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Drowning... (Mirella)

Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Is Mirella a bloody schizo? o_O?)


Grunting out a response as she took her hands off the wheel to pull out a cigarette for a smoke while she drived, the woman did not seem to care as the car began to "veer" about the empty streets rather dangerously until she had a lit cigarette with which to smoke. Once she did, it was only then that her hands returned to the wheel, still paying minimal attention to the road.

"Want a smoke?"
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(No, she just doesn't want her ass chopped off.)
"No Thank you, but... I have a few questions..." Mirella said to the other woman, trying not to get on the bad side of her again. Mirella didn't pay attention to the road neither, because as far as she can see, there wasn't a single car, person, or any other living thing. Nor can she remember any of her surroundings, was she in a completely different place from where she's from? She couldn't even tell, but then again, she couldn't even remember where she WAS from.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Shoot. Not like I got anything better to do till we get back anyway."

Taking another draught of her cigarette, Lydia appeared to be rather bored, driving in a half-hearted manner. For the moment, it didn't seem she would snap any time soon...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Um... What was the monster that you saved me from? And... where are we?" asked Mirella
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Standard fare rape monster, as for where we are...why are you asking me?"
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"I will take it that you are not from around here also, and... 'standard fare rape monster'? Whats going on? Where did they come from?" Mirella asked, about to go into panic mode.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Partially rolling her eyes at the girl's last two questions, Lydia answered after taking another draught from her cigarrette, speaking in a highly condescending manner.

"One of the many rapists monsters you'll find in the city. As for the rest...you really were born dumb weren't you girl? If I don't know where we are, what makes you think I'd know anything bout those things? Look, all I know is that there are monsters trying to rape every woman they can see, and that no self respecting woman, is going to take that shit."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

She really wants to slap this bitch by now, or at least snap back at her or something.
But Mirella decided that it probably wouldn't be wise so she kept slient and watched as the unfamiliar surroundings passby.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"But, I guess if you really want to know that badly, you could always ask that Reina woman when we get somewhere a bit safer. Though that stuff about witches and game pieces is a load of real horseshit if you ask me.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Game pieces?" Mirella asked, getting interested again. "if you don't mind, could you tell me what she said?"
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Ask her yourself. Besides, I wasn't really paying attention to that crap anyway. Better to let stuff like that flow through one ear and out the other less you end up believing that drivel."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Then what do you think is happening? Whats your opinon?"
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"What I believe? I believe that we're stuck in a monster infested city and that the world's gone to hell. That's what. Probably some crazy experiment gone wrong or something, you know, like dem zombie movies."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Mirella accepted her theory a bit. Because she could be right about lab experiments and all the other things the government always hides from the people. But some pieces just don't fit. Why is there rapist monsters running loose? Governments wouldn't want to be making rapist monsters, it can hardly be considered a worthy weapon against trained armies with missiles and nukes and all the other things. And even if the army lost, there was no signs of battle at all there HAS to be some resistance right? All of this thinking is confusing her even more but she knows that something will never fit into all this, no matter what normal theory you come up with, she just couldn't fit into hardly any of them.
"What about the Witch? I got uh... a message, saying something about a witch that created this place. What's with that?"
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Probably some bullshit made by some bigsuit as a sick joke. I mean come on, witches? This ain't some stupid fairy tale, this is the real world. Crap like that doesn't exist."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

'And crazy lab experiment monsters are always a possiblity right?' Mirella thought to herself as she tries to apply her own logic into the mix. But instead a chill ran up her back instead as a what seems to be sudden and strong breeze made her realize that she's still a bit wet and still naked.
"And do you have any spare clothes I could wear? It's getting kinda cold."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"They're in the glove compartment, get dem yourself."

Grunting this, the woman take another draught from her cigarette before making a wide turn in a carefree manner, the car narrowly avoiding collision with a light pole...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Half scared to change in this dangerous car yet wanting to be more comfortable with clothes on, Mirella struggled with herself as she slowly pulled on her clothes. (Which is??). After she's done changing she sits back down. Before asking again.
"So where are we headed towards to anyways? I am assuming it's a safe place but what's there to be exact?"

(Oh and before I forget, i give Mirella 2 more dex pts, if I did it right...)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(You mean one more... Also, clothes is an oversized t-shirt, and a pair of panties...)

"Clothes, shelter... you'll see the rest when you get there."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Sweet and one more what?)
Hoping for the best Mirella, tried to relex on the car. She feels tired and as she leans back on the seat waiting to see if Lydia have anything else to say, she starts to think about how good it'd be to be in a warm bed right now...