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Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

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Nov 10, 2008
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The pair of Lasombra travel through the moonlit streets of London entering through the Cripple Gate where the lame and broken gather to beg for coin from all. The other beggars seem to hang back as an exceedingly filthy but heavily cloaked cripple steps forward to accost them. Somehow Eliza realizes that it is no mere mortal approaching them but one of her own kind as it rasps out.

"Perhaps the ladies of our court could spare some coin for my fellow penitents, even the broken must eat."

Genevieve slows her horse a bit and tosses a few pennies from her purse as she leans toward Eliza and whispers. "The Nosferatu might be loathsome but they have their uses. You would be surprised by the information they might know."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

As the pair of Lasombra approach the Cripple Gate, Eliza wrinkles her nose, pretending as though the beggars don't exist. Even has a mortal, Eliza rarely had time for what she considered to be lowly people. However, as the cloaked kindred approached her, she watched him closely, kiwi eyes maintaining a neutral gaze.

When she realized he was a Nosferatu, Eliza's lips curled up slightly at one corner. Eliza, of course, did not care for the appearance of the Nosferatu... utterly revolting, but they did prove to be quite handy in a variety of circumstances... perhaps this one could prove useful too. She reached into her cloak, finding a substantial silver coin and tossing it to him.

"It seems I am feeling uncharacteristically charitable this night. Perhaps, rewards do occasionally come to those who take the initiative to ask," Eliza replied, taking a moment to look around before lowering her voice and continuing. "I am looking for the Queen-consort. Is there any way you might be able to assist me in this matter?"
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Though she thankfully can't see the creature's face Eliza can feel the creature smile as it gathers the coin from the ground. Turning to the other beggars and lame gathered near the gate he tosses the coin their way and watches for a moment as the peasantry scrambles to collect every cent before turning back to contemplate the pair of Lasombra.

"My fellow beggars thank you, milady. Surely you realize that I require something a bit more substantial than coin in payment. Though I have little more than trivial information on Queen Matilda, it can perhaps point you to someone with the news you seek."

Genevieve remains quiet as the others' speak though she doesn't seem to be able to help but look down her nose at the creature.

It's asking for a trivial boon just in case you couldn't figure it out.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza instantly scowls, watching the skulking kindred toss aside her silver coin, kiwi eyes boring into his cloaked visage. She did not like to see her charity tossed aside so callously, did not like it one bit! The only good thing that could come of this would be if the beggars killed each other over the coins, the Lasombra thought to herself. Such lowly squabbling was entirely uncouth.

"Do I look like some kind of charlatan to you?" Eliza replied testily, pursing her lips in her perpetual scowl. "Of course you shall receive consideration in proportion to the usefulness of your information.. trivial as it may be."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Then we have a deal, Eliza de Valletta. Yes, I know of you already. I know everyone and almost everything that goes on in this city. What I don't know my clan mates do know." The cloaked Nosferatu says in his rasping voice.

"For example one of my clan mates mentioned seeing a large ball being given this very evening by the queen herself. You see he runs a rather specialized business a block south of here. The Harlequin's Mask, you can't miss it. He can tell you everything you wish to know." With that he points south before turning his back and rejoining the other beggars and cripples.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza arched a snowy eyebrow before nodding with a forced smile. The Lasombra had a feeling this Nosferatu would be more useful than he let on which is why she was willing to tolerate him, they often were despite the ugliness and the annoyances.

"Well then. Good night to you; enjoy your.... company..." Eliza forced out the last part as if the mere word was distasteful. "Is there a name I should remember you by?" She asked, waiting for a response before heading off to the South.

After they had gone far enough away, Eliza looked to Genevieve, wrinkling her nose and brushing herself off uncomfortably.

"I feel as though his stench lingers... like a pestilent aura in the very air itself... Oh well, at least they are useful."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The Nosferatu simply says to look for his company should she need to find him, he almost seems to relish the thought of a noble such as herself slumming to find him.

Genevieve nods her head as they near the shop the Nosferatu had mentioned and says. "Better they tell you information about everyone else than them telling everyone else about you. Though I doubt if any are loyal enough to not tell both parties. What else would you expect from someone so low though. I guess this is the place. I haven't been to a masquerade in years, it should be positively delightful."
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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza couldn't help but smile as she walked to the Harlequin's Mask. It was strange indeed for one such as her to smile naturally. It usually meant something was afoot, though she didn't say why, nor did Genevieve probably know her long enough to know the rarity of such occasions.

"Yes, it appears to be my dear. They used to bore me in my former life, but now I find they can be quite convenient and enjoyable hunting grounds. It can still be dangerous, mind you. Just a different kind of danger than what lurks in the woods."

The Lasombra walked inside the Harlequin's Mask, looking around the shop. She couldn't imagine the store owner would be standing in plain sight, what with his ...condition..., but she decided to just look around anyway, smiling to herself.

If she found a human shopkeep or a ghoul, she would come up to him or her, looking into their eyes with her kiwi gaze.

"I am looking for a specialized product that I believe only the owner of this shop can provide. Perhaps you could escort me to him or her."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Genevieve merely gave her most innocent smile in return as they walked into the lavish shop. The walls and shelves were lined with flamboyant masks and outfits perfectly suitable for any masked ball. Some of the outfits were downright scandalous in appearance, while others were simply frightening. Eliza was likely surprised by the appearance of the shop having expected some dirty backroom store as befitting the clan of lepers.

Moving through the racks of costumes in the dreadfully silent shop Eliza felt as though she were being watched by a dozen eyes. Not a completely unusual feeling as she was used to people watching her whenever she walked into the room but a bit unnerving in this case. A tall gentleman turned around at her words a dark cloak and hood of expert make together with the garish mask of a sweet cherub covered his features entirely. Though it did not hide the fact that he was another Cainite.

"Ah, Lady Eliza. I am your humble servant and honored to have such a luminary in my shop. You seek a costume or perhaps information?"
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Originally, Eliza had planned to head straight for the shopkeeper, but she became distracted by the wide selection of costumes. The shop was certainly much more impressive than she'd been expecting, but she was also aware of some upper crust Nosferatu, so it wasn't entirely surprising. Of course, the feeling of being watched rankled her slightly. Though she was used to people looking at her, this fell into an entirely different category - Eliza's paranoia that someone was constantly listening. She frowned at the thought of dozens of Nosferatu surrounding her when the shopkeeper drew her out of her momentary reverie.

"Ah yes. I had heard good things, but I must say I am rather impressed by your abode here," Eliza paused with a crooked smirk. "And you certainly know how to please. To get right to the point, I hear the queen is throwing a party, and I wish to attend, preferably as an honored guest with my dear Genevieve or in some fashion that grants us easy access to her."

The snowy haired Lasombra curled a finger through her hair and looked around. "Though I confess to being quite intrigued by your array of accoutrement as well."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The Nosferatu nodded at Eliza's request, the always cheery mask on his face bobbing as he does so. A second of readjustment and he says. "I wouldn't want to drop my facade by accident in the presence of such important Cainites."

As soon as the mask is readjusted he continues. "Ah the royal masquerade. It should be a wonderful celebration I provided many of the masks myself you see. I even managed to obtain a few invitations to the gathering at Castle Bayard which I might be willing to part with for suitable recompense. I'm rather surprised that Lady Isleena herself hasn't come to inquire about invitiations but first come first served I always say. Of course you'll also need a costume for the masquerade. Hee hee."

The Nosferatu laughs easily at the pun as he awaits the answer of Eliza.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Oh?" Eliza perked up, smirking wickedly at the thought of getting the invitations before Lady Isleena, especially if the Toreador wanted them. Eliza loved the thought of Isleena's face upon hearing such news. "The early bird catches the worm, indeed. Though I suppose the owl is more apropos for our purpose."

Eliza removed her hood, shaking out her long flowing hair regally and smiled at the cupid-masked man.

"That leaves two questions then. The first concerns your "suitable recompense," and the second would be what costume would be fitting for one such as myself?" The Lasombra paused, seemingly contemplating something before continuing as innocently as a Lasombra primogen could. "Not to be terribly rude, but I have not gotten your name? I suppose that would be question number three."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Indeed." Says the cupid-masked Cainite from behind the counter. He reaches under said counter to reveal two gilded cards, the invitations to the masquerade ball, and sets them upon the counter.

"How silly of me to forget my name, though it isn't very often that any such as yourself would wish to know it. I am Osgood, formerly Osgood of Dover but it simply didn't seem right to remain so in the open with my condition. People might ask too many questions." He answers the third question first before leaning in to get down to the main business at hand.

"My price is aid from someone more suitable to handling certain matters amongst our court. My problem is that certain primogen feel they can simply take what they want without paying. They take and take without repaying their boons, a simple matter when the boon is owed to the low clans. Perhaps you could arrange for repayment of said boons? Either by actual repayment or simple embarrassment of the tradition breaker.

As to a costume. I would say only the best would suit such a beauty as yourself and we don't want something that has already been taken. Hmm. Ah perhaps a devil or if your feeling contradictory an angel." His eyes slide over to a pair of costumes sitting on display behind the counter. Both are made of the finest silks and gems and perhaps a bit scandalous.

An angel and a devil for Eliza and Genevieve is just the first thing to pop in my mind. If you've got a better idea feel free to throw it out.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Well Osgood, it is a pleasure to meet you," Eliza smirked crookedly. "There is always more to us all than meets the eye. Discretion is only natural."

She moved to examine a few of the masks, even picking one up and giving a quick glance behind it to see if anything was there.

"I hope you shall see though that I am no ordinary primogen. I... am a Lasombra," She added haughtily. "We recognize the value of strong relationships, particularly with those that share our interest in observance from the shadows such as yourself."

She placed the mask back where she found it, and her look of appall at least appeared genuine at Osgood's next set of news. "How awful... especially for one of your stature in the community to be simply ignored so. This is terribly rude indeed."

Eliza didn't say anything else for the moment, instead examining the outfits with a smile. "You think the devil suits me do you? Mmm, well I shan't ignore your advice. Feeling angelic Genevieve?" She added with a smirk to her companion before getting back to business.

"In order to help you with your unfortunate predicament, I shall need some more information Osgood. To which primogen do you refer, and do you have any evidence to implicate them on these terrible transgressions?"

I like it. Devil might not have been more first idea, but the thought of Eliza in that costume is insanely hot. o.o
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The masks are all of high quality as Eliza examines a few of exemplars on display, everything disguise you could think of is on display. One almost makes Eliza chuckle as she looks at it, a vampire according to how most mortals would picture them.

Osgood follows Lexwyn's appraisal of his goods without saying anything allowing her to finish before saying. "Of course I realize you are more than just a simple primogen. I would not ask such a favor from members of certain clans as they do not value the things that I can tell them.

It is not unusually rude. In fact I might say it is expected to some degree by those who are only pretenders to the power of the high clans. Being beautiful alone does not make one noble but being beautiful, discerning, and smart certainly would make one fitting of the title. Someone such as yourself, my dearest lady."

He brings the devil and the angel costume forward so that they might better examine the wonderful quality of the costumes while Genevieve slinks forward with a feigned angelic smile and says. "I think it sounds perfect."

Osgood waits for Eliza to finish examining the costume before answering. "Of course. The perpetrator is none other than Isleena of the Toreador and as to proof of such transgressions it is hardly a secret even amongst the other high clans. Unfortunately my clan does not have enough political clout to get the others to care."

I was listening to that vampire playlist I showed you, so naturally the first thing to occur to me was a devil.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Oh how droll...," Eliza rolls her eyes when she saw the "vampire" mask. "Silly humans and their fantasies. If they only knew..."

The Lasombra takes the costume as examines it with a growing smirk as she replies. "Oh Osgood, you have quite the silver tongue I see.

And I do sympathize with your plight. Ignorance of the traditions is quite a problem, indeed."

Eliza's smirk wavered slightly as she thought about her last experiences with Isleena and her ilk. The Lasombra had already managed to suffer the embarrassment of her apparently lower station. She had hoped to perhaps build some sort of alliance by proving her worth as an adversary, but it seemed to achieve the opposite effect. Since she knew she would have difficulty convincing Isleena or pressuring her in the court due to her lacking in power, Eliza pondered different ways to get to her.

"Do you happen to have any more invitations to the masquerade Osgood? If so, they might provide me some leverage with which to bribe her or provoke her jealousy."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"It can be quite useful when you have a face such as mine but rather than think of such horrible things let us focus on the matter at hand. I'm afraid I only have the two invitations to the ball this evening, though I am sure there will be other celebrations coming up with Carnivale so rapidly approaching. perhaps I could arrange to get a certain number of invitations for your use to one of those."

Osgood says from behind the counter as his mask smiles placidly at Eliza and Genevieve. The offer is indeed intriguing though it won't be easy to obtain ht payment of the favors from Isleena without embarrassing the Toreador primogen immensely. A thought that doesn't exactly bother Eliza as she ponders if she should accept or not.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Yes, those future invitations could be quite useful. I am already concocting some other schemes, however. It should not be too hard for one such as myself. I am beautiful, smart, and discerning as you say..."

Eliza folded the devil costume over one arm and looked into those cupid masked eyes for a long moment. She was indeed quite glad that she did not have to gaze upon what lay beneath.

"Alright Osgood. I shall find a way to seek the repayment of the boons even if I must wring it from Isleena's hideous and wilting body. Perhaps, you might inform your clan-mates of how vastly superior the Lasombra are as companions and allies to the Toreador, hm? Anyhow, do you have a place where I might get changed into this fabulous costume without the presence of dreadful mirrors and such things?"
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza can almost imagine how Osgood is smiling underneath the smiling cherub face as he thanks her profusely. "Oh they shall hear all the praise I can possibly heap on such an already regarded clan. Of that you can be sure. Right this way my ladies."

The Nosferatu leads them to a room suitable for changing in the back of his establishment. He throws a dark colored sheet over the one mirror in the room before bowing and leaving the pair to change into their costumes.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Once the door was closed, Eliza dropped her cloak and her dress, long white blonde hair flowing down her slight shoulders and back as she began to change into her scandalous devil costume. She glided gracefully over to Genevieve with a devilish smirk, helping her companion change into her ironic angel costume, grinning especially at the wings and the halo.

"If I did not know you so well, I might even say you look innocent heh," Eliza laughed lightly. "I am excited to get going to the party. It has been too long since I have been to one, and it will be nice to get my hands on some regal flesh. Besides, what could possibly go wrong with an angel by my side?" Eliza added with a crooked smile. The Lasombra posed a little in her costume even she didn't have it completely ready yet.

"What do you think?"
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