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DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

A thought occurs to me.

Why would the Chameleon want to reveal themselves? I mean, think about it, logic says the Chameleon wants a 100% promise that they won't be lynched, something that they can't be sure of off words alone. Sure, we say we won't lynch them, but will everyone actually honor that? Chameleon can't be sure of that. So I think what happens with them is this:

Chameleon refuses to claim today. Tomorrow they might get cornered, but by then they can CLAIM (and they might very well have) taken the role of the fool, which leaves everyone wondering, is it a bluff or not? That's best case for the Chameleon, forcing a situation where when they come out and claim they were, but have taken the role of the fool, they have a 50-50 shot of keeping everyone FAR from them.

I'm hesitant to randomly lynch, and it's getting more and more obvious that no one is really buying into this plan. Not to mention the last time someone came out and backed you on this, they were immediately killed off. Granted, we won, but only because of some absolute sheer LUCK. I'm just not convinced this is going to work out so nicely this time around. And once again, I'm beginning to get a bit suspicious with this. One thing I've noticed with you in both of these is your very eager to force people to claim, but unwilling to follow your own example and claim first yourself. That to me is very suspicious. Right now, based on what I have, if I were going to lynch ANYONE, it would be you Blue.

I took the risk on your plan once already and got burned. I'm not making the same mistake twice, no dice.

No Lynch, though I reserve the right to change this if something USEFUL actually comes up.

((OOC: I'm beginning to grow tired of this, we're right back to the same stuff that killed this for what, almost a year? I'd like to suggest a time limit on how long these stalemates can go on for before we get auto-GM night. Otherwise if this keeps up I'm dropping out, just completely losing interest in these.))

I hope you're evil or the chameleon, because if not, then yeah, you're not the kind of villager that I want to have on my team. You haven't taken a chance on my plan - because they've never been implemented. So don't tell me you've been "burned" by it. That crap doesn't fly here. Neither does the BS about me being unwilling to be the first to claim - I said I would if the majority of players agree to the plan and that hasn't happened.

With villagers who suspect the most vocal and don't even register silence as the BIGGEST DEMON TELL, there's not much hope. So congrats, we've lynched no one and now the demons are all happy.


((And I'm sorry if you're offended by any of that, but seriously, I don't find this game fun if I'm the only one talking. I've seen the timestamps of the players in this game showing posts in other threads while ignoring this one - which tells me that people weren't all that interested in playing this game to begin with, or they're afraid of talking - which is poor form for a game where the entire point is talking. I don't mind being accused. I don't mind being the center of suspicion. I do mind being slagged for "doing the stuff that kills the game" when in my opinion - it's the silent folk who've done that.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

By burnt I am referring to the last one I was in with you, where I backed you and got murdered for my trouble. Not really anxious to repeat that mind you.

And I didn't catch you saying you'd claim if someone else did. However sometimes if you've got a plan like that, you need to be willing to follow what you say and take the risk first. Until you show that, I doubt anyone will take you seriously. Of course on the flip side, they might just kill you off for being too vocal.

And for the record, I haven't been ignoring this, I've been paying attention, just I generally don't post if I have nothing to offer. There's no sense in being redundant and posting the same thing over and over, it leads to similar shit like in the fairy fighting thread. And I'm not even bothering to censor IC comments with OOC comments, I just don't care at this point. And you know, most everyone in here this isn't ALL they post in. I haven't really seen you post anywhere else Blue, though bluntly, I haven't exactly bothered to check either. Why? Because it doesn't really bloody matter.

And no offense, but stop trying to beat over people's heads the same thing, you've stated your point and case. You can't FORCE someone to do what they don't want to, and by just repeatedly slamming the same thing over and over, your likely just pissing people off and driving them further against you. State your case, and be done with it, let people decide on their own what to think, don't try to smash it into their skull. Be it in game, or not.

And point in case, some of us are more quiet because what I have noticed as of late is a tendency for people to kill off ALL the former regulars as fast as possible, so none of them are really vocal anymore about anything for fear of being killed instantly. It's part of the reason Bartnum left as I recall, everyone either killed him the first night, or lynched him the first damn day. So yeah, given that's the case, why would someone in that position want to be very vocal or active? So far, it's worked, he's actually survived a fucking night AND lynch round. When was the last time that happened when you were in Barntum?

Anyways, I'm done ranting. It's night, let's get this game on can we please?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Night 2 is over.

Day 2 begins...

The sun rises over the holy Temple of the Goddess, but as you once again gather for the first meal, you find that one is missing among your number - the priestess Hooker!

You rush to her room, only to find a sight uncannily familiar. Hooker, the Chameleon, has been raped to death in her room.

You somberly return to the meeting hall, ready to begin the day's debates. You cant help but notice that people are pairing off and having conversations - are they plotting against you? Or are they trying to make you THINK they are plotting against you?

Voting may now commence.

6 Priestesses Survive - you need 4 votes to lynch (Majority)
1. ToxicShock
4. TentanariX
6. Siphon/Talvesh
7. Bartnum
8. BlueSlime
2. Hooker - Chameleon - Dead
5. Dreana - Fool - Dead
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

By burnt I am referring to the last one I was in with you, where I backed you and got murdered for my trouble. Not really anxious to repeat that mind you.
I was aware of what you did. Being burned implies that I tricked you. I revealed my role in that game as well. You and I were the only ones who did, as I recall - thus the plan didn't work, but not because I didn't hold up my end of the bargain.

And I didn't catch you saying you'd claim if someone else did. However sometimes if you've got a plan like that, you need to be willing to follow what you say and take the risk first. Until you show that, I doubt anyone will take you seriously. Of course on the flip side, they might just kill you off for being too vocal.
I didn't say I'd claim if someone else did, I said I'd claim first if enough people were willing to be on board with the plan. I was already willing to do what you're saying I'm not. Please stop misquoting me.

And for the record, I haven't been ignoring this, I've been paying attention, just I generally don't post if I have nothing to offer. There's no sense in being redundant and posting the same thing over and over, it leads to similar shit like in the fairy fighting thread. And I'm not even bothering to censor IC comments with OOC comments, I just don't care at this point. And you know, most everyone in here this isn't ALL they post in. I haven't really seen you post anywhere else Blue, though bluntly, I haven't exactly bothered to check either. Why? Because it doesn't really bloody matter.
U mad? Don't be.

I can understand having nothing to offer. But you can always do something like list your suspects and give reasons. You can always try to bash my plans for whatever it was I've tried to suggest (most of what I've said has been to try to get people talking about something - anything.) You can discuss the merits of no lynch vs lynch.

You may think that the ooc nature of these arguments isn't actually playing the game. I believe that it is central to the game. If this is where we differ, then it's simply a playstyle choice and I will bow out of further games and leave you all to your fun.

There's a ton of great things on this forum to post in. I'm in no way chiding people for pursuing their own interests. I'm a very much a newbie here, but I do try to participate in other threads. My comment was more to the nature of: I know people like you Siphon are checking this game thread, but you're actively choosing not to comment. Could be true that you have nothing to say. Could also be that you're a demon who doesn't want to rock the boat and you're feigning indignation to try to get me lynched tomorrow after you get your free night kill. *shrug*

And no offense,
None taken.

but stop trying to beat over people's heads the same thing, you've stated your point and case. You can't FORCE someone to do what they don't want to, and by just repeatedly slamming the same thing over and over, your likely just pissing people off and driving them further against you. State your case, and be done with it, let people decide on their own what to think, don't try to smash it into their skull. Be it in game, or not.
I stated my case initially. Someone responded. I responded to them. Another response and or criticism. I respond to that. Since I truly believe in what I'm saying, I'm going to keep trying to convince people. A lot of time has gone by in this day. People have had plenty of time to tell me yes or no or give reasons. Some have. Some not so much. It's the not so much part that's gotten me frustrated.

So no. I won't simply shut up. If you think I'm a demon, lynch me. If you disagree with what I have to say - do as you're doing now and say why. I welcome the conversation with open arms. But don't say that I'm annoying because I stand my ground and defend my argument.

And by the way, I HAVE gone back on my original plan this game. I saw a hole in the logic (re: the chameleon problem) and agreed it couldn't go forward as is. I don't see you giving me credit for that -not that I expect it.

And point in case, some of us are more quiet because what I have noticed as of late is a tendency for people to kill off ALL the former regulars as fast as possible, so none of them are really vocal anymore about anything for fear of being killed instantly. It's part of the reason Bartnum left as I recall, everyone either killed him the first night, or lynched him the first damn day. So yeah, given that's the case, why would someone in that position want to be very vocal or active? So far, it's worked, he's actually survived a fucking night AND lynch round. When was the last time that happened when you were in Barntum?
Bartnum should be flattered. It means he was feared by lesser players . It's up to the players as a whole to realize that vocality is a GOOD thing. Your metagame was made the poorer for the old attitude, and I sympathize with Bartnum and any other forum regulars who felt frustrated that they received a poor reception for simply trying to play the game correctly.

I genuinely believe that this attitude can be changed and that the games will be far more enjoyable and intellectually stimulating when it is the silent players, not the vocal ones, who are pressured with votes. (I also think you'll see the village win a lot more often.)

Anyways, I'm done ranting. It's night, let's get this game on can we please?
I enjoyed most of your rant. We should do it more often. Shame that the game has to officially "get on" during the night instead of the day - but yeah, you've already heard what I've had to say on that matter. ;)



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

((Sorry for the double post, but I'd like to keep the above reply separate from an in-game post.))

*the crowd of priestesses roll their eyes as Blue takes to the temple dais AGAIN*

"My fellow priestesses. I know that my comments yesterday and zealous call for immediate action met with a cold response. My thoughts on the reason for that are already well-known."

She pauses to look each other girl in the eye before continuing.

"We have been blessed with divine providence it seems, as the demons have managed to rape and kill the one remaining ally they might have had amongst us. We were lucky. Very lucky. But we might as well commence the pressing of that luck..."

Blue suddenly drops her white robes to reveal a shining and highly revealing suit of intricately interwoven metal armor and a shield with the holy symbol of the goddess etched in its side.

"No more arguments. I reveal myself to you all as the divine Protector. Let a demon come forth and challenge my claim if they so wish, or remain silent and prove my innocence. I shall welcome either outcome."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

I wasn't asking you to shut up. I was just a tad annoyed it seemed like the same block of text each time, though admittedly it might just seem that way when it isn't. Just want that out of the way, by all means play things how you think will best work for you, but don't expect that everyone will be convinced to come around to your view point, it may not happen. Just bear that in mind. That said ...

Misuse of the word burnt on my part. I backed you, and for that was quite quickly lynched. Part of that was due to Toxic's masterful weaving of conspiring against me to remove me, by sowing doubt in everyone's eyes. The only reason I think we won that, which technically we did sort of follow your plan to lynch, albeit not properly, was because I was able to clear one person right out before dying. A fact that was lucky as shit because I couldn't be sure the person wasn't sided with the demon there. Regardless, I ended up dead because I tried to support you. Now I'm trying a different approach, one that has worked for me before. If that fails, I need another strategy, you get what I'm saying?

Misunderstood the way you posted on the claims, my mistake.

No, not mad actually. Maybe a tad annoyed, but that's all. What I'm trying to get at is that I've not ever seen you post elsewhere, while most people do. For me it's two fold. Sometimes I don't have anything to contribute, so I don't post and that way I don't make an ass of myself (usually). Other times I have something in mind, but something else comes up, and by the time I get back to this, I've completely forgotten what it was I intended to put down. Such is the curse of not living alone.

Missed you reworking your plan on the Chameleon part, just reread that, so I give you that, I made a blunder on it. I apologize for that comment.

And now for the actual In Game stuff ... Where the hell to start ....


Alright, well I will say this. We don't have to worry now about lynching a Fool/former Chameleon. With the Chameleon dead, that took that problem clean out of the equation.

My first thought is this:

Hooker was set that if you died she would believe you, but if you lived she'd be more inclined to vote against you. So first reaction I have is, could it possibly be you murdered her, hoping we would write it off? However, her being the Chameleon could balance this suspicion out some.

On the one hand, some of us might think you killed her to get rid of a potential threat to you, and you simply got lucky to kill off the Chameleon.

On the other, there IS a chance your telling the truth, though how can anyone else be sure of this?

I shall wait to see if anyone counters you before making any decisions, or making any further comments. I have some ideas and possibilities to explain a few things, however at the moment I'm missing just a few cogs in my head to put the pieces all together. A lack of counter claim would certainly help that situation be rectified.

((I'm not complaining about the double post, seems logical thing to do in this case if your going to post. Could have waited for someone else to post, but that's just me nitpicking.))


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Considering we'd need every single good sided villager to lynch a demon, SOME declaration is necessary. There's not the same amount of large numbers we used to have where we used to have time to go through several scans and pm each other in safety.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

It's part of the reason Bartnum left as I recall, everyone either killed him the first night, or lynched him the first damn day. So yeah, given that's the case, why would someone in that position want to be very vocal or active? So far, it's worked, he's actually survived a fucking night AND lynch round. When was the last time that happened when you were in Barntum?
Actually, it was the last game I played in. I survived the whole thing and won it for us in the end.

Not quite as good as it sounds, because there were two players with power-blocking barriers, and both of them used every single one of theirs (save one on the first night, I think) on me. I was on the verge of resigning from the game when I finally got to use my power during the final night and got the information that resulted in the village win.

Bartnum should be flattered.
Oh, I am. But it doesn't change the fact that I was no longer able to actually play the sodding game.

Anyway, back to the situation at hand. I'm going to wait for the other players' input before making any suggestions.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Blue sits down upon a chair and waits. Much time had passed since she made her announcement. No demon had immediately stepped forward to counter her - it seemed that the minions of darkness were content to not lie at this point.

"What I say from now on is based on the assumption that everyone recognizes that I am an uncountered, claimed good. Effectively I am cleared of any suspicion, unless someone wants to challenge and say I'm not who I say I am."

She pauses, hoping her point has sunk in.

"So. Now that you know I am not a demon trying to pull wool over your eyes - I am going to tell you how I see the current situation. I will do my best to show you a plan that has merit."

She cleared her throat, and closed her eyes, trying to focus. Then she spoke.

"We have six priestesses left. Two are demons. Four are definitely good, with unique roles. One - me - has claimed and been uncountered, and so long as I am uncountered, the only explanation is that I am in fact what I say I am. If I were a demon, there's no reason whatsoever for the protector to not counter me, as we are at a must lynch day.

"This is my second point: In order to win, Good must lynch a demon today. If we don't, I only have a 33% chance of protecting the demon's target and preventing the outright win.

"Since we are at must lynch, now is the time for full disclosure. It doesn't matter that the demons will find out who the GG or the tracker are, because those roles can't prevent a demon win with a night action if we are unsuccessful today - so it is vital that we narrow down the suspect list as much as possible."

"GG, when you reveal, please list your night views. Posting reasons about why you viewed who you did will be helpful to the village in the case that your role is countered."

Blue sits still, holding her breath, hoping against hope that finally, with the deaths of the chameleon and the fool, and the fact that good's backs were totally up against the wall, that her fellow true priestesses would believe in her plan.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

I cant counter you, but i prefer to wait until TentanariX give her point of view


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

I cant counter you, but i prefer to wait until TentanariX give her point of view

Even if Tenta counters me, it doesn't change the fact that today is the final day and people need to claim roles.

You've been extremely cautious, and I must say, you are high on my suspect list. I don't like one-sentence posts. They make me think you're afraid of giving something away.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

(Its just than i prefer consist and direct posts than take 30 minutes writing a wall text with the same info)

This will be our last day if we choice to lynch, we fail in the lynching and you choice the wrong person to protect. Anyway, we could need the vote of TentanariX (if she is on our side) to lynch today.

Also you are underestimating the fact than nearly all of us have played this game like 20 times or more. I will wait your response, then i will reveal my identity.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

(Its just than i prefer consist and direct posts than take 30 minutes writing a wall text with the same info)

This will be our last day if we choice to lynch, we fail in the lynching and you choice the wrong person to protect. Anyway, we could need the vote of TentanariX (if she is on our side) to lynch today.

Also you are underestimating the fact than nearly all of us have played this game like 20 times or more. I will wait your response, then i will reveal my identity.
EDIT: Misunderstood this to begin with.

If you have a better alternative than what I've proposed, then go ahead and mention it here.
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(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

I think that was the point he was trying to make, is that you really REALLY come off as a pretentious asshole on how pro you are because of your experience.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Sorry then.

But come up with a plan. Don't just bash me because I talk.

EDIT: I'm sorry, I've reread and think I took plmnko's post the wrong way. I thought he was attempting to point out that I was new here and didn't know what I was saying. I realize that everyone knows how to play this game and has their own opinions and that they're not anymore wrong or right than mine. Contrary to what you may believe, I do think you're all smart people.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

(i just wake up from be slumber rest. So, sorry if there are some grammar mistakes)

I know than my post was a little hard to read, that was because i m in finals in the school. Anyway, i would have prefer to saw your post before you edit it.

After read your previous posts i have decide to trust you and reveal my identity to all, even when i think than is not the best idea. I'm the Gifted Girl, my first scan was to Dreana and the second to Bartnum.

The first one was chosen randomly, there wasn't enough proof to have a suspect, Bartnum was chosen because i usually try to lynch her because she is a great player and usually she talk more (I know than Bartnum is male but like always we are females in this game), unfortunately she is not a demon this time.

My suspect this time is TentanariX, because she is online nearly every day and don't have posted again, i hope than she post to say something.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

(i just wake up from be slumber rest. So, sorry if there are some grammar mistakes)

I know than my post was a little hard to read, that was because i m in finals in the school. Anyway, i would have prefer to saw your post before you edit it.

After read your previous posts i have decide to trust you and reveal my identity to all, even when i think than is not the best idea. I'm the Gifted Girl, my first scan was to Dreana and the second to Bartnum.

The first one was chosen randomly, there wasn't enough proof to have a suspect, Bartnum was chosen because i usually try to lynch her because she is a great player and usually she talk more (I know than Bartnum is male but like always we are females in this game), unfortunately she is not a demon this time.

My suspect this time is TentanariX, because she is online nearly every day and don't have posted again, i hope than she post to say something.
(bolding is mine) Good point. Although Tenta is in the mix of some RL difficulties, if she's checking other threads, chances are she's checking this one as well.

Hmmm. why Dreana on the first night? Is Dreana considered a danger player as well?

So if Plmnko is GG, then Bartnum is not a demon. Which would put 2 demons in the group of Siphon, Toxic, and Tentanarix.

I would prefer to wait and see what those who have not checked in to the main thread would like to say about your claim, before I pass my own judgment on it.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)


Just to shake things up.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

6 Priestesses Survive - you need 4 votes to lynch (Majority)

1. ToxicShock
6. Siphon/Talvesh
7. Bartnum
8. BlueSlime

No Lynch:
4. TentanariX

2. Hooker - Chameleon - Dead
5. Dreana - Fool - Dead


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

I'm afraid I'm not of much service to you all, but I can at least do some part. Even as a normal girl, I may serve some purpose.

Lynch tentanari