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Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Winter sat back in her seat, watching Ali curiously. There was a blonde woman (link) pressed up against Winter's side, gazing up at her with an adoring look on her face as Winter slowly stroked the woman's hair. It seemed to Ali almost as if the woman was entranced by Winter, more than just simple attraction definitely. Understandable considering how beautiful she was... and then there was that feeling that kept tugging in the back of Ali's mind, making her want to get closer.

"Mmmm... is that right? You sound like my kinda girl Ali. Getting the blood rushing makes me feel so alive." Winter drew her finger up the blonde girl's throat, all the way to her lips where she pressed the tip softly, drawing a soft groan with her touch. Winter smirked at Ali as she lightly teased the girl that seemed to love everything about her.

"I can see by the look in your eyes that you know what I mean. Remina is powerful, but she'll never understand that part about us. If you find that she isn't quite... getting your blood pumping as much as you like, drop me a line." Winter smiled as she handed Ali her card. "I've always got a few things going on that'll get your heart racing if you're interested. Too many curious ears around to talk about it here though."

"Hello Ali," came smooth, sultry voice from behind her. "Sadie said I might find you here." Turning about, Ali found a beautiful woman with smooth, pale skin, raven black hair, tied back with two black roses and hanging over her shoulder. Small studs tastefully decorated her face and a crystal necklace hung around her neck over a black dress. Remina had an aura about her that oozed power and influence. She gave a curt nod to Winter but focused her gray eyed gaze mostly on Ali to whom she gave a welcoming smile. "Looks like your already fitting right in. I do hope you're enjoying my club dear."

"That was timely Remina," Winter replied with a forced smile. "I was just welcoming our pretty new friend and offering some friendly advice."

"And I'm sure it was fascinating," Remina replied smoothly with a smile then turned to Ali. "Would you care to join me for a proper tour of the club? As lovely as Winter's company is of course."

Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Glancing down at the card, Ali smiled softly to herself before slipping the paper away for another day. She wasn't entirely sure what Winter meant by those words, but she was sure she would find out.

"Thank you," she said, with a coy tilt of her lips, before she heard the voice behind her.

Turning, she felt her heart flutter, and she bit her lip as she looked upon the striking beauty of Remina. She hardly heard the tenseness between the other two women, but she found herself nodding as she was offered a proper tour. Heat burned in her loins, and her heart pounded in her breast.

"I would love to. I'm sure I'll see you around Winter," Ali said to the blonde, before stepping closer to Remina.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Just as the words escaped Ali's lips, she felt Remina's fingers lace within her own, guiding Ali in the opposite direction. Remina's gait was sultry yet elegant, black heels clopping on the ground as she led Ali along the corridor of the upper floor. Ruffles trimmed the hem of her form fitting skirt down to just above her knees, hips swaying side to side. When the dark queen of the Onyx Oasis looked back to Ali with her grand smile, it made Ali's heart flutter even further, Remina's grey eyes twinkling hungrily.

"I can just feel your excitement Ali. It's a wonderful feeling isn't it, exploring something new? Spring in your step, shivers down the spin, your heart skips a beat, wondering what will happen next. Will it be soft and silky?" Remina asked, brushing her thumb lightly against Ali's palm before suddenly pinching. "Or will it hurt? Soft and sensuous or dark and sexy? Perhaps even a bit dangerous? Too dark to be reality? That's the kind of wonder, the kind of excitement for the unknown that we try to create every night in the Onyx Oasis. Excitement is our ecstasy here. Addicting isn't it?"

Remina smiled, squeezing Ali's hand tighter as if aware that every single eye on the upper floor was trained on them. Men and women alike watched them, eyes curious, tongues slithering across lips, teeth biting down on lower lips, dripping with desire, no doubt still watching long after they walked past. Remina just grew ever more confident with the attention, a smirk curling on her lips as they approached a gleaming steel double door elevator, guarded on either side by a man and a woman decked out in glassy, form-fitting leather. The raven haired beauty guided Ali into the elevator, turning to face the clubbers on the outside. Sadie was outside, waving from across the hall, her fingers wiggling playfully just as the double doors closed with a clink.

Steel capsule plummeting into the depths below, Remina smiled, fingers reassuringly stroking Ali's hand. The dark woman slid behind Ali, pressing against her form. Her arms wrapped about Ali's waist, holding her securely, stroking Ali's hips with her fingers. Her black painted lips were just centimeters from Ali's ear, brushing against her hair.

"I hope you don't mind dear, but the tour is going to have to wait. You see Ali, the thing is I want you to be mine. I knew it as soon as I saw you. The desire is brimming within me, threatening to explode. I don't like to share... not one little bit. I want you all to myself, and I want you now."

Remina's lips brushed against Ali's ear teasingly, and in the instant before the double doors opened to Remina's lair, Ali saw the dark beauty's lips part, baring shining white fangs close to Ali's neck.

"I can give you everything you need..."

o.o I had to stop to play with myself. Also, check out my most recent post in the music thread!
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Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Every sight, sensation, sound, and word from Remina during their walk through the crowd only sent throbbing stabs of need through Ali's flesh. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she found her fingers playing gently with the Raven beauty's. When she stroked her palm the girl let out a small gasp of pleasure, than turned to a moan when the pinch followed.

She felt her hips starting to sway, the lust and sex filling the club seeping in through her pours and causing her loins to grow hotter with each step. The eyes crawling over her and the beauty guiding her didn't bother her like it normally would. Ali felt her own tongue slipping out into the air, thick with desire from so many people, and slid over her soft lips.

In the elevator, rather than being disappointed with the stop of the tour, she felt her anticipation spiking to almost impossible levels. She leaned back against Remina, feeling the woman's concealed breasts pressing into her back, her breath coming in short bursts that made it hard to speak as the woman's words spilled into her ear like satin honey. Her hands reached back as the black queen grasped her hips, clinging to her ass, fingers curling tightly to feel the flesh beneath her skirt as shivers crawled up her spine.

Then she saw the fangs. White and pure, and Ali let out a long sigh that reeked of lust with no hint of fear. The danger and sensuality that Remina had been speaking about only seemed to be cemented by the appearance of the long, deliciously sharp canines, and it only made her more hungry.

"Everything...," Ali whispered, everything forgotten except this moment, her fingers digging deeper into Remina's skin, pulling herself tighter against the black queen, awaiting to be claimed by the ravenous woman.

Well. That was some delicious offerings my dear.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

As Ali sank back against the black queen, the soft flesh of her neck brushed right against the tips of Remina's fangs. The dark beauty held her canines there for a moment, securing Ali in her arms then drawing soft lines in her flesh with her teeth. Just the simple touch of those predatory daggers to her skin sent waves of pleasure rushing through Ali's form. The pressure built anticipation, teasing her as she teetered on the edge of a dark and lusty precipice.

All it took was the slightest nip to send Ali spiraling over the edge. It hurt at first, but Remina pressed her lips to the wound, literally kissing it better. Her black lips kneaded Ali's skin, licked it, sucked it, savored it. The dark beauty drank Ali's blood sweetly and delicately, like a rare vintage from the most perfect vineyard. The sensation sent sparks of lust crackling through Ali's veins. Her very own body reveled in the pleasure, sending her blood rushing to Remina's lips. This was only a taste of what was to come, however, as Remina licked the wound closed and slapped Ali on the behind.

"Come with me into my office Ali. The time for your appointment has come. We wouldn't want you to be late would we?" Remina's voice dripped teasingly into Ali's ear like wild honey. One hand pressed up against Ali's behind, the other at her shoulder, Remina guided her prey within her lair.

The walls were glimmering black crystals, just like the upper floors of the Oasis. The middle of the room was dominated by a circular couch of violet crushed velvet with an ebony table in the middle. It was a place that could double as the setting for a party, and orgy, or a council meeting - and it probably did for all three. Each entrance to a new room had an elegantly carved ebony table with a vase of black roses atop it. It was to one of these entrances that Remina led Ali, picking one of the black roses from a vase as she guided Ali into the bedroom.

Remina walked Ali right up to a large mirror next to the huge black, heart shaped bed. With the dark beauty's body pressed right up behind her, Ali saw the scene playing out for her in the mirror. Remina's gray eyes stared back at her through the mirror while she planted soft kisses all over Ali's neck and shoulder, stoking the burning pleasure within her. The vampire's hands slid over the front of Ali's body. She rubbed Ali's torso in circles, squeezing and caressing through the leathery fabric of her skirt. A fang slid beneath the strap of Ali's dress, pulling it up and over Ali's shoulder, then the same for the other shoulder.

Fangs grazed across Ali's bare shoulder, all the way to her neck just as her skirt fell to the floor. Remina's ravished Ali's body with her eyes through the mirror, each hand moving to grasp a breast, kneading and stroking with black fingernails. Remina's own breasts pressed into Ali's back, hips thrusting against Ali's exquisitely firm rear as fangs sank into her neck.

This time, the pleasure was nearly overwhelming, blood rushing through Ali's veins like wildfire. Her knees quivered, body sinking back against Remina, only able to stay on her feet with the help of the black queen's strong arms. Remina groaned, gray eyes rolling back in ecstasy with Ali's carmine nectar streaming into her black painted lips. The blood rushed so fast that it overflowed at the corners of the dark beauty's lips. Remina staggered a few steps backward to sit at the edge of the bed, pulling Ali down with her to sit on her lap even as she continued to suck the life from Ali's body. Now that her hands were free of the burden of holding Ali up, they explored all over the girl's sexy curves, caressing and kneading each inch of skin that she could find. Ali's body was like a rushing river of ecstasy, Remina masterfully guiding her through the treacherous ravine with deep strokes, sharp nips and pricks, and gentle sucking.

After what felt like hours but was actually just a few tantalizingly short minutes of spiraling into the chasm of lust, Ali felt herself falling back onto the soft bed. She sank gently into the softness of the blanket, hair pooled around her head, body wracked and ravished with pleasure. Ali could hardly move, her heart barely clinging to her last threads of mortal life. Remina had coated Ali's body under a layer of black rose petals, and she held another rose in her hand, deep crimson blood dripping from her wrist into the petals of the flower.

Remina crawled over Ali, extending the bloody rose to hover mere centimeters above Ali's lips. "Listen closely Alexandra. You must stay awake for just a little while longer. This flower is your chalice. Within is your elixir. It will heal you, nourish you, and rock you with euphoria. It will provide you immortality and power beyond your wildest dreams. However, there is a price." The black queen's voice was hypnotic, like a dream where nothing existed but Remina and the black rose. "Before you drink, you must swear to serve me steadfastly and faithfully for as long as I live. Can you do that Alexandra Brook?" Remina asked. With an affirmative, Remina would press the soft petals of the bloody rose to Ali's lips, providing her the elixir of her unlife as she lay under her blanket of rose petals.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Ali walked along as if a trance, guided by wonder, and by the growing heat of lust and desire swirling beneath her skin and through her veins. The first nip had ensnared her in a new world of dark sensuality, and with a pounding heart Ali willingly stepped deeper into it, leaving what she knew behind.

Entering the office, guiding by the beautiful Remina's hands upon places she'd wish the woman would explore further, Ali felt her breath taken further away. Snatch by the darkness and only slowly given back as she looked dumbly about the office, all while heat flowed upwards from her loins. Each moment not with hands running over the dark queen behind her, was a moment of agonizing teasing. She did manage to notice Remina grasping the black roses with a hint of curiosity.

Then she slipped into the bedroom, and curiosity was replaced with another surge of lust. She almost lost the last tiny amounts of control and lunged at Remina, to tear off her clothes and slide her tongue over every curve of that woman's body, but her body almost instinctively did what the woman wanted her to.

So, she stood before the mirror, eyes smouldering as they met Remina's. Ali licked her lips, watching as those fangs appeared from behind black lips, and slipped the straps of her dress from her shoulders, sliding down her arms and finally descending to the floor, leaving her stark naked. Remina's hands drew hungry groans from Ali's lips, and she reached back to caress the siren's hips and thighs all while she felt herself brought to the very brink of orgasm from the teasing alone.

Then the fangs sank in, and pure ecstasy flowed through Ali's veins, into her brain, and she moaned. The smallest trickle of crimson slid downwards from her neck, trailing towards her breast, while Remina feasted. She felt her legs starting to give out, a long quiet moan slipping from her own lips as she was pulled back to sit in the lap of the vampire.

Losing control of her limbs, unable to reach back and caress, and touch, as Remina did to her, Ali simply went nearly entirely slack in the woman's arm, savouring each touch along her curves. Each moment of ecstatic pleasure given to her from the unnaturally beautiful bite. A journey of the greatest desires and pleasures Ali had ever felt, and for a split moment before another orgasm rolled through her, she feared that there would never be anything like this again.

Finally, Remina was mostly done, and Ali fell back onto the bed, staring upwards at the beautiful seductress, and tried to smile, but with so little energy only the very corners of her mouth turned upwards. She was dying, she knew it, but was not afraid. She watched as black rose petals descended, covering her nudity like art, only glimmers of skin visible through the blanket; the side curve of a breast, the slope of a hip, the shimmer of a thigh.

Then Remina drew her own blood, layering upon the rose, and held it before Ali's lips. She heard she offer, and felt her heart swell.

"I swear it," she whispered, her voice barely reaching to Remina's ears, but they must have, for the blood soaked petals of the black rose touched her lips. Remina's bloody slipped over her teeth, along her tongue, and down, and Ali felt the last vestiges of life flee from her body, but something dark stayed in its wake.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

When next Ali awoke, her eyes sprang open wide, limbs thrashing. It was like a lightning bolt shot through her body, sparking her dead flesh back to life. When the fledgling vampire opened her lips, no breath escaped, but knife-like fangs extended where normal canines used to be. Ali could feel it within her, diabolical hunger surging through her veins. She needed to feed. A fierce animal within her demanded it, commanding her to drink blood. She could just picture it, deep red nectar flowing down her throat. It was her goal. It was the only way to sate this damned hunger.

The only problem was Ali couldn't move. Her wrists and ankles were pinned to the bed by reinforced titanium bindings. The beautiful vampire's body was trapped, exposed in an X position with her arms and legs spread out toward the edges of the heart shaped back. No matter how hard she thrashed and flailed, no matter how hard the beast within willed her freedom, Ali could not break free.

"Oh my! Such power... such beauty. You feel it now don't you? The hunger for blood. The need. The desire. How it dominates your soul." Remina was standing above Ali now, chuckling as she bent down to kiss Ali's forehead, lips trailing all the way to her ear to whisper.

"I wish to help you Ali, but first you must help me. Kindred among my clan only feast upon the best. Close your eyes Ali. Focus. Tell me what you see. What do you desire to feed upon above all else? Be as specific as possible if necessary. In the mean time..."

Remina drew out a large ball shaped vibrator. With a click, it began buzzing like mad. The dark beauty touched it with her finger and giggled, her gray eyes staring down at Ali ravenously.

"I'm going to have a little fun. Feel free to thrash and scream as much as you like. It'll make this more interesting," Remina taunted devilishly as she shoved the buzzing vibrator right up against Ali's womanhood.

Remina is asking Ali about her feeding restriction, though she views it more as simply good taste. :)
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Ali threw back her head when the vibrator touched between her thighs, and something between a lustful moan and an angry snarl spilled from her lips. Bared breasts swayed with her movements, flesh shaking, as hunger surged within her.

Remina's words scarcely made it through the ravenous hunger and lust clouding her mind, but Ali did her best. To focus while her body was toyed with. The fugue of desire parted as she concentrated, all the while her hips thrust outwards to the buzzing toy at her womanhood, pain coursing from where the bands at her wrists and ankles clamped her down.

Through all the thrashing she saw a woman. Beautiful, long hair, gorgeous eyes. Her breasts glistened with sweat beneath the moonlight, yet Ali could see no true details, only her beauty. Her gorgeous form that her lips wished to caress, to bite down upon. She was clean, with silken hair that would glide through finger tips, and radiant eyes through she could see the colour of neither.

She didn't know it, but her lips were speaking, telling Remina of what she saw, right down to the dew glistening at this mystery woman's nether lips, and the stiff points of her nipples.

well cared for, beautiful, long haired women. Sorry I couldn't get more imaginative, but I don't like to be too exclusionary.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Remina smiled as she watched Ali writhe beneath the vibrator, listening to every word even as the buzzing device rolled against the new vampire's flower petals which was still coated in literal flower petals.

"Hmm, very nice... you have exquisite taste indeed, Ali. I thought as much. Don't you worry. I'll get something for you."

After giving Ali a pat on the thigh, Remina left the vibrator tittering around between Ali's legs for a moment, walking over to her desk to pick up a phone.

"Sadie... get down here, pronto," Ali could hear Remina say before she replaced the phone and walked back to her.

Remina brushed Ali's hair gently as they waited for Sadie to arrive, sitting next to her on the large bed, lighting rolling the vibrator around between Ali's legs.

"I apologize for the uhhh... rude awakening my dear, but it is critical that you receive the proper blood on your first meal. That and I do admit to being a bit of a sadist, heh. I promise you the first taste will be well worth it, however."

The dark beauty took a moment to admire Ali's body, lifting the girl's hair with her fingers and letting it fall down over her shoulders again.

"Do you feel the hunger, the desire, how it drives you, attempts to control you? It's very important that you understand your animal nature if you are to have any chance of retaining your humanity. Trust me I know, I've been dealing with it for longer than you can possibly imagine. Your first test will be to feed from Sadie without killing her, feel the call for blood within you, take it, but master it so as not to extinguish life. You'll have to trust your instincts because I won't stop you, even if I am rather fond of my ghoul. Do you think you can do that Ali?"
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Hunger, lust... desire. It coursed through her mind, her veins, and it showed its face in the soft moans that slipped through Ali's lips as Remina toyed with her flesh. Her eyes locked onto the striking beauty of the woman that was mistress and creator, a haze of desire falling over her vision as she slowly nodded her head.

A rose petal fell from her breast in the movements of her body, exposing the stiff brown peak that had been hidden just a moment before. Her lips could form no more words that would slip from mind to tongue, as body strained against bonds, as two equally powerful needs warred within her.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"You called boss?" Sadie asked curiously as she sauntered into the room, stopping short when she saw Ali's naked, rose petal covered form bound to the bed. "W-whoa.. ya really know how to nail em boss, heh."

"Ah there you are Sadie. I'm glad you admire my handiwork," Remina added with a smirk. "I called you because my new childe is hungry, the poor thing." Ali's sire rubbed her leg as she carefully undid the binds on her ankles and then the ones on her wrists as well to free her. "I think you fit the bill for her rarefied palette. You know how we can be so picky... and on such short notice, I couldn't think of a better choice."

"O-oh. Ain't that a peach." Sadie smiled despite her nervous gulp, sitting next to Ali on the bed. The olive skinned girl tilted her neck to the side a bit, exposing her soft flesh to Ali. "Hungry are ya Ali? Ya know... I hear I taste much better not dead... Ain't that right boss?"

"Oh yes Sadie, very much so," Remina said, her voice smooth like silk, grinning sadistically.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

The small click of her binds being undone sounded like a gunshot in Ali's ears. For a moment she was still, tongue sliding over her lips as she looked up with predatory eyes at Sadie, seated so gently on the side of the rose bed.

The newly born vampire lunged upwards, the sensation of freedom coursing in her veins as she grasped hungrily at the very woman who had led her to this road. Naked body pressed tightly against Sadie's, Ali's tongue rolled over her neck, tasting her skin as rose petals fell from her own flesh, drifting to bed and floor, revealing ever more skin to the other two women in the room.

Then she bit down, fangs piercing flesh, sliding into the woman in her hands. Hot blood flowed over her lips, her tongue, down her throat. Her spirit soured in delight at the taste as her breasts pushed firmly against Sadie's as Ali twisted herself to straddle the woman. Her hips moved eagerly, pressing her naked sex against the belly of the woman between her legs as she feasted.

Her own long dark hair flowed down, draping over Sadie's shoulders as ecstasy burst through her mind, and her hands clamped tighter to her body. The pleasure was almost unspeakable, utterly delectable. Crimson trails flowed from the corners of her mouth, over her chin, and still she drank, feeling the pulse pounding in the ghoul's neck.

Then Ali blinked, and she forced herself away, the blood soaked kiss of passion finally ended. She leaned back, holding Sadie tightly as she looked up and let out a long moan, feeling blood trail down her own neck slowly.

She should have been breathing heavily, but her breasts did not heave, her lungs did not fill. Instead, she slowly looked over to Remina, lips parted slightly.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

A soft coo fluttered from Sadie's lips, her warm body draped against Ali's form in the aftermath of the new vampire's luscious feast. The normally bouncy ghoul was all tired out from the lovely ordeal, already fast asleep in Ali's arms, her head softly nuzzled against Ali's neck.

"Mmm... you sure look ravishing when you're eating." Remina said, after taking a moment to soak in the scene. "Don't worry. She'll be fine. Just remember to lick the wound closed when you're finished, especially with girls that don't know you're a vampire."

Once she did so, Remina took Ali's hand to guide her out of the bed, rose petals falling like fragrant black snowflakes to the floor.

"Then again you probably look ravishing doing just about anything. We should get you cleaned up and get you some clothes. As a matter of fact, I think I know just what you need."

Remina led Ali into a sparkling clean bathroom with the tub in the back. It was shining white, embedded in finished mahogany. Crystal stained glass surrounded the tub on either side, reflecting gentle light from the lamps back onto the tub. The counter were also white marble with a few candles and small plants for decorations. As the dark beauty bent down to turn on the shining silver faucet, drawing a bath for Ali, she looked over her shoulder with a smile.

"This should help you relax and get a fresh start on your new life. Feel free to ask me any questions you have dear. You must be wondering so many things."
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Still holding the delicious ghoul gently in her arms, Ali leaned forward, slowly running her tongue over the bites in her slender neck, savouring the lingering crimson taste as well as her skin, letting her fingers slide down over the woman's breasts, feeling the soft swell beneath her palms, before turning and gently taking Remina's hand, letting her mistress guide her to the next room. A trail of black petals following her every move, every sway of her hips.

"It's beautiful," Ali said as she stepped into the bathroom, bare feet padding on the floor, whispers of skin in the air, as she ran her fingers across the marble, and slipped herself into the tub as it filled. A soft moan slipped free of her lips as she felt the water splashing over her skin.

As she leaned back, she brought her fingertips to her fangs, feeling the sharp point of them, and looked to Remina. She did not need to ask the obvious question, it just clicked for Ali what she was.

"Are there rules? There must be I've never heard of vampires outside of movies, or fiction," she asked curiously, not wanting to get into trouble should she ever manage to find the will to step away from Remina's delicious tortures.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Only the best for my girl," Remina replied happily, sitting at the edge of the tub next to where Ali's head was resting so that her new childe could feel her side within the locks of her hair. After Ali got herself comfortable in the tub, the raven haired vampire reached into the water, gently rinsing Ali's arm and neck with soft caresses, the questions bringing an enigmatic smirk to Remina's black painted lips.

"A very astute question my childe. Of course, there are always rules aren't there? Laws, orders, commandments, traditions, and hierarchy. These have always been set out by governments, religions, and philosophers throughout history. If none of those rules existed, it wouldn't be so much fun to break them and to bend them to our will! Don't you agree Ali?"

At this point, Remina was smiling widely, her gray eyes looking Ali up and down within the water, now swirling with black rose petals.

"Now you might be wondering why someone doesn't punish us or throw us in some dank dungeon for being such terrible ruler breakers." Remina's voice dripped with sarcasm, twirling her fingers in Ali's hair before continuing. "They do try of course."

"The trick, however, is to understand not just the rules but who is enforcing them... to understand who will turn the other cheek and for what reasons... to understand who is afraid of you and how best to frighten them. If you know both yourself and the people around you, you can take what you want out of life without regard for boring and stuffy tradition... to sink your teeth into something beautiful without kowtowing to some self righteous council snobbery. It is what we were made for as vampires after all."

The dark queen grabbed at the air as if there was something there to take, squeezing her hand into a fist and then opened it again, smiling at Ali as she slowly ran her fingers all the way from root to tip of Ali's long dark hair. The dark queen had indeed taken Ali herself.

"Obviously certain common sense discretion must be taken. Like you said, if the humans were to know we existed, that would pose a problem. But this doesn't mean we can't have a little fun. Instead of hiding in a hole like vermin, I've founded this club where all of that can happen and more. Still, it's not all fun and games. Sometimes we have to fight for the right to our fun. From what I've seen of your cage matches, you're pretty good at that already. Surprised hm? I get around. Anyway, now you'll have far greater powers at your disposal and much stronger allies... and of course some stronger opponents as well.""
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Lounging in the tub, peaks of her breasts just barely break water, Ali stared up at her dark queen, mesmerized. She followed every word as if entranced. Her eyes widened slightly when she heard mention of her fights, and wondered in it had been an accident at all that Sadie had appeared in the coffee shop earlier that day. Just before her last sunset.

"You've watched me fight?" she said, almost dumbly. She did not feel embarrassment at the silly words that slipped free, just as she felt none at her own nudity before her still dressed mistress. A shiver of desire ran through her flesh when Remina stroked her locks, and she bit her lip gently.

"Have you wanted me then, mistress?" she dared to ask, looking up, her hands sliding softly down the sides of the tub. Scars on her knuckles would remain, but the faint bruises from not so long ago were already fading into deepest memory. She leaned up slightly, a few petals clinging with water to her skin, her breasts breaking the surface.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Of course my childe," Remina replied soothingly, stretching out a hand to help guide Ali out of the bathtub. Her fingers were pale and cold with shiny black painted nails. Remina's whole body, in fact, seemed to be a combination of black and white, whether it be her lipstick, the tattoos on both arms, or the roses in her hair.

Once out of the tub, the dark haired woman stood close behind Ali, wrapping a soft white towel under the young vampire's arms. She held Ali close to her as her hands rubbed through the towel over the front of her form, drying her off while also carressing and massaging her body.

"Just look at you..." Remina purred in Ali's ear, her lips faintly brushing against the lobe. "Such exquisite beauty and yet so fierce and tenacious. You are like a Valkyrie of Norse legend." The raven haired vampire sucked on Ali's earlobe, gently sliding her lips to Ali's neck, almost as if ready to take her yet again like she'd done earlier that night. "What more could I want from my new childe? I haven't sired a vampire in quite a long time, but I was sure you were the right one the moment I saw you. You will make a fine maiden of the night."

Remina didn't say anything else for a little while, focusing instead on Ali's body. She gently caressed Ali's neck with her lips, hands tracing the young vampire's sides up and down through the the fluffy towel.

"I have a question for you Ali. Do you consider yourself to have more of a commanding or a magnetic personality? How do you prefer to get the things that you want? Use any authority you have to dictate your will or use your charms and wiles to enthrall your adversary?"
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Soft moans slipped from Ali's lips, floating out into the room as she leaned back against Remina's form. Damp, pale skin pressed against black clothes as a arm slipped upwards, curling back and sliding through her sire's hair, carefully avoiding the rose within the luscious locks.

"Both have their places, though wiles seem to lead down paths of pleasure I've not seen for too long," the childe purred, pressing her rump against the dark mistress running her hands over the naked form obscured only by the stark white of a towel.

Lips curling upwards in a sly and sexual smirk, showing the points of her new fangs, Ali tilted her head to look up at Remina, baring the smooth skin of her throat in the motion. "Should a Valkyrie not use whatever methods best suit her, in the heat of the moment?" she purred, her lips trailing close to her mistress's ear.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Curling a strong pale arm about Ali's waist, Remina looked into Ali's eyes with her misty gray gaze. She smiled at her childe, black painted lips parting to flaunt her pristine pearly fangs. Remina's teeth were beautiful as ever despite being many hundreds of years old. Her tongue slowly slid over the tip of each fang, accentuating the contrast between black lips and white teeth with cherry red tongue. Her smile turned to an amused grin, eye brow arching with Ali's reply.

"Too long you say? How terrible that must have been for you my sweet little valkyrie," Remina teased Ali with a quick thrust against her rear, fingers trailing down Ali's glistening arms. "Well you shan't have to look far for pleasures in the Oasis. Though sometimes it can be fun too look elsewhere too."

Remina's fingers slid all the way to Ali's hand, taking it in her own and interlacing their fingers. She slowly pulled Ali's hand to her lips and kissed it, rubbing Ali's fingers across her them softly.

"Excellent answer. You have the power to do either one should you choose, to enhance your already lovely charms to persuade others with your presence... or to command them to your bidding with the power of a simple word. These powers are in your blood as a descendant of Ventru, and will almost universally work on humans. Deciding when and how to use them is what you'll have to learn. Be wary of vampires pretending to be under your spell however. I could demonstrate them for you if you wish. Or we could find you someone interesting to practice on. What would you prefer my Valkyrie?"
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Ali smiled, feeling the familiar tension of lust between her thighs her fingertips carefully brushed Remina's lips. Not long ago her heart would have been pounding in her breast, but it was still now, and for it, Ali felt calmer, sexier. As her eyes looked deep into her sire's she felt the towel starting to slip, sliding down towards the floor, yet she did nothing to stop its descent, even when her breasts were exposed anew.

"A demonstration first... I do so love to watch you mistress," Ali purred softly, starting to rise upwards, wanting to taste those black lips on her own, wanting to feel their caress, to taste that cherry tongue with her own, to feel the ecstasy of those fangs.