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DTT sign up


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
okay i feel enough people aid they would be interested in playing some DTT thati can post a signup. number of roles will vary if we get toomany people but i am hoping for maybe 7 or 8 wanting to play. This will be a old style no special roles you MUST vote. for anyone who knows the roles skip the wall following and signup. IF ya dont know the basics the following is for you.


Demon/Tentacle monster: Its out to rape you and have fun doing it.
Will rape once every night in effect killing off the girl it picks unless
she is protected by the protector. of course demon sided.

Gifted girl: your only chance of finding out who the monster is.
once per night she will be allowed to scan someone and be told human
sided or demon sided. if she dies before the morning comes her info is
lost with her sadly. Human sided.

Protector: your only chance of surviving an attack by the monster.
Once per night she may pick anyone alive to protect even herself but
due to circumstances she may not protect herself two times in a row.
whoever she protects will be able to survive a monster attack that
that night. Human sided

For anyone a little sketchy on the rules the game is played in day and night segments.

Each day is a chance to vote for anyone alive amongst your group. at the end of a voting segment which ever person has the most votes against them will be lynched and thus killed. this is how you kill the monster but chances are many humans will die this way too.

The night segments are where people with powers use those powers in hopes of protecting or finding out who the monster is or in the case of the monster get a little nookie and kill someone off.

An end to the game comes about in two ways. the first being that at any point the number of monsters equals the number of humans. If that happens the monsters win as the humans cant fight them off with the numbers advantage anymore. If all the monsters ever die then the humans win since they are no longer threatened. so as long as i didnt make anyone run away with that let the sign ups commence.

1. Plmnko
2. Tentanari
3. Toxic
4. Hooker
5. Dematt
6. Blue Slime
7. Copper
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Re: DTT sign up

First XP
Re: DTT sign up

Re: DTT sign up

...I assume that means Toxic takes the third spot.

Re: DTT sign up

I'm here.

Dangit, I'm not sixth?
Re: DTT sign up

you can be SEXTH!
Re: DTT sign up

*Ninja grabs the final spot.* MINE!

Yes, I'm out of retirement and back, count me in if you'll have me.
Re: DTT sign up

okay to keep from making things any more complicated i'm gonna close sign ups. i'll get spots picked out and PM the players that have roles. i'll have a thread up for the game soon.