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Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)


Mystic Girl
Jul 16, 2010
Reputation score
The Police women Stepped out of their ICPD cars almost as one, converging on the building they moved quickly and quietly, no words were shared as they approached. In front of them a massive warehouse stood, a suspected home to a group of slavers; members of the Red Viper Gang; Evil men who stood against everything that made society fair and just to all, they sought only to own and degrade women.

You converge on a single door, taking up positions on either side and Trisha Kicking the door inward. You burst in covering the room with your weapons but instead of being a massive interior of a warehouse you find yourself in a simple storage room. Clearly the inside of the building has been modified to suit their needs. You need to search out the entire building to root out these men and return to your cars outside.

Laura hauls in a large case, inside she knows there are the supplies they need if they run out of or need new stun guns or shock traps.

on the south side of the room there is a doorway leading onward, to the east a doorway to the parking lot where your patrol cars can be found and additional handcuffs can be found, that is where you need to take any slavers you catch to hold them. On the east wall is what appears to be a broom closet

((Post your thoughts and specific actions for the first round, then give me your actions for the next round))

((The case will be left in the room to the south as soon as someone goes there))

Back story: Trisha is a new cop on the force, unafraid of anything. She takes on any challenge thrown at her, and never seems to backdown.
Trait: Rookie: New and spunky things seem to go your way a lot. +1 to all rolls, but you gain +25% corruption
Major Equipment:
Stun Gun
Skock traps x2
Minor Equipment:

Description: Short even for her gender, Laura stands around 4' 10". Her hair is long, down to her knees, and she keeps it in a ponytail a lot of the time to keep it out of the way, personally she doesn't like it like that, but it gets in her way way too much otherwise. With black hair and deep brown eyes, and a curvy body, she's attractive, even though she doesn't do much dating.
Back story: Laura's father was a cop, and his father was a cop, and her dad didn't have any sons. She felt the need to go into the profession, if only to make her father proud. Honestly, he wishes she hadn't.
Trait: Rookie: New and spunky things seem to go your way a lot. +1 to all rolls, but you gain +25% corruption
Major Equipment:
Stun Gun
Skock traps x2
Minor Equipment:

Gwen Carrol
Description: 5'4" with dark hair (violet) falling just to her shoulders and brown eyes over which she wears colored contact lenses (currently red). Petite but athletic frame, with a generous bust and an acrobat's flexibility.
Back story: This is Gwen's first action as part of the special anti-slavery task force. Being a woman on this team means extensive training and Gwen has excelled in all the simulations with her broad range of top 95% results. Still, there's nothing like the real thing - and that's what she's about to get into right now.
Personality wise, Gwen is driven to succeed but is also light-hearted when off-duty and possesses an infectious smile. Generally well-liked by those who know her. Her training files list her as naturally charismatic with strong leadership potential.
Trait: Rookie: New and spunky things seem to go your way a lot. +1 to all rolls, but you gain +25% corruption
Major Equipment:
Stun Gun
Skock traps x2
Minor Equipment:
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Trisha cackles a bit, clapping her hands together, "C'mon! Let's go get these Red Vipers!" She shouts, immediately throwing off whatever sort of tension there was in the group. She takes out a shock trap, heading towards the door they came in.

((Set Shock Trap on East Doorway.))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura smiles as Trisha tries to lighten the mood."R-right...maybe some of us should stick together?" she gives a quick suggest while looking around the room.

"Let's get this to it's right place...first, I think."

(Go south)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen nodded her head at Laura. "Right behind you. Let's take these guys down." She swiveled and her red-tinted contacts glinted in the low light. "Trish, be careful and follow along with the traps, cover our exit path."

Jaw set and weapon at the ready, Gwen concentrated on the momentous task set before her. Tonight was going to be a real test. She hoped she had what it took to succeed.

(Head south, following Laura.)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

YOU enter the next room, a small table and some chairs are sitting idle in the corner, a deck of cards in the center of the table piled. There are cabinets and boxes lying about,

Laura hauld the case the the cable and presses her thumb to the biometric reader unlocking it. checking the items inside were undamaged. The stun guns and shock traps seem alright, a little jarred. This room should give you somewhere central to restock as needed.

Laura and Gwen
to the south is a small door, simple and without any lock, the east has a large double door, likely for moving larger frieght, and too the west a grimy door

To the north is large double doors to the room you started in

There is a trapped door to the east leading to the parking lot and to the south a large double door leading to your supply room

((Remember to what your action is exactly at the bottom of your post))

((Also you can communicate with radios at any time and all know any rooms any of you have discovered))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Trisha whistles as she works, quickly setting up her trap and checking to make sure it was in working order. After a while, she turns back around - and then growls lowly, clenching her fists.

"Hey! Wait for me!" She shouts, before chasing after her squad mates.

((Move to the south.))
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Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen checked her gear, a shock trap and a stun gun, as well as a pair of handcuffs. Mentally she remembered that more handcuffs could be retrieved from the squad cars in the parking lot.

"There's a lot of ground to cover," she said, with the radio tab on so that Trish could hear her speak through the small microphone attached to her headset. "If we stick together, we might give them a chance to sneak by us and escape, we've got the advantage in one-on-one situations due to our equipment and training... I suggest we split up. I'll go west, you go east Laura. Trish, when you get here, head south. We'll report in what we find and clear rooms as we go, okay?"

Assuming the other cops were okay with this plan, Gwen would head west through the grimy door, making sure to enter the next room with her weapon at the ready, her eyes searching.

(head west)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura nods at Gwen's suggestion. "That sounds good, we do have the advantage, but make sure to call for backup if you end up outnumbered. I remember there being a sort of closest in the room next to the parking lot though. I think it might be good to check it out. Make a mental note at least."

That said, she readies her equipment, heading for the east door like suggested.

(Head East)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Trisha enters the supply room just catching the east and west doors closing. there isn't much else here that hadn't been mentioned.

Gwen Enters what is a very under-cleaned bathroom, its disgusting and crusted with filth. there is a row of stalls to one side and some sinks and urinals along the other sides. There is a door south and a door back east.

Laura Enters what appears to be an entry way, a reception desk sits and looks unused for some time and papers are strewn about. not many places to hide here, but there is a door in each direction, the north one leading back to the parking lot. (Sorry I orginally said the wrong room))

((Make sure you use the right name... SilentSilth...))
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Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

"North leads back to the parking lot, huh?" Laura mentions to herself. "Good to know...I'm gonna need a freaking map..."

She decides to take a look around the room carefully. It was unlikely anyone would hide here, but she wanted to make sure the room was clear, there might also possibly be something interesting around.

((Search Room))
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Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

((I totally used the right name.>.>))

"What.. Man, you all suck," Trisha grumbles, watching as her partners depart through separate doors. After a moments hesitation, she decides to head after Gwen, her stun gun at the ready.

((Move to nasty bathroom (west).))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

"It's just a smelly men's room in here," Gwen breathed into the radio, disgust in her voice. "I'm moving on south, it's the only way forward.

She moved through the southern exit, her stun gun trained in front of her as she pushed through the door.

(head south)


I'm making a little map as I go. This is what I've got so far:

.......................Start Room <---> Parking Lot
..Bathroom<-->Supply Room<--->Reception Room<--->???....
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura sifts through the papers and information at the desk, finding some interesting shipper manifests that links people in this building to a local shipping company. Thinking it might be interesting for later she Stuffs it into her pocket. She finds nothing else of note.

Trisha Finds the bathroom room empty as expected but almost gags on the smell, casting her eyes over the ill-kept room

Gwen finds the south room is filled with strange machines, they each have a harness or saddle for someone to lay on and a couple of suction cups at one end, and a vibrator at the other. Then you remember you've seen these before, it's a milking machine, it draws milk from lactating women. There are three of them here. Other than that the room seems clear. There is the way north back to the bathroom, and a door east and south.
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura reports her findings over the radio to the others. "I've found some interested evidence here in some shipping logs, we might have some other stuff to go off of when we finish this job."

Deciding the room was now clean of all interesting prospects, Laura looked towards the east door, carefully moving towards it, preparing to investigate the next room.

((Head East))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Trisha claps a hand over her mouth and nose, trying to block out the horrendous smell. She looks about the bathroom in absolute disgust, hoping there weren't any slavers hidden in here... because she did not want to search through this room. Spotting the only other door in the bathroom, she heads through it, carefully watching where she steps.

((Head through the south door.))
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen bit her lip as she recognized what the machines truly were.

"We're definitely in the right place. Evidence of torture and lactation machines. Meant to degrade women to the level of domesticated animals." her voice crackled over the radio to the others.

"Good work Laura in finding that evidence. Let's leave no stone unturned. I'm heading south again. Trish, where are you going?"

(head south)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Gwen moved into a room almost empty, a few crates lay about the room, only a large steel container sits in the middle of the room on inspection there is a biometric scanner, a little more primitive but still able to clearly keep you out. The crate looks too big to move too. There is a door to the east and too the north (back to the Lactation room)

Trisha enters the lactation room, finding the same machines that Gwen found moments earlier and considers the implication and uses, imagining what it would feel like... There is a door east and a door south to the Slaver supply room.

Laura steps into the next room, a dining room laid out with a few tables and stands. There is a door in each cardinal direction, and you already know the reception area is west. But there is a Slaver there who immediately spots her, his hair is short and light his face a sneer, drawing a simple club he approaches readying to charge, before rushing at her...
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

"South of the machine room is a supply room. I see a container with a high tech biometric scanner - probably designed to open only for an authorized slaver. It'd take too much time to disable even if we had the right equipment... there also seems to be a large crate. Odds are that it's a holding pen for captured girls." Gwen was speaking out loud through the radio, describing everything she saw for the benefit of her team. When she turned off the output device however, she heard through her earpiece the sound of Laura's startled gasp and a struggle ensuing.

"Trish! Laura's made contact! Let's head east to converge on her location!"

(head east)
Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Laura talks into her radio when he first sees the slaver. "Slaver located. Dining room, east of reception. She wasted no time, not intending to give the guy a chance to do anything, she was gonna beat the snot out of him and bring him back to the parking lot.

Re: Cops vs Slavers (Blueslime, Silentsilth, 64bitbot)

Trisha eyes the milking equipment oddly, glancing about the room as her radio comes to life.

"Roger. I'll get there soon," She says, but takes the time to carefully examine the room for slavers...

((Search for hidden slavers.))