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Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
If you want to speak to me directly and immediately, I will be lurking on Hope Hell Chat with everything set on Mute. If you want to send me your wills there, or ask me a question or ten, find me there and whisper me.

Posting in two places just to make this noticeable.

Without going into too much detail, I'm fetching some possible interest for this perverted version of mafia/werewolf going again. A minimum of seven people should be enough to make a good match, and it'll be play by post of course, set at an agreed pace based on the opinions of each player.

It'll play a lot like the others. Everyone gets their own role and special ability that they can use during the night, and there's three sides. The Shinto, The Cultists, and the Neutral who each fight for themselves mostly (Such as the survivor, who doesn't care who she wins with, and the Fool who worships a Cthulian god and wishes to make herself a sacrifice by being burned at the pyre)

Post here for interest, or the sign-ups thread.

Signed up playerlist:
1: Zilrax
2: Bloodshifter
3: Hentaispider
4: Freeko
5: Cross
6: Toxic "Blue Fuck" Shock
7: Blue "Dubius" Slime
8: HopeyouGuess
9: Xivvix
10: Mindflayer
11: Tassadar
VIP Grammar Heavy Weight MLG Boxing Champion of the World: Plmnko

Role List: (The use of night time powers is always OPTIONAL unless stated otherwise.)
Their objective is to purge all those who would seek to defile the shrine.


Shinto Healer:
Each night, she may choose one maiden to visit. If that person is attacked that night, she nurses them back to health.

She may also choose to use her SINGLE Scroll of Protection on herself, preventing her from being attacked. It may not be used again.

Shinto Guardian:
Each night, she may choose to visit and guard one other maiden. If that maiden is attacked, the Guardian fights her attacker, resulting in mutual destruction of the Guardian and the attacker. Beware that the attacker can sometimes be another Shinto Maiden!

She may also choose to use her SINGLE Scroll of Protection on herself, preventing her from being attacked. It may not be used again.


Shinto Sherlock:
Each night, she may choose to visit and inspect another maiden's living quarters to learn about how they live. Her results are not 100% certain, but she does learn what possible good and evil roles her target may be. As an example, examining a Shinto Warden gives her this result-

*Ayumi seems fascinated Harmful magic. She might be a Shinto Warden or a Cultist Evoker*

Shinto Whisperer:
During the day, she can hear the whispers made from one shrine maiden to another. During the night, she listens to the cultists whispers to each other as they speak to one another in secret, and observes who is visited by their dark presence.

*Ayumi, and Kenpaku were visited by the cultists! Ayumi was found raped and broken. Another maiden claims she found occult items in Kenpaku's room. Hiori the eavesdropper vouches for Kenpaku's innocence!*

Shinto Eavesdropper:
During the night, she watches another maiden's room, observing who visits her.

*Yuuka observes that Sora and Ceres visited Ayumi the night she died! Only one of them is the one responsible, so what does Yuuka do with this information?*


Shinto Warden:
Each night, she may choose to take justice into her own hands and act on her instincts. She chooses a target and visits the maiden of choice, using her powerful magic to slay the maiden in her sleep. If she kills another Shinto Maiden, she commits honorable suicide as a result of her guilt. She can use her night ability up to 3 times. Even if her target does not die, a charge is used.

*You were wrong. This is what happens when you try to play God.*

Shinto Trapper:
Each night, she may choose to prepare a merciless ritual that will kill any maiden that enters her room, ignoring night immunity. She can only do this three times. (If no one is killed by your traps and you used them all nights 1-3, then you will be out of traps.)

*She came to your room to see if you would need her healing services, and you killed her. Sure, you killed a Cultist as well, but don't you feel any regret?*

Shinto Interrogator:
Unique (may only be one in a game). During the day, she may decide who to interrogate. That night, she disguises herself behind a kitsune mask, and drags one maiden off to a secret location to interrogate her in private. The Interrogator knows who her victim is, but the victim cannot tell who the Interrogator is behind the mask. If it is not the first night, the interrogator may choose to execute the one she's captured. If it is another Shinto Maiden, The Interrogator is burned in holy fire at the Pyre for working in collaboration with the Cultists.

The maiden the Interrogator has captured is considered Immune, and cannot be killed, even if a killer can ignore night immunity!. But, the Interrogator CAN be killed herself while capturing someone. The Interrogator is Role Block Immune.


Shinto Peacemaker:
Each night, she may choose one other Maiden to visit. Upon going into that Maiden's room, she distracts that maiden from performing her night action via snuggling and pillowtalk. She's too cute for even a cultist to chase away. Some are immune to her role blocking, and some kill her if she role blocks them (Such as the possessed maiden. Make sure to keep your will updated for who you're blocking!)

"You don't have anything to do tonight, right~?"

Shinto Leader:
Unique. Initially, she is disguised as another maiden. But during the day, she may choose to reveal herself as the unmistakable leader of the Shinto Maidens. She is given three times the normal voting power upon reveal, and everyone knows her role in that instant. However, Shinto Healers are forbidden from coming near her (after reveal) out of fear of cultist attack.

"You will not burn me! I am the master of this shrine!"

Shinto Divine:
Unique. Only once, she may use her divine power to undo the damage done to a fellow Shinto Maiden, effectively reviving her.

Their goal is to destroy/dominate all those who would attempt to stop Oblivion.

There MUST be one killing role amongst the Cultists. If there is not, one of the non-killing Cultists revoke their previous abilities to become an Evoker at random, so there's no exact telling which Cultist will become evil.

Cultist Evoker:
Every night, she chooses to attack the maiden of her choice. If that maiden is not saved in some way, they are violated until broken by the demons and tentacles the Evoker summons.


Cultist 'Fhalma:
Unique. Night Immune. She is the S'uhn 'fhalma, the pact mother. The leader of the Cultists. Her unspeakable pacts with the dark gods have granted her the ability to ignore most forms of harm, only able to be killed via sacrificial Holy Fire. She has immunity during night, and cannot be killed unless that role specifically ignores immunity. As well, she may choose to take matters into her own hands and attack the Shinto. The 'Fhalma attacks either when there is no Evoker, or if the Cultists find it wise to send the 'Fhalma that night instead.

*They faced off against one another. The Shinto Leader and the 'Fhalma, as they stood amongst the deceased. Alas, the daylight shined on their faces. Her darkness had no power. The Shinto Master bound the unholy woman to the Pyre, and burned her alive as she screamed in her dark language.*

It is important for the Cultists to lead the Shinto maidens astray, to allow them to be picked off one by one.

Cultist Defiler:
Each night, she may choose to visit another maiden. Upon doing so, she prepares her own 'fake will' and evidence. If that maiden dies, then the fake will she wrote is replaced with the victim maiden's note. In addition, the victim's role appears to the maidens as the Defiler wills it. She may only do this once.

*Everyone stares in confusion as they stare at the will of their dead Shinto Sherlock. The information she had seemed... Off. Perhaps the work of a defiler.*

Cultist Illusionist:
Each night, she may choose to visit one maiden and cast a spell on her room, leading any other peeking maidens to believe that she is a Cultist Evoker.

*They bound the innocent Shinto maiden to the Pyre, so convinced. She cried her heart out, how tragic.*

The dark gods employ the aid of all kinds of talent to accomplish their goals.

Cultist Manipulator:
Each night, she may choose to visit another maiden and invade their mind, rendering them into a zombie-like state for the next day. The victim becomes unable to speak during the day, or converse with anyone.

Cultist Soothsayer:
Each night, she may choose to visit one other maiden. She reads that maiden's dreams, discovering her talents and purpose. Reveals the target maiden's role to the Soothsayer.

Cultist Seducer:
Each night, she may choose to visit another maiden. She distracts that maiden, Preventing her from using her night ability!

"Just a little longer~ I enjoy my time with you~"

All Neutrals that are Night Immune give no notification of such immunity when attacked, allowing them to make claims of being healed or of being a survivor.


Maiden Survivor:
She has Three scrolls of protection to defend herself with, which upon use during the night will protect her from being killed against anything that doesn't ignore immunity. She can win with anyone as if she were apart of their faction, as her goal is simply to survive.

"Please just leave me alone..."

Maiden Soulseeker:
A maiden out for love, but has a hard time choosing. Once during the night phase, she may choose to fall in love with a target maiden. The Soulseeker gains all of the win conditions that her soulmate has; however, if her soulmate dies, then the Soulseeker commits suicide as the loss is too great.

"You're the one I've been waiting for my whole life!"


Maiden Fetishist:
She is thrilled with the idea of seeing a maiden be subject to gore and excessive rape. Each night, she may choose to visit another maiden. If that maiden is attacked and killed/raped, she learns the identity of the attacker and then the Fetishist gets 1 point of satisfaction. 3 Points and she wins, even if she dies afterwards.

*She masturbates furiously to the carnage, blood and cum everywhere throughout the shrine. She doesn't even care that she's next.*

Maiden Avenger:
Night Immune. She hates one Shinto Maiden in the shrine with a fiery passion, and will stop at nothing to see her burned alive. A random Shinto Maiden is selected to be the object of her hatred. If burned at the Pyre, she wins. If her target is killed somehow, she holds anger towards her target's killer for not allowing her to see the girl suffer, and the killer becomes the new target.

*Always watching, never forgiving, The Avenger seeks justice in a most horrifying manner.*

The Fool:
She is a maiden impregnated with the seed of a dark god. The egg inside her will only hatch if heated to such a degree that her skin burns. The Fool wins if the maidens burn her at the Pyre. After dying, The Fool's spirit chooses the next host for the Dark God's spawn amongst the maidens who voted her to be burned. During that night, the chosen maiden is found to have been brutally raped with large appendages. This attack cannot be prevented nor healed, the guilty will suffer!

*The sky seems to shatter and break, the very heavens torn to pieces by the coming of this dark spawn. Her stomach inflates, the creature eats her from within while she laughs like a cursed lunatic.*

Maiden Wych:
She is a wannabe cultist trying to get noticed within the good graces of the dark gods by aiding their servants. She wins if the Shinto loses, but she herself must live! Every night, she may control one maiden and force her to visit another with all the implications that the controlled maiden's role entitled, even if she has no night action. She cannot be role blocked.

*She hopes to be noticed by her superiors.*


Possessed Maiden:
Unique. Night Immune. A futanari maiden that is actually a deity of chaos who possessed a hapless maiden. She is powerful, but still not near full power yet. Her goal is to rape every maiden standing in her way and take over the shrine! Each night she may choose to attack another maiden. The victim is brutally raped unless saved by a Shinto Protective or is hauled away by the Interrogator. If role blocked, she rapes the one who blocked her. She will also rape the Interrogator if jailed by her so long as the Interrogator does not execute her.

*She sits on her throne as it were, while the Shinto leader and the Cultist 'Fhalma trail their tongues along her engorged cock, savoring the taste as the bloated, pregnant bellies of the Shinto and Cultists walk by. The possessed maiden laughed victoriously, she had acquired her harem.*

Crazed Maiden:
Unique. Night Immune. A maiden with a plan to solve the issue of hidden cultists amongst their group: By rendering everyone slaves to a different one! Each night, the Crazed Maiden may MARK a maiden by visiting her. That maiden is branded as a slave to whatever group the Crazed maiden follows, be it demon or beast. The Crazed maiden may trigger her marks at any time, calling upon her masters to come claim their whores. All marked maidens are brutally raped, IGNORING NIGHT IMMUNITY She wins if the Shinto and Cultists both lose!

*All of the minotaurs were plowing into their slaves, Shinto and Cultist alike. As the Crazed maiden was thrusted into with a length so big her vision went black, she felt proud of herself. She saved the world, right?*

Infested Maiden:
Unique. Night Immune on every even night. Yet another maiden who has been made a victim of a dark god's evil creations. A plant-like creature has infested this maiden's body, and the two struggle against one another for control. Every even night, she transforms into a tentacle monster, raping any maiden she comes into contact with. When transformed, she is night immune and when visiting another maiden, she rapes that maiden and any other maiden who visits her target, IGNORING NIGHT IMMUNITY. If she does not attack anyone, she rapes anyone who visits her that night.
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Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Guess I can give it a shot.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Never played Mobs vs. Weres how does it work?
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

The idea is deception as the game goes through two phases, day and night.

During the day, everyone talks with one another as they try to feel each other out. The Shinto aim to try and figure out who the traitor Cultist Maidens are by feeling out their answers, while the Cultists try to disguise themselves as one of the Shinto to avoid being voted out and killed due to suspicion. The neutral roles each have their own unique objective, and are often against the Shinto (A witch who wants to see the Shinto lose and the Cultists win), sometimes against the Cultists as well (A maiden who wants to see EVERYONE lose.)

Depending on the situation, some Shinto Maidens are more threatening to the Cultists than others, so a Shinto who reveals herself and her role may face an early visit from the Cultists.

Day 1:

Ayumi: "I'm the Warden Maiden, I can kill anyone you guys want during the night. Just tell me who!"

*No one believes Ayumi is telling the truth, and suspect her. Meanwhile, the Cultists think her a threat.*

Night 1:

*The cultists agree to ambush Ayumi during her sleep*

Day 2:

*Ayumi is found raped and broken in her room. She was the Warden Maiden.*

Based on that example, Night is when your role becomes important (usually, with some exceptions), so what you say to other people during the day is very important.

So, it's a social game mostly.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Well, fuck. I guess I'm in.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

I would play this, been forever since I played a mafia game.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Well then, I'll give it a whirl.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

I can't add everything right now, but the current interest shown was enough for me to list the Shinto Maiden Roles In the original post above.

I'll add the Cultist and Neutral roles tomorrow.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Never played Mobs vs. Weres how does it work?

The basics of the game are the town spend the day deliberating amongst themselves as to who is working against them. The town in this game is presumably the shrine maidens, and the "mafia" in this game is the cultists. The town has the majority, but lack information. The mafia have the minority but generally know who each other are, and have an informational advantage.

The goal for the town is to hang all the mafia, where the mafia try to survive long enough to gain the majority of players remaining in the game. The person running the game would have more specific rules pertaining to this game in particular, but that should be the general basics of it.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Given all the special rules, the game continues until no other side has any hope at all of winning. So, even if there's only one Shinto left and three Cultists, if that Shinto is a Trapper and she has her three traps available, then the game goes on.

Unless of course she submits to the tentacle gods.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Added Cultists. Also, I want you all to give me a general opinion on how long you want day/night phases to last. In general, I plan to have the day switch to night and vice versa once the Real Life clock chimes on the hour. Everyone if you will, give me an idea of the pace you can/want to play at.

Here's some examples:

Day/Night phases last 12 hours each (meaning that 1 day in real life is 1 day in the game.)
Day/Night phases last 1 day each
Day/Night phases last 2 days each

Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Not committing to this game yet as I'm a bit dubious about the roleset and the timing issues. But having run these kinds of things in the past, I'd like to clarify a few things.

1. Are ALL the roles you list for both shinto and cultists going to be in the game? That would require ~16-17 players just to give everyone a unique role.

2. If they are not all going to be involved, do you intend to make it public at game start which roles are in the game?

3. What is your intended ratio of shinto (good) to cultists (evil). Evil generally has a hidden knowledge advantage that is difficult enough for good to contend with even when outnumbering evil by a lot.

4. If you do include a bunch of unique roles and you do make public the fact that all these particular roles are in the game, then there is going to be a (rather boring) method for team good to break the game in their favor. It's called the all-reveal tactic, and while newbie players sometimes discount it because they're afraid of people with ideas and immersion-breakers, more seasoned players of these types of games will see the logic behind it and come around to it.

The tl;dr breakdown is that you need a decent sized pool of non-unique good roles for the hidden bad guys to hide within if people decided to claim roles to force evil into lying (which is the only solid, non-RP way to play this game in an effort to actually win for team good.)

If you play a hidden roles game, then there's more of a chance for team evil to lie about their role, and team good can't necessarily call them out on it.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Oh what the hell. Count me in.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Not committing to this game yet as I'm a bit dubious about the roleset and the timing issues. But having run these kinds of things in the past, I'd like to clarify a few things.

1. Are ALL the roles you list for both shinto and cultists going to be in the game? That would require ~16-17 players just to give everyone a unique role.

2. If they are not all going to be involved, do you intend to make it public at game start which roles are in the game?

3. What is your intended ratio of shinto (good) to cultists (evil). Evil generally has a hidden knowledge advantage that is difficult enough for good to contend with even when outnumbering evil by a lot.

4. If you do include a bunch of unique roles and you do make public the fact that all these particular roles are in the game, then there is going to be a (rather boring) method for team good to break the game in their favor. It's called the all-reveal tactic, and while newbie players sometimes discount it because they're afraid of people with ideas and immersion-breakers, more seasoned players of these types of games will see the logic behind it and come around to it.

The tl;dr breakdown is that you need a decent sized pool of non-unique good roles for the hidden bad guys to hide within if people decided to claim roles to force evil into lying (which is the only solid, non-RP way to play this game in an effort to actually win for team good.)

If you play a hidden roles game, then there's more of a chance for team evil to lie about their role, and team good can't necessarily call them out on it.

1. They're obviously not going to all be in the game for the reasons you've mentioned. If you've played it, they're all blatant snippets from Town of Salem, which has too many problems right now to play with ULMF only, so even if it's only GM'ing for it I desire to play it here.

2. Yes and no. Toxic and I, in the aforementioned game, have our own role list for a custom game in Salem. We both agree that having random roles for townies is essential as it gives the evil roles breathing room to make false claims and trick the good guys. We're both big fans of Mafia styled gameplay, but the ToS community is often intolerably stupid, often throwing games on a whim for the lols and ruining it for everyone. With the exception of [Redacted], I don't suspect you guys will drop such bombs and make the game unfun. So, SOME may be visible, but Toxic and I found that some randomness mixed with all the mental strategy keeps things fresh and interesting.

3. Evil outnumbering Good is a MASSIVE issue that Toxic and I have BOTH witnessed from players with absolutely no understanding of numbers. Toxic and I agreed that if the townies do not begin with the lynch vote in their hands, then there is a serious problem. I've seen absolutely insane setups. Seven townies, four mafia, a serial killer, an arsonist, witch, ANY(random role that could be freaking anybody)... It's a disaster. Without getting into specific roles, we had, in a fifteen player game: nine townies, three mafia, and three neutral, one among them a killing role (such as sk or werewolf.) So all in all, I'd say about 1 evil for every 3 townies is fair, with some neutrals to get in the way and cause shenanigans.

Using the roles listed above, and some unmentioned, here's an example list we'd use in a 15-man game. For this game, the role list will be confirmed to be satisfactory by you guys before we play.

Obviously this list only works for 15. We can easily agree on another setup, and I will run it by everyone before we agree to start the game. I will be honest though, I'll be taking Toxic's advice very strongly, since in my experience, he's godlike at Mafia... Usually with doing things his role is NEVER meant to do.

Such as leading the town to victory as The Fool. Yes, he did that. Is it hard to imagine? Staring at your screen? Yeah, you'd have to have seen it. I thought I'd die from laughter.

Shinto Interrogator
Shinto Trapper
Shinto Investigative
Shinto Investigative
Shinto Protective
Shinto Protective
Shinto Support
Shinto Support
Shinto Support
Cultist 'Fhalma
Cultist Deception
Cultist Support
Neutral Killing
Neutral Benign
Neutral Evil

4. The all-reveal tactic should be greatly mitigated by these random role selections and the neutral roles being an ever constant threat. A jester will of course try to seem off when you demand roll call. He wants you to lynch him.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Also, to clarify a weeee bit, the question of time is just how I've decided the game's flow to go. I know a lot of mafia vets will prefer things going on forever until a lynch vote is made, but I'm of the side that believes that if the town cannot decide what they want to do, then time runs out and they have to go to bed. The question of the time lapse between day and night was simply to allow people with perhaps busier schedules to be allowed to play. Can't participate every 12 hours because of real life? How about once every day? That's the main point of the question. Since all of you stand on different time zones, there must be lax to allow the person sleeping across the globe to wake up and contribute to the convo.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Also, to clarify a weeee bit, the question of time is just how I've decided the game's flow to go. I know a lot of mafia vets will prefer things going on forever until a lynch vote is made, but I'm of the side that believes that if the town cannot decide what they want to do, then time runs out and they have to go to bed. The question of the time lapse between day and night was simply to allow people with perhaps busier schedules to be allowed to play. Can't participate every 12 hours because of real life? How about once every day? That's the main point of the question. Since all of you stand on different time zones, there must be lax to allow the person sleeping across the globe to wake up and contribute to the convo.

Considering that, in the worst case scenario, one player might be up for the first 4 hours of "day" and then go to bed while another might be unable to participate during those 4 hours due to, say, work, it seems to me that the days should last more than 12 hours to make sure that there can be actual discussion between ALL the players during the day.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

Generally speaking, the best place that I played mafia at had a 1 post per real life day requirement, and the days lasted roughly 5 real days with the night phase lasting 2 real days. This way there was at least something for everyone to be able to get a read on everyone else in the game, as they had to at least say... something.

Of course a little leniency should be shown toward the beginning of the game by possibly just seeing how things start to play out before enforcing a time limit to the game day. Then again there will be days where someone is obviously going to be lynched, and those will go very quickly.
Re: Defeat the Tentacles: Revival

I've never played any of these games before, but they do sound interesting, and if there's hentai wallpaper applied, why not? I think I can post once every 24 hours, but I might be able to do once every 12 hours if that's what the group decided.