she could breath in the thing.

It sort of flipped her over, holding her ass up and her chest down in the slime. As it finished eating away the rest of her clothes, leaving her entirely naked. Although embarrassing, not too bad. Then she felt as if every point of contact with the slime was licking her. An impossible to describe feeling, which quickly sent her to a climax.

She hoped they were done after that, but they weren't. She felt tendrils of the slime forming, ramming inside of her, both holes, below. She tried to gasp, and a longer one went in her mouth, all the way down into her throat. As this point she understood why she could breath in it.

The slime pounded all three holes, although not entirely uncomfortable, and mostly pleasure, Elizabeth wondered why she wasn't feeling tired, even after the second orgasm. She realized she was entirely awake throughout the entire time, the slime must be stopping her from being tired! As she realized this, the slimed entered very deeply into all three holes, as she felt it basically cum inside her.

The slime moved away, leaving her in a pile on the floor, cum leaking out. She felt tired now that the slime was gone, and cold. And used.
She woke up later, still naked, in a pool of the slimes semen.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Through the semi-consentual rape, Elizabeth found herself actually enjoying it. Though she'd never admit it, she did have a level of sexual frustration, mainly steming from her dislike of men and cool, if not outright antagonistic demeanor towards most people she meets. As a result, being able to stay conscious through multiple orgasms was very statisfying for the girl.

Still, she couldn't help but think that it had been forced on her, no matter how much she liked it, and that made her more than a little incensed. But she'd deal with those perverted programmers later. Making a mental note, she sat up and looked around for any sign of the slime or anything else that might be hostile.

Seeing nothing that could be a threat, she stood up. Wiping some of the slime's... effluent from her chest, she stared straight ahead. "I guess I should have done this earler. Is there any sort of manual for this device? I want some info." Speaking into thin air, she tried to get a menu of some sorts to appear, like had happened with the clothing menu.
Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

Finding no movement around her, Elizabeth thought best on how to bring up the in game menu. And although no actual menu appeared, she did get a result which would probably be useful.

"In Game Knowledge Base - Main Page
Hello! Welcome to the EGGs IGKB. Please enter search terms below.

Re: Elizabeth (maikochan)

For some reason, the Knowledge Base interface made Elizabeth even more irritated. Putting a hand on her hip, she called out to it. "Fine. What can I do in this game? What commands or options are available?"