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Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Scarlet HP:30 MP:7 STR:20 INT:70

The sun shone down on Scarlet as the waitress handed her another drink while she laid in her chair by the pool. Mexico's resort industry was booming and Scarlet was enjoying every minute of it. Her family would never find her here and the day of the dead celebrations were just getting ready to start. Scarlet even had an invitation to what would probably be the craziest party in the country that evening. She might even get lucky and remember what it was like the day after.
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Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

"Day of the Dead." Scarlet laughed as she sipped her fourth drink. Though there was some alcohol in it, it wasn't hardly enough to get her properly drunk, just mildly tipsy so she could relax and pretend to be just like everyone else.

Her own history told that this celebration was probably as a direct result of banishing evil here in Mexico some centuries ago, although, as always, local culture and the church did their best to change and defile the truth.

Scarlet pulled her already see through white-tee off, having only a string bikini on underneath as she took a hard gulp of her sweet drink, quietly wondering if someone hadn't paid to have it spiked along the way, before she gently stepped into the pool. The soft clouds overhead made the remaining sunlight by the pool just mild enough that she could enjoy it without getting terribly tanned or sunburnt. There was just something she didn't like about it being too bright out, the stark contrast to the gentle moonlight she adored was somehow unsettling to her. In that much light, it always felt as if she had to hide away, to not use her magic...

Not that she couldn't, of course.

Scarlet drifted through the waters of the pool with a soft smile, staying in the shallow area with the younger kids and teens that were showing off or chicken fighting. She prefered it here, around people... normal people... people her own age... This was why she came to the mexican resort in the first place. To get away from her lineage and her kin.

She merely crouched into the water, letting the coolness flow over her as she slipped beneath the surface for a moment, exhaling softly and smiling, then glided to the surface, eyes closed and her hands darting upward to brush back her wet short-ish hair, moving out towards a group of older teens and twenty-somethings that were playing nearby.

She wanted in. Even if she was horrible at these games normal people played, it was just for the experience, and the fun of being normal. As she approached, she called out softly, "Can I join?" with her big, innocent smile. It was always funny to her. Most of the people here were from the US, like her, but the contrast was so sharp. Back stateside, a bikini like hers would have her banned from the pool... but down here, it seemed like the rules of modesty didn't apply, and although she was the skimpiest dressed there, it was a close call in most cases.

"How do you play?" she asked naively, genuinely not knowing how even such simple games were played, she only got away from her family a few short years ago, and even then, only recently was wiling to be so open about going out and enjoying herself, thoughts of the church and rumors of impending darkness long since forgotten on days like this, as she readily joined the playing crowd.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet's day at the pool went entirely uninterrupted by any further reminders of the outside world. She sobered up entirely just in time to put on her hottest little dress that would make her mother's blood boil if she could see her. As she stepped out the resort's front doors she could see people running by obviously headed to another celebration. The crowd got a bit thicker after a couple of seconds and a man bumped into Scarlet scrambling onto the front doors screaming "DE MUERTOS! DE MUERTOS! CORRER!!!"
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet giggled the day away happily until nightfall, playing all kinds of games and just having fun.

When she moved back to her room, she took the skimpiest little dress she could. No bra underneath it, the thin straps of the dress wouldn't have it, as she tied it tightly in a knot that barely fit behind her neck, the back of her dress completely open.

The naughty streak of the girl even went so far as to not wear any panties with the skimpy thing, only blushing slightly when she hopped a few times in front of the mirror she was using to get ready and a few quick flashes of her exposed self were seen... As long as she didn't get too wild, she decided to go out just like that...


Scarlet watched light-heartedly as the celebrators ran around, and she chugged a glass of tequila, feeling at home with the slightly groggy feeling when she went downstairs.

The man that bumped rather roughly into her made her need to grab at her top, worried for a second it would come off, "yes yes, de meutros to you too!" she tried to repeat back to the man with a smile, not quite getting how this celebration worked, nor realizing how badly she'd fudged the language.

"Wow, these people are REALLY into their celebrations." she added, giving her low-heel walking shoes a little tug to make sure they were on right, while she checked her purse for her high heels...

That weapon... it was little more than a tiny dagger, and not at all the weapon of a proper warrior. But it was always there for her if she should run out of magic. She ran a finger across its sheath and shook her head. It was instinct to always bring it, her family having raised her with the weapon.

Scarlet shook her head with another faint giggle and closed her bag, rushing down the street, breasts bouncing and dress threatening to show off everything to anyone who glanced at her at the right moment. It was just her luck that the party she wanted to go to was against the crowd, and she spent most of her time trying to push through the mess of people that were bustling past, trying not to let her outfit fall off as she walked.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(I love the innocent oblivousness hehe)

The crowd suddenly seems to vanish and as she nears the graveyard Scarlet sees why, the residents of the graveyard have decided they no longer wish to be dead. A surprise attack from a zombie turns Scarlet's dress into an impromptu two piece but after recovering from that her skills are more than enough to lay waste to the slow moving zombies and fragile skeletons without injury. After cleaning up the area Scarlet notices one of the crypts is open but doesn't look like it was battered open like the rest.

(Rolled for three swarms worth 6, 16, 16)

Scarlet takes 4 points of damage from the first zombie's attack

HP:26 MP:7
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Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(aww. No deep detailed RP of combat? :p )
(P.S. You should probably remind people of their stats with regular posting of it, like Tass does. And a hint at our rolls would be nice. <3 (For example, how good/bad of a roll tore Scarlet's outfit?) that way those of us who enjoy RPing can run with it ;) )

The rushing crowd nearly knocked Scarlet's top off a few times, and though embarrassed, she was happy to be a part of normal society... or so she thought.

Scarlet was almost completely offguard when the zombie attack came at her side, her reflexes barely managing to avoid the blow from injuring her, but not to rescue her outfit, a few tatters were sent flying and she was marvelously topless for a few uncertain seconds, her breasts bouncing free while she shrieked in shock.

Instincts kicked in and she had her weapon in hand and slashed across the creature before she could stop herself, it was only after the figure crashed to the ground that she stopped to consider what she had done... although she could heal him, it meant exposing her power, and the shock of what she did still hit her hard.

"...oh no..." she started, fear in her heart, sobering instantly. "Oh no..." she whispered, looking out across the graveyard and so many figures shuffling around. "I didn't mean to... to hurt h..him..." she began, looking down, and seeing the beast still shuffling around, with its head half destroyed because of her dagger's evil-destroying magic.

Eyes wide, she felt her hands drop and the tatters of her dress fell around her, the soft night breeze raking over her nude body. "Y... you're not human... you're..."

Slowly, everything added up. And she whispered. "A zombie."

Scarlet had fought several of the beasts before, it wasn't uncommon to slay a few here or there in her travels, but she'd never seen this many of them clustered in one place, and especially not this many freshly rising.

She spun her dagger in her hand and stabbed downward, the minor flow of magic in her weapon effectively destroying the evil that kept the creature together. This suddenly changed things, and she knew why she reacted so strongly on instinct, her hair had been standing up since she left the hotel, but she was too busy trying to ignore it to realize what was going on.

"Damn beasts of the night... I had a party to get to and everything, and now... now... THIS!" she whined, realizing she was still stark naked and blushing, she crouched fast and grabbed the two torn pieces of her dress and attempted to wear it. The lower half barely holding itself onto her hips, but it was shorter than ever now, and her pussy was easily visible to anyone who tried to look, while the upper half was even worse. The backless dress's upper half was now little more than a strap of fabric tied around her neck that she left dangling over her otherwise exposed breasts, just enough of it pulled out that it covered some, but the slightest jump or joustling would cause the whole thing to fall off again. For what little covering her remaining dress had, she was only slightly better off than being naked.

Underdressed or not though, Scarlet knew what had to be done as she rushed the remaining beasts, her weapon snapping through the air with magical crackles of energy after each blow, most of her attacks literally tearing the creatures apart and leaving nothing behind of the evil they were forged from.

At the end of the brief attack, Scarlet looked back over the graveyard and shook her head slowly.

The one grave that stood out would've never been discovered by the local police, nor the paltry investigation squad the church would undoubtedly send to quell rumors of what happened.

As much as Scarlet fought against her lineage... she knew the choice of what to do was obvious. Scarlet walked into the open crypt without a second thought, her weapon held defensively at the ready, and already silently chanting her spells, a reminder of the power she held and that nothing here stood a chance against her...

Wether that was a naive belief or not was still a matter to be discovered...
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Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

As she got close to the crypt Scarlet could hear chanting but unlike any she had heard before, inside was a false coffin that was easily slide aside and revealed a ladder leading underground. Once underground Scarlet sees a wooden door at the end of a crudely made tunnel lined with torches, before she can get there though something drops down from the ladder and hisses at her. It was orange and and alternated between walking on two and four legs. She knew from her studies that it was a cave troll, a hideous dark creature with a tongue that was at least 20 feet long.

Miniboss: Cave Troll

(switching to turn by turn fight mode, good luck, or not, depends on your tastes :cool: )
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet sneered at the cave troll, flipping her dagger in her fingers and smiling, "If you're the best this pathetic cult has to offer, I don't think this'll be much trouble."

Her first movement was deft and quick, she dashed at the troll with one hand on her dagger, the other preparing a small electrical attack... it was less a spell and more a weapon for easy use that she was trained to wield.

She crouched low to the ground and ran at the beast, blade spinning at just the right second that she was sure she'd get a piece of the creature, while she plunged her hand towards the thing at the same time, prepared to grab it and unload her magical forces into it...

The attack was too eager, she realized it as soon as she made the final motions, but it was too late to back out. If the beast was caught offguard, the battle would be as good as over... but if it avoided the attack, the position it left her in was as good as dropping her weapon and bending over, asking the thing to spank her a few times... She was trained better than this... she knew... but the excitement of battle had made her too eager.

(Physical attack against creature, unless you can use Int base stat for an attack without spending MPs.)
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(Any magic use costs at least 1mp depending on the effect)

The creature focuses entirely on the dagger and catches Scarlet's arm but completely misses seeing her other hand before it gets blown backwards down the tunnel. After laying still a moment it lurches back onto four legs growling. The blast did not kill it but it seemed to take quite a toll on the beast which seems intent on attacking again.

(rolled a 17)

HP:26 MP:6
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet let her spell dissipate, not wanting to waste magic on this lowly beast as she rushed him again, the adrenaline of being on top in combat urging her onward.

The same foolish move as before, she twisted the blade in a feint, lifting her other hand as if she was about to blast the thing with another spell, trying to draw its attention in multiple directions at once...

Then she thrust her dagger towards its chest, whispering quietly, "Don't struggle. Just give up. You can't win."
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(Rolled two rounds this time, both wiffed with their first attacks then Scarlet rolled a 5)

The creature seemed used to her speed and fighting style now and leapt out of the way actually crawling across the ceiling quickly, while she was stumbling off guard the creature's tongue lashed out and easily tore what was left of Scarlet's dress off leaving her naked.

Scarlet took 9 damage

HP:15 MP:6 (Scarlet is now stuck at 15hp unless she finds some clothes or levels up)
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Yelping out from the rather... unusual... attack, Scarlet felt the tongue caressing along her skin from behind, slurping down her back and then suddenly over her ass before one quick yank destroyed the last of her clothes.

Scarlet covered herself with both hands, blushing darkly as the creature scurried off, "Oh no you don't!" she hissed after it, avoiding yelling so she didn't attract more attention to herself, but still the creature would hear her, and her annoyance as the skimpy red outfit was finally done in.

Scarlet clutched her dagger tightly once again with one hand, her other covering her breasts as she blushed and pulled her legs together tightly, trying to cover herself and avoid letting the beast see her naked. She'd wait for it to attack, then try to counterattack with her dagger... hopefully while keeping herself modest.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(*winces* Ouch....a 1)

Even though she's expecting it the speed of the monster's tongue catches her off guard as it shoots through her legs pushing them apart just enough for it to steal an incredibly long lick as the troll draws it's warm sticky tongue back across Scarlet's sex making the witch stiffen up and gasp in arousal.

Scarlet took 10 damage

HP:5 MP:6
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet turns as deep a shade of red as her name as she feels that tongue against her body again.

Her dagger swung horribly off pace with the attack, lunging practically into the creature's foul kiss.

Her legs spread as the tongue slid upwards, and a rough caress across her pussy instantly had her knees wobbly from the tongue's caress.

His tongue grinding all across her naked body, her hapless stumble having dropped straight into his assault, bare breasts slobbered and licked all over, and her unstable footing gave the monster easy purchase on her body, a single whimpered moan escaping her lips as he tongue-fucked her naked pussy with a few deep thrusts of his powerful organ.

Scarlet cried out weakly in frustration and swiped her dagger at his tongue again, but the beast saw it coming, his final slurp consisting of one last thrust that brought the magic wielder to the brink of orgasm, then dragging his tongue violently across her body, giving both of her breasts a ruthless tongue-lashing before he had finally released her.

Dazed and moaning, one hand weakly protecting her dripping pussy, Scarlet held her dagger up again, forcing herself to her feet and whispering a fire spell, trying to launch a small burst of flames off the tip of her dagger at the beast before it could grab her again.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(A 2, well....at least it's not a 1?)

The creature skittered out of the way of the fireball and quickly lashed it's tongue out again instead of going for her pussy though the went around her waist before snaking up Scarlet's stomach and winding around her breasts coating them with saliva as it thoroughly licked them. She was still lucid, just barely and it seemed it had come down to who would hand the final blow.

Scarlet took 4 damage (you lucked out so bad)

HP:1 MP:5
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet nearly cried out as the beast dodged her attack, the fast creature making her growl as she lept for it, fiery bolts crashing into the strange underground cavern over and over.

That tongue rushing at her again made Scarlet shriek in protest, turning and trying to flee at the last instant, the tongue merely twisted around her and she was soon helpless in its grasp.

The strange licking sent jolts of pleasure down her spine, and her breasts were soon dripping wet from the teasing, nipples hard and excited, while her bound arms reached down ever so slowly, and she began to finger herself before she knew what was happening.

Physically and mentally weakened, Scarlet only snapped to after the beast had licked her to orgasm, her juices wetly rolling down her legs and his saliva coating almost every inch of her naked body.

She was panting wildly as that tongue worked her large breasts up and down, bouncing her tits with each new slurp.

Desperation... Scarlet could feel her sex juices pooling up on the ground, and that tongue was still working her tits hard... If she didn't break free from the creature's grasp now, she was sure that it would do a lot more than just lick her.

There was no chanting of her final spell, desperation removed the need, all of her power building up as quickly as she could, and the air around her began to crystalize into sharp spikes of ice.

The Ice Burst spell... her last chance... She could already feel another orgasm approaching, and knew if she peaked again, she wouldn't have the strength to resist the creature any longer...
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

(Both sides had a draw and then......A 17! Jeez I actually held my breath.)

As Scarlet shut her eyes tight and unleashed her desperate last attack time seemed to stop for a moment before the tongue went slack. When she opened her eyes the creature lay dead on the ground a shard of ice through it's mouth. Though she was brought to near defeat, prevailing over such harsh odds seemed to empower Scarlet just a bit.

Scarlet reaches level 2
HP:35 MP:8 STR:25 INT:80

HP:18 (still naked) MP:8
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet took several slow moments to catch her breath after the beast slumped over dead.

The cold air of the dungeon chilled her, and the oozing saliva of the troll continued to drool off her bare body.

Still horny as hell, the mage finally dragged herself to her feet, drenched and feeling somewhat used, but emboldened by her victory. She wanted to put an end to whatever was going on down here...

Her first task though, try to find something to wear, hoping she could re-claim the tatters of her clothes that were torn off, or something else she could at least vaguely put on.

(Attempt to find easy clothes for a couple more HP boost.)

Clothes or not though, her next task... that chanting, sneaking over, she gently pushed onward, trying to stealthily figure out what the cause was, and what they were up to.
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Sadly Scarlet can't repair her clothes or find suitable new ones. As she nears the door the chanting stops and when opened all she sees is an empty chapel with a copper pot sitting on an altar. As she slowly approaches she notices a bubbling green liquid inside....even though there is no heat source. As she backs away a form climbs out and in shock she looks upon the gooey green form of.....herself! "Like what you see?" Her double motions to her own nude dripping body.

Mexico Boss: Keremet

(Good luck!)
Re: Divine Bloodlines (Kathy)

Scarlet glared at the copy of herself as it emerged from the pot, raising her small magical dagger towards the unnatural creature.

She looked over herself with a vague grin, before casually starting to walk towards the thing, giggling once more, "Actually... yeah. I adore what you're trying to copy... but the original will always be better. So why don't you be a good little creature of evil, renounce your ways, and be my servant forever. Then you can copy the whole package instead of just my vague likeness. Sound good?"

Somehow, she already knew the request wasn't going to work, as she built up several powerful orbs of floating electricity around herself. The Ball Lightning spell, she reasoned, was the perfect attack for this creature. It couldn't flee or easily dodge if she targetted the base of it, and the slow moving attack would double as giving the evil thing a short time to renounce its foul ways and join her... just in case her words somehow got to it.

Slowly, the naked mage would walk towards the thing, with dozens of tiny energy balls floating around her, every last one ready to strike the instant the monster tried to attack her.