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Dungeons the Dragoning


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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The books and general information can be found here:

TL;DR: It's a mix of D&D, WH40k and World of Darkness with all the craziness that implies.

As of right now, I'm not entirely sure what the campaign would entail, but it'll likely be largely dependent on the kind of characters you make.

As usual, IRC is my preferred medium for this kind of thing with weekends preferred for scheduling, but PbP is also a possibility if there are no more than two or three players and scheduling doesn't work otherwise.

So, who's interested in trying this thing out?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

SHC could be an alternative to IRC. Anyway, gonna start looking into this thing tomorrow, once I get back to my PC. Depending on how I manage to absorb that stuff, I may be interested.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Out of curiosity, which of the books would be in use?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

I have literally no idea what this is even after reading the 1d4 page, but I give it a tentative interested
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Seems like an unholy combination of DnD, Exalted and Warhammer RPG. Kinda interesting, I suppose? It's odd as Hell, but if it works... I guess I could give this a try.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Don't forget Deadlands and 7th Sea and Spelljammer and probably Shadowrun somewhere and fuck yeah DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING


I am basically fucked for time fucking always nowadays but DUNGEONS THE DRAGONING
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Out of curiosity, which of the books would be in use?

I'm going to go ahead and say all three, but please give notice for things you want from Book 2 and Book 3, because I'm probably not going to read them all that thoroughly
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Got it. Should we start assembling characters now?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Might as well, there probably won't be many more players.

On additional note, how does Saturdays around 19:00 GMT starting sound like for game time?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

The races in 3 are kinda weird.

I remember gaming size really hard as a milf Dryad Dragonborn one time, which was silly enough for me to actually remember doing it, but I'm not sure if I aaaactually want to do that. I might want to try and figure out how Psykers and magic or actual gun/sword schools work or something. Supposedly guns fall off kinda bad since they don't scale with any stats, which is also sad.

Entmom the Dragon vomiting fire on people while shooting a two hundred pound plasma cannon at probably-other-people just sounds amusing though.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Mmm. Not that good. I tend to be busy every other weekend, sometimes every weekend, and it tends to drag on till evening. Mind you, my schedule is likely to change in a few weeks, but I can't predict how it'll look. If you pushed it back about two hours, it'd be doable even now, though.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Pushing it back two hours is 7 AM for me. That's a regrettable time to exist.

I would prefer to have my weekends free for but uh like yeah every other time is kinda occupied by things too. Friday-Sunday whenever would be best for me.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Push it back by two hours, as in start two hours later.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

That's 11AM start for me, which unfortunately is right when my class starts that day. I can either do 2PM (so push it back 3 hours instead of 2) or I'm kinda out of luck. I usually am working Fridays and Sundays I already have 2 other games running so I mean I could do it but I might be slow.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

1900 GMT is 2100 for me. Factoring in the inevitable delays, even starting that late means the games will routinely go past midnight, so I really don't want to start much later than that. Would Sundays or Fridays work any better?

Failing that, we could always flip that twelve hours and start sometime after 7:00 GMT. I could also do evenings any weekday, but I strongly suspect that wouldn't work either.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Friday is same situation as Saturday for me, could handle Sunday if it started slightly later but that's when a couple games happen in SHC which may be problematic for Ekon and me. Especially him, since he GM's one.

Weekday evenings are fine by me. Weekend mornings are right out, however. I just plain fucking can't participate due to being busy with shit at least half the time.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

Sundays or Fridays work better for me.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

7AM GMT is now 11PM my time so I mean, I could, but I'd likely only be around for 2 hours at best. As it is most weekdays after 5:30PM PST work for me (only exception is mondays) but again I think that's really early in the morning your time and your 'Weekday evenings' are right during my classes.

Though actually, Wednesdays before 1:30PM PSTis open for me (every second week, the other week it's open all day) so I mean that's a potential 'Weekday evening' I guess :p

Sundays I'm free all day so if need be I can make that work fine, just will be as said a bit slow.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning

c;ea~Time Zones~

Also I may or may not propose a not-Starship Troopers game where we are like, a PMC/merc group or whatever sent to blow up bugs someplace. The whatever being named Haile & Mao's Extermination Corps or something equivalently not-a-stupid-meme-name. I may or may not be blatantly stealing this idea from a /d/chat that I frequent.
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