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Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score

Introduction: I'm starting up this interest/sign-up in the hopes of finally settling my score with DnD and finishing a campaign so I can say I did it, even if I'm the DM. And of course it's going to have ero content, so a bit of a disclaimer: If it exists in the monster list of dnd, you might get fucked by it if you play this rp. This RP will also feature alternative forms of defeat instead of death in the event of Loss or Failure, including but not limited to, slavery, torture, rape, and brood sowing. Any of the above might occur through both poor decisions and bad luck. At worst, be prepared for a Dark Souls-like experience, where losing is very much a possibility, but is never the end of the adventure.

With that out of the way, I'm hoping to make sure that all players are on the same page with how this campaign will play out. It is an erotic-focused Campaign, which means a virgin run attempt will be admirable but probably unlikely. Now that all the bad is out of the way, I'm hoping to run a campaign based around a (hopefully) good story with a focus on fun, challenge, and problem solving.

Postrate: I'm hoping everyone can make one post per day.

The Game: I'm using DnD Basic because I'm honestly hoping to eliminate a lot of the complications of dnd in favor of running a very simple and trackable game without too much confusion or stats to keep track of. Unfortunately DnD is complicated by nature, but DnD basic offers some resolution. I'm also going to be using some fairly open house rules, allowing people to express themselves. If you've ever played Land of Beasts with me, you'll know what to expect.

Corruption (Optional) and other additions: I will also be house ruling some mechanics as far as erotic content goes. It'll mostly be in regards to grappling and status effects in regards to arousal and other mental affects. Minor changes such as debuffs are mostly to be expected. In addition, I want to add corruption to the game to simulate your character's behavior changing based on their sexual experiences, but this is entirely optional for individual players. No group decision needed. All it will do is add milestones for how much sex your character had and whether it was consensual or not, and when milestones are reached players have the option of letting me decide or adding a trait to their character in regards to their sexual prowess, such as a gained fetish, or heightened skill with pleasing partners, or anything else that can be thought of. Though the trait should be appropriate with past experiences.

Character Creation: (Using Point-Buy) If you're interested, make a character sheet using this site, also located in resources, . When you're done, be sure to export your sheet using the bottom most option on the left and attach it here. I THINK attachments should work here, but this will be how your character is saved, and if you want to post the stats listed in text on here too, that's fine as well (a bit easier for me to read too, but I'm trying to create a convenience for you.)

Custom Things: Feel absolutely free to create a custom class or background or whatever the flip you want. Everything is binary as far as I can see, so as long as the class you create matches the one you're modeling it after, all is well. For example, if you want to use spells like a wizard, but also want to change something up about it, such as which stats give better saving rolls, go for it, and swap something out 1:1. However, try to avoid trying to change things that are really complicated, like class traits. In fact, I highly recommend you pick a custom background. Don't be scared to give creativity a try, even if you should be because I WILL JUDGE YOU HARSHLY! And stuff.

Anyway, I'll be leaving this here to collect dust or gain attention, use this link to make a character,

As a final note, I plan on keeping this going even if people drop, and given the track record of my previous GM'ing attempts, they DO drop. If you drop, you will be left behind and can be collected later if you want to rejoin. You may also join even if the campaign has started. We can work out the details. I won't worry about too many players, since most will be too meek to join a campaign that's already going anyway.

Sorry if this is sloppy.

Plot: In this world, there are many heroes. A set of such heroes were chosen to face a great evil that threatened to corrupt the land, turning villages wicked and destroying human and animal morals alike. The result of which had gratuitous acts of debauchery occurring throughout the land. These heroes were called to rise against this evil, but... You were not among these heroes. Instead, you were their children, following their victory against the unknown demon. You were raised in their likeness, taught to be heroes just like them, but not all of you were like your birth parents, thanks to the demon's influences, many children of the heroes that rose up were of different races. A silent but true tragedy of the heroes being taken by monstrous and otherworldly creatures, and then born and raised, left ignorant to such tragedies. As each child grew in skill and prowess, those who faced the demon themselves sometimes showed cloudy expressions. As if raising these children wasn't just their pride, but their purpose...

Oddly enough, the children born from these heroes, and raised to be such, were all women from the humble but large and prolific merchant town of Waymeet. As these girls came of age, of many different races, they had no idea that they would play a vital role in the defeated demon's Revenge...
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Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

Hmph. Might as well get at least one DnD game going in my life, I suppose. I'll whip something up tomorrow, probably a sorceress.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

I added in a basic plot because I'm an idiot and forgot it. Going with something traditional here, with a twist.

Also, I'm hoping everyone can make one post per day. There might be times where I myself might miss posting, but if 24 hours pass and you haven't posted, I'll NPC your character using my best judgement or your last spoken thought process.
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Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

Someone allowed me to use their Player's Handbook from 5e, which is way better than what I linked. I'm swapping the link out for basic with this one, feel free to read through it, a bit later after this post I'm going to post my own test make at a character and write down what I did, so that maybe you guys can find some direction if you feel lost just by loosely following what I did.

Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

By the way, how are we going to handle stat generation? Point-buy? Rolling? Or are you going to prepare a template? Personally, I'd prefer a template or point-buy, not a fan of randomized stats.

Also, Orcpub seems to be missing certain stuff, like some of the cantrips. It doesn't have Fire Bolt on the list, for example.
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Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)


Also, character creation was pretty easy from my viewpoint. I created the main NPC which your characters will probably get to know very well.

I also learned that being a mage is difficult. Though besides that, if you follow the book's character creation I linked, you should be well off. The fluff is thankfully paragraphed, so if you see fluff talk you can skim over that to the next indent to find some mechanical information.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

By the way. Can we use something other than Orcpub? Like I said before, it's missing some stuff.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

Sure, if you have another resource or just wanna use standard text, all is fine.

If you have a better resource, it'd be awesome if you shared it.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

Eh, was thinking of just using . Less automated, but works well enough. Also, what's the starting level?
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

I know it's for noobs, and I am one, but since I know I'm not the only one here, I was thinking level 1 so I can start off simple. But if this decision is unpopular on this I can waver.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD5e Basic Sign-ups)

I am fine with it. Gonna start working on a sheet.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

Starting equipment and gold are determined by your chosen background and class. I believe on both, you should find a section that gives you options and such for what you start with.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

Gonna try to stay away and read all of this as usual, if is possible. I love your stuff XD
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

Well, yes, determined by class and all. But starting gold is rolled. Do we roll, take max value, average value or what?
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

What you're talking about is the option of either taking the class+background combo or just rolling up loot and choosing yourself. I'm opting for the former, so the gold you get is the gold you get from the class+background, the chart you saw is ignored.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

Oh. Then I think my character may be done, then. Just need a few checks and polishing, plus descriptions and stuff. Should be ready to post in a bit.

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Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

In addition to the corruption rules and pregnancy condition rules, Zilrax accidentally encouraged me to try something along the lines of mixing very loose turn based strategy into the game. Since the heroes are fighting against masses of enemies, armies even, that can breed with females they capture at an alarming rate, they will need help. So, in between adventures, I'm considering having the heroes gather with a strategy session for ordering collected fighters around to battle the masses that the heroes simply cannot take on on their own.

The goal of this being to eliminate enemy lairs that erupt, and the various quests the heroes go on act as a means to stop that lair from being overly successful. An example being the first town and the first enemy lair I have planned. The heroes will get a task in regards to that lair, and if they succeed, then the lair will be suffering a debuff of a sort that will help the town fight back and chase the forces of the Unchained away.

Granted, completing the main quest is all the heroes truly need to do, but there will be lots of little side quests around that will both make the main quest easier and/or make things easier for the village people.

Example: An enemy lair appears in the forest next to the hero's starter town. It's a quest related lair so the heroes embark and complete the main quest, but none of the side quests such as saving captured women, or sabotaging their food supply, or anything else the heroes decide to do. When they leave, the villagers will be successful at first, but through breeding, the enemy will eventually gain massive numbers and overtake the village eventually, perhaps growing in such number that the heroes risk being captured too if they try to go back to defend it. A captured town is bad, as it becomes another lair for the Chaos minions, with a lot of women to breed with. In this case, the forces of chaos will fester unless snuffed out, and spread like wildfire unless the heroes stop it. Though if such an event occurs where the heroes current town is overtaken, their main quest will be to break free of their slavery and take the town back with a revolt, after the town is bred enough to grow an army large enough to venture off to conquer further lands. (They essentially vanish, lowering chaos numbers to allow the heroes to bounce back and keep trying). Story wise, the amount of Unchained minions that leave this way will be reflected. So there is a bit of consequence to losing.

Just a thought, this addition is completely unnecessary in the grand scheme.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

So something like sending out agents in Inquisition, except with armies? And depending on our performance the enemy will grow stronger or weaker? That works, I suppose.
Re: Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained (DnD 5e Sign-ups)

Yeah. That is to say, things will be "Fine" if you just do your job, but "Better" if you do an excellent job. And it's all subjective to the situation as well. As you get further in the campaigns there will be more towns, including the very first one you guys will start from. It's basically a fight against time as you guys try to reach the end while preventing the kingdom from being taken over and turned into enemy territory. You can earn it all back mind, if you spend the time to. Though such is as it is with war. Though, the odds will often be stacked against the Order. Most of the Strategy section can be solved in a single round of posts, I believe (unless the person put in charge of strategy that week is just asking for opinions), with the side option of the heroes temporarily splitting up or teaming up to deal with the issue of chaos spreading. I'll be using some random event charts for side-questing to squelch the Unchained, and one method or another of speeding up the conclusions of conflicts.

The heroes always have a chance of being captured and raped if they lose a skirmish this way. The resolution of which will involve them being rescued eventually, and the consequences of which will be more powerful enemies as they were born using that hero's genes. Heroes can avoid 'some' consequence by successfully escaping capture if able.

... B-basically it'll be fun. Yeah. Lots of fun.