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Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Unable to find anything of real use that could be used against the dog, the best of Ashley's luck would probably come from the beast removing its teeth from her neck... only so that it could move to rip her panties off, seeming to read her mind. As the undergarment covering her womenhood became nothing more than rags, the animal's desire became painfully obvious. On a more positive note, her arms were free again... for now.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

'It really wants to do this!' the girl thought, stunned momentarily, both by the animal's actions and her own increasing excitement. With the dog having released her arms, Ashley immediately sat up and gave a swat at the dog's nose. "B-bad dog!" she yelled, hoping that if it was a guard dog, maybe a little discipline would calm it down. "Sit!" At the same time, she attempted to back away from the dog, sliding along the ground to get her legs out from under it and to a point where she could stand.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

The swat against the dog's nose makes it reel a bit in pain, given that it was highly sensitive in said region.

(Dog's Stamina Status: Green)

However, in actuality it only serves to anger the beast as it pins Ashley once again before she can stand up, now more determined than ever to have its way with her in retaliation for the blow to its nose. Letting out a growl, it began the process of "aligning" once again...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Immediately upon hitting the ground again, Ashley realized that if she wanted to get away from this thing, she'd have to get rough. She shot forward, putting all her strength into pushing the dog off her and away.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

In an amazing surge of strength, Ashley's kick not only sends the dog flying off of her, but also sends it crashing down the stairs onto the second landing, where it crashes into the wall. Once she moved down the stairs to examine the beast, she would find that the dog was now motionless, either severely injured or dead from the fall...

(Ashley is now Level 2! You have 3 stat points with which to spend! Please state where you would like to add points/if you would like to save your points, then update your character sheet accordingly.)
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Sitting up and staring at the motionless dog at the bottom of the stairs, Ashley panted from the exertion that her feat of strength required. "Oh, shit," she said softly, realizing she had just killed the animal. She had never done anything like that before, and the sudden feeling of guilt, even if the dog had been attacking her, was strong. 'I'd better get out of here' she thought, not wanting to be around when whoever owned the dog found it. She slowly stood up and walked down the stairs, keeping her distance from the unmoving animal, before breaking into a run out of the building, forgetting her nakedness in the left over adrenaline from the fight.

(I'll use 2 points to raise dexterity from 1 to 2.)
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Roger, we'll search the area one last time then sweep the building once again."

Letting out a sigh as she reattached the radio to her belt, Danielle sat down against the steps leading up to the building, tired from searching for the past two hours or so while carrying around a backpack full of supplies and one of the few military grade rifles the Haven had come into possession of.

"Is there really a piece here? We've been searching for the past who knows how long and there still hasn't be a sign of there being a person here..."

The woman knew that this was merely her own frustration however, "that girl" was always right when it came to her visions. It was merely the matter of timing that needed improvement.

Letting out another exasperated sigh as she rose from the steps to begin her search again, she turned around and walked towards the building, hoping to finish the search before night fell. However...


It was then, that a completely naked girl burst out of the building and collided with her, causing both of them to fall to the ground in a heap...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

'Okay, no one knows I was in Dr. Burke's room, or that I killed the dog, so if I just get back to my apartment, I can act like nothi-' Ashley's train of thought was suddenly cut off as she collided with a strange clothed wall. A poorly constructed, strange, clothed wall at that, since it seemed to collapse the instant she hit it, sending both her and it tumbling forward to the ground. Groaning, Ashley pushed herself off the ground, then opened her eyes to look at the wall's face.

"Oh, sorry," she said with a laugh, having finally realized that it wasn't a wall that she had hit at all, but a rather frustrated looking woman. "Guess I wasn't paying attention." Ashley quickly stood up, then offered a hand to the prone woman.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Ugh...no problem...just be more careful where you walk from no-"

Danielle froze as she realized who the person that collided with her was upon getting to her feet.

"Wait...hold on a second..."

Fumbling for her radio, as she muttered things beneath her breath, the "soldier"-like woman proceeded to contact the haven for a final confirmation in regards to her suspicions.

"Danielle here, would the woman we're looking for happen to have purplish hair and a ponytail?..."

"Yes, according to Eva she should also be naked as a bird if her visions are correct, why?..."

"You'll see later...Just meet up at the building...now."

Reclipping the radio to her belt, it was then that Danielle let out a sigh, this time of relief.

"Can't believe it, two hours of searching and you come out yourself...Thank god..."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley's arm come across her body to cover herself again at the mention of being naked. "You were looking for me?" she asked, "Why?" A quick glance at the woman's weapon, and Ashley had a few ideas. 'What if she's with whoever is running this "game"?' she thought, taking a step backwards toward the building she had just left.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Seeing the girl's discomfort, Danielle quickly attempted to pacify her, having gone through the same thing when she entered the game herself.

"Whoa whoa...calm down. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm on the same side as you are..."

The situation was beginning to worry her though, from experience, a building under control by the Lady "always" had a few hidden 'surprises'...Ones that she didn't really want to stick around for.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"The same side?" The woman's words convinced Ashley that she knew something about this 'game', but she still wasn't sure if she could trust her. "Well if that's true, why don't you tell me what side we're on? And what this whole game business is?" As she spoke, Ashley took another small step back.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Noticing that the girl was still wary, and moving in a direction that would likely prove fatal to her, Danielle first attempted to calm Ashley down, to prevent her from panicking and running away aimlessly.

"Ok, calm down a bit... and stop moving backwards...you do NOT want to go back in there...trust me on that."

Taking a deep breath before continuing, the warrior appeared to ponder for a bit in regards to how to best answer the purple haired girl before continuing.

"Right. I'm not the best at explaining but, basically we're 'pieces' trapped in a game made by some psycho 'witch' who's intent on having us all submit to her will by raping our brains out...with me so far?"
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

The sudden and unexpected answer made Ashley freeze. She turned to look into the building at the dog, then back at the woman. "O... kay," she said, "So... you're here to help me?"
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Yeah...that's what I'm here for. To take you someplace where you can get some clothes, not be raped...yeah."

Danielle finds herself at a loss for words near the end, communication never really being her strong suit. Fervently hoping that what she had stated would be enough to convince the woman before her that she was on her side, the warrior began looking around uneasily in case anything "unexpected" decided to pop out.
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

Ashley gave a slight laugh at the woman's to the point explanation. She shook her head, then shrugged her shoulders. "What the hell, I'll go along with it for now." she said, obviously not sure she believes the story the woman has told her, but intrigued enough to take a few steps toward her. "I don't suppose you've got something in that pack for me to wear?"
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Uh yeah...hold on."

Having forgotten that Ashley was naked, Danielle was a tad embarrassed as she took off her backpack and rummaged around for the clothes that she had brought with her. Pulling out a large white t-shirt, and a pair of baggy pants, the woman apologized in advance for their size before she tossed it to them.

"Yeah...sorry if these might be a bit loose, we'll get you something more fitting when we head back to the haven..."
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

With a quick, "Thanks," Ashley throws the clothes on. "So, haven. Long walk? You called someone to meet us didn't you?"
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"Walk?...After raiding that car dealer's place, I'm never walking again if I can help it."

Gesturing towards the street as an a van questionably modified with spike wheels, armor plating, and a machine gun upon it drove up, Danielle motioned for Ashley to follow her as she began walking towards it...
Re: Deja Vu?... (Ashley)

"You raided a car dealer's place?" she asked, then paused as she took in the sight of the van. "Uhh... did the A-Team own it?" After a moment of marvelling, Ashley ran to catch up to the girl. "So your name is Danielle? I'm Ashley. Are you serious about this witch stuff?"