What's new

Build Release: Version 0.64.014
- GUI Improvements
- New World Map Added
- New Enemy Added
- New Ally Added
- 8 New Characters Added
- 6 New Events Added
- 9 New Locations Added
- Added Quality of Life improvements
- New Cloth Item added
- New Cloth set
- New Game Mechanic Added

You can load saves from the previous game versions to continue your game.
Save file locations are found in the following directories.

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\www.townofmagic.com\files\saves
I don't see a lot of people talking about this game, so I just wanted to say that I really, REALLY enjoy this game quite a bit.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge fan of point-and-click adventures, but this really feels like something a lot more fresh and . . . "interesting" to say the least. There are some parts or mobs that don't feel very well explained or fair (early on) but this easily remedied by the fact that you can talk to one NPC who tells you what to look into and you can save anywhere, anytime - so I never feel like I lose any progress when I lose. Hell, you can turn the game on in the background and have the game power level FOR YOU - absolute genius.
I appreciate the character interactions quite a bit as well. Aside from the fun cast, the scene where you "break" Evie is just . . . *chef's kiss*.
Cute MC (this is important), good enemy/monster variations, lots of colorful characters, extremely easy to navigate and none of the scenes feel overly-long and are never boring. Great job so far and when the game is finally released, I will for sure donate/buy again.
Build Release: Version 0.65.011
- Major Code Improvements - QoL improvements
- 9 New Characters Added
- New Cloth piece added
- Updated a Location BG (Nel's home)
- 8 New Events Added
- 4 Locations Added
- 2 New Enemies/Characters Added
- New Shop Added
- New Items Added
- Updated Evie's character Art
- Updated Violet's character Art

You can load saves from the previous game versions to continue your game.
Save file locations are found in the following directories.

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\www.townofmagic.com\files\saves
Build Release: Version 0.66.014
- Bugfixes and Code optimizations
- Code updates
- 8 New Locations Added
- Updated 2 Location Background
- 7 New Events Added
- New Gameplay Feature Added
- New Ally Added and art update for ally
- Level Cap Increased to 85
- Updated Game Engine to Ren'Py 8.1.1
- 4 New Characters Added
- New Clothes Added

You can load saves from the previous game versions to continue your game.
Save file locations are found in the following directories.

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\www.townofmagic.com\files\saves
Build Release: Version 0.67.010
- Bugfixes and Code optimizations
- Added new clothing variation for a character (Kitsune bath)
- New Cloth Set Added
- Updated character Art
- New Sex Scene Added
- QoL improvements
- Updated Cephrina's battle moves
- 2 New Enemies Added
- 4 New Locations Added
- 5 New Characters Added
- Updated a World area Art
- New Ally Added
- 8 New Events Added
- Increased Level Cap to 90
- Updated Location BG Art
- New Cloth Top and Bottom added.

You can load saves from the previous game versions to continue your game.
Save file locations are found in the following directories.

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\www.townofmagic.com\files\saves
Build Release: Version 0.68.008
- Updated Game Engine to Ren'Py 8.1.3
- Updated Party GUI - (Added influence levels and Body Proficiency)
- 9 New Location Added
- New Game Mechanic Added
- 6 New Events Added
- Updated Existing Character Art
- 3 New Characters Added
- Cloth Variation added for a character
- 2 New Erotic Scenes Added
- New Clothes Set Added (Top, Bottom, Panties, Hat, Shoes)
- New Enemy Added
- New World Map Added

You can load saves from the previous game versions to continue your game.
Save file locations are found in the following directories.

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic
Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\www.townofmagic.com\files\saves