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Drowning... (Mirella)

Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(You only get to up Dex ONCE, as you only has 3 stat points. To up it to 3, you would need a total of 5 stat points. )

Following a few more 'near-miss' close calls with lampposts and such due to reckless driving, the car pulls up in front of a luxury apartment complex...or at least what used to be one before being modified extensively with barbed wire fencing, reinforced glass, and various iron plating.

"All right, going to drop you off here. Careful not to step on a land mine or something on your way up the stairs. Last I need is you blowing your ass up after I went through all the trouble of hauling it out of the water."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Oh, is it one of those 1, 2+1, 2+3, 3+4, 4+5 systems?)
Standing infront of the staires as the car drove away, Mirella thought.
How is she gonna get up these staires?
And as she looked at the building, she realizes that this... this is a fortress.
But why? Against rapist monsters this hardly seems necessary. But after a few more seconds of admiring and looking at the front of the building, Mirella came to a conclusion... Only way in, is in front of her. So she took a deep breath, and ran for the staires, jumped, and hoped that she made it to the top step with her ass intact.
(Heh, RP her fail or opening the door if you want, or we can just move to the Heaven thread.)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Yes, part of this post is recycled... sue me!)

Managing to make her way up the steps and through the door with her ass in tact, Mirella beheld a curious sight. There, seated a small distance away in a rather lavish chair was a person the size of a child, garbed in a strange manner. Donning a purple robe with various characters of an unknown language stitched into it in gold, one might first assume that the girl was simply a person with an old taste in clothing. However, after one saw the chains attached to her wrists and looping around her back, as well as the metallic blindfold which seemingly sealed her vision, one would begin to have a different train of thought. Especially when the girl seemed fully aware of what was going on around her, even for the most handicapable person.

"So this piece managed to make it after all... Fourth room on the left, take a seat with the others if thou wishest for thy questions to be answered."

Seeming to be almost disappointed that Mirella had survived for some unknown reason, the 'child' unenthusiastically raised a finger towards the hallway she had referred to in her speech. It was more probable of course, that the real cause for her discontent was Lydia, as opposed to Mirella...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SCENARIO COMPLETE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Mirella has completed her scenario, and is now Level 3! Mirella now has 6 additional stat points with which to upgrade her stats! Please allocate or save the points as you desire, state what you to do here, and update your character sheet to reflect upon your changes!)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Dex up, Power up)
With a muttered thanks, Mirella walked off to the room where the explainations were held.
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