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Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score

(Thank you for your consideration and understanding.)

It is the distant future. Humanity struggled through horrible wars and near catastrophic events as Earth's resources ran to near completion. Then a miracle in science occurred, hypercore technology, the capability to move at faster than light (FTL) speed. A brave new race of humans reached for the stars. Mars was colonized and its vital resources provided a lifeline to the populace of Earth. Some moons of Jupiter soon followed the terraforming process. Still, this was not enough. And so the first ships were sent beyond the Sol system to colonize the great beyond.

First Contact.

A privately contracted ship, the Muse, arrives at a Centauri colony world of New Eden, and Sol Outpost #31. The ship never returns. Follow up crews discover the ship's wreckage and a small handful of survivors on the tundra surface of the planet, who tell of an insidious alien enemy. The Tentak race is labeled a threat against humanity. Reacting to the news, the Earth and Mars governments form the Sol Federation Navy and charge it with vigilance and protection of humanity against alien threats.

Over the course of centuries, the Sol Federation expands into a far reaching network of habitable worlds. Joining the Sol system are Centauri, Eridani, New Athens, New Sparta, New America, New Europa, New Asia, New Oceania, New Antarctica, and New Olympia. Throughout these mass colonizations, less developed, sentient races are discovered and brought under the banner of the Federation. Among them are the Vulpar (a race of fox-like bipeds), the Cerulean (a small, quick blue skinned race of humanoids), and the Grax, (a large, four armed bipedal race with natural strength, stony skin, and generally simple minded).

A fourth race, the Xaloxians (gray or white skinned humanoids with elfin features and an almost universally dominant, aggressive disposition) are encountered. This time, it is a race of war-like space farers, whose military might is on par with the Federation. The Xaloxian Empire lays claim to Federation border worlds, accuses humanity of transgression, and galactic war ensues, lasting generations.

Cloning technology is discovered. The process is labor intensive, and comes with a flaw - for the clone body to survive beyond decanting, it requires more than just the neurological mapping of its original body. Clones can only be used upon the death of the original, leading to renewed religious debate about the existence and necessity of a soul.

Every personnel in the Federation Navy is issued clone backups. Humanity is able to face death in battle with more fearless resolve. Troops die, only to have the same warriors decant in a cloned body with the same sense of identity. The Xaloxians are thrown on the backfoot, and lose several key worlds before they too discover the technology.

The Zardek Matriarchy arrives. An insectoid race bent on massive expansion strikes against both the Federation and the Empire. Temporary truce is called as both sides turn to face this new threat.

The Greater Threat.

Amidst the horror of war, the nearly forgotten Tentak race emerges. A Zardek hive world is consumed when its queen is corrupted into a monstrosity. The corrupted hive spreads to the disputed systems where it infects all three major powers. Entire systems are quarantined, but it is not enough. The Tentaks threaten all life.

War rages on, within and without. This is the Dark Frontier.


This will be a Sci Fi ERP using a simple homebrew system. Players will represent human characters that are part of a Federation Navy Starship. The emphasis will be on the story and less on the stats, but there will be a conflict resolution system using dice.

-----------------Playable Races-------------------

Human: Base HP 4, Target # = 8, Base Speed 3.

Racial Ability: Willpower. When using a professional specialty (Pilots piloting, Marines firing a standard issue weapon, etc...) humans may reroll one or both dice once and keep the second result. (Normally, other species can only reroll one die when making professional rerolls.)

Vulpar: Base HP 6, Target # = 7, Base Speed 3*

Racial Ability: Scramble. When not holding any weapons, Vulpar may move at double base speed.

Racial Ability: Sly. Vulpar are culturally inclined toward using cunning ruses. They gain a +1 bonus to all rolls involving deception.

Cerulean: Base HP: 4, Target # = 8, Base Speed 3

Racial Ability: Electric. Ceruleans consume power rather than food. As long as they are able to feed, they may, once between meals, discharge an electrical blast through touch, dealing 1d6-1 points of electric damage.

-----------Non Playable Races--------------

Grax: Base HP 8, Target # = 7, Base Speed 4

Racial Ability: 4 hands. Grax may hold up to four items/weapons at a time.

Racial Ability: Rock Skin. Grax minus 1d6 from all attack damage made against them.

Racial Penalty: Slow Thought Process. Grax cannot have a Starting Rating in Piloting or Science above 1, and they must spend double experience points to raise these ratings. They receive an -1 penalty to any knowledge based roll.

Xaloxian: Base HP 4, Target # = 8, Base Speed 4 (6)

Racial Ability: Adrenal Charge. Xaloxians increase their speed to six if the extra movement would bring them into close quarters combat with an enemy.

Racial Ability: Aggressive. Xaloxians deal one extra damage with personal weapons (hand to hand or standard fire weapons.)

Zardek (Male): Base HP 3, Target # = 9, Base Speed 5.

Racial Ability: Carapace. Zardek -2 from all incoming physical and energy based damage.

Tentak (Crawler): Base HP 2, Target # = 9, Base Speed 6.

Racial Ability: Neurospore. All Tentak can expel a viscous liquid filled with neurospores, which attack a victim's mind. Contact with the spore fluid requires a Strength check every turn until contact is removed against a target # 9. Failure means the spores have moved into the victim's system. This check is not needed if the fluid is injected into the victim through use of a needle, or if it is swallowed or inserted into a bodily orifice. Every turn thereafter, the victim makes a Willpower check, Target #9. Once this check is failed, the victim becomes debilitated by the need for immediate sexual gratification. The victim then makes a Willpower check every round at Target #7. A minus 3 penalty is applied if the victim has orgasmed during the same round. Failing this second test means the effective end of the victim's life. They are now an assimilated Tentak and may be turned into a Tentak mutant. So long as the resulting mutant is alive, the victim's clone may not activate.

Tentak (Mutant): Base HP ~5, Target # (based on assimilated victim), Base Speed ~5.

Racial Ability: Neurospore (see above).

Racial Ability: Resilient. Every die of damage received may be rerolled at the Tentak's discretion. The second result stands no matter what.


Character Creation

1) Choose a Name
2) Choose a Race
3) Choose a Gender
4) Choose a Profession

-Science Officer
-Medical Officer
-Communications Officer (Diplomat)
-Psion (Known as Empaths in the Federation)

5) Assign Stats

Stats - There will be eight attributes, and Combat is further split into four subsections. They are as follows:

Strength (Adds to HP, Adds to Melee and Brawl Damage)
Reflexes (Adds to defense, adds to ranged damage, used for Piloting)
--Brawl (Grappling, Striking -- Max Damage per hit is = Strength)
--Melee (Hand held weapons)
--Ranged (Sidearms and other hand held projectile weapons)
--Gunnery (Ship and vehicular weaponry)
Science (Used for Scanning actions, operating Scientific stations such as the Hyperdrive, Teleporter, and basic science knowledge)
Medicine (Used for healing injuries, treating disease, and surgery.)
Engineering (Used for maintenance and transferal of ship power, damage control, repairing, and programming.)
Diplomacy (Used for improving disposition, convincing, bluffing, intimidating, and charming others.)
Psyche (Resistance to non-physical attacks, reducing adverse environmental effects, key attribute for Psionics).

You will be given a choice of one of five starting sets of rankings, and will then assign each number to one of the 8 major stats.

Set A -- (4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Set B -- (4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
Set C -- (3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Set D -- (3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
Set E -- (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0)

The number you assign to the Combat stat is divided among the subcategories. If you are the Marine Profession, you get a bonus 2 points to assign to combat sub categories.

6) Choose Special Traits (2 at the start) *****Still clarifying, adding to, and designing this section*****

Agile - Add 1 to your target # (makes you harder to hit)

Battle Frenzy - Free attack actions

Boarding Combat Trained - May choose to damage or avoid damaging ship systems while firing.

Bot Specialist - Reroll damage against bots, may upgrade friendy bots.

Breath-taking - Your good looks give you a +2 to Diplomacy rolls when trying to seduce.

Braced - reroll damage vs internal hits

Brutal - may reroll damage dice you deal in brawl or melee combat

Cautious - may reroll an enemies attack roll when you are behind cover

Charging Strike - Free attack at the end of movement

Charming and Witty - You may reroll Diplomacy rolls when manipulating others through wordplay.

Connections - Gain extra wealth between missions and gain a bonus when using diplomacy to requisition specialist equipment.

Deathly Resolve - May continue to act while HP at 0 or less.

Deadly Strikes - Brawl damage has a chance to deal lethal damage. Successful strike forces a Strength or Reflexes (Target #8) check by opponent. Failure inflicts an additional 1d6 of unpreventable damage.

Dirty Fighter - Target you wound in Brawl or Melee takes -3 on further actions.

Energy Deflection (Psion) - May deflect incoming fire with an energy blade.

Energy Swordsman - may use Energy Blades safely and effectively.

Engine Specialist - may reroll when conducting power transferals or repairing engines.

Enraged - +2 to combat skills when severely wounded.

Escape Artist - Bonus on reflexes roll to escape bindings or grapples.

Famous - Bonus +2 to Diplomacy in situations where your fame work in your favor.

Fast Healer - Double the amount you are healed by Medical treatment.

Fast Learner - +10% to Experience rewards.

Fortunate - may spend 2 luck to nudge up the results of a roll

Grenadier - rerolls on hurling, intercepting, or vs effects

Healer - Double the successes in your Medical Treatment attempts.

Helpful - May use your Luck for others.

Jack of All Trades - May gain one reroll in every professional task, once per mission.

Jet-Pack Trained - +3 Piloting skill for jet pack rolls.

Jury Rigger - can use the function of a broken system without repairing it. (but not a destroyed system)

Laser Cannon Specialist - reroll when using Laser Cannons.

Lucky - Add 3 to your Luck stat.

Missile Expert - Efficient loading methods allows missiles to be fired at double rate.

Mobile - Add one to your Speed.

Multi barrel Expert - may fire two shots per phase

Nimble - May take an extra action per round at a -3 penalty.

Overloader - May use a different system's power level to fire ship's guns.

Patient - may spend rounds to prepare a bonus for your roll.

Powerslider - combine turn and speed change maneuvers

Quick on the Draw - +3 to quickdraw and one less penalty

Reactive - Free Ram or Dodge per phase.

Resourceful - May use the second highest of Medicine, Science, or Engineering as your value in any other skill (but with no professional bonuses) **Limit: Highest Rank among these three skills is the # of times this trait may be used per mission**

Self Defense Trained - +3 to Target # against Brawl attacks, and Melee attacks if also armed with a melee weapon.

Sharpshooting Gunner - Reroll hit allocation rolls when targeting enemy ships.

Shock Trooper - Free Overwatch action.

Sniper - Reroll an attack roll, if you spend a turn to prepare your shot.

Spacelegs - Reduce penalty to actions when ship is Out of Control.

Speed Demon - rerolls on accelleration and deceleration rolls.

Stunner Expert - target rerolls Willpower check vs Stun.

Sturdy - Add 3 to your HP.

Tinkerer - May make two free upgrades to the ship each mission (giving bonuses to anyone using the upgraded systems).

Tough - Reroll any Strength or Willpower checks.

Trampler - May make a move-through attack, going past an opponent's position.

Tricks of the Trade (Engineer) - May Dump Trash (potentially destroy incoming missiles about to hit), Focus Sensors (give temporary bonus to all systems), or Vent Plasma (help stabiize the ship). Once each per combat encounter.

Turn-taker - Reroll Piloting rolls when taking turns or attempting a sideslip maneuver.

Unarmed Combatant - Brawl damage is no longer limited by Strength.

Unsinkable - May use up to your Luck Value in extra rerolls for rolling on hull tests to prevent your ship from exploding in a combat encounter.

Xolaxian Fighter - Attack with two weapons with less penalty.

Zone Controller - May make a free Brawl or Melee attack on an opponent leaving an adjacent square (ie: attempting to disengage).

7) Receive starting equipment based on profession:

Pilot - Uniform (Yellow and white), Blast Pistol, Tool Kit

Engineer - Uniform (Blue and white), Blast Pistol, Tool Kit

Scientist - Uniform (Green and white), Stun Gun, Personal Scanner

Medical Officer - Uniform (Teal and white), Stun Gun, Medkit

Logistics Personnel - Uniform (Brown and white), Blast Pistol, cookbook.

Diplomat - Uniform (Purple and White), Stun Gun, Personal Scanner

Marine - Uniform (Red and White), [Blast Pistol, Combat Knife, One Grenade (Stun or EMP)] OR [Blast Rifle and Combat Knife]

Psion - Uniform (Grey and White), Stun Gun, Combat Knife

Starting equipment stats:

Fists, brawl, damage 1d6 (but max damage = Strength) (Also counts as blunt damage, which KOs opponent unless they are dealt twice the amount of damage it would take to normally KO them (Max HP*2))

Combat Knife, melee, damage = 1d6

Blast Pistol, ranged, energized, damage = 2d6-2

Blast Rifle, ranged, energized, damage = 2d6-1. (Special: The Blast Rifle may be fired twice per round. This still counts as a second action (incurring a -3 penalty).

Stun Gun, ranged, energized, damage special. (A character hit by a stun gun, must succeed a Psyche roll at target # = 11 or become incapacitated for 3 rounds.)

Grenade (EMP), thrown, energized, deals 2d6-distance from blast "damage". If any damage is received, all energized equipment is broken, all cybernetic enhancement's bonuses become penalties, and all bots will shut down unless EMP shielded. No effect on ship modules.

Grenade (Stun), thrown, energized, deals 2d6-distance from blast "damage." If any damage is received, victims make a Psyche roll at Target # 11, failure means they are incapacitated for 3 rounds.)

Body Armor, worn, reduce incoming damage by one.

Personal Scanner, acts like a mini ship scanner. Using Science skill with a difficulty equal to the range from the target in question, a successful user may ask a "Yes or No" question of the GM, pertaining to the object and question and within the limits of common sense. (GM's decision on what is an appropriate question is final.)

Toolkit, allows for ship, bot, and equipment repair, using Engineering skill.

Medkit, allows for medical treatment, using Medical skill.

Cookbook, "How to Serve Humans"
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Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

Psion Powers

Psions have a Psychic Pool = Character Rank + Psyche Rank + 2. Using a Psychic Power uses up one pool.

It takes ~8 hours of rest to refresh a psychic pool.

A character may know a number of different powers equal to their Psyche rank, but you must be trained in the Psion profession to have access to Psychic powers.


Beguile - (Psyche rank vs 8+Psyche of Target) Success allows the Psion to force the target to do an action of the Psion's choice, so long as it is not harmful to the target or the target's allies.

Cerebral Conduit - With a touch, the Psion can use their psychic ability to draw power out of one system or bot and transfer it to another source. This can allow the Psion to transfer ship system power levels, or draw energy from a bot. For ship power transferal, it is an automatic success, but the Psion takes 1d6 unpreventable damage. When draining a bot, Psion's touch attack does 1d6+3 damage to the bot and 1d3 unpreventable damage to the Psion.

Incinerate - Psion can start plasma fires with their mind. Roll vs Target's defense # to hit. Roll a d6 for each rank in Psyche. Deal target damage equal to the highest die. If the die roll is a 6, target is set alight and is dealt d3 damage every round until fire is put out.

Alter Probability - Psion may take 1d3 unpreventable damage to reroll any one die for any action within line of sight. May also use this ability to reroll hull stress tests to prevent the ship the Psion is on from being destroyed.

Mental Shield - Psion may reroll all incoming energy damage against them. Once only per damage source.

Ghost in the Machine - Psion may control any part of a ship or vehicle while inside, without physically interacting with the controls. A Psion requires time to familiarize themselves with a ship or vehicle's systems, so this power can only be used on a friendly ship or vehicle - or if the Psion is somehow able to have free access and hours of time to familiarize themselves with an enemy ship. (Not possible in a combat situation.)

Mechanical Empath - Psion may repair a damaged ship module to full active status, but takes 1d6 unpreventable damage in the process. Roll Psyche vs Target #8 if physically at the damaged module, or vs Target #11 if interacting from a remote part of the ship.

Psychic Healing - Roll Psyche vs Target #8. Heal HP equal to the number by which the roll exceeds the target #. A tied roll does not heal, but will stabilize a target who is below 0 health.

Prescience - Roll one of the two dice the Psion would roll upon taking an action. After seeing the result, the Psion may choose to continue with the action, or choose a different action to do this turn.

Psychic Blast - Roll Psyche vs Target # 8 + Target's Psyche. Success deals 1d6 of damage to target, ignoring armor. You may take a -2 penalty to your roll for every extra die of damage you wish to inflict. A failure results in the Psion being stunned.

Empath - Psion may do a 'scan' action as though they had a personal scanner built into their head. Psyche skill vs distance to target divided by 2 (round down) to learn basic facts about the target, up to surface emotions. To read minds, the roll is Psyche vs Target #8 + Target's Pysche, + distance/2 .

Psychic Stun - Make any normal attack the Psion makes have an additional stunning effect. Target rolls Strength vs Target # 8, failure meaning they are stunned in addition to whatever normal attack damage they would suffer.

Telekinesis - Psyche roll vs Target #11 to move a living being, or Target #8 to move an object. The number by which you exceed the target number is the number of spaces the target may be moved. If the target hits a wall after being moved more than two spaces, they take 1d3 damage for every space including and after the third that they move. If a being is being moved out an airlock, they can make a Reflexes check vs the Psion's success total to latch on to something and save themselves.

Psychic Teleportation - Psyche roll vs Target # 8. The difference between the roll and the target # is multiplied by 5, and that is the distance the Psion may teleport themselves to. The Psion may see how far they can travel before determining where they teleport to. Failure on the roll results in 1d6 unpreventable damage to the Psion, AND the Psion is stunned.


Psion Only special traits

Seer - You may do line-of-sight Psion powers without having line-of-sight. You still have a range which is limited to Psyche Rank *5.

Quick Minded - You may use up an extra Psychic Pool to use a Psionic Power as a free action instead of a main action.

Telepathic - You may mentally converse with any being in line of sight, even when they are unconscious.
Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

Know your ship.

The PCs will be crewing a small assault frigate, its name to be determined by the players.

There are different areas of the ship, separated into 'modules.'

Helm - This is is where you can pilot the ship. It is also where the communications array can be used to establish contact with ships, stations, or planetary communication arrays. If damaged, the ship cannot communicate with outside sources, nor can the ship turn, accelerate, or be steadied if it is going out of control; nor can the ship warp into hyperspace for FTL travel. Each time a pilot attempts to accelerate, turn, or steady the ship, it drains a level of power from the Helm.

Science Bay - This module is divided between a small experimental laboratory and the ships sensor array and shield generator. Science officers can sensor scan other ships and scientific anomalies to learn information about them. They can also uses the sensors to acquire a targeting lock. If the science bay is damaged, all power is lost from shields, sensors don't work, and anything being stored in the laboratory storage units might spoil (or wake up!)

Engines - The ship has three main Engines, each with its own fusion reactor. The engines are what power the ship. If you lose all your engines, you'll quickly run out of power and be floating in space. In order to generate continuous power to the ships' systems during combat, such as guns, engine speed, and shields, the engineers must up the energy output from the reactor manually and deliver it to the rest of the ship.

Hyperdrive - This is the area that Science Officers use astronavigation to plot a safe course through the cosmos at FTL speed. Failure to calculate a course before entering hyperspace is extremely dangerous. Odds are that there will be a catastrophe and the ship and its crew will be destroyed instantly. If damaged, the ship cannot enter hyperspace.

Medical Bay - This is where the ship's Medical Officer can treat the severely injured. Some injuries can only be addressed while in the Med Bay, those that could be addressed anywhere are done at a +2 bonus while in the MedBay. It is considered a clean and sterile environment. It also houses the ship's cryostasis tubes, in case of emergencies where the hyperdrive is completely destroyed and irreparable, and the ship's occupants will need to go into cryosleep to await rescue. Damage to the Med Bay cuts off any lifesupport equipment for the severely injured, prevents further use of the med bay's bonuses, and prevents cryosleep.

Laser Cannons - The ship has two Cannon turrets, a Port side and a Starboard. Gunners can operate the lasers to fire at enemies. Each shot drains a power level from the ship's Guns, and overheats the cannon for 6 action rounds, adding a -3 to penalty to use. If the cannon is doulbly overheated, the penalty is doubled. If overheated beyond that, the cannon becomes damaged. To hit, the cannon operator rolls Gunnery vs Distance to Target + Target's Speed (+Target Pilot's Reflexes if targeting a fighter class ship). If success, a random area of the target ship will be hit (or a 'glancing hit' result will be given). Modules directly hit are damaged, and occupants of those modules also take damage. The target also receives hull damage.

(Hull Stress - Ships do not have a simple HP system. They have threshold levels, where every time a ship takes a direct hit, two dice are rolled, and if the result is equal to or less than the current threshold level, the ship explodes, killing everyone inside. It is theoretical that a ship could be so beat up that it is mathematically impossible to not explode, but more often than not, a ship will go before that mathematical certainty is reached.)

Cannons are by default in "blast" mode. They can be recalibrated into a "beam" which halves the difficulty for range accuracy, but also halves damage, or "multi-blast" which just deals one die of hull damage to anything it hits but doesn't cause overheating (best for targeting incoming fighters).

Damage Control - This is a station module located near the Engines that allows an Engineering roll to analyze the ship's currently damaged systems, getting a full status report. This is important because for an Engineer to normally start repairs, they need to spend an action(s) rolling to appraise the problem. A damage report allows engineers (or anyone with the know how and a tool kit) to begin immediate repair, with a +1 bonus on their first repair roll.

You can also analyze Hull Damage, but repairing that requires too much time to be useful within combat encounters.

Missile Bay - This would be where you launch missiles from. It usually takes 6 rounds before another missile can be prepped for launch. A missile requires a targeting lock to fire (doable from the science bay). A missile moves at impulse speed 12 (a ship's max impulse speed is 11). It takes a direct path towards the target ship, but will blow up if it comes into contact with anything while following that path.

Teleporter - Science Officers can teleport another person from teleporter to another ship, station or a planetary body that the ship orbiting. To teleport, the intended destination must have a target lock, and must not have any power in its shields. A crew member carrying a bio-tracker attuned to the ship's teleporter can be locked onto and transported back to the ship's teleporter, provided the ship's sensors and teleporter are operational.

Living Quarters - Private quarters for the crew, including a small mess hall and kitchen area.

Cargo Bay - Replacement parts, away shuttle/lifeboat, general supplies, all terrain APC vehicle, and the ship's airlock. A small armory room is adjunct to the Cargo Bay, where spare sidearms, armor, and spacewalking suits are stored.
Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

*Yellow Alert* *Yellow Alert*

Incoming Transmission...

This is Federation Expeditionary Fleet Vice Admiral Bileu. After a slight delay in logistical support that was in no way caused by a Tentac infiltration into one of our central space ports, the commencement of the FEF task force into the Contested Zone will be beginning shortly. This transmission is being forwarded to all talented officer personnel, please report to your assigned ship for orientation.

Remember! You are the Federation's first line of defense, and our greatest hope for reclaiming and expanding the Contested Zone. Many yet-to-be-discovered lifeforms may await us in the depths of space. It will be your duty to bring them under the wing of the Federation before Xaloxian emissasries or Tentac hive clusters can turn them against us. By winning the hearts and minds of any native planets, we win precious resources in the fight for Federal Supremacy!

Good speed to you all.


Ship Registry

Players are invited to suggest names for what will be your cruiser class ship.


Crew Manifest

Please list your character, their profession, and their starting attributes. You may display them on this thread.

1. Caitlin, Science Officer (Shrike)
2. Odessa, Empath (Taki)
3. Athryn Tewill, Marine (Tass)
4. Judith Price, Engineer (Gargantua Blarg)
5. Elise Anders, Pilot and Captain (Xivvix)

6. Tai Soude, Marine and Commander
Strength 1
Reflexes 1
Combat 4
--Brawl 1
--Melee 1
--Ranged 2
--Gunnery 2
Science 0
Medicine 0
Engineering 0
Diplomacy 1
Psyche 1

Trait: Laser Cannon Specialist (reroll misses with Laser Cannons)

Bio: Tai was born, raised, and trained on Mars. The son of a decorated colonel and war hero, it was predestined that this only son would follow in his father's footsteps. A serious, but incredibly skilled young man, Tai was given Commander status aboard the new expeditionary cruiser, placing him second in rank only to Captain Anders. In matters of giving tactical orders, Tai is brilliant, but on board the ship, his aloof manner and inability to 'cut loose' make him difficult to approach.
7. Kenneth Weiss, Marine
Strength 3
Reflexes 1
Combat 3
--Brawl 2
--Melee 0
--Ranged 2
--Gunnery 1
Science 0
Medicine 0
Engineering 1
Diplomacy 0
Psyche 0

Trait: Shock Trooper (Free Overwatch action)

Bio: Kenneth hails from New Sparta, one of the systems that was on the frontlines of the Xaloxian war. He harbors an antagonistic attitude towards the "Xals" and would like nothing more for this farce of a truce to be done with so that he could avenge the many family and friends that died in raids and in battle with the Empire. He's a tough grunt marine, proud of his heritage, and prouder still to be assigned to the expeditionary fleet. His file shows that he's an excellent field combatant, and he's a friendly guy once you get to know him. New Spartans are known to be a bit xenophobic however, and if pressed during a round of drinks, he will begrudgingly admit to feeling uneasy around non-humans, though of course, no one's as bad as a Xal in his opinion.

8. Ausel Fourthson, Cerulean Science Officer
Strength 0
Reflexes 0
Combat 1
--Brawl 0
--Melee 0
--Ranged 1
--Gunnery 0
Science 3
Medicine 0
Engineering 2
Diplomacy 1
Psyche 2

Trait: Agile (+1 to defense)

Bio: A Cerulean Astrophysicist specializing in hyperdrive mechanics and astrological phenomena, Ausel is an enigmatic, quirky young man who is quick with a smile and a joke, but not always blessed with the best comedic timing. For such a smart guy as well, he has known to be a bit too focused on his work. He is the most excited about the exploratory mission to the Contested zone, as he intends to map the space ways and record the various uncharted hyperdrive calculations for expediency of future travels.
9. Tammie Skoveld, Engineer
Strength 1
Reflexes 1
Combat 3
--Brawl 3
--Melee 0
--Ranged 0
--Gunnery 0
Science 0
Medicine 0
Engineering 3
Diplomacy 0
Psyche 0

Trait: Unarmed Combatant (Damage not limited by Strength)

Bio: Tammie is simply put, a hard nosed wrench head. Taking things apart and putting them back together has been her past time ever since she could remember. She might have been content to work as a mechanic on the moon of Dyss where she had grown up had it not been for the wish of her adoptive mother that she pursue a career in Engineering at the Academy. Every last cent of her mother's money was saved to afford tuition, and despite her protests, Tammie took an interstellar trip to become a part of the Engineering corps. Tammie would have grown bored of it had it not been for the mocking of Sol citizens, who believed a poor kid like her didn't have the brains to hack it in the Academy. Through spite and determination, Tammie learned and eventually shined, becoming one of the top 2% in her class, qualifying her for a place anywhere she wanted. Sick of the core systems, and wanting an assignment of a rough and tumble nature that would suit her, Tammie opted for the Expeditionary Fleet.

10. Sonya Chalice, Pilot
Strength 0
Reflexes 3
Combat 2
--Brawl 0
--Melee 0
--Ranged 2
--Gunnery 0
Science 0
Medicine 1
Engineering 0
Diplomacy 2
Psyche 1

Trait: Speed Demon (may reroll acceleration rolls)
Trait: Powerslider (may combine acceleration and turn rolls)

Bio: One of the most talented and most reckless pilots to ever have come out of the Academy, Sonya was an ace fighter pilot, assigned originally to an attack squadron on a Federation Carrier fleet. She was reassigned several times, owing to various infractions, a record of insubordination, and disregard for command. She claims she was up against a bunch of male chauvinists who couldn't handle a woman leaving them in her space dust. Not wanting to waste her talents, but also desiring to chastise her, command assigned her to a woman captain's cruiser ship, no longer as a fighter pilot, but as a co-helmsman and shuttle pilot.

11. Dr. Rachel Sutherway, Medical Officer
Strength 0
Reflexes 0
Combat 0
--Brawl 0
--Melee 0
--Ranged 0
--Gunnery 0
Science 1
Medicine 4
Engineering 0
Diplomacy 2
Psyche 0

Trait: Healer (Double successes in Medical Treatment attempts)

Bio: There are some who would say space is no place for a sweet, vibrant, and brilliant doctor such as Rachel, but she disagrees. The Contested Zone, she reasons, must be full of underdeveloped civilizations still unable to cope with a variety of disorders and diseases for which the Federation has long had cures. By joining the expeditionary fleet, Rachel can potentially be a doctor to an entire race in need. The Federation Fleet Command finds this a tad idealistic, but Rachel has a brilliant mind and has multiple specialties, including applied and theoretical xenomedical research. She's simply the best on paper, so they assigned her to this crew.

12. Ami Zheng, Logistics Officer
Strength 1
Reflexes 2
Combat 2
--Brawl 0
--Melee 0
--Ranged 1
--Gunnery 1
Science 0
Medicine 0
Engineering 2
Diplomacy 2
Psyche 2

Trait: Jack of all Trades (may make one professional reroll in each profession once per mission)

Bio: The Logistics corps is looked down upon by nearly all of the other Academy professional corps. It's seen as the place where Academy rejects and the "too dumb to hold a gun" bodies go to when they have nowhere else to turn. While it is true that this does occur, such Logistical personnel are kept as teamsters and inventory stock keepers at installations scattered around the civilized centers. The ones entrusted to be the lone Logistical Officer on a ship in the Expeditionary Fleet are those men and women who know that logistics and efficiency win wars. Ami is an exemplar of what a Logistics Officer should be. She knows the ship as well as the captain, and can keep nearly any area of the ship running smooth, picking up the slack wherever is needed. She also keeps a record of the ship's spare parts and food rations. On top of all this, she's quite the handy cook. Everyone tends to get along with her, and without really asking to be, she tends to be the person who people seek out when they just need someone to listen.


13. Nicolas Wrangel, Diplomat
Strength 0
Reflexes 1
Combat 3
--Brawl 0
--Melee 2
--Ranged 1
--Gunnery 0
Science 0
Medicine 0
Engineering 0
Diplomacy 3
Psyche 1

Trait: Charming and Witty (+2 bonus when persuading)

Bio: In New Asia, on the world of Typhon, Nicolas' father holds the title of Federal Governor. As such, Nicolas is a blue-blooded son of the well-to-do upper crust of Federation society. This guy probably has six or seven clones just waiting to activate for him should anything go wrong on one of these missions. Indoctrinated in the policies of the Federation, Nicolas is responsible for arranging truces and trade agreements with any sentient life encountered on the expedition. He takes some flak for being a rich boy, but he's proven himself to be a competent soldier, having been trained in self defense and marksmanship by the Typhon Planetary Guard. He's no marine, but his blade work is intimidating. Whatever your initial reservations about him might be, he has an undeniable gift of persuasion.
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Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

Name: Caitlin Sefton
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Science Officer

Science 3
Medicine 3
Engineering 1
Psyche 1
((Set C Used))

Fast Learner

Uniform (Green and white), lab coat
Stun Gun (Psyche roll at target # = 11 or become incapacitated for 3 rounds.)
Personal Scanner, acts like a mini ship scanner. Using Science skill with a difficulty equal to the range from the target in question, a successful user may ask a "Yes or No" question of the GM, pertaining to the object and question and within the limits of common sense. (GM's decision on what is an appropriate question is final.)

Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=100&pictureid=10899
((Bio to be thrown in upon request))
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Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

Name: Odessa
Race: Human
Base HP 4, Target # = 8, Base Speed 3.
Racial Ability: Willpower. When using a professional specialty (Pilots piloting, Marines firing a standard issue weapon, etc...) humans may reroll one or both dice once and keep the second result. (Normally, other species can only reroll one die when making professional rerolls.)
Gender: Female
Profession: Psion

Stats: (Set C)
Psyche 3
Diplomacy 3
Combat (Ranged) 1
Reflexes 1

Telepathic - May mentally converse with any being in line of sight, even when they are unconscious.
Quick Minded - May use up an extra Psychic Pool to use a Psionic Power as a free action instead of a main action.

Psion Powers:
Empath (mandatory) - Psion may do a 'scan' action as though they had a personal scanner built into their head. Psyche skill vs distance to target divided by 2 (round down) to learn basic facts about the target, up to surface emotions. To read minds, the roll is Psyche vs Target #8 + Target's Psyche, + distance/2 .

Beguile - (Psyche rank vs 8+Psyche of Target) Success allows the Psion to force the target to do an action of the Psion's choice, so long as it is not harmful to the target or the target's allies.

Psychic Healing - Roll Psyche vs Target #8. Heal HP equal to the number by which the roll exceeds the target #. A tied roll does not heal, but will stabilize a target who is below 0 health.


Uniform (Grey and White)
Combat Knife, melee, damage = 1d6
Stun Gun, ranged, energized, damage special. (A character hit by a stun gun, must succeed a Psyche roll at target # = 11 or become incapacitated for 3 rounds.)
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Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

1) Athryn Tewill
2) Human.
Human: Base HP 4, Target # = 8, Base Speed 3.

Racial Ability: Willpower. When using a professional specialty (Pilots piloting, Marines firing a standard issue weapon, etc...) humans may reroll one or both dice once and keep the second result. (Normally, other species can only reroll one die when making professional rerolls.)
3) Female
4) Marine

5) Stats
Set D -- (3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

Strength 2
Reflexes 3
Combat 2 + 2 for Marine
--Brawl 1
--Melee 1
--Ranged 2
--Gunnery 0
Science 0
Medicine 1
Engineering 0
Diplomacy 0
Psyche 1

6) Traits
Sniper - Reroll an attack roll, if you spend a turn to prepare your shot.
Lucky - Add 3 to your Luck stat.

7) Starting Junk
Marine - Uniform (Red and White), [Blast Pistol, Combat Knife, One Grenade (Stun or EMP)] OR [Blast Rifle and Combat Knife]

Combat Knife, melee, damage = 1d6

Blast Pistol, ranged, energized, damage = 2d6-2

Grenade (Stun), thrown, energized, deals 2d6-distance from blast "damage." If any damage is received, victims make a Psyche roll at Target # 11, failure means they are incapacitated for 3 rounds.)

Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=170&pictureid=10901

Bio: Athryn was born on an ark world, an artificial colony in a system far from the well populated worlds of the Federation that mined an uninhabitable planet for resources. She spent her early years at work there, but it soon became apparent to both her and her parents that she wasn't happy there. She left on a freighter when she was 15, and eventually signed up for the Federation Marines, eventually becoming a field officer. Possessed of little formal education before then and a willful streak that some of her superiors didn't exactly appreciate, Athryn's pragmatism combined with her stubborn will eventually saw her assigned as one of the Urania's acting security officers at the relatively young age of 29.

Physically fit and spectacularly agile, Athryn has a decent amount of experience in combat but almost never speaks about any of the battles she'd been in, and indeed she generally preferred to let others do much of the talking when socially engaged. That said, she isn't shy and will speak her mind frankly and directly, so long as it won't get her into too much trouble with her superiors. She isn't a virgin (to most things at least) but prefers the fairer sex by far, and isn't particularly stingy about her partners in the general case either.
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Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

Name: Elise Anders
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Pilot

Stats: Set D
Strength: 1
Reflexes: 3
Combat (2)
--Brawl: 1
--Melee: 0
--Ranged: 1
--Gunnery: 0
Science: 0
Medicine 0
Engineering: 2
Diplomacy: 1
Psyche: 0

Spacelegs - Reduce penalty to actions when ship is Out of Control.
Jury Rigger - can use the function of a broken system without repairing it. (but not a destroyed system)

Uniform (Yellow and white)
Blast Pistol, ranged, energized, damage = 2d6-2
Tool Kit, allows for ship, bot, and equipment repair, using Engineering skill.

Born and raised in a starship, Elise is the daughter of space traders. Both her mother and father had served in the Federation fleet, and afterwards bought their own ship, taking jobs delivering cargo. Along the way they raised a family, teaching them all about starships, FTL travel, and the galaxy. Elise happened to have a knack for piloting and decided she would take after her father, a decorated Federation pilot. At the age of 16 she left her parents ship to live on Europa with her grandparents and attend the Federation Academy there. Despite her lack of formal education, her performance ratings were such that she was fast tracked to service in the Xaloxian conflict.

Elise's first posting was as a Medivac Dropship pilot, deploying and recovering marines from battles across the galaxy. Promoted for outstanding service in the Betelgeuse Campaign, she was transferred to be the pilot of the Argo, an intelligence and recon ship tasked with scouting behind enemy lines. Though the ship ran afoul of a Xaloxian ambush, Elise took command from the wounded officers and managed to return the Argo and most of it's crew to Federation Space. The ship required massive retrofits to be serviceable again, but Federation Command was impressed at her abilities, both in piloting and in command. Elise was transferred again, this time as second in command aboard the Tenebrous escort ship, a frigate charged with defending the Federation flagship of the 3rd Flotilla. In her time as second in command, she proved herself well suited to the position and the Tenebrous scored more kills than any other similarly sized vessel in the flotilla. For Federation Command, the choice was clear: Elise was ready to captain a ship of her own.

Having spent most of her life aboard a starship moving from port to port, Elise has a fairly outgoing attitude, and tends to make friends easily. She tries to always have something to say to those that serve with her, and tend to view her crewmates as her family. Elise is always up for good natured ribbing and jokes, and looks for any reason she can to engage in some. In an official capacity, however, she drops her fun-loving nature for a more serious and disciplined demeanor. She expects excellence from her subordinates, and in return takes their safety as a priority.

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Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

Beep beep

Name: Judith Price
Race: Human, man
Gender: Chick
Profession: Engineer

Stats -
Strength 0
(Adds to HP, Adds to Melee and Brawl Damage)
Reflexes 1
(Adds to defense, adds to ranged damage, used for Piloting)
Combat /0*
--Brawl (Grappling, Striking -- Max Damage per hit is = Strength)
--Melee (Hand held weapons)
--Ranged (Sidearms and other hand held projectile weapons)
--Gunnery (Ship and vehicular weaponry)

Science 2
(Used for Scanning actions, operating Scientific stations such as the Hyperdrive, Teleporter, and basic science knowledge)
Medicine 2
(Used for healing injuries, treating disease, and surgery.)
Engineering 3
(Used for maintenance and transferal of ship power, damage control, repairing, and programming.)
Diplomacy 1
(Used for improving disposition, convincing, bluffing, intimidating, and charming others.)
Psyche 0
(Resistance to non-physical attacks, reducing adverse environmental effects, key attribute for Psionics).

Traits -
Bot Specialist - Reroll damage against bots, may upgrade friendy bots.

Tricks of the Trade (Engineer) - May Dump Trash (potentially destroy incoming missiles about to hit), Focus Sensors (give temporary bonus to all systems), or Vent Plasma (help stabiize the ship). Once each per combat encounter.

Swag -
Engineer's Uniform Engineer (Blue and white)
Blaster Pistol [ranged, energized, damage = 2d6-2]
Toolbox [allows for ship, bot, and equipment repair, using Engineering skill.]

A dark-skinned native from the Eridani systems, on Prana IV, a blue planet with very little above-sea-level land mass. Robots were widely used to do underwater construction and exploration, and their seafaring ships, submarines, and various habitats all required routine maintenance, so the Judy was already well-familiar with several engineering concepts behind robits and the few things still relevant when taking from sea to space in regards to ship work when she went into the Military Technical Academy. Though it doesn't rock so much like her childhood ships did, her new assignment's cramped quarters and humming engines remind her much of home.

She's very dark-skinned, with short black hair and dark eyes, framed by long eyelashes, and shielded by thick eyeglasses (she did a loooot of studying in school). Tall and thin, Judy is somewhat insecure with her height - her planet's culture valuing shortness as desirable, because of how tall people tended to struggle in tinier ships and whatnot.

Totally has a space cat.

Also, I put forth the motion for our ship to be christened the . Or maybe the James Tiberius Kirk, to embody our desire to reach out to the stars and bone some blue space women.
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Re: Dark Frontier (Work In Progress)

The Ship.

Current Designation: F.E.F.S. Urania

Description of Ship Layout:

The Cruiser Class starship Urania is typical of the new wave of ships produced for the Expeditionary Fleet.

At the aft of the ship are three engines in a triangle cluster formation, designated Engine 1, 2, and 3 going from port, central, to starboard. Connecting these three stations is the main engineering deck, where damage control is also located.

Connected to main engineering are living quarters, life support systems, the mess hall and recreation lounge, and the ship's cargo and shuttle bay, which faces the port side.

Beyond this are the port and starboard lasercannon batteries, connected by the teleportation bay.

Moving further to the fore, one finds the medical bay, science bay, and a starboard missile loadout array.

Then, at the front of the ship is the helm, additional life support, officer's cabins, and a forward facing laser cannon whose operation can be either as a manned turret or as a fixed position cannon controlled from the helm.