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Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(19, ouch)

The copy lunges at Scarlet right into the electricity taking the full brunt on them all and exploding splattering Scarlet with green slime, after just a moment however the jar produces another squishy imitation of Scarlet.

HP:18 MP:6 (I charged two since it was multiple balls as a shield and upped the damage resulting in epic splatterage)
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

"Beg me, and you may still be my servant against the darkness!" Scarlet called out, throwing more balls of electricity all around herself as she rushed the gooey monster, ignoring the splatters of defeated goo on her body.

With all of her force, she tried plunging every magically charged sphere at the goo once more, while if she was given the change, she would plunge the dagger itself into the pot the creature was emerging from, trying to tear her enemy apart from its core and end the fight quickly.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(A 15, barely avoided it)

The copy of scarlet lunges forward and manages to get through the spell even though it gets electrocuted but the shock lets Scarlet dart by it unfortunately her dagger does absolutely nothing to the pot except agitate what is inside it.

HP:18 MP:5
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(are you making multiple rolls or something? a 15 on a magic attack seems rather high.)

Scarlet hisses as the attack failed, angry that the magical dagger was so ineffective.

But she was right next to the creature's core now. The next attack was obvious.

"Last chance." she whispered, as she reached over the pot and built up her ice burst spell. At this range, she didn't see how it could miss, as she held both ice-covered hands over the pot, almost directly against the slime-creature's body.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(no thats just the hit chance, not damage, I use a d20, other dice for the actual damage but I'm enjoying keeping monster HP secret, makes it more tense)

Scarlet projects her ice into the pot but it seems whatever is inside doesn't freeze easily and only gets a few frozen spots on top of it, while she concentrates on it her slippery doppleganger sneaks up behind her and scarlet feels a warm gooey hand rub between her legs and slime starting to cover her back.

(Rolled a 12, scarlet's attack succeeded, so did ooze scarlet's)
Scarlet took 6 damage and her back is all slimey.

HP:12 MP:5
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet groaned only slightly as she felt the unusual attack from behind her, working across her body and leaving a rather filthy trail across her naked body.

Although the pot looked mostly uninjured by her attacks, she had a suspicion that the creature inside was suffering badly from her repeated assaults, and she wasn't about to give up a fight she thought she was winning.

Spinning sharply at the thing that was oozing over her body, Scarlet built up a magical flame across the dagger's blade once again and lunged at the creature, sending whisps of flame all over its body as she threw herself into the gooey creature, trying to slam her body down onto it and tackle the thing so she could finish off this one, and hoping that after she froze what was in the pot, this attack would be the one that finally ended this battle.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)


The form she attacks melts under the fiery assault, as she rests a moment Scarlet feels something cold and slimy lay against her back and sees green arms with flecks of ice in them reach around and cup her chest.

Scarlet takes 4 damage and the pot appears almost empty now.

HP:8 MP:4
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet moaned deeply as she was grabbed from behind, that slime on her naked body, the hands on her breasts, having been licked so close to another orgasm before...

She knew she was about to cum again as she dropped her dagger, panting and leaning back into the creature, letting it tease her hard nipples and its slimy body caress hers.

It was by sheer will to win that she managed to prepare her lightning orbs spell again, even as one hand slipped lower to finger herself again slowly, and she was almost giving herself to the creature.

One last surge of defiance struck through her body and she tried to kick away from the thing's grasp while sending all of her electrical charges crashing down at the strange monster, hoping it would end this once and for all.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(5, not the end but getting tense)

Scarlet can't seem to keep the electricity up long enough to attack and to make matters worse the rest of the jar forms one last green sticky copy of Scarlet that starts moving to join the other one still slowly oozing over her body.

Scarlet takes 5 slime snuggle damage.

HP:3 MP:3
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet whined softly as she saw the second one starting to move. She knew she was restrained and in trouble, even if she wanted to flee though, those hands, those slimy hands, all over her breasts, would keep her from retreating.

Building up what magic she still had into her dagger, she sent whisps of flame off of it once more as she twisted it around and attempted to plunge it into the body of the slime-girl that was hugging her from behind, hoping that it would even the odds so she could end this battle victoriously.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(ooo a 20)

Scarlet's blade splatters her cold groper onto the ceiling and the final copy steps back unwilling to jump her just yet after that display.

HP:3 MP:2
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet huffed softly, glaring at the now empty pot, then to the squirming green mass, holding her blade out with flames leaping off of it in every direction.

She makes another bold demand of the creature, "Surrender now! ... And I won't destroy you." As she speaks, she reaches her unarmed hand outward, teasingly offering it in a slow motion, as if pretending to caress the gooey creature.

"As strange as you are, I don't believe you are evil, not entirely... You are my equal in many ways. Be my partner. We're very closely matched in skill, and I'm sure that we'd have far more fun together without attacking one another." Scarlet winked at this comment, reaching up and bouncing her bare breasts a few times lightly, starting to gently approach the creature.

Her guard seemingly down, she attempted to softly reach out and take the gooey copy of herself's breasts in her hand, hoping some soft rubbing and encouragement would be enough to change the creature's mind.

"Give up whatever you were summoned here for, and let's be friends." She whispered, hoping she could lean in and kiss the gooey creature.

...as horny and needy as Scarlet was, getting fucked unconscious by the thing wasn't sounding like such a bad prospect, but even so, she kept her weapon gripped tightly in one hand as she made the eager gesture, and if the creature tried anything hostile again, her spell was already on the weapon, one swift motion would be all it would take to plunge the fiery blade into her foe.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(well I can't ignore you rolling a 20 on an attempt to talk it down.)

The copy of scarlet blinked and seemed confused as what to do when she approached and kissed it, it attempted to poorly mimic Scarlet's voice. sounding like her talking with a mouth full of water. "wHa er ou do-ing?"

(Bah need to figure out if I should give you full xp for taming a boss. Tricksey mageses! *ponders*)
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(I'd say either full XP if the boss taming will have no further impact than the boss is defeated and minor bonuses... Half XP if taming the boss is going to give me some mid-range bonuses, equal to finding a decently powerful item... Or no XP if taming the boss is akin to getting a truly powerful object, as leveling and getting an insanely powerful item together would possibly be overkill.)

Scarlet laughed softly as she let her magical fires ebb and instead built up her flow of energies into both hands, one hand rather roughly fondling the immitation's breasts, while the other very quickly dove lower, and before the confused creature could react, it would feel a tingling of Scarlet fingering the magical creature, "Mmmh, don't resist. Just be mine." she whispered at it, as she kissed it again deeply, giving the creature a taste of her sexually needy hormones, Scarlet doing her best to confuse and confound the creature, at the same time she coaxed it into a feeling of security and obedience, doing what Scarlet said and being gentle to her.

"I told you it'd be so much nicer if we didn't fight..." She whispered, while trying to use her subtle magical touch to make the creature orgasm, to completely entrance and contain the monster for her own service.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(Well successfully taming it would mean having a slime monster to have in battle, yeah probably worth a level)

The slime scarlet starts moaning and squirms around against Scarlet trying to avoid being entranced while rubbing slime all over her, it mimics her motions and she can feel a hand of slime slip inside her and start wiggling farther in. "I...not get enslave....I...catch you..." The monster seemed to be attempting to make Scarlet orgasm first so she would be at it's mercy instead.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

The slime creature would find Scarlet's pussy already dripping wet, she'd orgasmed at least once during the battle, and been brought close many more times.

Rather than trying to fight against it more, Scarlet instead spread her legs, moaning and kissing the slime-creature more passionately, fingers deftly working the immitation's clit and nipples, using everything she loved having done to her on the copy of her body, quietly hoping it would have the same effect on the copy as it usually had on her.

"Mmmh. when it feels this good, who cares who gets to play mistress... Just be my play partner... give up your silly evil plans and we'll fuck each other senseless night after night... or at very least, I can promise to help you find someone else to play with often." she whispered to the slime as she plunged two fingers in and out of the gooey pussy, spreading her immitation's lower lips as they kissed wildly.

Deep inside, she was lost between wanting to beg the creature to do the same to her, and bring her to climax, and that same twinge of wanting to be on top still, when she finally snapped and threw her head back, trying to yank the slime girl with her.

When the two of them landed, Scarlet was laying naked beneath the slime, legs spread, pussy almost gushing, bare breasts bouncing happily beneath the slime...

She only hoped the slime girl went along, yearning for the slime girl's body hugged tightly to hers. Breasts rubbing together, pussies grinding into one another, not just wanting to beat the slime anymore, but instead just wanting to fuck her silly, so the two of them could reach orgasmic bliss together, and maybe... just maybe... she'd have a new partner, and be able to find out why the area was suddenly alive with undead... not that that was the first thing on her mind.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

The slime gurgled in shock as it fell forward, it moaned and jiggled about as Scarlet fingered it, she barely registered that the more excited it became the more goop it produced. Scarlet could feel it beginning to push deeper and pulse in her womanhood as the form kissing her started to "sweat" covering Scarlet's body in a thick coating of warm slime. At this rate the room might fill up if she manages to make it orgasm, at the very least she wasn't feeling any side effects to having hot and heavy fun with a pile of demonic goo.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet had a sneaking suspicion that she'd defeated too much of the goo's evil for it to hold itself together as her enemy, and the sudden consensual sex, mixed with Scarlet's magic, instead of the dark magic that formed the creature, seemed to be changing the moaning monster's personality.

The mage decided it was time to finish this, whispering weaker versions of her spells into each hand, and the slime would feel hot fingers pumping her pussy over and over, deeper, a third digit forcing its way in, while she openly squeezed and kneaded the slime's breasts with soft jolts of electricity causing everything to tingle magically.

The sex-hungry mage didn't even consider the mess that the two were making as she broke their kiss, leaning in and wrapping her lips around the slime-copy's nipples, tongue flicking around the sensitive parts of the goo-copy. "Mmmh, orgasm already you big pile of goo." she giggled out softly, even while arching back again and spreading herself, offered freely to the slime, letting its slimey release caress all over her naked body, and gently enter her, the entire scene getting messier and messier...