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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Perhaps to her surprise, the Spider Woman half slid aside.

"Since you asked nicely, I'll let you go. It'll be our little secret."

Moving onward Elise found herself in a room with what seemed to be a Map Piece in the middle of the room!

Meanwhile ...

Grapple Attempt:

Slime: 12 vs. Brianna: 1+10=11

Brianna is tackled!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 7+10=17 vs. Slime: 23
Brianna: 23+10=33 vs. Slime: 12

Brianna breaks free on her second try!


1: Try to take it!

2: Move onward and ignore it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"R-Really? You'll let me go? Oh thank you," Elise replied, looking a bit surprised, before she leaned in and kissed the spider woman on the cheek in thanks.

With that, Elise gathered her weapons and moved on, her cock throbbing a bit very noticeably where the spidery woman could see it and likely be amused by it. Heading into the next room, Elise saw the map piece seemingly dangling there in the middle of the room, and thought about going to get it, but didn't want to risk it at first. Sighing, she thought that it was better to try and it not be one, than to leave and maybe leave a real one behind, so she cautiously stepped out towards it to take the thing.

"Please... be one," Elise whispered as she reached for the thing.

[1. Take the map piece]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Reaching out, Elise found the map piece was in fact real! Looking at it told her it was for the area she was in already, so it had in fact been a waste of time, and nothing new. Sighing, she moved onwards to the next portion of this maze.

Moving into a new room, Elise ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Elise: 7 vs. Trap???: 18.

... Never saw the crawling creatures until it was too late. Suddenly something latched on to her face, shoving a dick like thing into her mouth and blocking her vision. Before she could react to that though, two other creatures grabbed onto her, one thrusting a dick into her ass, and the other into her pussy, with all three beginning to rape her in unison! Elise suffers 50 Pleasure and gains 110 KP! She has 109 Stamina left!

Meanwhile ...

Grapple Attempt:

Slime: 18 vs. Brianna: 12

Brianna is tackled again!

Escape Grapple Attempt(s):

Brianna: 3 vs. Slime: 28
Brianna: 1 vs. Slime: 20

Brianna can't break free!

Penetration Attempt:

Slime: 25 vs. Brianna: 8

Brianna can't stop the Slime Girl from suddenly enveloping her cock inside it's body, shuddering at how good it felt. Her mantra was broken instantly, leaving her more vulnerable, and then of course the Slime Girl began to ride her!

Brianna suffers 55 Pleasure and gains 75 KP from her rape. She has 215 Stamina left.


1: Try to break free of the trap creatures!

2: Other?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Finding the map piece real, yet practically useless, she sighed and moved on, before she tripped over a wire and triggered another trap, this one catching her before she could react, as the face hugger thing latched onto her face while two more took her lower holes. Elise squealed and began thrashing about immediately to break free, reaching up and grabbing the one on her face with both hands and trying to rip it away.

[1. Try to break free.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Elise: 12 vs. Trap: 4

Elise is able to pull herself free quickly, and escape the room!

Moving onward, Elise finds herself in a new room. As she moves through the room ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Elise: 17 vs. Trap???: 13

Elise spots another trap of the vine like kind, and bolts out of the room!

Entering another new room Elise ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Elise: 27 vs. Trap???: 9

... Spot another planty trap, and bolts from the room!

Entering her fourth new room in less than that many minutes, Elise comes face to face with two enemies!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Demonic Spider: Stamina: 200. Pleasure: 50 (60 when you are futa'd). HP: 800. Weak vs. Cold. Special Ability: Web Mounting. DEAD

Level 8 Slime Girl: Stamina: 200/200. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Damage: 20. Weak vs. Lightning: Special Ability: Stuck on You. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Initiative Roll:

Elise: 26 (1st)
Spider: 12 (2nd)
Slime: 9 (Last)

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 5 vs. Slime: 29

Brianna can't escape!

Skill Activation:

Slime: 29 vs. Brianna: 21

Brianna can't stop the Slime from molding to her body, completely making her helpless to fight the pleasure! Brianna suffers 55 pleasure and gains 55 KP as she's ridden again, unable to even try to break free this time! She has 160 stamina left.

Brianna can't try to escape yet.

Pleasure Roll:

Slime: 19 vs. Brianna: 25

Brianna resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 21 vs. Slime: 26

Brianna can't escape!

Pleasure Roll:

Slime: 15 vs. Brianna: 25

Brianna resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 1 vs. Slime: 11

Brianna can't escape!

Pleasure Roll:

Slime: 30 vs. Brianna: 26

Brianna screams as she's ridden again, this time feeling it real good as the Slime hits all her best spots! Brianna suffers 110 Pleasure and gains 110 KP. She has 50 Stamina left!


1: Attack the Slime.

2: Attack the Spider.

3: Sex!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise struggled mightily and broke free of the trap, heaving a sigh of relief as she got free, and moved onward quickly, lest it trap her again somehow. The next room had strange vines hanging from what was obviously a trap, and Elise scrambled past it before it could do anything to her, making it to the other door and exiting that room too. The room after that, Elise found yet another trap, and again managed to avoid the thing amazingly, and this put her into much higher spirits, making her feel that she was getting better at this.

That was until she entered the next room, where she saw two foes standing before her, where she gulped and raised her weapons to fight. "A-Alright then, come on," Elise said, steeling herself for a fight, and rushing at the spider, trying to quickly take one foe out to even the playing field as she swing her daggers furiously.

[2. Attack the spider with Signet of Agony Chain.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 8, 17, 5, 9 & 23 vs. Spider: 21, 4, 12, 17 & 5.

Elise only lands 2 hits, neither for critical damage, and deals 260 damage. The Spider has 540 HP left!

Grapple Attempts:

Spider: 1 vs. Elise: 10+5=15
Slime: 9 vs. Elise: 12+5=17

Elise dodges both attacks!

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 26, 15, 8, 7, & 29 vs. Spider: 16, 17, 14, 26 & 14.

Again Elise only lands 2 hits, this time one critically. She deals 390 damage and leaves the Spider with 150 HP.

Grapple Attempts:

Elise counters the Spider as it lunges for her, killing it instantly! The Slime ...

Slime: 17 vs. Elise: 28+5=33

... Misses badly, giving Elise a shot to end the fight!

Attack Roll:

Elise: 17 vs. Slime: 26

The Slime dodges Elise, and then Elise counters it for 400 damage!

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 13, 9 & 29 vs. Slime: 27, 12 & 6.

Elise lands one hit critical for 360 damage, leaving the slime with 40 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Slime: 12 vs. Elise: 17+5=22

Elise dodges.

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 10, 25 & 28 vs. Slime: 3, no need.

Elise KILLS the Slime as well, ending the battle. She gains 700 XP. She gets no loot!

Moving onward, Elise soon finds herself in a different, smaller room. Almost instantly she spots two foes coming towards her, one of whom looks exactly like her!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Balaur Female Naga: 70 Pleasure. 1,000 HP. 500 Stamina.

Level 7 Vined Doppelganger: Pleasure: 70. 195 HP. 250 Stamina. Weak vs. Lightning and Cold. Special Ability: Dual Rape.

Initiative Roll:

Elise: 9 (Last)
Balaur: 22 (1st)
Doppel: 18 (2nd)

Before Elise can react, she's under attack!

Grapple Attempts:

Balaur: 28 vs. Elise: 17+5=22
Doppel: 24 vs. Elise: 20+5=25

Elise is able to dodge her double, but is grabbed by the snake like draconic woman!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 24 vs. Slime: 25

Brianna is unable to break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Slime: 22 vs. Brianna: 29

Brianna resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 8 vs. Slime: 10

Brianna is stuck!

Pleasure Roll:

Slime: 12 vs. Brianna: 4

Brianna can't hold back forever, and finally the Slime Girl is able to pleasure her again. Despite Brianna's best efforts to resist it, she's rather hotly ridden to paradise, sharing an orgasm with the Slime Girl. Brianna shudders as the Slime orgasms around her cock, almost at the same time Brianna helplessly begins to spurt anyway! Unable to handle it, Brianna screams as she violently succumbs to her orgasm, watching helplessly as her seed fills the interior of the Slime Girl right before her eyes! Brianna can see everything happening to her cock as it does, helplessly writhing as she's milked of her seed! Brianna suffers 110 Pleasure and gains 470 from the rape, shared orgasm and from 'impregnating' the Slime Girl! Her adrenaline begins to flow as suddenly she is released, and all too quickly realizes her foe has begun a division process, and soon she'll have two of them!

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 3+10=13 vs. Slime Girl: 16

Brianna misses, and angers the Slime Girl!

Assault Roll:

Slime: 8 vs. Brianna: 16+10=26

Brianna dodges, realizing the Slime is trying to kill her!

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 27+10=37 vs. Slime: 8

Brianna ends the fight, shuddering at how easily she'd been ridden! She gains 700 XP, and gets no loot.

Moving onward, Brianna finds herself in an ambush! Two enemies attack her, and one of them looks exactly like her!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Balaur Female Naga: 70 Pleasure. 1,000 HP. 500 Stamina.

Level 7 Vined Doppelganger: Pleasure: 70. 160 HP. 270 Stamina. Weak vs. Lightning and Cold. Special Ability: Dual Rape.

Initiative Rolls:

Brianna: 28 (1st)
Naga: 5 (Last)
Doppel: 12 (2nd)

Brianna realizes she has to get this fight started and ended quickly before she's overwhelmed again! She casts her Mantra of Speed! She has 185 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 16+10=26 vs. Doppelganger: 25

Brianna smokes the Doppelganger with a Holy Blast!

Brianna: 7+10=17, 12+10=22, 20+10=30, 11+10=21 & 29+10=39 vs. Balaur: 25, 11, 22, 26 & 30

Brianna lands 3 of her hits, all Critical for a total of 780 Damage, leaving her foe with 220 HP!

Grapple Attempt:

Balaur: 18 vs. Brianna: 4+10=14

Brianna is grabbed!


1: No, get off me!

2: Take me down!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise slashed her daggers at the spider, catching it with one of them and spinning around to nimbly dodge their counter attacks on her, where she flipped and slashed again at her target. The, the spider lunged at her in retaliation, where Elise ducked, rolled around to come up behind the spider, where she jumped up, slashing her dagger in an uppercut like arc, ending the spider's life then and there. Now she had only the slime to deal with, Elise thought.

Elise dodged the slime, jumping over a swing of a slimy tendril at her legs, where she then slashed away part of the slime's form. After that, Elise followed up with another big twin slash of her daggers, and after a little bit more of a scuffle, Elise managed to finish the slime girl off, where her form dissipated into the ground. "Whew, that was a tough one. Let's move on Elise, you're doing awesome," Elise murmured to herself as she set off once she noticed that neither of her foes dropped anything.

Moving on into the next area, Elise saw two more foes before her, and readied herself for another fight. Seeing the two take the initiative against her, Elise moved quickly to dodge them, but after dodging her double, the dragon woman managed to get a hold on her, and Elise gasped, and immediately began struggling to break free, hoping to be able to manage it before her double got in on the action.

[1. Break free obviously. :p]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 15 vs. Balaur: 11

Elise breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Balaur: 11 vs. Elise: 24+5=29
Doppel: 6 vs. Elise: 4+5=9

Elise dodges!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 7 & 11 vs. Balaur: 10 & 17

Brianna can't break free!

Penetration Attempt:

Balaur: 30 vs. Brianna: 21

Brianna cries out as she's forced to penetrate the Balaur's tight pussy, her mantra broken. Brianna shudders as she's forced to thrust into the pussy around her, suffering 70 Pleasure and gaining 90 KP. She has 200 Stamina left.


1: Attack your Double.

2: Attack the Balaur.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise struggles mightily against the balaur woman, and just manages to slip free from her clutches. The pair then tried to grab her yet again, but Elise managed to nimbly dodge them both thanks to her acrobatic maneuvers as she flipped over the balaur, and then rolled under her double's lunge. "Got to be faster than that girls," Elise said, bouncing back up and darting at them, feeling oddly... exhilarated for some reason, and bright and cheerful. She couldn't explain it, but for some reason she just felt that way as she lunged back and slashed at her double.

[1. Attack her double with Rune Carve Chain, though if that's not up, then Beast Swipe.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 10, 21, 20, 4 & 16 vs. Doppelganger: 7, 27, 22, 12, & 5

Elise lands only 2 hits, with one critical. She deals 390 Damage, killing her double.

Grapple Attempt:

Balaur: 27 vs. Elise: 14+5=19

The Balaur grabs Elise from behind, and wrestles her to the ground!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 5 vs. Balaur: 8

Brianna can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Balaur: 6 vs. Brianna: 4

Brianna moans as the Balaur continues riding her, dealing more pleasure to her despite her best efforts to resist it. Brianna suffers 70 Pleasure and gains 70 KP from her rape. She has 130 Stamina left.


1: Try to break free.

2: Enjoy alien naga pussy!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise slashed at her double as she darted in, taking her down with relative ease before she started to turn to slash at the balaur woman. However, she wasn't fast enough and was grabbed from behind, and despite struggling quite hard, Elise was brought to the ground with a grunt. "L-Let go d-damn you," Elise said as she tried to break free, pushing against the balaur woman to try and throw her off.

[1. Break free]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 16 vs. Balaur: 25

Elise isn't going anywhere.

Penetration Attempt:

Balaur: 28 vs. Elise: 27

Despite her best efforts, Elise can't stop the Balaur from beginning to rape her, and once she does, Elise is thrust into a pleasurable hell, and a tight pussy. The Naga coiled around her, forcing Elise inside her pussy, gripping the assassin inside her tight love tunnel. Once she had Elise secured, she began rocking back and forth over her, riding her towards paradise. Elise suffers 70 Pleasure and gains 90 KP. She has 180 Stamina left.

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 15 vs. Balaur: 4

Brianna escapes with ease.

Brianna counters the Balaur as it tries to take her down, dealing 400 damage to it and killing it! She gains 400 XP, but finds no loot! Sighing, she moves onward as the room begins shaking.

Brianna enters another room to find what looks like a Map Piece on a pedestal. It seemed too good to be true, and where she already had one, she wasn't about to risk it all on the thing anyway. Shaking her head, she carefully made for the only open exit ...

Entering the room, it seemed to be empty. Smiling slightly, she started across the room ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Brianna: 22 vs. Trap???: 14

And suddenly realized there was a pressure plate near her foot! Gasping, she jumped back, ready for anything, but it seemed she hadn't triggered whatever trap was there. Carefully, she made her way across the room, and out the exit ...

... Only to find herself in another seemingly empty room. Wary of another trap, she began carefully picking her way around the outside wall of the room ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Brianna: 2 vs. Trap???: 30

Brianna never saw the activator for the trap. By the time she realized she had tripped one, it was too late. Magic ran through her body, causing her to shudder to a complete stop, and then suddenly she was yanked towards the wall, her erect dick pressing INTO the wall. No, it wasn't the wall itself, there was a small opening there, and too late she realized it was another of those fake pussy devices she'd seen earlier. She cried out as she was forced to penetrate it, the tightness gripping her cock perfectly, making her groan as she was forcibly stroked. She gritted her teeth, trying to fight it, but got more than she bargained for when a strange whine filled the room. She couldn't see the source of the whine, but she most definitely felt the result of it.

Suddenly the fake pussy wasn't just stroking her, but she felt a powerful wind suction, like that of a vacuum racing out sucking on her cock as well, and she cried out again as she realized some kind of vacuum suction device was attached to this pussy. It was driving an insanely pleasurable vacuum into the fake pussy stroking her, and already she could feel it's work taking root over her. Brianna screams as she suffers 75 Pleasure, and gains 95 KP. Brianna has 195 stamina left until she gets her seed literally sucked out of her!


1: Try to escape the rape.

2: Enjoy some Balaur Pussy for a while. (How long?)
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

(Elise is already a futa, but only a minor oops)

Elise just couldn't shrug the balaur woman off of her, and found herself whimpering slightly as she was pushed back down onto the ground again. The moment of weakness she showed cost her, as she felt her already fairly sensitive cock disappearing into the balaur's pussy. After the multiple fights she'd had thus far, Elise was a bit pent up, and a bit stressed as well, not having had any orgasmic relief in what felt like an hour or more, which made her feel... weird, considering how many things were wanting to rape her in this place.

As she thought about this, Elise shook her head, trying to snap her mind back into reality as she sat there, and found her cock twitching with need already. Her cheeks flushed, her body heating up, and her balls aching for release, Elise's body gave in, despite her mind demanding otherwise, and she felt her hips jerking forward into the Balaur woman's tight slick folds, her balls slapping against the naga woman's skin with each thrust they both made towards each other. "F-Fuck I... n-need to cum so bad. I... d-don't understand what's wrong with me. It just feels s-so good," Elise whimpered softly, one hand reaching for the Balaur woman's breasts to squeeze them, while the other drifted to hook around her rapist's body to hold them closer together, a sense of... relief almost, coursing through her body and expanding outward from her tummy, despite the corruption she knew she must surely be gaining from this.

(2. Give in for... *rolls a d12*... 8 turns, though during that time, Elise doesn't need to be held/pinned by the Balaur, because her hips are actively working in tandem, though up to the Balaur of course if she wants to pin and keep Elise pinned. :p)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The Balaur wickedly grinned at Elise, continuing her attack with no resistance. She mad no attempt to restrain Elise or prevent her from wrapping her arms around her, she just kept riding the woman. Over the next 8 rounds Elise gains 640 Pleasure, as does the Balaur. Elise suffers 3 powerful orgasms, the second coming at the same time the Balaur has one, intensifying the pleasure she feels, and also raping the adrenaline boost and fight out of her! Elise becomes unable to move, stunned for four turns! She
gains 1130 KP from the initial rape, and has 230 Stamina left! She is stunned for two more turns, allowing the Balaur to continue raping her! Worse still, she gives her seed up to the Balaur with her first orgasm, impregnating her!

Elise suffers an additional 160 Pleasure and gains another 160 KP as the Balaur continues to rape her.

Elise now has only 70 Stamina left until another orgasm is raped out of her! The Balaur is still pregnant, 13/20.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Elise: 25 vs. Balaur: 15

Elise manages to break free, but now she has a difficult choice to make!


Escape Trap Attempt:

Brianna: 29 vs. Trap: 11

With some effort, Brianna manages to pull herself free of the device, shuddering as she ran out of the room.

Moving onward, Brianna found herself in a room that had a large pool of water in it. Unfortunately, she was not alone, as there were two enemies here!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 8 Succubus: Stamina: 170. Pleasure: 50. HP: 700. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Sexual Aura (Always on, -5 to all sex rolls vs. them). HP Drain on Orgasm.

Level 8 Amphibious Drayne: Stamina: N/A. Pleasure: 60. HP: 700.

Initiative Rolls:

Brianna: 30 (1st)
Drayne: 6 (Last)
Succubus 28 (2nd)

Brianna wastes no time in giving herself Mantra of Speed, entering the speeded up state. She loses 25 MP and has 185 left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 17, 14, 12, 24 & 15 vs. Succubus: 16, 25, 22, 6 & 20.

Brianna lands only 2 hits for 260 Damage, leaving the Succubus with 440 HP.

Brianna: 7, 22, 20, 21 & 14 vs. Succubus: 10, 26, 24, 11 & 17

Brianna again only manages to land 2 hits for 260 damage, leaving the Succubus with 180 HP!

Grapple Attempts:

Drayne: 14 vs. Brianna: 4

Brianna is grabbed!

The Succubus sits and waits as the Drayne grabs Brianna.

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Brianna: 11 vs. Drayne: 21
Brianna: 22 vs. Drayne: 11

Brianna breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Drayne: 22 vs. Brianna: 20

The Drayne grabs her again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 9 vs. Drayne: 11
Brianna: 27 vs. Drayne: 14

Brianna once more frees herself!

Grapple Attempts:

Drayne: 1 vs. Brianna: 3
Succubus: 23 vs. Brianna: 15

Brianna manages to dodge the Drayne, but the Succubus manages to grab her!

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Brianna: 1 vs. Succubus: 6
Brianna: 24 vs. Succubus: 7

Once more Brianna frees herself, getting annoyed with this seemingly never ending cycle.

Grapple Attempts:

Drayne: 18 vs. Brianna: 2

Brianna growls as she's tackled yet again.

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Brianna: 10 vs. Drayne: 4

Brianna breaks free, and winds up to attack the Succubus, hoping to finish it off, but instead she falls right into a trap. The Succubus ducks under Brianna's attack, and grabs hold of her, instantly creating an all to familiar chair for her to sit in. Before she can even cry out in horror, Brianna is
forced into the chair, restrained by the magical restraints, made a futa and getting her dick sucked. Brianna cries out as her blowjob begins, suffering 55 Pleasure, and gaining 75 KP. Brianna has 215 stamina left before she has an orgasm. Her Mantra is broken due to the rape, and the Succubus has used this turn, leaving Brianna a chance to possibly escape as the Drayne does nothing this turn.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 11-5=6 vs. Succubus: 23

Brianna can't even move enough to stretch the magical energy restraints holding her in place for her rape!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 26 vs. Brianna: 7-5=2

The Succubus continues to mercilessly suck Brianna's dick, making the elf girl tremble in pleasure as she's slowly sucked to the blowing point. Brianna suffers 55 pleasure and gains 55 KP. She has 160 Stamina left until she has an orgasm.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 19-5=14 vs. Succubus: 26

Brianna can't escape, easily held down in the chair by the restraints!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 26 vs. Brianna: 27-5=22

Brianna shudders as her blowjob continues despite her best efforts to resist it, her body beginning to respond to the stimulation. She suffers 55 Pleasure and gains 55 KP, and now has 105 Stamina left until she succumbs to her pleasure.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 29-5=24 vs. Succubus: 14 (Restraints weakened, must win again to fully break free).
Brianna: 27-5=22 vs. Succubus: 23 (Unable to fully break free, restrained again!)

Brianna throws everything she has into trying to break free, and for a moment she seems to be making headway. The restraints were weakening, and she was just a moment from shoving the Succubus off of her, and escaping this damnable chair ...

And then suddenly the Succubus placed a hand on her chest, and, with that one hand, managed to force Brianna back down and into the chair, the restraints clamping over her body once more, trapping her!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 12 vs. Brianna: 11-5=6

Brianna howls in pleasure as she's forced back into the chair and restrained again, the Succubus now having the perfect angle to suck her off! Brianna can only scream as every sensitive spot on her cock is stimulated perfectly, the mouth of the Succubus unrelenting. She begins to tremble as the pleasure builds up, overwhelming her with a sudden rush of vulnerability. She curled her toes, desperately trying to hold on long enough to make one more attempt at breaking free, knowing she was about to explode in paradise any moment.

It was just too much for her though, and despite her best efforts, Brianna's body finally betrayed her, succumbing the the pleasurable machinations of the Succubus. A surge of pleasure rushed through her, and Brianna finally caved under it. She uncontrollably shuddered and screamed as her orgasm came, a violent spurting of her pleasure into the mouth eagerly waiting for her to blow. The Succubus continued sucking on her even as she wildly spurted in pleasure, unable to release fast enough to keep her mind clear. All Brianna could think about was how good it felt to be sucked to paradise, and to feel her orgasm being sucked out of her. As good as that was though, it was nothing compared to what happened a moment later.

At the very peak of her orgasm, and her most vulnerable point, the Succubus defeated her with her ultimate weapon, something deep down Brianna knew would happen, but had been praying wouldn't. At her most vulnerable point, the point where she was too consumed by her pleasure to mount any attempt at resistance, and where it would inflict the most additional pleasure for her, the Succubus bit into her cock lightly. Brianna screamed loudly in pleasure as the teeth of the Succubus gently pierced her
skin, and into the veins of her still pumping, throbbing cock. She was helpless as the dick sucking motions of the Succubus altered slightly, crying out again as she felt her very life force, and her soul being sucked out of her with each helpless spurt of pleasure. She could feel herself being drained, blood, soul and seed alike. It was incredible, even better than she'd remembered, and the elf girl's mind cracked under the stress of trying to hold out against it. There was no fighting this, and to keep her sanity, and any chance of recovering from this, Brianna's mind shut down and she stopped trying to fight it, trying to ride out the orgasmic milking. She had no idea how long it lasted, the Succubus sucking out every drop she could, Brianna's body shuddering underneath the onslaught of pleasure. She could see the Succubus getting stronger, knowing full well it was from the life force
she was sucking out, Brianna's life force. She could feel her overall vitality weakening, even as the Succubus seemed to grow 'stronger'. Finally though, it stopped, the Succubus seeming to have tapped and taken as much from Brianna as she could, at least for now. The blowjob changed again, and she was left with the tail end of her orgasm, still helplessly caught in the throes of it. Finally it subsided, but not before her powers kicked in at the end, reacting finally to the situation, and the atrocity of her rape.

Brianna suffers 110 Pleasure and gains 160 KP from the rape. She loses 110 Health, her blood and life force being sucked out of her pleasurably. She has 265 Stamina left until she suffers another orgasm, her adrenaline is pumping, giving her a boost, but more importantly, she has only 50 Health left.

The Succubus gains 330 Heaath, sucking the life force out of Brianna through her cock. The Succubus now has 510 HP!

Brianna's powers kick in, dealing 420 Damage to the Succubus, but unfortunately, it doesn't kill her! The Succubus has 90 HP left, and Brianna's skill is on cooldown for 20 rounds, leaving her in a bad spot.

Brianna can only moan as the Succubus begins sucking her dick again, realizing that with her skill being exhausted for now, she HAS to get free, or the next orgasm might literally kill her!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 6+10=16-5=11 vs. Succubus: 16

Brianna cries out as even with her adrenaline surge, she's STILL helpless to stop her blowjob from happening, the Succubus having a huge opportunity to defeat her now, or at least bring her closer to defeat. Brianna now realizes she must truly fear for her life, and wonder if she'll die without being
able to say goodbye to Elise...

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 18 vs. Brianna: 11+10=21-5=16

Brianna can't stop the Succubus from continuing to suck her off, crying out as she's helplessly sucked closer and closer to paradise, and her possible death. Brianna suffers 55 Pleasure and gains 55 KP, and has 210 Stamina left until it's all over for her.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 19+10=29-5=24 vs. Succubus: 25

Brianna begins to thrash wildly, still unable to break free of the rape. Her struggles are becoming more and more desperate as the end rapidly continues to approach, and she realizes she's in a literal race against her own body's ability to hang on against intense sexual pleasure, her very life in the balance!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 30 vs. Brianna: 14+10=24-5=19

Brianna screams as the Succubus finds all her most vulnerable spots again, sucking on her hard and fast! She thrashes wildly, trying to avoid having another orgasm, and for now, manages to just hold on. Brianna suffers 110 Pleasure, gaining 110 KP and she has only 100 Stamina left until she's sucked off to oblivion!


1: Attack and end the Balaur before it can give birth to a new foe.

2: Submit to her until the child is born, and risk being tag teamed, or even double teamed and raped.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise couldn't help but squeal as she felt her pleasure skyrocketing, the balaur woman riding her oh so perfectly and leaving Elise squirming like crazy as she neared her peak. Seeing that she wasn't being held down forcibly by the balaur woman, likely because of the fact that she was so compliant now, Elise reached up and grabbed the balaur woman's hips and held on tight, giving a few thrusts upward into her rapist. She came quickly, letting her seed spurt out and fill the balaur woman's womb with every drop that came out, but that pussy never stopped gripping her and milking her of every drop she pumped out.

She felt her adrenaline rush be quickly raped out of her that she got upon achieving her first climax, when she quickly soared to her second, the tightness from the balaur's pussy being so incredible Elise nearly fainted, as she came along with Elise that time. The balaur woman didn't let up though and kept going on Elise's hypersensitive cock, leaving her squealing with ecstasy for any and all to hear her. "T-Too sensitive... s-so good... C-CUMMING!" Elise squealed aloud as she hit her second peak.

It didn't take much for her sensitive body to succumb to a third orgasm, though by that time her moans were soft and much more weakened than before, as it just felt so good and she was in such a pleasure high that she could barely make a coherent thought or say any coherent words. Though, after she'd recovered from her third climax, Elise was able to squirm around just barely enough to break free, where she managed to get back to her feet. She was trembling slightly, her cock twitching and her balls trembling a bit as well.

Finally having gotten some relief, Elise managed to shake her head clear of the lust that had invaded it, and was now ready to get out of here and away from this the balaur woman before she was beset on both sides by two of them, one being her own daughter by this one here. "A-Alright... now that you've gotten my seed out of me, I want to leave. So... are you gonna let me go? Or am I gonna have to fight?" Elise panted softly, before she prepared to fight, attacking her foe with her most powerful attack if the balaur didn't wish let her pass without a fight.

(1. Attack with Rune Carve Chain. Only if the Balaur continues to fight since she's pregnant now, and doesn't let Elise pass.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The Balaur regarded her for a moment, almost as if she were calculating how likely it was Elise could best her. Eventually though, she just simply extended one arm out in a 'go ahead' gesture, allowing Elise to pass onward. Elise gains 500 XP and finds no loot.

Moving onward, Elise found herself in a room with what appeared to be a map piece. She'd already found one earlier, but could this one have benefit too? Or was it a trick?

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 10+10-5=15 vs. Succubus: 26

Brianna's struggles begin to grow weaker as the pleasure mounts, and despite her desperation and desire to break free, Brianna's body continues to enjoy the pleasure, even though she knows it could be fatal.

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 14 vs. Brianna: 7+10-5=12

Brianna cries out as the Succubus continues to suck her towards oblivion, suffering another 55 pleasure and gaining 55 KP. She has only 45 Stamina left until the end of the line for her and an orgasm, and she knows she must break free now, or she'll die like this, getting her dick sucked. Literally sucked off to death, or raped to death.


1: Try to grab it!

2: I'm outta here!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise was glad that the Balaur seemed to be willing to let her go, so she moved over slowly, and gently kissed her pregnant belly, before collecting her things and moving on, panting slightly as she went. Looking around after entering the next chamber of this place, Elise saw a suspicious map piece just lying there, and she stared at it for a few moments. Elise eyed the map piece for several long tense moments before finally deciding that it was too good an opportunity to pass up, because it might bring her one step closer to completing the damned map, and so she cautiously made her way over to the thing, taking her steps very slow and carefully, and looking all around for any trip wires or whatnot to indicate it was a trap.

"Not gonna fall into a trap so easily this time around," Elise muttered softly to herself as she got closer to the map piece where it sat.

(1. Go for the map piece. Might as well.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise carefully moved forward, checking for traps and finding none. Her hand reached out, grabbing for the map ...

... And passed right through the hologram. She had just enough time to realize it was a trap before suddenly the entire floor gave way beneath her feet, and she was falling into a small pit. She landed in some kind of chair, and when she did, the whole trap came to life.

Some form of tendrils wrapped around Elise's body, trapping her to the chair device, which then tilted forward so her face was pointing at the floor. Once there, she felt a pair of vibrators get shoved into both her pussy, and her ass at the same time one of those fake pussy devices latched on to her cock, the mechanical arm it was fixed to beginning to stroke over her in time with the pulsating thrusts of the arms holding the vibrators. In addition, two suction cups came out of nowhere, fixing to her breasts and clamping down on them before beginning to suck and squeeze! In moments, Elise was being raped, having her tits and her dick sucked and stroked while the vibrators were thrust inside her, all the while humming with powerful vibrations. Elise suffers 90 pleasure and gains 150 KP from the sudden rape. She has 160 Stamina until the device brings her to a powerful orgasm!

Meanwhile ....

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 6+10=16-5=11 vs. Succubus: 24

Brianna cries out in horror and fear as she's unable to break free or wiggle loose, realizing she's about to be finished!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 19 vs. Brianna: 5+10=15-5=10

Brianna screams as the end finally comes. Unable to handle the pleasure, and her body wildly thrashing in desperate, futile attempts to break free of the blowjob, Brianna finally couldn't resist any longer. A wild scream of pleasure erupted from her lips as her body lost it's battle, succumbing to a powerful orgasm, Brianna helplessly spurting her load out. At the peak of her orgasm, just as she had feared, the Succubus bit into her again, and began drinking her blood along with her seed, and her soul.

Brianna could feel herself slipping away, and she cried out as she felt her energy being sucked out of her through her pleasure dominated cock. It was incredible, and she couldn't stop it from happening. Her orgasm continued for what seemed like forever, the sexy elf girl trying her best to hold on, to avoid the darkness rushing up to meet her.

She failed, and with a final cry, she began to spasm uncontrollably, her tongue hanging out as she gasped for air. Her sharp cry was replaced with weak moans as her body began to shut down, being drained of all it had, and there was nothing she could do but enjoy it and let it happen. Brianna let out a soft moan as the last of her life force was sucked out of her still in pleasure cock, and moments later, the woman slipped into the darkness rushing up to meet her. Then, she blissfully knew no more as she succumbed to her death, having been completely sucked dry ...

Brianna suffered 50 Pleasure and gained 100 KP. Her life force has been completely drained from her, and the Succubus now has 240 HP. Is this the end for Brianna?


1: Try to escape the impossibly good rape.

2: Let it bring you to an orgasm before trying to escape.

3: Let it rape you until it lets you go (Will reach 10,000 KP for the fight).

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise peered around, checking closely for any traps that might have been lying in wait for her, and found none, so she decided to try for the map piece, whether it was fake or not. Reaching out, her hand passed through a hologram of the map piece and what it was sitting on, before the floor collapsed beneath her, and Elise fell. Falling into the chair, Elise felt a series of tendrils lock around her wrists and ankles, and her eyes widened as she saw the dildos pushing up to her lower holes, and the moment her pussy lips were spreading around the dildo that went in her folds.

When the onahole slipped down over her cock though, Elise's body melted, especially when the suction cups sucked against her breasts and started milking her. It took Elise a few moments to muster up the strength again to start resisting the machine, where she began struggling against the thing finally. "N-No... please l-let me go... I d-don't want this. N-Not right now," Elise whimpered softly as she lie there, her body struggling against the thing to try and get free, so she could move on.

(1. Break free and try to move onward.)