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DTT: game on!

Re: DTT: game on!

((My apologies for the wait. I've had a second round of surgery and it's hit me hard, keeping me in bed the last couple of days. Will try to post coherently now, despite the fact my vision is swimming.))

Well, I can't say I'm surprised your wanting to kill me Tenta. You must think it odd I'm still alive. Frankly, I'm amazed I am too (and for the record I wish I hadn't been then you wouldn't have been held up cuz of my surgery.)

To be honest, I have my doubts on both of you. Toxic, who keeps changing her mind and did lie earlier. And you have been extremely quiet, refusing to say awful much at all.

At first I was sure either Toxic or Dematt were the demon. In fact, for a while I was afraid there might have been two demons. With Dematt yesterday proving to be the gifted girl, this has more than halted my deadset mentality of Toxic being the demon. I can only assume the two of them had been working together since day one of this, with Dematt scanning and proving Toxic to be good aligned. What interests me though is that Dematt apparently never scanned me, despite my claims, electing to either do nothing, or scan someone else. I can only assume it was because no one expected me to be alive that I wasn't scanned, which may have worked out in the end.

I now feel that I don't have anything to concretely back up my original accusation of Toxic being the demon here, although I must say that IF you are, you've managed to fool me at the end, and I will have to congratulate you on a job well done. Now, this said, I don't think Toxic is the demon anymore, and I know I sure as heck am not a demon, which only leaves us with one person.

That would be you Tenta. May I be right and have saved two normal people from whatever hell would await us, for if I'm not ... then this demon spawn will run through me and out into the world.

I vote to LYNCH TentanariX.

I leave the fate of us all in your hands now Toxic, there is nothing further I can do.
Re: DTT: game on!

Lynch siphon
Re: DTT: game on!

with the votes decided thw two girls advance upon siphon and Toxic takes up the knife stabbing Siphon squarely in the gut with one last gurgle Siphon collapses to the floor dead and then...nothing happens. Tenta witha grin of triumph sprouts many many tentacles and one final look of dread crosses Toxics face before she is descended upon. fro outside the building anyone hearing might think an orgy going on from the amount of screams and moans as Tenta finishs the task with the final girl walking from the building in search of her next prey leaving the dorm of dead girls in the wake.

Siphon the normal girl was killed Tenta the demon monster wins!

1. Plmnko -Normal- Raped to death
2. Tentanari -Demon- WINNER
3. Toxic -Normal girl- Brutally raped
4. Hooker -Normal- Raped to Death
5. Dematt -Gifted girl- Lynched
6. Blue Slime -Normal- Lynched
7. Copper -Protector- Raped to Death
8.Siphon -Normal- Lynched
Re: DTT: game on!

Yay, now I can bitch about scanning Plmnko first night. :(
Re: DTT: game on!

Yeah, that's always the rough bit, isn't it? Figuring out who to look at or after. Ah well.

I'm in, if we're doing another one.
Re: DTT: game on!

This game was so fun, nobody expect than the girl with tenta in her name was the demon XD
Re: DTT: game on!

haha, i lynched dematt, that still cracks me up
Re: DTT: game on!

*licks his chops* Your holes were all so delicious, now Toxic my new meat puppet serve me well and find me new unsuspecting flowers to ravage. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Though I doubt I'll end up the demon next time :p *
Re: DTT: game on!

I wasn't even playing this game and I have to say, Siphon you made yourself way too much of a target. The entire game I thought you were the demon because you tended to make some pretty defensive arguments. People who were getting lynched, they didn't post paragraph after paragraph for defense. But that's just a spectator's take on it.
Re: DTT: game on!

I was actually trying to tempt the demon into attacking me so our GG could actually focus scans on someone else. Unfortunately it didn't work out so well.

I also knew I was going to end up going in for surgery before this ended, so I was kind of hoping to either be lynched or killed at night before then. Again that didn't work out at all and resulted in a long delay. Apologies for the delay, however having your face swollen so bad to where it blacks out your ability to see anything generally tends to put a hold on any other activity besides sleeping.
Re: DTT: game on!

I'm surprised I didn't get killed sooner. I mean, I figured everyone in their right mind could piece together the fact that I was a normal girl. I felt that was the best way of letting everyone know that, and I was hoping that only the demon would be like "Oh he's stirring things up, I shouldn't kill him." But when everyone is like "Wow, that would be the hands down worst way to play as the demon, he must not be it," it would only be a matter of time before the demon thought "Ok, he's avoiding most suspicion, I should get rid of him or else anyone else who knows that they're both normal might start to rally around him."

At first, tenta alleviated some suspicion by forcing the vote into a tie by voting for me instead of just ending the day and voting for blue. It was a good move that I only fell for because there were plenty of people who posting their lynch without explaining why, so if he just ended the day immediately without explaining why, I'm sure no one would have questioned him, so that made me figure there was a reason for wanting to lynch me instead of blue. The topper was when I had to make a choice between tent, copper, siphon, and matt. Siphon and matt were most suspicious to me, even with matt coming forward to me because there was no way I could verify what he said. But out of the game, I knew Tenta wasn't able to log in as much, and I put that together with the fact I didn't recall any delays during the nights, so I ruled him out once again and took a 50/50 shot by either lynching dematt as the demon, or verifying him as a martyr so everyone could rally against my other suspicion of siphon. The coin flip failed. Just by a ladder of suspicion, Tent actually would have been one of my last choices.

Good play.
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Re: DTT: game on!

toxic that was one of my concerns about tenta being the monster. i saw the mention of him not being on often and it just so happened at the time of one of my updates he was on and had the first action in while i waited on the others. case of good timing for tenta i say. so if anyone else wants to try running one again go right ahead.
Re: DTT: game on!

I would play again.

I'm not even mad about being lynched - though I'm curious, now that the game is over, as to why people were so opposed to my idea.

Also curious as to why I was so suspected when I was one of the few people talking on day one? When there's only one bad guy, usually they like to lay low - in general.

The metagame here doesn't like plans?

((Also, why didn't the GG straight out claim? I couldn't believe DeMatt just said "you'll regret this" and let himself be lynched." All he had to do was claim GG, and then Tenta wouldn't be able to counter him. It would have saved the good guys a mislynch. ))
Re: DTT: game on!

The metagame here doesn't like plans?
Change that to "I don't like Plans", and you've got my reasoning.
Also, why didn't the GG straight out claim? I couldn't believe DeMatt just said "you'll regret this" and let himself be lynched. All he had to do was claim GG, and then Tenta wouldn't be able to counter him. It would have saved the good guys a mislynch.
Mental habits - I have an extreme dislike for making false statements, so I don't like claiming anything if I have to. Admittedly that's more for the occasions that I'm the demon... but it still affects my play as other roles.

If I had been planning to claim, I would've done it the first time someone voted for lynching me - the whole "you'll regret this" bit was more for Toxic. We'd chatted a bit over PMs, after I scanned him, and he'd said he suspected Siphon more than anyone else, buuut then he changed his vote one last time, and sacrificed me. :(

Edit: And also the bit about Tenta not being able to "counter" me... A) he could, and B) he didn't need to. The demon (in this game, at least) automatically knows that everyone else is "not a demon". The gifted girl's scans only reveal that their target is "not a demon". The demon is therefore able to fake being a gifted girl, simply by saying "Oh, I scanned A and B, and they're both not demons - still working on who is" - and she'll be right, too. As to the "didn't need to"... well, Tenta wasn't being voted for - it was Toxic versus Siphon, then Siphon versus me.
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Re: DTT: game on!

Well in all fairness, the gifted girl would be the person to know I was normal. The other person who would know I was normal was the demon. On top of that, anyone who figured my play style would be retarded if I was the demon would figure me for normal. Because you scanned me and a dead girl, trust wasn't something I was gonna have down around my ankles. It wasn't as if I lynched you just for myself, like I said my coin flip was wrong. I made sure I was the last one to vote you so I wasn't just selling you out, and notified tent and copper that you were the gg, and when it was revealed that you were telling the truth, the two of the 3 of us that live should get siphon. Technically the only person I really sold down the river was copper in that regard.

Tenta, had I not pm'ed you, would you have killed siphon that night instead of copper? Cuz looking back, if you had, I don't know why, I think I actually would have sided with copper against you.
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Re: DTT: game on!

Just out of curiosity Dematt, was there any reason why you never scanned me? It just seems a tad odd if you and Toxic both suspected me of being the demon that you wouldn't have.
Re: DTT: game on!

Just out of curiosity Dematt, was there any reason why you never scanned me? It just seems a tad odd if you and Toxic both suspected me of being the demon that you wouldn't have.
... because you would've been my third scan? :D

Seriously. I "randomly" picked Plmnko first - and he got raped that night. Then, I picked on Toxic, for being a most excellent Fool...
Re: DTT: game on!

But but but... there was no fool :(
Re: DTT: game on!

Heh, fair enough.

Yeah I was actually hoping that the GG (Dematt in this case), would scan me because I was making myself a target for suspicion, and when she proved me to be normal might consider channeling findings through me for the rest of the group. Alas, that plan surely did not work out one bit.
Re: DTT: game on!

Well, the problem (?) with claiming that you're a gifted girl is you make yourself a target. If you *are* the gifted girl, unless the protector is still alive, the demon is going to go for you, to keep from getting detected. If you're the demon, the gifted girl is going to look at you first, because they *know* you're not the gifted girl.

A decent strategy is, if the protector is still alive, for the GG and protector to team up. Then the demon has to waste turns trying to take out the protector *first* in order to protect themselves from the GG's scan. The only problem is, if you've declared yourself the GG and the protector goes, next night, you're screwed. Literally.

The game is as much luck as it is strategy, really. And sometimes the demon gets lucky and sometimes the humans do. And sometimes you have huge clusterfuck games where things either go really right or really wrong, depending on how you look at it.