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Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)


Caitlin's basic security clearance seemed to have no effect on the system. Bypassing the security software would be an extreme longshot. It seemed Bernard had fully expected she'd try something like this.

"What do I think? I think Bernard is in charge of the situation, so long as you don't interfere. With the crawler already out of its containment zone and the station's autoscanners shut down, it's going to be more dangerous if we try to upset the plan. Just go with it. Bernard's a little zealous about this idea, but it's not so bad. Think of it. Our own little Tentak farm - plenty of breeding material to satisfy an endless amount of test subjects."

Jane went back to filing her nails. "Shame Maria made such a fuss about ethical process when the idea was floated by her last week. Bernard was dubious about her from the start, but her soft-hearted approach was clear. You wanted to know where the crawler is heading? It's being funneled right towards and Egan. Through the ventilation duct you're always complaining about, as a matter of fact."

Caitlin paused seconds into her examination of the computer, stonewalled rather early. "This experiment of his hasn't been thought through near well enough, even ignoring the moral implications. This situation as it stands right now has a massive chance of going wrong. The station isn't built for sectioned containment like that, especially with the scanners offline. That crawler is likely spreading an infection as it goes, making the station at large safe enough would take the better part of a month, at least." She argued. "What he should have done was contain the new specimens before introducing them, at this moment he's spreading the infection to the kitchen we eat out of, even."

She paused for a moment as Jane finished. "Did Egan have complaints as well? He's giving the crawler access to our labs? Look at the situation Jane, it's already out of control." She said, a pleading edge entering her tone for a moment. "Bernard is out of his mind, this whole plan almost seems concocted to spread this to as much of the station as possible in one fell swoop... He must have been infected, somehow." She realized suddenly. "You have to see reason Jane, even if he's past it. This is just an image in the room with me, yes? Where are you located? Is it possible for you to spread the alarm?" She asked, turning back to the console and attempting to slice past the security system. She needed access to internal comms at least, organize the visitors, warn Egan and Maria, something...

(Not sure if hacking falls under science or engineering, given what shipbased science people do during combat. If it's the latter, i'll use a resourceful for this, definitely)
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Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Ken dealt out the cards then slapped them down upon the table with emphasis. He gazed from side to side, sizing up the opponents as they plucked up their hands, before sliding his own five cards towards him and giving them a read over.

"Okay. Here's how it's going to go. The winner of this hand gets to choose a person at this table to kiss. And the person who stays in and has the worst hand has to kiss Commander Soude the next time he walks in this room. Full on the lips. With tongue if possible."

Nicolas arched an eyebrow. "That's a bold loss condition. Yet you don't seem worried about it."

Tammie smirked. "Heh, Spartan men bat for both sides. That's what I hear."

Ken grinned wolfishly. "I'm not worried because I'm not going to have the worst hand. I'll take two."

The spiky haired Spartan grabbed two cards but didn't bother to look at them. He just looked directly at Odessa. "Ask the mind reader. Think I'm bluffing?"

"It's not a question of bluffing," Ami said quietly. "You may just be too stupid to realize you've got the worst hand."

Eyes turned expectantly to see what Odessa, and then what Elise would say. After that Ami, then Nicolas, then Tammie would decide if they were going to be a part of this bet.
"A kiss?" Elise asked, sounding amused, "Is that all? I expected more after all your big talk, Ken." She gave the marine a wink before scooping up her cards with one hand while taking a drink from her beer with the other. The others taunts only served to widen the captains smirk, though she looked curiously over at Odessa when he mentioned her. Of course, even if the empath did read his mind, Elise doubted she would tell if he was bluffing or not. More fun to let the game play out, after all. As for herself, Elise once again had to consider how she, as captain, should respond.

"So the loser has to kiss Tai," Elise said, leaning over to rest her elbows on the table as she narrowed her eyes at Kenneth. "You know, some might not consider that losing," she continued, biting her lip thoughtfully, "Though I wonder how the Commander would feel about that." Humming softly, Elise made a show of deliberating, though not for long. "Alright, but no one can tell him about the wager." She smiled at the thought of Tai's reaction to a surprise kiss, then took another drink from her beer.

"I think I'll up the ante on this bet," Elise offered, smirking wickedly as she looked around the table. "I think you'll like this one, Kenneth," she said to the marine, then turned to Odessa and added, "And maybe you too." Elise drummed her fingers on the table, then continued, "The winner gets to use their hands however they want, for as long as they can keep the kiss going." After a moment, she elaborated, "Whoever they pick, has to let them do whatever they want." Afterwards, Elise fell silent, allowing the players to react however they would, while she slid two cards face down towards Kenneth.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"What??" Was all Judith could really think to say. Why was Ausel acting so strangely... and Tentaks? And... and he wasn't coming?

Oh no...

This wasn't supposed to happen. She didn't have any of her drones to protect her here! This wasn't ship-to-ship combat either... she'd always comforted herself over her horrible physical fitness scores in the Academy with the thought that her drones, or someone else, would be there to protect her. Now here she was, completely alone, without anything to save her, except her own, terrible skills!

"O... o-okay. I'll s-see what I can do, Ausel. ...Sorry."

Judy pulled out her pistol - even if she was a terrible shot, just having one pointed at someone was enough to keep from having to use it - and quickly looked to either side of the hall when she exited the room. She ran back the way she'd come, and then hurriedly opened the door panel, before taking her multi-tool and looking for the wire that would open the door for her - keeping watch back down the other direction in the hall as she did so, obviously panicked. She closed it once more when she was on the other side - the door controls on that panel ought to have worked properly from that side, after all - and then took off quick as she could to find a hall intercomm, which she would similarly try to use to cry out over the radio: "Captain! Tentaks here, Ausel acting funny. This is Judith, I'm in Fringe Engineering. If you can hear me, please respond. Captain?" She tried her best to stay alert...
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Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Kiss... Commander Soude? Without his consent? My, I didn't think that this would actually get dangerous at first. But, I can't say I'm terribly surprised, considering it's Kenneth's proposal." Odessa leaned back in her chair slightly, giving the red-headed marine a sly look. "That is, I mean to say that you're into dangerous things, of course~" Grinning, she tilted forward and placed one card from her hand onto the table, sliding it forward. "Just one."

"As for the bluff, I can see why you'd be confident... I just hope it's enough, for your sake!" She pronounced 'you' with some emphasis, which lent itself well in supplementing Ami's suggestion that he may only have a decent hand by some standards, but not all. The captain's proposal only made things more interesting, for the winner and their target anyway, and as such, she simply couldn't refuse. "Sounds good to me," said Odessa in a neutral tone.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

(With apologies for the delay, on we go. I'll be doing this update in parts, to avoid losing the whole post.)


"It appears that the only way to avoid being a target is to play and win," Nicolas said, handing in two cards with a sigh. "I give myself very little chance, but we shall see. However, I think I shall be kind and add that the loser, if they are of the persuasion, should be able to kiss a woman. Let us say that quirky auburn haired scientist who was hanging around with Tai a while ago. She seemed to be as equally interested in socialization as our fearless commander. Should I or Ken lose, I suggest that we shall kiss her."

Ken grunted his approval at this suggestion. "Seems fair, but there's no way I'm gonna lose." He shoved away three cards, which earned a loud laugh from Tammie beside him.

"Oh yeah, you're really confident trashing three cards! What a blowhard!" She pushed away two cards.

"You're forgetting about Spartan luck," Ken assured her, glancing at his new cards and grinning.

Ami took three cards as well, looking at them forlornly.

The time came to reveal:

Odessa had only an ace high, but four clubs, meaning she had a busted flush.

Elise then turned over two pair, aces and deuces, which drew some oohs around the table. Poor Ami revealed a Queen high, to which Nicolas breathed a sigh of relief, for his King high was nothing spectacular either. Tammie had only a pair of fours to her name.

"Damn..." Ken said, staring at the captain's cards. "You didn't have that before the draw, did you?"

He revealed two pair as well, Kings and Nines. "Well... there goes my shot at the captain," he said, leaning back in his chair, defeated by the closest of margins.

"Well then, it appears the captain may do with any one member of her crew as she sees fit," Nicolas said, smiling devilishly.

"Aaaand Ami's gotta kiss Tai~" Tammie teased.

Eyes went to the two women who sat side by side, one the victor, the other a rapidly reddening loser who crossed her arms and harumphed, muttering something about stupid card games under her breath.



Athryn's trio of intrepid space station explorers had finished their five minute circuit of the outer circle without seeing another living soul, ending their jaunt in the cargo bay. Recent signs of rummaging through the crates showed that some one had apparently been here to get at the foodstuffs. Most likely it was to finish off the meal preparation. Seeing nothing else of interest, marine, pilot, and medic ultimately decided to go to the next junction and start exploring the inner ring of Fringe 1.

That was when Athryn stumbled upon an abandoned tray of potatoes, set down at the side of the corridor for no apparent reason.

"Hey... potatoes..." Sonya said.

"It's not just that... this is the airlock to the Urania," Rachel said. "And look! The airlock is sealed on the Urania side... that shouldn't be possible unless someone was on the ship already."

Distantly, Athryn heard a loud thud coming from somewhere on the level above them, and the sound of glass breaking.

"What the hell was that?" Sonya said, raising a brow to the marine.



Judith ran down the hall way, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of danger. Her heart was racing, and she feared that at any moment a panic attack might send her over the edge. She reached the door panel that led back outside the research area. No problem she thought, even if this sucker was locked electronically, she knew how these doors operated. Setting down her pistol by her ankle, she opened up her multi tool device on her belt and began opening the screws on the panel. As she worked, she thought she heard some loud thud resound in the distance, through the vents above her. Moments later, there was the tinkling of glass.

With the panel taken off and set aside, she now had a clear view of the wires controlling the door's electronics. Now let's see, it should be this white wire here... And then put that wire there... She knew that something was hugely wrong and that she had to get outside and warn the captain. Then everything would be taken care of. Just as she was about to press the wires together to open the door, Judith heard a sound that filled her with dread.

*Ka -chunk!*
*Ka -chunk!*
*Ka -chunk!*

Three safety bolts locking into place... Pressing the wires together now made a jarring sound as the doors tried to open, but failed against the overriding safety mechanism. What the hell!?! Something like this wasn't unexpected to be attached to a research door, especially in an area that had Tentak specimens, but it meant that someone had to be actively locking her inside here. There should be a way to override it from the main interface on this level, but not at this door panel. She'd have to break the locks on these other doors to get further inside the research area if she was going to break her way out.

She wondered how Ausel was doing...



"We have the Urania's up to date medical records," Jane answered. "We can be certain of the future specimens' conditions before they were introduced to the Tentak neurospore. Bernard wants to see if there's a difference between ingestion and direct fertilization techniques. In any case, you should just be thankful he thinks so highly of your potential, Caitlin."

The Vulpar paused as Caitlin pleaded with her to see reason.

"So, you noticed that I was a hologram? Very observant of you. Yes, I'm secure in my own room. And yes, I too am convinced that at some point Bernard was infected with a variant of his own neurospore experiment. In fact, I was sort've counting on it."

The cruel smirk on Jane's holographic face told Caitlin all she needed to know about where the Vulpar's sympathies lay. "I told him you'd be more of a liability than an asset. But even through the haze of infection, his respect for your methods couldn't shake his loyalty to you. You always were his favorite. Too bad that if you wanted to stop him at this point, you'd have to destroy this station. All that research.~"

The hologram disappeared abruptly. On the monitor, a sudden *ka-chunk* sounded three times, bolting the research safety doors closed and firmly trapping the Urania engineer inside the research area.

"You might be planning to to hack the system here... I guess I'll just have to slow you down.~ We can't have you warning the specimens after all." There was a whir, off to Caitlin's left. Instinctively, the researcher flung herself to the side, seeking cover behind Bernard's chair. A seeker dart flew across the room on its nano motors searching for Caitlin's body, but got stuck in the leather bound cushion of the chair instead. The motors began to reverse as the seeker dart sought to unstick itself and begin its search for Caitlin once more....

"Damn you, Caitlin.. stay still. This will be painless... Mostly." Jane's now disembodied voice said with a slight hint of aggravation.
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Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"Potatoes!" Athryn stated with false enthusiasm, but then Sonya drew her attention to the closed airlock to the Urania. "Is it locked or just closed?" she asked worriedly. The further things went, the less she liked what was going on, and when the thumps and the sounds of glass break sounded from the level above them Athryn glanced up at the ceiling and scowled.

"That would be some thumps, and some glass breaking" she said darkly, and her hand strayed slowly to the sidearm she had holstered at her side. "Rachel, check the airlock to the Urania. After that we're going up a level to try and figure out what the hell's going on here."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"You two are compromising the station with your reckless plot! There is a tentak cra-" Caitlin picked up in protest, cutting herself short to jump sideways when she heard the whir of mechanics starting up. The resultant attack landed in the meat of the chair instead of her as a result, already starting to work itself free for a second try.

The scientist jumped forward, aiming to pin the thing in the leather of the chair before it could get the dart end free to try for her again. "Crawling around the area of the station with containment measures meant -only- for emergencies! We have to live and work in those areas after this, who knows what vectors the thing will leave behind? Even with these new subjects, our work will be set back even longer!" She argued, trying to reach over and type her way into the system if she could keep the dart safely pinned.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

*Ka -chunk!*
*Ka -chunk!*
*Ka -chunk!*


Goddammit! Was this some kind of joke?! Now she was bolted in!? She supposed there might have been an automated system, perhaps if... it... detected Tentak presence loose in the lab? But more likely, bolting like this was relegated to manual control. So, in all likelihood, someone had purposefully trapped her in there...

...But... that meant the Fringe was deliberately trying to get her infected, didn't it? What... why...?

Judy shook her head. That didn't matter right now - she had to ensure her safety, and ensure her warning got out to her shipmates. She could deal with puzzling out the betrayal later.

Though... speaking of...

Judith wasn't sure how far Ausel's infection had progressed... but she knew as soon as it was complete, he would be dangerous. And since she was stuck in here, with the door locked behind her, she was going to be in danger soon, too, unless she stopped him from getting out...

Judy removed her multi-tool from the panel, not bothering to screw the panel back on, and made her way back to Ausel's door - gun drawn, multi-tool stuffed in her pocket. As soon as she got there, she would unscrew the panel, and then try to disable the door's ability to open. She thought she could do it quietly enough that he wouldn't notice...

If he was infected, she was endangered by leaving him free to come out and get her... she doubted she could hack quickly enough to escape through or close anything behind her once he was actually pursuing her, and she was just as dubious of her ability to outrun him or her capability to gun him down - both in regards to hitting him with her blaster, and in regards to actually being able to pull the trigger.

Afterwards, she could yell through the door and explain what she'd done...
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Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"It appears that the only way to avoid being a target is to play and win," Nicolas said, handing in two cards with a sigh. "I give myself very little chance, but we shall see. However, I think I shall be kind and add that the loser, if they are of the persuasion, should be able to kiss a woman. Let us say that quirky auburn haired scientist who was hanging around with Tai a while ago. She seemed to be as equally interested in socialization as our fearless commander. Should I or Ken lose, I suggest that we shall kiss her."

Ken grunted his approval at this suggestion. "Seems fair, but there's no way I'm gonna lose." He shoved away three cards, which earned a loud laugh from Tammie beside him.

"Oh yeah, you're really confident trashing three cards! What a blowhard!" She pushed away two cards.

"You're forgetting about Spartan luck," Ken assured her, glancing at his new cards and grinning.

Ami took three cards as well, looking at them forlornly.

The time came to reveal:

Odessa had only an ace high, but four clubs, meaning she had a busted flush.

Elise then turned over two pair, aces and deuces, which drew some oohs around the table. Poor Ami revealed a Queen high, to which Nicolas breathed a sigh of relief, for his King high was nothing spectacular either. Tammie had only a pair of fours to her name.

"Damn..." Ken said, staring at the captain's cards. "You didn't have that before the draw, did you?"

He revealed two pair as well, Kings and Nines. "Well... there goes my shot at the captain," he said, leaning back in his chair, defeated by the closest of margins.

"Well then, it appears the captain may do with any one member of her crew as she sees fit," Nicolas said, smiling devilishly.

"Aaaand Ami's gotta kiss Tai~" Tammie teased.

Eyes went to the two women who sat side by side, one the victor, the other a rapidly reddening loser who crossed her arms and harumphed, muttering something about stupid card games under her breath.

Nicolas' suggestion brought a brought a quick laugh from Elise. "You boys," she said, shaking her head while looking at the diplomat and the marine, "You like to talk a big game, but are so scared of facing the consequences of losing." She smirked, then added, "I wonder if you would have afforded the four us such a luxury if the bet was the other way around." Scooping up her cards, she gave a thoughtful hum before asking, "Maybe we should vote on it?" She let the question hang as she looked at the other women around the table before laughing it off and letting the matter slide.

As the cards were revealed, Elise's expression grew brighter and brighter until her win was finally decided. She clapped her hands then raised them to shrug at Ken's question, "Sorry, but that's classified information." She smirked, then added, "If you think a game of poker is your only shot with someone, then you never had one to begin with." She winked and leaned back as well, arms crossed as she looked smugly at the marine. Ami's sudden blush and sullen mood brought a consoling, "Awww," from the captain, who brought a hand to pat the chef on the back. "It's okay Ami, I'm sure Tai doesn't bite," she added. Of course, she wasn't entirely sure of that, but thought it best to say so anyway.

Despite her attempt to comfort Ami, Elise knew she was the that the spotlight was on her at the moment. Again. This time, though, she decided she'd have a little fun with it. She quickly brought her beer to her mouth for a drink, the smiled and rubbed her hands together. "Well, I guess everyone's eager for the show," she said, slowly standing up and looking around the table. "Some more than others," she added softly while looking at Ken. Bringing a hand up to her chin, she dramatically asked, "Now who should I pick?" Walking around the table behind Ami, she put a hand on the woman's shoulder, then paused a moment and shook her head. "Nah, I don't want to embarrass her any more than necessary," she said with a wink. Continuing around the table, she passed Nicolas and made a similar gesture and comment. Next was Tammie, who likewise was turned down. When she reached Kenneth, though, she stopped and put both of her hands on his shoulders. She leaned forward slightly, pressing her torso against the back of his head lightly, before quickly turning and announcing, "I pick Odessa."

Even if she was laying it on a little thick, Elise was sure her choice would surprise the others at the table. Well, except Odessa herself, perhaps. Still, even if it was a joke, there was no reason it couldn't be enjoyable. Stepping towards the empath, she held out a hand to help the woman out of her chair. With a grin, she whispered, "After watching you take that shot, I couldn't resist." Deliberately standing between the empath and the marine, Elise chuckled, knowing he would either need to childishly move to see the spectacle, or simply stare at Elise's back. Once Odessa was standing before her, Elise smiled warmly, then slowly brought her hand to the back of the empaths head, softly caressing the blonde's hair. "Let's make it good, okay?" she asked softly as she leaned in and lightly pressed her lips against the woman's. She would wait a moment, closing her eyes, before launching further into the kiss, using her hand on the back of Odessa's head and tilting her own to press their lips even tighter together as her tongue began to lightly flick in and out of the woman's mouth. At the same time, the captain's free hand lazily came up to lightly cup one of the empath's large breasts, giving it a few quick squeezes before slowly sliding down her side towards her hip. Once there, Elise's fingers wormed their way into the woman's pants, gently rubbing along her skin until they reached her butt. With the kiss in full swing, Elise's hand on Odessa's head drifted down to the woman's neck, then fell down to caress the other side of her chest, though she maintained the touches only lightly, teasingly. All the while, the captain's tongue was snaking around the empath's mouth, while she let out small eager moans.

Elise held the kiss as long as she could, but eventually had to pull away. She did so slowly, only backing away enough from Odessa to begin gasping for air. A small strand of saliva hung in the air between them, that she quickly broke with her tongue. Staring at the woman and smiling, Elise softly asked, "Was it good for you?" Despite the kiss being finished, Elise's hands remained where they were, one resting on Odessa's ample chest, the other gently clutching a handful of her rear. Until something was said or a move was made, the slightly alcohol laden captain was rather enjoying her position. Casting a quick glance at the chef, she offered, "If you're that disappointed with your hand, Ami, you could always take a shot."

Unless Odessa declines, at which point ignore all of that and the captain tells her to take a shot. ;)
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Odessa tossed her hand on the table with a shrug. "Aw, well... it was worth a shot," she admitted, only hinting a minimal amount of disappointment as she leaned back with her arms folded behind her head. A quick glance around at everyone else's hands, finally stopping when she reached Ami's, confirmed for her that she at least wasn't the worst loser of this particular outcome. "Oh, Ami... I do have to thank you for taking that for me. While he's not a bad looking guy, I don't imagine forcing a kiss on Tai to be very pleasant in the long term," said the empath somewhat cheerfully. "I owe you one for that save."

With that, she allowed her frame to relax, comforted by the fact that she wouldn't have to pay the loser's penalty. Seeing as Tai hadn't walked through that entryway just yet, only one thing of genuine interest remained for Odessa in the time being, and that was the captain's choice in who she would kiss. Would she go further with Nicolas, given the fairly impressive preview of his body that she was given? Alternatively, she could sample either of the other women in Ami and Tammie. Or... perhaps even grant Kenneth his wish? While a longshot, she couldn't say that it wouldn't be amusing in some way. Elise had even teased the possibility for a while, flirtatiously making her way around the table.

Odessa watched with a furrowed brow and a grin upon her face, the kind made by those about to burst into laughter. She knew that the captain was playing on the reactions of the crew present, but her confident smirk began to shift into a more surprised expression as she felt her commanding officer's thoughts center ever closer to focus on her. Her face would have given it away, had anyone been staring at her during Elise's little flourish, and by the time her name was called, she was already gawking. "C-Captain..." she replied, still too stunned in disbelief to move. Even if she could feel the sentiment coming, for at least a few seconds, it didn't take the edge off of the nervousness that built up. Before that, it wasn't something that she could honestly say she expected.

Still, the psion didn't feel that it was her place to protest when Elise offered her a hand up, and got up out of her seat without any immediate argument. After all, it was the Captain who won this round. Odessa could have folded given her starting hand, but she didn't. Normally, it wouldn't have been something for her to hesitate this much about... had the empath any prior experience with kissing another girl. For as big a talker as she was, this would be something new to her. But she was only halfway done deliberating when Elise gently pulled her in for the embrace, and before she knew it, Odessa's lips had already met those of her captain's; she had given away her first kiss with a member of the same sex. "Mmmph!"

While she didn't exactly have romantic feelings for the captain, her mouth was still very much an erogenous zone, as it was for many women, and she inadvertently released a barely audible moan, gasping when the other woman sought to deepen it. Her resistance eventually gave way soon enough, and she parted her lips just enough to allow Elise's tongue entry as a blush formed upon her cheeks. "Nnnn..." Realizing that others were watching, she certainly didn't want to illustrate herself as some sort of dead fish, and so she eventually let her instincts take over, letting her own lingual muscle mingle with that of her captain's, her hands finding Elise's back as she went on, heavy breaths through her nose growing audible to make for a most steamy moment.

That wasn't to be all, however, and the gentle squeeze of her well-endowed bosom caused Odessa to whimper a bit more loudly, letting everyone at the table and beyond know that she wasn't immune to the attempt at stimulation in the slightest. If that didn't tell the story, then her hardening nipples would, though only Elise would be able to feel them at that point. Her own hands clutched instinctively at the other girl's firm ass, as if to protest, whereas she simply needed to grab onto something to keep herself anchored down from the odd waves of pleasure that came over her. While the split came gradually enough, it was clearly too early for Odessa, who by the time Elise was finished, was left panting, with a deep blush across her cheeks and beads of sweat framing her face.

"Hahh... huhnn... okay, that was more of a show than I intended to give," remarked the empath, though she wasn't one to complain about it too much. Seconds later, she saw that her high beams were on--as her nips were visibly peaked even through the fabric of her uniform. Furthermore, she would also notice that the captain's hands remained as adventurous as ever, and looked up biting her lower lip. "Nnnff... Captain, with all due respect, I kindly ask that you move those away unless you intend to do something with them," said Odessa with a deep breath. "And as to whether I enjoyed it or not... I might be discrete about some things, but my body never lies when it comes to -that-, so... the answer is yes, of course it was good. But don't let it get to your head too much, otherwise I'll just say that you only got me halfway there."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

(In Bernard's office)

Daringly, Caitlin reached up and grasped the end of the seeker dart, struggling with its retrojets to try and keep it buried in the chair. The thing refused to stay still and fighting the mechanized weapon was difficult while also typing into the console. She felt the thing jarring loose by the time she finished logging into the terminal. A display screen showed up, a list of directories. All of them displayed restricted access in bold red letters. It was apparent Bernard had fully shut her out before bringing her into his office for their chat.

Jane's voice tut-tutted over the intercom.

"You're not getting it yet, Caitlin. I don't intend to be on this station when Bernard runs his little experiments. That delivery ship is already being secured as we speak. I've got my claws quite deep into Sparky. Silly boy will do anything for a little attention, but he knows his ship systems. Once he's fully hacked into the Urania, I'll have my escape route. Then I simply set a course for Empire space, where there are Xaloxian Houses prepared to pay a nice little sum for this research data."

(Near the airlock)

Rachel ran to the Urania's door lock, tried the handle, and found that it wouldn't budge.

"It's locked from the ship's side! I can't open it!"

Sonya grimaced.

"There's nothing we can do without a welding tool. Whoever's on our ship either knows our codes or knows how to override them." She drew her side arm. "Let's see what all that noise is about."

By the time the trio had ascended to the next level, the sounds had stopped. The hallway was silent. One by one, Sonya and Athryn checked the doors, with Rachel holding her stun pistol out in a shaky hand, looking on from a safe distance back. Most doors opened easily. Some were supply closets. Some were study spaces. Others were bedrooms. This seemed to be the living quarters for the scientists of Fringe 1. They reached a door that was locked. Sonya knocked on it.

"Hello? Anyone in there?"

No response, but Athryn could have sworn she heard some movement beyond the door. Some sort of shifting going on, then a tapping on metal.

(In the inner research area)

Unfortunately for Judith, as she unscrewed the panel, the metal creaked louder than she would have liked. This brought Ausel to the door.

"Hey, what's going on? Why haven't you gone to the captain yet?" He looked down at the control panel. "Uh... what exactly do you think you're..."

He paused. "Oh. Oh... I see. Um... look, Judith. If it comes to it. I'll understand if you shoot me. But, right now, I don't know necessarily that that's what happened. I have to run a test. If I can get to the central lab where they have the tools, I can do a quick DNA withdrawal and examine it with my wrist scanner. If I'm infected... I'll let you lock me up. But... maybe not until then okay. If I start to feel different I'll let you know, okay?"

(In the Rec Room)

Ami muttered under her breath and shot foul glances at Elise and Odessa and anyone else who taunted her about the loss. Evidently she was not looking forward to it.

The whole room quickly stopped their teasing however as they leaned in to figure out just who the captain would pick as their kissing partner. The tension was thick. A commanding officer fraternizing with the crew? Choosing to single one out and kiss them? It was tantalizingly scandalous. Ken wore a big smirk on his face as his eyes followed Elise around the table. They were practically twinkling as she got closer and passed by Nicolas, the only perceived competition at the table. He glanced at the others as she stood behind him and paused, leaning her torso in against the back of his head. He was raising his eyebrows confidently.

Then the captain chose Odessa, and the table erupted in laughter. Mostly at Ken's expense, but a little at Odessa's too as she betrayed her own surprise.

The laughter turned to "Ooohs" as the kiss started, then deepened, and then the sounds gave way to silence as they simply stared and admired the sight of the two gorgeous women sharing an intense kiss.

When asked if she'd like to take the captain's place at the end, Ami shook her head.

"No, captain. I doubt I could follow that act."

"I think we all won that round," Ken said. "I love this game. We should do this every night."

"Careful Ken," Nicolas said, "Next time they'll expect you and I to kiss like that."

"You fishing for something lover boy?" Tammie inquired with a grin, but before the conversation could go any further, there was a knock at the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is almost ready," said the Fringe station director. "Please do come to the dining room."

He glanced around, and said with a frown, "There are some of your crew missing?"
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Judith bit her lip.

"Alright. I'm going to guess the central lab would be at the other end of the hall, right? Let's check there. ...And, I'm sorry, Aus. I wouldn't have done it otherwise, but the main door bolted on me - someone's trapped us in here, and if... well, if something happened, I don't know if I wouldn't have been able to work it open and warn the others..."
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

(Do we have communicators of some kind? Athryn came over with pretty much all of her usual gear on, and it seems like the sort of thing they'd have in the future. Also, what's the door made of?)

The news that it was fully locked brought a scowl to Athryn's face, and her hand slowly drifted towards her own sidearm. "This is a very special kind of unsettling... Lets go check that out and then get back to the others. The captain needs to know about this." With that they would go up to the next level and begin searching the rooms, until finally they found a locked one with soft noise coming from behind it. "Can either of you open this?" the marine asked calmly, though she suspected that the answer from both pilot and medic would be "no." If it was, she'd draw her sidearm, most definitely not a stun pistol, and quietly say; "This is far too weird for my tastes. If we walk in on couples time, we can apologize after the fact, but if there's someone behind this door they can tell us what in the hell is going on with our ship." After that, Athryn would look for a way to force the door, and given that they were on a space station and she didn't have the benefit of power armor or a welder, that most likely meant that she'd have to risk blasting the lock.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Ami muttered under her breath and shot foul glances at Elise and Odessa and anyone else who taunted her about the loss. Evidently she was not looking forward to it.

The whole room quickly stopped their teasing however as they leaned in to figure out just who the captain would pick as their kissing partner. The tension was thick. A commanding officer fraternizing with the crew? Choosing to single one out and kiss them? It was tantalizingly scandalous. Ken wore a big smirk on his face as his eyes followed Elise around the table. They were practically twinkling as she got closer and passed by Nicolas, the only perceived competition at the table. He glanced at the others as she stood behind him and paused, leaning her torso in against the back of his head. He was raising his eyebrows confidently.

Then the captain chose Odessa, and the table erupted in laughter. Mostly at Ken's expense, but a little at Odessa's too as she betrayed her own surprise.

The laughter turned to "Ooohs" as the kiss started, then deepened, and then the sounds gave way to silence as they simply stared and admired the sight of the two gorgeous women sharing an intense kiss.

When asked if she'd like to take the captain's place at the end, Ami shook her head.

"No, captain. I doubt I could follow that act."

"I think we all won that round," Ken said. "I love this game. We should do this every night."

"Careful Ken," Nicolas said, "Next time they'll expect you and I to kiss like that."

"You fishing for something lover boy?" Tammie inquired with a grin, but before the conversation could go any further, there was a knock at the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is almost ready," said the Fringe station director. "Please do come to the dining room."

He glanced around, and said with a frown, "There are some of your crew missing?"
(Actually, Elise was going to let Ami just take a shot of liquor if she didn't want to kiss Tai...)

As soon as the empath drew attention to her hands, Elise jumped, a slightly embarrassed look on her face. It only lasted a second though, before she smirked and slowly drew her hands back out of Odessa's garments. "Halfway, huh?" she asked, eying the psion slyly, "Kind of makes me wonder what your like at the other half." The captain didn't wait for Odessa's response though, only giving her a wink before moving back to her place at the table to take one more drink from her beer, before placing the empty bottle on the table with a clink.

As the other players had their teasing conversation, Elise listened with a smile. "I think we have our next bet!" she said, looking at Ken and Nicolas mischievously. Just as she was about to announce her idea, though, Fringe's director entered the room, inviting them to eat.

"Ah, Dr. Tully," Elise said, raising a hand to greet the man, her earlier politeness replaced with alcohol induced friendliness. She took a few steps towards him, then responded to his question with an apologetic shrug. "We were actually wondering where the Fringe crew were hiding. Some of my people hadn't shown up yet either, so I sent out a recon team to track them down." She gave one soft laugh at her own joke, then continued, "I take it you haven't run across them. If you can point me to a comm terminal, I'll see about recalling everyone." She strode casually over to Dr. Tully, while motioning the rest of the poker players to start making their way to the dining room. Ami seemed to be getting a reprieve from the task she seemed so put off by.
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Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

After she regained her faculties from the haze brought about by the steamy embrace, Odessa pinched the front of her uniform, airing it out to cool herself down--and perhaps to calm herself as well. Her gaze lingered upon Elise's hands for just a moment as they slipped out from underneath her outfit, granting her just a bit of relief, then a tinge of frustration. Seeing that everyone's eyes were literally on them, she turned her head to the side, showing a somewhat embarrassed look, understandably so. For having talked such a big game, she hadn't expected things to go quite this far--not in public, at least.

"Unfortunately for you, Captain, it isn't something you'll easily find out at a poker table," replied the buxom blonde with a short huff afterwards. "Though you could always break Federation protocol later on, if you're really that curious," she added in a half-serious tone. Whether or not that particular statement was all 'talk', however, was not something Odessa seemed interested in clarifying at the time. She did give a knowing grin to the boys, though her features returned to a slightly more business-like state when the station director pointed out that some of them were indeed missing.

"While Ausel was a surprise, I can't imagine everyone getting that lucky from just one meet..." quipped the empath. A shame, she thought, that she couldn't attempt to communicate with at least one of the missing crew members. Some empaths trained by the Federation could actually read others without necessarily requiring them to be in plain view, an ability that simply didn't come to Odessa quite as easily. However, what she lacked in that particular aspect, she did make up for with the ability to use several of her powers in quick succession.

Still, it wasn't anything that a simple comm announcement couldn't fix, and while a few lovebirds might have their sessions interrupted in the process, orders were just that--orders. While not known to be a hard-ass like most Marines, even Odessa was keen to respect the system. Stretching out for just a moment, she then moved to follow the others.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

"So this was all a convenient excuse, then?" Caitlin responded, struggling with the dart. Her typing paused a moment as she managed to log, seeing the second wall of restricted access on the screen in front of her. "You were just waiting to get out of here. Do you think they will want half-finished research?" She asked, jumping away from the console as the dart worked free of her, stopping her attempts for the time being.

"You're going to show up with a pretty much unmanned ship, a databank full of unfinished research, and maybe Sparky there to help, if you haven't ditched him along the way. Then what, demand they pay you? What will stop them from just taking it, or simply blasting you. See reason Jane, stop this!" She called out, keeping her eyes focused on the dart. The thing was fast and accurate, but it's programming was simple enough. If she could dodge it, she could work her way around to the chair again, then try to trap it when it went after her again. Not the best option, but the only one she saw at the moment.

Assuming she could get to they keyboard again, she'd waste no time. breaking into individual systems would go fastest, and much as she wanted to open up the comms first, she needed to disable security for the room first, make sure she could get out and most importantly, deactivate that dart so she could work unimpeded.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

(In Bernard's Office)

Jane's taunting tone died down over the private audio channel. Perhaps she had nothing more to say to Caitlin, or something else was diverting her attention. It didn't matter to the trapped scientist, as she still had a seeker dart to worry about. Putting her plan into motion, Caitlin opted to let the weapon have one more shot at her, her intent being to act like an old Earth matador sidestepping a charging bull.

The gyros whirred and eventually the specialized weapon worked itself free, buzzing malevolently as its grav field disruptors kept it zinging through the air, looking to strike. Once it had her in its sights again, it would accelerate at incredible speed, seeking her body. Whatever neurotoxin the seeker had hidden would do its nasty work on her.

Caitlin had no intention of letting that happen. She kept her body close to the chair, her heart beating a mile a minute. When she saw the dart head turn towards her, she knew she would have to time her movement perfectly. If she waited until the laser sight on the weapon registered that it was locked on to her, even an olympian athlete would have difficulty getting out of the way, much less her. If she moved too soon, the dart would realign itself and lock on while she was in mid motion, trapping the science officer with her own inertia. Only if Caitlin guessed correctly, from the split second when the machine aligned but before it accelerated, could she make good on her risky plan.

The moment came, and she let her shoulders slump and drop to the side, her neck following suit, her knees folding in on themselves. The dart screamed through the air, having aimed for her heart.

There was a loud *ke-Chunk!* sound, and Caitlin raised her eyes to see the needle stuck in the chair again, having neatly pierced the lapel of her lab coat. With a surge born of adrenaline, Caitlin grabbed onto the seeker and drove it further into the chair. Then, once it was wedged in deep enough, she broke off a panel on the side of it and with surgical precision born of endless hours of using micro tweezers in lab experiments, she detached the inner wires, shutting the weapon down.

Caitlin tore her jacket free and then moved to the monitor, hacking the comm system as swiftly as possible. Bernard had the system pretty tightly covered however. She *could* do it, she reckoned, but not in a timely fashion - at least not in time to save the crew from whatever it was Bernard was going to feed them. She needed to escape this room first.

She continued to tack away at the keyboard, running into wall after wall of security, but her capable mind was processing multiple possibilities all at once. She could continue to work away at getting into the comm system. If she were lucky and worked diligently, she could perhaps get a message out in about fifteen to twenty minutes. Another thought presented itself to her. If she could reprogram the seeker dart, she might be able to control it from this station, and use it to alert others on the station to the danger.


(In the upper level, outside the bedroom)

Without a response, but clear sounds of motion from the other side of the door, and their suspicions raised, Athryn was ready to start blasting. Federation marines were men and women of action after all. Athryn had a communicator on her wrist computer that synced in with the Urania's communications system, but it hadn't been programmed to work with the Fringe 1's announcement system. She could try beaming her message to the Urania, which would then beam the message to Fringe 1's announcement systems, assuming that they were turned on and receptive.

(If Athryn tries this however, she will find that there is no response, because Fringe 1 has mysteriously been set to block incoming transmissions. Hmmmmm.....)

With nothing else to go on and Rachel and Sonya both not knowing how to breach a door. Athryn pulled out her blast rifle and used the direct approach.


The door handle superheated and then melted away, leaving only blackened score marks on a now broken door. Kicking it in with a well placed boot, the marine entered the darkened room, gun barrel up. Sonya was behind her with a blast pistol, covering her. Even the doctor had her stun gun up, looking warily over the shoulders of her companions.

Athryn was greeted with an odd, yet slightly disturbing sight. There was a man, naked, tied to the bed with what appeared to be black undergarments wrapped around his wrists. His ankles however seemed to have been adhered to the bottom of the bed by some sort of glue - gobs of it in fact. This same opaque, viscous adherent seemed to be spread over most of the man's legs and parts of his groin and chest. His sexual organ was fully erect, maybe even held in place by the mysterious goo. His eyes were closed tightly and he had a slightly pained expression on his face as his head shifted from side to side. He was making soft, moaning noises, like someone caught in a bad dream.

Aside from him, the room appeared empty, though it seemed that there was an open ventilation grate near the bottom of the bed.

"Yeah, that definitely classifies in the weird category," Sonya said.

Something dripping from the ceiling fell on Rachel's shoulder, and when she brushed it off and looked up, she screamed.

There, clinging to the ceiling, was the scientist, Maria. She was naked like the man on the bed, but extending from either side of her rib cage were four tentacles with flared tips, secreting what looked to be the same liquid that was binding the man to the bed. Disturbingly, she seemed to be secreting it from between her legs as well. She hissed like a cornered animal and dropped down among the three of them...


(In the inner research area, central lab)

"Don't worry about it, Judith. I hardly blame you for being scared," Ausel said. "Let's go."

Judith's intuitions about the central lab's location were correct. And though that door was locked as well, it didn't seem to be as high security as the one that had bolted shut on her, trapping her in this area with the science officer.

She was about to start work on bypassing the lock, but Ausel politely asked her to step to one side, before smashing through the glass panel with his elbow and reaching inside to unlock it from within. He cut himself in the process, drawing a dark purple rivulet of blood.

"If what we fear happened to me is true, it's best not to waste time. Otherwise, Rachel will stitch me up when we get back to the Urania," Ausel explained.

Inside the central lab, Ausel switched on a monitor and began to breach the system. He quickly found whatever funky science test protocol he was looking for, and used a swab to take some of the freely flowing blood from his elbow.

"All right, I've downloaded the test protocol. Fortunately, a lab as specialized as this was bound to have it on their databanks. I'm going to scan my blood sample now."

The science officer took a reading, frowning deeply. When he was done reading it, he looked around the central lab, looking urgently for something, at first ignoring Judith's inquiries that were bound to follow. Eventually, he turned to her, looking as serious as she'd ever seen the rather aloof scientist.

"I am infected, and what's worse, I'm progressing beyond the initial stages. I need to be put in cryosleep immediately. If that doesn't work..." he looked at Judith with fear in his eyes. "You'll need to kill me."

Turning away from her he moved to the far end of the lab. "They seem to have some cryostasis units in here, but they're not designed for humanoids my size. It may be a tight fit, but I've got no other choice. If you freeze me, maybe there's a chance you can wake me up when there's something to stop the neurospore's infection."


(In the dining hall)

"Ah hah, is that so?" Dr. Tully said, keeping up a polite appearance, despite a certain strain in his voice. "Ahh, unfortunately something odd has been going on with our comm systems. Sparky tells me that it's a side effect of rebooting the reactor system, and that as it is one of the superfluous systems, not required for life support nor for the safety of crew and experiments, it can stay offline for the short duration of your stay. Ahem, hem. This way, please."

As the present crew shuffle into the dining space, they would find place settings, utensils, drinks of water and wine, and two large trays of what appeared to be a pasta bake, bubbling with ooey-gooey cheese, as well as a large bowl of salad.

"Uuuunfortunately, due to something running 'a fowl' with the poultry, we've had to use our back up meal plan. As Federation scientists, we are always prepared, of course. Hem, hem. Do dig in, I'm sure that the rest of your crew won't mind the informality and --"

Interrupting Dr. Tully's speech was the distinct sound of a discharging blast rifle, somewhere on the deck above them. Everyone paused, for a second they all looked at each other, the significance of what they just heard registering quickly. As one, everyone stood up.

"Ah heh, I'm not quite sure what that was... perhaps I should just take a look at it?" Dr. Tully looked quite annoyed, yet at the same time was trying to keep an appeasing smile on his face.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Odessa allowed a brow to raise just slightly upon witnessing the interaction between the captain and the station director, noticing the latter's somewhat off behavior. It didn't take a mind reader like herself to catch all the visible signs of uneasiness in the man, and the content of his replies helped to maintain a healthy degree of curiosity as to his sentiments. Of all the things to malfunction as a 'superfluous' feature, a comm system? Along with surveillance, it was typically one of the first lines to ensure safety on many stations, at least from what she could remember. While the empath could understand as much about any restrictions regarding the cameras, given the secretive nature of the experiments run on board, the lack of communications still struck her as odd. But other than the minute shifts in her expression, she would refrain from addressing her concern out in the open for the time being.

The food, despite having been a 'backup plan' of sorts according to their host, was still enough to remind Odessa of the hunger she had built up over the past few hours, especially since she opted not to go too heavy on breakfast earlier that morning. She allowed herself to relax a bit more for the time being, figuring that any concerns regarding the situation on board could always wait until after the meal.

As if to spite her, the noise of a shot being fired above the crew caught Odessa's attention, and she stood up in time with the rest, with a look of concern that was decidedly less hidden. "Unless your crew has ADs very often, it sounds like a problem," commented the psion with a slight turn of her head towards Dr. Tully. Given the sensitive data involved in the ship, an accidental discharge couldn't be that likely. She turned her glance towards the captain for answers, or rather, to await any covert commands, opening a psychic channel should Elise choose to send a thought her way.
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

Blinking in surprise at Dr. Tully's somewhat rambling response to her request for a comm terminal, Elise was temporarily at a loss for words. The communication system was superfluous and malfunctioning, and would be allowed to stay offline for their stay? This was a foreign concept among the Federation military, and to Elise as well, who knew first hand the importance of swift communication in battle. Of course, Fringe was a science station, manned entirely by science personnel, so some lack of military protocol was to be expected. Still odd, though. Dr. Tully didn't give them much time to think on it, however, and insisted they proceed to the dining room. "Uh, right," Elise said, falling in behind the station director after a momentary stumble. "I'm sure they'll be along shortly," she added.

As the group entered the dining room, Elise breathed in deeply of the rather delicious smelling pasta, sighing in anticipation. Approaching the table as Dr. Tully apologized, Elise appreciatively nodded at the prepared 'backup plan.' "It looks great, Dr. Tully, thank you," she said, hoping to allay his concerns. As she did she reached out a finger towards a stray strand of cheese that hung over the edge of the tray. Eager to taste the ooey-gooey goodness, she didn't give a thought to formality. She did, however, give pause at the sudden sound of weapon fire above them, her finger hanging just an inch away from the tantalizing string of cheese.

Dr. Tully's earlier oddities could be explained away as simple social awkwardness, but his attempts to downplay potential weapons fire could not. "I'm sorry Doctor, but Odessa is right," she said, nodding to the empath before standing tall and looking seriously at the station director, "This might be something my crew should look into." She used the word 'might', but the tone in her voice made it obvious the decision had already been made. "Weiss, Skoveld, with me," she said turning to nod to the marine and engineer in turn. If there was trouble, Ken's combat training would be necessary, and if anything was damaged, Tammie would be able to make sure the station was safe. Turning back to the others, she said, "The rest of you stay here in case anyone comes back. If you have some other means of intra-system communication, Doctor, I'd advise you get on it." Elise trusted Nicolas to keep Dr. Tully and anyone else who wandered in calm, while Ami and Odessa would be available in case he needed a hand with anything. She was unused to working with an empath, but she had been briefed on Odessa's abilities. As such, she tried to offer up a simple message to the psychic: Watch him. Keep him here.

With her orders made, Elise turned to leave the dining room, her hand straying down to her hip to make sure her blast pistol was there and ready. Her mind, shocked sober by the weapons fire, began to run through a list of possibilities of what might be happening as she heads for a way to check out the sudden sound. Maybe it was an accidental discharge, like Odessa suggested, and they could get back on with the party. If it wasn't though, there were any number of situations they might be in. Xaloxians spies might have located Fringe and infiltrated it, seeking to sabotage the Federation's research. The Zardek might have made a lucky strike into Federation territory and stumbled on the station. Disgruntled members of the Fringe crew may be in the middle of a mutiny. Hell, one of her own crew might even be drunk and going on a rampage. Despite her mind continuing to come up with potential crises, Elise never considered the possibility of a Tentak infestation...
Re: Dark Frontier (Game Thread)

'The fuck!?' Athryn thought to herself as the door opened, the lock having given after one shot. She'd entered the room with her pistol high, and that hadn't changed as she stared at the slime-covered naked man lying on the bed. She'd never seen one in person, but the marine had seen vids of the effects that Tentaks had on their victims during training, and this lined up perfectly with what she'd seen. She didn't recognize whoever this was, but they were obviously infected, and following Sonya's exclamation she quickly said; "Get out. Now." There was no room for argument in the marine's voice, but unfortunately for them, they didn't get the chance to follow her orders.

Something fell onto Rachel's shoulder, and the medic's scream as she looked up caused Athryn to follow her gaze at the thing hanging over them on the ceiling. For a single stunned second, the marine could do nothing but stand and stare up at the thing. It was... Disgusting, and that it had once been a human being only made the foulness of it all the more intense. The moment she gave it to react proved to be a mistake, however, as thing shrieked at them and dropped into their midst.

"Shit! Stay away from it! Don't get that slime on your skin!" she shouted as she began to move, both putting some more distance between her and it and making sure that she wouldn't get the two women with her in her line of fire. She'd been trained to deal with Tentaks, but this close-in stuff was most definitely not her forte, and she had no practical experience in dealing with the aliens to work with. That combined with her sub-par armament and lack of armor or even clothing that would keep the mutant's slime from getting on her skin put her at a major disadvantage, and Athryn cursed herself inwardly for leaving her jacket behind.

Raising her pistol as soon as she had a clear shot, Athryn took as good a shot as she could and fired, aiming for the naked mutant's torso. This, too, was to her disadvantage, as she was more of a sharpshooter than a snap-shot, but her training had required her to be at least passable at encounters like this, and hopefully it would pay off now.

Athryn has a pistol, not a rifle. She's also going to use it on said tentacle-mutant on the ceiling. Vigorously. I haven't the slightest idea as to how the mechanics work for this game, so that's pretty much it for this spoiler I guess!