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Descended from Darkness (plmnko)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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There are few Descendants of Luna; especially after the feud with her sister, Solaris. The few that remained would usually keep to themselves; one of these Desecendants was Azorah, a half elf. She normally stuck to the shadows, only venturing out in times of drought or famine. Her ability to slip into the shadows makes her an excellent hunter - and those skills may help her in the coming days...

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Azorah was not impressed by the elder words or how all suddenly were wildly moving everywhere in theirs attempts to fulfill their new labor, for her this moment in her life was expected and she dont see herself as something like a champion or a hero, instead of go with the flow she just read the works than she could do and decide to go out to explore and kill as many creatures than she could find at her way to gather materials and food to help her people.

She soon return to her home avobe a tree and collect an old bow than she manage to find in her childhood and some arrows than she had manage to made at all her time, maybe was not too much and maybe she was not so good using it, but there was not too much time to practice a little more.

Shadows in the Forest

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Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Azorah heads towards the Southwest, leaving before any of the other Descendants even noticed she had been there. She heads towards the Southwest, deep into the forest. To the south was some swampland, and it's trees had begun to creep into the decidedly deciduous forest, with long vines creeping down to the ground, giving the entire area an otherworldly apperance.

She didn't have to walk long before coming across an oddity in the landscape: Tree had recently been cut down, with a large mound of dirt in the middle of the clearing. As she walked around the mound, Azorah sees a hole has been dug into the ground, with the trees place in the hole at intervals, leading down into the darkness; she could see the floor of it, about 10 meters down, but couldn't see anything after it..

[Small Cave discovered.]

[Current Location: -1,-1]
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Armed and ready, the young half elf leave her village at her first adventure, she has been training hitting objects and trees at her home, but now she will face living creatures, her eyes soon shine when her sharp gaze found a possible hole than lead to what could be a monster nest or more likely a smart race of creatures, she havent not heard of them, yet she remember tales of creatures killing or slaving humans, taking the last ones to holes or caves where escape is almost imposible.

The girl decide to dont try her luck around and hide herself using her dark spell, then she tried to spot resources as she hide and looks for clues or at least things to use as a torch, if nothing happen she will try to use a torch to make a quick peek to find what is there before return to her village and inform to all about what she found.
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

[Azorah uses 10 MP to cast Shroud.]

Luna's blessing covers the half-elf, fading into the shadows. She moves closer the cavern, but doesn't notice any light coming from within the cavern, making it hard to even tell how deep the cavern went into the earth, or if there was really anything down there. Thankfully, Luna's blood coursing through her veins would let her see in the dark better than a normal human... but it would be hard without a torch of some kind.

Searching around the clearing, she was able to find plenty of tinder and dead branches - but she didnt have anything to start a fire with! It was either head down the cave without a light, or forget about it for now and move on.
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

With all to make a torch except fire, the half elf have a big descision to make, her cutiosity and people needs finally win against her fears and safety, she decide to get inside for a moment, very confident of escape from any hostile creature thanks to her speed and stealth moves, maybe her dark heritage could make her see bether than anything living there.

[go inside the hole with caution. (plmnkostart to crossing the fingers to find tentacle creatures)]
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

[Hearing Check:]
Azorah: 15. Success.

The cavern was dark, and Azorah could barely see in front of herself, though she could make out rough silhouettes around her. It wasn't too large of a cave, but her sensitive ears could pick up some very light breathing somewhere to her right. The cavern seemed to go deeper, about 10 meters til she reached the end of the northern wall; but to the West, she could barely tell, due to a corner that blocked her darksight. She couldn't see to the left of her, thanks to the wall her back was pressed against, but she could tell there wasn't anything there, thanks to her hearing.

[This is treated as a battle situation. Azorah can move 3 Meters in any direction, and can see 4 Meters around her.]

Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Once inside the silver haired girl tried to get used at the darkness, hearing and trying to understand what she manage to see, she shivers when the weak breath make her notice than something is using the cave at this moment. It was a hard choice, but the place is not so big to call for help, she decide to move looking what she could find at the west, trying to find clues of what she could find here before decide what to do with the unknown creature, fortunately she have her darkness spell active and she will try to dont make any noise, maybe she get lucky and could find some usefull things for her people, before prepare herself to face a deadly creature, but find than the cave owner is just a little cute fox or bunny would be her bests wishes at this moment.

[north, north north

if nothing happend, looks around for items and go more at the north and check all before repeat untirl see the north wall. remain stealthy and spot anything, she will have her weapon ready]
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Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Perception Check:
???: 15 + 7 = 22.
Azorah: 2 + 15 + 6 = 23. Azorah remains hidden.

Azorah creeps forward steadily, making sure not to make any sort of noise; but as she did, the Descendant tripped over a rock and fell forward! She catches herself with a grunt, scrambling up as she hears a soft scuttling noise. Holding her breath, Azorah held completely still, waiting for something to come into view... But she could only make out a silhouette just on the edge of the darkness.

"Hello?" Came a soft, feminine voice.

[Azorah is near the middle of the cavern; there's a wall three meters to her left, with a pile of stone just south of the wall.

She can't see what is making the noise, but she can tell it's four meters to the East, and three meters to the North.]

Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

The young haf elf curse herself of nearly spoil all her attempts of dont make any noise, with her dexterity she manage to avoid a complete fall on the floor and soon she get up once again, shivering she wait for a possible attack, but this never happen until suddenly a female voice come. Azorah dont answer to that unknown female, instead she move slowly toward a place where she could spot the owner of that voice before decide what to do with the owner of this cave. She prepare her bow in case of a fight, but with hopes of dont need to shoot and maybe make a new friend in this dangerous world.

[move three spaces to the north in stealth mode, ready to run or fight if needed]
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Perception Check:
White Alarune: 9 + 7 = 16.
Azorah: 12 + 15 + 6 = 33. Azorah remains hidden.

The Half elf creeps forward, reaching near the end of the cavern. She hadn't spied anything too valuable yet. As she spun around, Azorah spots where the voice was coming from.

The creature was small, and did have a feminine body... at least, the top half was feminine. The lowerhalf of the ghostly pale woman was that of a spider, her eight legs propelling her lightly into sight. She looked about, blinking calmly as she tried desperately to spot where the noise had come from. The creature turns to look at her, staring for a few seconds... before looking further into the cavern.

"I know I heard something..." She murmurs, looking towards the exit now.

[Azorah is near the middle of the cavern still; there's a wall three meters to her left, and a wall three meters to the North.

The White Arachne hasn't spotted her, and is three meters East, and one meter South.]

Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

The silver hair girl moved stealthy hidden her body using the shadows from the place and her own spell, she then notice the shape of the owner of this cave. Fortunately it was not a beast or dangerous feral creature, however maybe that would had been better. Azorah could talk with her or attack her with a direct hit on the spiderwoman back or even her head, yet that woman could be friendly, in any case the moments arent for bet and Azorah decide to dont call the woman attention yet at her actual position at the cave. She slowly move toward the exit, waiting the right moment when the spider turn to other side, this could help her also to notice the personality of the girl, if she have fears or is needing for a prey. If this dont move, Azorah will use a stone or something useless yet big enought to make a noise, she will throw that to the other side of the room, far away of her, so she could get out and as this happe she will prepare her weapon just in case

Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Perception Check:
White Arachne: 4 + 7 = 11.
Azorah: 6 + 15 + 6 = 27. Azorah remains hidden.

There was probably something hidden in the cavern if the Arachne were there... but it wasn't worth the risk of talking or even trying to sneak past the creature. She picks up a rock near her feet, moving cautiously as the spiderwoman gazed all around her. When Azorah was about to cock her arm back to throw it, the creature's eyes turn in her direction; and for several heart-wrenching seconds, the half-elf is afraid she's been spotted!

...Only for the Arachne to cock her head towards the rear of the cave, her apprehension apparently getting the best of her: "Who's there?" She asks, scuttling towards the wall, "Come out! I see you behind that rock!"

[Azorah has won enough rolls she can sneak out without having to worry about being spotted. If she stays any longer, however, she'll have to continue her rolls.]

Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Just when the silver haired half elf tried to theow a stone, she just feel one of her more scary moments of her life, as the arachne turned to her, she remain stunned, but ready to attack with her bow, fortunately the monstergirl turn to other side and dissapear at the darkness of the cave. Calmed after see how well she could hide herself, Azhora moved toward the rocks and collect them before leave the cave to return to her town, there she will inform about that little cave and the strange monstergirl than live there, so no one of the townpeople try to go there until she take care of the creature.

{Leave stones and return to kill the spider as at least someone know where she is}
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Azorah knew the Arachne was distracted by the shadows currently playing tricks with her head, so the half-elf snuck out of the cavern, without worry of the spider girl spotting her. Out of the cavern, and out of the clearing, she finally drops her Shroud spell, feeling rather safe once more. She starts back towards the village, knowing that it would be best to tell someone where she was at before taking on a journey in which she may disappear forever.

Arriving back at the village, the half-elf couldn't find the Elder or his group of advisors; she instead ran across a tiny group of Hunters, on their way back with a fresh kill. Explaining the situation, they listened carefully, one of them stepping out of the pack. She was Ruiha, one of the few half-orcs in the Village, tall and muscular, with her auburn hair pulled back into a pony tail.

"I can come with you." She offers, looking down at Azorah, dwarfing the half-elf in size.

[Ruiha, Half-Orc Huntress]

Strength: 10
Stamina: 8
Dexterity: 10
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 4
Will: 4

BP: 13
FP: 16
PP: 8
MP: 16

Dull Stone Spear
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

[lol i said "leave stones" instead take stones]

Once Azorah returned to the village she quickly tried to make the elders know of the very close arachne hole, maybe the monster could try to attack the village in the future or hunt anyone in the night.

However the elders werent available at the moment and before she could find a way to talk with them, some hunters appear and she take the chance to inform them, she was expecting to had found someone who could give her message to the elders, but also she got someone who want to help her to take care of that possible menace. The silver half elf was not so happy to take someone to a dangerous place but she suppose than she dont have a better choice. Thanks for your support, i doubt than this could be an easy task, so we must strike quick and deadly. Azorah answer to the half orc with a smile, wishing than they only need to face a monster in that cave.

She then guide her follower to the dangerous cave and if needed casted a dark spell on her and her ally to get inside without be noticed so easily. She then prepared her bow to try to kill the arachne with a single blow if needed.
Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

The Descendant leads her new companion back to the cavern. Ruiha was a vigilant hunter, it seemed, constantly scanning their surroundings as they moved through the forest. This didn't seem to help when they approached the small cave though, Ruiha holding onto her spear tightly. After casting her spell on both the Huntress and herself, the woman scowled, standing next to Azorah.

"I can barely see in here... Where is it?" She asks. And therein lay the problem: Azorah had no idea.

Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

After a safety return to the unknown cave, Azorah cast her spell on both without too much effort, then she get inside, sure than they will be able to find the creature before this one got them. However she dont spot the creature at the start so she suppose than this could be waiting them more deep inside the tunnel or has leave.

She then turn to her partner and wishper her softly at the ear or more likely pull her close her down enough to wishper her without make any noise. She must be more deep inside the cave, we must be careful and protect each other until we manage to see her. She then pre pare her weapon and walk to the north, ready to attack if needed or inform her ally of the possible deadly creature.


Trying to get the stones before a conflict start, Azorah will move to where she remember are the stones, expecting than Ruiha cover her, then once ended of collect them she will continue stealthy looking for the creature.

(NE, NE E)
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Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

The Descendant creeps into the cavern, remembering the pile of rubble that could be fashioned into weapons and tools for the village. As she moves forward, Azorah turns around, trying to whisper to Ruiha once more - only to realize how slow her companion really is. The half orc crept along the wall, her back to it, spear at the ready. Still, she seemed prepared for anything. Rolling her eyes at the half-orc, Azorah moved to the pile of stones, starting to sift through the pile, finding the pieces that could easily be shaped into something useful.

[Found 6 units of Stone.]

As Azorah turns, done with the stone pile, she starts to plot out a path, when a voice catches her ear:

"Come on!" The Spider Girl! She was still out of sight, but not far away; Glancing over, it seemed Ruiha had heard it also, her body tense and knuckles turning white as she gripped her spear. "Mom told us we have to go out to hunt, so we have to go out to hunt." That's when the surprise came:

"But... It's scary outside..." Another voice, most likely an Arachne. She had only seen one earlier; maybe there were quite a few more, hiding away?...

Re: Descended from Darkness (plmnko)

Azorah tried to collect the rocks without make too much noise, her soft moves were the enough to pass unnoticied and she just wonder if the monsterwoman was at the moment out of the cave. However the sudden voices make her notice the truth, the creature was not just inside close them, but also she have company, the second creature looks to be scary to go outside to hunt, the word mother make her suppose than this was a nest, a place filled with these creatures and they could be ready to go out to hunt every one of her people, she cant let them do this, even when she suppose than teh second spiderwoman could be against fight them.

She prepare her bow and stealthy go to her right to try to see both creatures, once she had identify them. she will go back and shoot to the one than she has saw the last time, she needed to move away of theirs range vision, if she do it right her ally will hurt more the wounded spider as she remain hidden in the shadows for a second shoot than certainly could kill or make the monstergirl get close to die, Azorah was not an assasin, but she needed to do it, if she could maybe she could make both monsters faint without murder them.

NE (stealthy spot them), go to the exit and shoot when the range is enough to do it with stone arrows, then move more to the exit and prepare to shoot again using the half orc as barrier.

Btw, im fine with nearly anything fetish, for inhumanitation you can place sexdolls, girls turned into naughty statues, gems, pets, breeders, fornitude, etc. Just not Gore or arms lost without way to get them again, also im not so on in furry, i can endure until a 75 human/15 furry, bellow that i will turn off yet a 50/50 is endurable.