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Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"About as serious as a person can be when faced with thousands of horny animals, tentacle monsters, and twenty foot golems trying to rape you. After all the crap I've seen? A witch seems pretty darn normal when compared to those things..."

Shuddering for a moment as if she just remembered a rather horrible experience, Danielle then climbed into the back of the van, motioning for Ashley to follow.

"You can ask Reina about it when we get back to the Haven, she's been in this 'game' longer than I have."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Thousands of horny..." Ashley shuddered as well, but it was due to a series of ideas running through her mind. With a slight smirk she hopped into the van behind Danielle. "What is this game? I found a letter, but it didn't tell me anything."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"I'm not really sure myself, but from what I got from Reina, we're stuck as "pieces on a board" playing "chess" or something against this "witch" who's intent on having us all submit to her by means of rape. Don't ask me how that works though, to me this seems more like some sick reality show or something than a game..."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"I've never heard of a reality show like that," she responded. 'Though it sure might be fun to watch... or play...' Ashley shifted her legs, then asked, "So what exactly do we do in this 'game'? And where's Haven? My apartment isn't too far away from campus." With a glance down at the oversized shirt and pants, she added, "I could pick up a few things." 'And a quick net search should tell me what's REALLY going on.'
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Dainelle stared quizzically at Ashley as she mentioned going back to her apartment, as if the girl was spouting absolute nonsense.

"You mean you haven't noticed? Look out the window and tell me if you recognize anything, since I assure you that you won't. None of us know where this is..."

Should the girl do as instructed, she would find that none of the surroundings they drove past looked familiar, everything being mixed and matched buildings seemingly taken from various cities randomly placed about...

"As for what we do in this game...I think most of us are just trying to survive without being raped. "
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley raised an eyebrow, then looked out the car window, her eyes going wide at the sight. "What?!" she gasped. "But the campus! It was..." she stammered a second, watching the strange buildings pass by, before falling silent and sitting back. The sudden revelation struck her dumbfounded, slowly accepting the fact that this was no mere prank or elaborate game show. As the scenery rolled on, Ashley stared out, and asked quietly, "We can't leave, can we?"
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

The woman's voice contained a tinge of hopelessness as she responded, as if the very idea of escape was long past her.

"Not until we 'win' the game from what I've heard...We're all stuck until we can finish this 'game'..."

Danielle's expression turned grim as she remembers the previous "round", the extended period of time she had been trapped in this twisted "game" beginning to catch up to her.

"And from my experience thus far?...The game becomes nearly impossible once that blue-haired bitch appears...I'm not even sure why we try anymore."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

A grin spread across the girl's face at the woman's comment. "You tell that to all the new girls? Not one for pep talks are you?" Her sarcastic response belied a rapidly improving mood. Ashley never stayed down for long. "It's a game right? I don't know who this witch is, but I don't think it would be much fun for her if we didn't have some way of winning."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"...Yeah, you're right."

Danielle mentally slapped herself at Ashley's remark, berating herself for irving lost herself in depression. Get a hold of yourself Danielle, you're supposed to be the one rescuing her, and yet you're letting her comfort you for your stupid pessimism. Attempting to reaffirm herself as an authorative figure, the brown-haired "soldier", changed the topic.

"Right, after we get to the haven, we'll have you wait in the lobby for a bit till more of the girls come in so Mistress Reina can speak to all of you at once."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley gave a half smile at Danielle, glad the woman seemed to be less despondent, at least. "More girls, huh? she asked, looking back out the window. As the seemingly random montage of buildings rolled by, she said, " I sure can't wait to hear what this "Mistress Reina" has to say."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"She'll be answering whatever questions you have to the best of her ability, so look forward to it."

Managing a smile at Ashley before looking out the window once again, it was then that the safe haven began to come into view. Towing at least eight-stories, the haven appeared to be an extensively modified "luxury apartment" complex. Balconies had been mounted with machine guns and barricaded with steel plates, barbed wire had been strewn about, a chain-link fence erected around the perimeter...

"Don't mind all the military junk, that's just what Maggie's been doing in her spare time to make the place "more defendable"..."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Stepping out of the van after it pulled up, Ashley was stopped short as she looked over the Haven, although compound was probably a better word. Ashley had never seen this amount of firearms and security equipment before. 'The women here really are afraid of something' she thought, each new revelation she was introduced to striking her speechless.

"Whoa," she breathed after finally taking it all in. "How is it possible for you all to be struggling to survive when you've got enough guns to blow up a whole city?" With a slow careful walk, she followed Danielle, still staring at the fortress hotel.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Danielle shook her head at this comment, the usual reaction to the seemingly overwhelming sight of the weaponry.

"Because there are some things, that guns simply can't kill."

Pointing to an enormous footstep a distance off to emphasize her point, Danielle continued as Ashley turned her attention towards the remnant trace of what had to be an enormous creature.

"See that? Imagine a creature four stories tall, as big as a house, and being durable enough to need armor piercing a full salvo of armor piercing bullets to take down... Now imagine three of them at once coming at us..."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley's eyes widen just a bit more as her gaze shifts from the Haven's armaments to the giant footprint left in the ground. "I guess you really do need all this," she says, her pace picking up as she finds that she has fallen behind the other woman. Maybe this place wouldn't be quite so fun as she had first thought it sounded.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"We can only hope it'll be enough this time around...Anyway, here's the haven. Go in, make yourself comfortable, wait around until Miss Reina returns from her rescue mission...Then we'll let you choose a room and some other things you may want."

Opening the glass doors which led to the lobby, Danielle waved Ashley inside...

(Ashley has completed her scenario, and is now Level 3! Ashley now has 6 additional stat points with which to upgrade her stats! Please allocate or save the points as you desire, state what you to do here, and update your character sheet to reflect upon your changes!)

~~~~~~~Introduction Scenario COMPLETE~~~~~~~

One step at a time...one step at a time...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

(6 points from level, plus 1 from last level. raising power to 2 (2 points) and endurance to 3 (5 points), no saved points)