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Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby manages to get up before the priest and beheads him while still on the ground, the priest as well turning to dust and Ruby feels herself getting her edge back somewhat.

Level 2 HP:90 MP:3 STR:100 INT:35
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby watched as the ash was blown away in the wind as the last one. She sheathed her weapon and took her hand from her neck. She was welcomed with the sight of blood covering her palm. Using her index and middle finger she checked to see if she was still bleed but found somehow the bite had already stopped it's flow. She walks back into her home and cleans her hand and neck of the blood. She uses a choker to cover the bite mark.

"With any luck I wont meet anyone one the roads..." She said shaking her head. The last thing she needed was some to see the make and think she was a vampire... at least she hoped she had avoided the curse. She gets a cloak to cover herself and exits for the last time.

She moves to get her cross now once more the small family cross and places it back about her neck. With nothing in he way now she starts to walk to the near by village once more.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby's walk down the read is quiet save for the calls of owls, as she continues to walk the hooting increases and she notes now that owls line the road, almost as expected they all fly at her hooting and screeching. In a flurry of whip and feathers Ruby somehow manages to fight off every owl without a scratch. As the fethers stop falling out of the air she can see she's almost to the edge of town, quiet at this hour of night.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

"...And here I thought owls wore watchers of the night. Not attackers" She said with a sigh. Her hand went once more to her covered neck and felt the fang marks.

Maybe they attacked due to this. She thinks as she reaches the edge of town. All seemed quite, which was good. Maybe the vampire came after her due to her living alone and not in small village like this. She wonders about for a short time looking to make sure everything was still ok in the village. Once happy that the village was safe she walked to a smaller home on the other side to she the Shopkeeper. With any luck he would still be awake.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

The shopkeep opens up the door muttering half asleep, "Oh, Ruby, I'll ring up your groceries, you know I really wish you'd come during the day, you aren't -that- recognizable. Eh? Uh....what's going on?" He tilts his head noticing all the weapons on Ruby.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby softly pushes the man back into his home as she entered still worried that something else might be hiding in shadows. Once inside she locked the door and tuned back to the man.

"I was attack by.... a vampire at my home. Well I should say vampires as a priest who was attacked before tuned and attack me a well. I need some information." She said in a shaken and unconfident manner unlike her normal self. Her hand had gone to her neck as she spoke about the priest.

"Has... Has anything happened in the world I may not know of?" She said still in the shaken voice.
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Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

"Well...I was planning on showing this to you tomorrow when I delivered your weekly order...figured you'd be interested." The man slams a newspaper down on the counter, the front page reads. "DRACULA'S CASTLE NEARS FINISH OF CONSTRUCTION. Designers downplay rumors of strange happenings and deaths during construction."
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby looks at the newspaper starts to shake uncontrollably for a few minutes. It felt like her entire spine turned in to pure ice. After getting herself to stop shaking she nods.

"Thank you." Ruby says now taking deep breathing now knowing the priest meant the Lord of Darkness before his death. She looks outside a window and starts to worry about the village.

""You remember the wards I showed you when I first came here to protect from evil?" She asks hoping she didn't have to wait time to show him again.

(Last one for the night. Damn work *Shakes fist*)
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

"Indeed however I don't think we'll need them, even if they don't know I'm certain you'll solve this before any harm comes to us." He smiles and drops a pack full of supplies on the counter. "I thought you might need these on your trip."
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

"It never hurts to do something just to be sure." Ruby said after he dropped the pack on the counter. She looked a the pack somewhat in surprise. The shopkeeper had never given anything without her doing something to help him. She looks at the pack then looks back to the owner.

"You know.... I may not return. Are you sure you are alright with giving me all of this?" She asks in a serious tone.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

"Well if you don't return we'll either be alive thanks to you, or all dead. I can live with that." He smirks, "Now go on and let a tired man get back to sleep, I'll probably have some long days ahead of me."
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

A small smile appeared on her face at the man's comment. She nods as he man starts to walk back to bed.

"I'll let myself out... Tell all the children that big sis Ruby will do what she has to get back safe." She said still with a smile on her face. She looks over the supplies the man had given her and once placing them she moves to leave but stops. She writes out a small note the shopkeeper would see in the morning.

Tell the Church about the vampire attack on the priest's words. "He's coming.... He's...coming" I hope to come back and see you all well. Maybe I'll even move into to make things easy on all of use.

Ruby smiled as she looked the note over leaves on the counter. With her supplies in hand walks out the and sets it to lock as it closes and heads for the main road so the town with Dracula's Castle.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

The trip on foot would take a day at the least and it didn't take long for Ruby to be swarmed again this time by bats. She didn't fare quite as well as with the owls and set up camp in the morning with a few new cuts and scratches.

Ruby took 2 damage from the bats but was able to rest peacefully during the day and recovered.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Owls...then bats.... What next... a flying spaghetti monster? She thought to herself as she set up her little camp. With daylight coming she might as well us it help protect her from her nighttime attackers. It was hard at first to get rest with the light of the sun messing with as she would be normally be getting up with it not going to sleep with it.

Ruby woke with the sun past where it would be for noon. She the light made her glad for a number a reasons. Once of which was the nightmare she had while sleeping. She have become a vampire.... and feed on the village. The light at least made to clear to her she was not a vampire. Knowing she should take advantage of the light she packs up her camp and tries to keep on her path. With luck she would not be attacked again.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

A few hours of walking later Ruby encounters some kind of floating jellyfish monster, upon it's easy defeat a plate of spagetti drops into Ruby's arms and she can continue on until nightfall.

(I couldn't resist, and that really happens in PoR, giant jellyfish spagetti, mmmm)
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

(Don't worry I know I have all three ds games. That's why I made the joke to see you would get it)

Ruby just looked at the plate of spagetti... blinking.

ok.... How about Alucard...? I'd sure love to meet him and have him maybe help me fight his father like her did with the Belmonts.... She knew now she was pushing it but hey if the good lord gives you one thing why not ask for something far more help when it comes to fight the Lord of Darkness. However she keeps walking not wanting to get caught out in the middle of nowhere at night.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Sadly a blonde androgenous vampire does not fall from the sky, but Ruby is blessed by a calm non eventful trip, as she crests the next hill she see's the town below, still bustling in the early evening calm, the castle lurking ominously in the distance.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby's eyes went to the castle as she reached to top of the hill. The village seemed fine from here but she had no doubt at a countless number of people had disappeared as of late. She walk in to the town trying to avoid any notice as she walks. She noticed a priest and when out of her way to avoid him. She did not want to chance it if the priest knew her by face. She tried, however, to keep moving to the castle. A chill ran down her spine as she neared.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

As ruby nears the gates there appear to be a couple of female rental cops standing by it. "Sorry ma'am, castle is still closed to the public. Come back in a week or two. Maybe you can get inside then." They both smirk to each other.
Re: Deja Vu (Asmodean)

Ruby looked at the two cops wondering if they wore human? Something in the back of her mind screamed they weren't but with no way to prove it would only cause problem of her if she tried to force her way in.

Maybe there is a back door... or unprotected opening. She thought to her self as she walked away from the two cops. Once she was out of their line of sight she started to circle around looking for any way in to the castle. No matter the risk she had to get in there. If she didn't find any other way she could always try to get in the front due a shift change.