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Copper's Corner

Re: Copper's Corner

Apparently it gets even worse since I found out last night that there's also an Umbral realm known as the Abyss for Werewolf, which sounds very different from the other two. Oh well, not like I haven't been confused before.

Yeah minor rule changes would have been fine but quit trying to reinvent the wheel. That goes for you too WoTC.

Yeah sounds like a fantastic storyteller to me, especially considering how far you've apparently got into the games. It would have taken me far to long to do that much, probably why I've never finished a game despite planning that far ahead. I tend to get sucked into the little details too much and forget the big picture I was aiming for. And I gotcha, if I knew anything about Hunter's I probably wouldn't have asked.

Yes that's how bigger families tend to do it when it comes to cousins and aunts and uncles. It can get annoying though when every single girl in an area is somehow related to you. (What do ya mean she's my third cousin once removed or better yet what's a third cousin once removed.) And there's nothing wrong with a 30ish year old male and a 22ish year old girl, either that or I'm a weirdo or most likely there's nothing wrong and I'm a weirdo.
Re: Copper's Corner

Ohyeah, I remember that realm. Vaguely. We never really did too much Werewolf. And when we did, I was playing a Mage...

Lots of not-broken things get tweaked quite a bit around the gaming community. Makes me a not happy camper sometimes, but if you don't mix things up, you don't sell books; you don't sell books, you don't make money...

Yeah. This is our third Geist game, pretty much in a row. After this, she's taking a break and I'm teaching her how to play D&D. Going to be interesting, that, I think. But yeah, Becca and her krewe are still going, Steph and that bunch crop up now and again, and Rin's the current game. Just had a milestone tonight that I'm a little jazzed about. Rin not only managed to protect her friend, Seth, who happens to be an angel (easiest way to explain him.) but in doing so and getting him to serve Rafe, she just convinced AN ANGEL to serve the CATHOLIC Hunters. Rafe now has a literal angel on his side to basically shut up all the traditionalist and nay-sayers in the family that think he's a fuck-up because he's trying to modernize their ways (and, well, they also hate him because he's gay, but that's all Cassian's fault *rolls eyes*) "So, yeah, Copper, next time you get crazy ideas, try not to have ones that'll shift the balance of power in the game, would you?" *halo* "But, you get bonus xps for solving one of Rafe's big problems for him." "Sweet! And I didn't even do that on purpose!" "I know, which is why you get the bonus xps."
Re: Copper's Corner

True but it doesn't mean I can't whine about it on occasion, I can't really blame them for wanting to make money but it still drives me nuts.

Hey bonus experience is always nice, especially accidental bonus experience that completely shifts the power balance in a game. Also did you mean it's Cassian's fault that Rafe is gay or is it Cassian's fault that they hate Rafe.
Re: Copper's Corner

*scrolls back through to see if Cass and Rafe have been explained*

It's in the soundtrack section, but I'll sum up here: Cass and Rafe are fetches (clones) of Julian and Jace respectively, created by M'Brook/Diogenes, to, firstly, fool the others so they wouldn't notice the two of them were gone so he could use the originals in a ritual to create his own little slice of the Underworld, and two, to provide Seraphino with a "worthy heir" that was more his son than Jace was (because Seraphino found out Jace was actually *Jareth's* son and, yeah, that's a long story.) But because Diogenes is a twisted SOB that likes fucking with people, he used half of the same diamond to create their hearts, so they are, literally, each a half of a whole and as such, are compelled to be together. Becca finds this insanely amusing because part of the reason Seraphino wanted a "more worthy heir" was not just because Jace wasn't his son, but also because he thought Jace was gay. So the "son" that he named heir and is supposed to carry on the family...is really the gay one. Again, Becca finds that the biggest piece of poetic justice EVER. And because Rafe is Seraphino's son and the heir and their new leader and all that, he can't *possibly* have been gay from the get so, so it *has* to be Cassian's fault for corrupting him. *collective rolling of eyes between Becca, Cass, Julian and the sane members of the family*
Re: Copper's Corner

Oh okay yeah I gotcha now, sorry the names start to blur together after a while though from the sound of it calling anyone sane may be a stretch. I think less insane would be more appropriate.
Re: Copper's Corner

By sane, I'm referring to the ones that don't see Cass and Rafe as abominations against God and man simply because they (really and truly) can't help being how they are.

But hey, now we've got an angel.
*swats Cass away from the keyboard*
Re: Copper's Corner

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted here, but I'm bored, in a mood, and want to share writing. One of the latest pieces that I did was the afterparty of the most recent White Wolf game that the aforementioned ST, myself, and my cousin were playing in.

First, a little back-story (which is likely going to become story all it's own...) My two characters, Steph (a sin-eater) and Davin (a newly Awakened mage), along with Steph's girlfriend, Micah, and their friend, Case (played by my cousin, another sin-eater) go to this circus that's run by the Sabbat. The three sin-eaters notice the massive amount of vampires around, but don't think anything of it, too much, anyway. Davin, on the other hand, goes through his Awakening *at* the circus. In the course of it, he frees the angel that the Ringmaster has been keeping prisoner for odd-on at least 30 years or so. Over the course of the game, he and said angel, Ishiah, wind up bound to one another. And of course, the Ringmaster wants his property back, but Davin's not about to turn Ish over again. One of the reasons that Davin's able to keep Ish away from the Ringmaster is that during his Awakening, he was able to rewrite a part of Ish's True Name. And the Ringmaster knew it, or at least knew that Davin knew the syllable that he needed. So Davin shows back up at his apartment to find Ish in his room, basically paralyzed by the Ringmaster. He can't order him around, but he can 'turn him off' so to speak. While he's calling Steph, Kale, Case, and Micah, the Ringmaster and his ghoul drag in one of his floormates, Cody, and the Ringmaster threatens to kill him if Davin won't give up the name. Thing is, Davin won't. There is nothing that the Ringmaster could do that would make him give it up. So Davin fights with the ghoul to try and save Cody but the bitch ends up snapping Cody's neck. This is when I score about 8 successes to throw her knife at her as she's retreating out of the apartment. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done for Cody, save a coverup as a random act of violence. The ghoul winds up "hanging herself" in her holding cell, courtesy of the local vampires.

Meanwhile, because the Ringmaster doesn't have Ishiah for the vinculium (Sabbat blood orgy...slight emphasis on the orgy part...another reason why Davin won't turn Ish over again), he needs a substitute, so he kidnaps one of the local mages who fried some of his people when they went to steal books from him. Steph and Case were actually there, but they left before all the bad shit went down. Unfortunately, the ST's other two players (who were playing Vamps) stuck around, videotaped the beating/gangrape of said mage, and then they take it to show the priest that they know, Kale. Steph gets a phone call at 4 in the morning asking her to come to the church NOW. Turns out, the mage was Kale's brother, whom everyone thought was dead, and the vampires basically derailed our game, because we were only supposed to kidnap one of the Sabbat pack. Unfortunately, with what they did to Xavier, it turned into a matter of vengeance. Long story short, we call down the thunder (pretty much all of the Boston krewe, an archmagus, Rin, and three out of town Hunters) and lay waste to the Sabbat pack, except that the Ringmaster managed to get clear, which was what enabled him to find and threaten Davin with the whole bit with Cody.

Long story short again, we make it so he's out of options and we pretty much hunt him down using magic to his daytime resting place, which happens to be a cistern out in a grape field. One of the local mages seals it shut while Davin shunts electricity from Steph's car battery to the metal cistern (that has water in the bottom. Did I mention that?). I think I got 9 successes to electrocute the bastard. So we haul him out, Steph cremates him, and they take the ashes to the local Prince because it was pretty much open season on this guy among the local vampires. We just got to him first.

So now that he's dead, there are no more Sabbat running around, at least to threaten us for a while, we decide to have a victory celebration. Sin-eater style. So I wrote it up.

Quick rundown, for those of you just joining this little party or who need a refresher: Matt and Julian are part of the Boston krewe and a couple. Matt and Steph also tend to get along very well, for some odd reason, and Julian and Steph have a playfully antagonistic relationship. Micah is Steph's girlfriend, and they've been dating for a bit now. Kale is Steph's mentor, a demon hunter, and also a Catholic priest. The name doesn't lend well to telling, but Kale is also a woman. With a longer backstory than I want to get into. Loki is a nekomata (cat-boy) that escaped from the Ringmaster's circus before all the shit went down and because Steph and Micah had treated him more like a person than a freak, he found them and has been living with them through the course of the game. Oh yes, and Magnus is the local mage mentioned above. He's the one that alternately looks out for Davin but also wouldn't mind seeing him get into a good amount of trouble, so long as nobody got hurt. He's also rather flamboyant and rather gay (though not flamboyantly gay.) Inari and Shirei are kitsune (or 'the foxes' in the story). Davin is there, but Steph calls him 'Morgan' (It's a mage thing.) Vivian is the aforementioned archmagus. Jace and Becca cameo, but they go off and have their own celebration. And the Zone is the local gay bar. I think that's about everyone. Any questions, just ask after the story.

Hope you enjoy.
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Re: Copper's Corner

I'm still trying to figure out how I wound up making out with Julian.

Granted, at one of our parties, just about anything goes: we've tossed four mages into the mix, Inari and Shirei, Loki, Kale, and Jace. At the Zone.

Julian and Magnus vying for alpha status was fun to watch. Thankfully, they weren't nearly as bad as Vivian and Krystal, but it was fun seeing who could command the greater presence. Mags won, but I think that was only because Jules kicked it down a notch.

Then, of course, I had to taunt Kale, which got me dragged to the dance floor. Protests aside, it was...fun. And I swear, if the boss weren't a priest, well, let's just say she might be giving Micah a run for her money. Damn.

Course, doesn't help that she kissed me, either. Little les-be-friends wouldn't leave her alone, so Kale showed her exactly what she'd be in for. Micah was just icing on the cake. Thought the little nit was going to swallow her tongue.

Speaking of Micah, swear she's danced with everyone but me. Dragged Morgan out. Stole Matt's hat and disappeared. Caught the fox's attention. After that it was Loki. And just a bit ago it was her and Julian. And watching two people with a lust for life just abandon it all on the dance floor...I swear, I was staring right at them and Jules still managed to drop into my lap without my realizing it.

"Somebody likes what she sees." Arms snaked around my neck and I could feel his breath against my ear.

"What can I say? I have a hot girlfriend."

He draws back enough that I can see the pout. "You weren't watching me? At all?"

That gets him a nuzzle. "I was watching you two move. Together." I drop the tone of the last word enough to make it throaty.

"Some things are just better with a partner."

You can say that again. But then, here's poor me, sitting here, all alone."

"Not a fan of just watching?" His head cants to the side just so, eyes lidding just enough, and I feel the weight of him straddling my thighs, close enough to be just on the edge of indecent. Such a little cocktease.

My hands slide along his arms and skim down his back, hitting his hips and pulling him that last inch closer. There's a very brief flutter of his eyes and I catch a hitch at my growl of "Not when it's something of mine."

"Funny," comes out on a breath, "I don't remember being in that category."

"Proxy." I let a hand slide up his back this time, fingers skimming through hair that's just long enough. "Micah and I have an agreement. And she's already had her time."

"This you asking me to dance, Steph?" A smirk plays over his lips.

"Thought we were doing that already." I lean close and just graze teeth against his lower lip.

"Question is, who's leading?"

"Mmm." I let my fingers tighten just a little, watching that flutter again. "Am I being too subtle?"

His throat bobs once. "Oh, I think I get it," he breathes out.

"And getting it is the aim, no?" I don't give him the opportunity to answer, bringing lips to his, parted enough that we start dueling tongues almost immediately.

Jules tastes different than Micah. He's almost...sweeter. That sugary dessert you shouldn't have but do anyway. Liquor and old cigarettes, decadent sin, and one flavor I know well: abandon. That I've tasted in Micah's kisses, especially on the nights when it's been her and I and she needs to feel me to remember that she's really here. Nights when I let lips and fingertips cover every inch of patchwork skin, finding again and again the spots that make her wriggle and mewl, watching her or holding her as I make her world shatter into those uncountable ribbons of pleasure, only to have her be wrapped up in them again and again.

It isn't until I hear "You two gonna come up for air?" in that laughing accent that I remember there's a world outside of the boy in my arms.

Nuzzling into the crook of Julian's throat, I grin over at Matt. "Don't have to if I use my caul properly."

He rolls his eyes at the grin I flash him. "That's cheating."

"No, that's why I have a happy girlfriend."

"What about a happy girlfriend?" Micah plops herself down into Matt's lap. And promptly steals his hat for her own head.

Dammit, I just got that back." There's no anger in his grouse.

"Don't worry, you can earn it back." Micah grins at him.

"Uh oh," I tease. "Earn. She must want something out of you."

"Me? What could that possibly be? Especially when she has you?"

"Yes, but I'm occupied." I nibble on Julian's ear and he purrs. "I have a kitty."

"What about a kitty?" As if on cue, there's Loki behind my chair.

I reach up and around, skimming a hand at the small of his back, as much as I can reach anyway.

Watching him and Julian dance had been an experience. Both lithe creatures, both capable of feeling the music, and both shameless in their actions. Not quite as well as with Cassian, but they played each other well.

The rivalry continues, too, since I have Julian purring in my lap and not Loki. Of course, I've learned a few places on our newest edition to make him rumble, even when we're not being intimate.

Such the sight I'm sure we make. Even moreso as we begin to stumble out of the bar. Julian hangs on me, Micah's draped on Matt (still in his hat, too) and Loki's trailing along behind. Though they're hidden, I can imagine his ears perked and the lash of his tail as he walks.

The Sheraton is a fairly straight shot from where we're at and the elevator ride is an exercise in teasing restraint. Once we crest the door, nearly all bets are off.

Funny thing is, we start the dance again in the bedroom. Micah, Loki, and I are partners. Matt and Julian are partners. And now we're all looking to dance together.

"Julian's sweet," I whisper to Micah, having watched their little courtship already tonight.

"Is he now?" She pins him between her and Matt, actually bowing into a kiss with him, a very faint groan sounding from both of them.

Loki curls into me as I watch, his fingers and lips starting to dust along my bare skin, knowing the mood I'm already in. From the corner of my eye, I can see him watching Matt, gauging his reaction to all this.

Favorable, if the fact that he's bracing Julian is any indication. Of course, drifting down to nibble on him while Micah's still kissing could be a good sign, too, but you never know.

Loki's nip reminds me that I've been ignoring him in favor of the show. I make it up with kisses and nuzzles, letting my fingers trail through the fur at his back, moving from lower to nape and back again, feeling him tense a little with a soft hiss. He rolls flush against me, fingers working to undo the clasps that run down my back, his teeth grazing light at my collarbone as he does so.

Julian, meanwhile, is still submitting to his partners, arms raised as Matt skims off his shirt, dropping them back to hook around the other's neck as Micah dips down and divests him of those painted-on pants. What little he left to the imagination doesn't disappoint when the illusion is unraveled.

My fingers slide into Loki's hair as I feel the scrape of his tongue sliding against tensing skin. In turn, Matt's looking down the body of his lover as mine teases up his legs with little nips.

A little tug brings the neko even with me again and I let blunt nails drag down the nylon of his shirt, skimming back and forth at his waist as I slip behind him. I can feel the light lash of his tail against my leg and he presses back into me as I drop my palm lower, skimming over the zipper of his jeans.

"Whose lips do you want, tomcat?" I tease. "Mine, hers," I lock eyes with Matt, dropping them lower, "or his?"
Re: Copper's Corner

Loki wriggles in my hold until his tail's snaked between us, using that to grind back against me. "Something tells me I know which you want."

He knows I won't push, though. If it's not something he's comfortable with, I'll change the tune. Given the way Julian's grinning at Matt's whispers, though, there won't be any protesting from that end. None from Matt, either, given he's the one encouraging it.

"You want me to?" His head tips back, resting against my shoulder.

"I'll make it worth your while later."

He lets a purr rumble against me. "You'd best do something about Micah, then."

Both of us slip over to the other three and I watch our kitten catch Julian's chin and cut off whatever he was saying with a commanding kiss. Once he starts nipping at his lips, Julian forgets the rest of us are here, which was fine with me.

"Hello, gorgeous." My arms slip around Micah's waist and our lips meet. "Miss me?"

"Oh, I had a nice distraction."

"Let's make a nicer one." I start seeking out the clasps that are holding her dress fast. While I'm doing that, I feel hands skimming up and down my back that are too wide at the palm to be hers. Leaning back, I brace against Matt's chest, rewarded as those hands slip around to my front.

While I'm rolling my hips back against his, Micah's wriggling out of her dress. Hooking a finger under a bra strap, I pull her in for a kiss while my fingers work on getting that garment off, too.

"You learning a thing or two from Jules?" Matt groans in my ear as I plant a hand on his hip and grind back.

"Not one for taking your time?"

Micah slides her arms over both our shoulders and I'm moving against both of them now. She also brushes a kiss past my lips to keep Matt from answering the question. "Aussie's got too many clothes," she says when they part.

Said Aussie is easy enough to strip, though, with how loose his clothes are, not to mention I have Micah helping me. This works well when Matt decides he wants to peel me out of my pants. As he goes down, Micah pulls his shirt off. This is a lovely win, ladies and gents.

When he stands back up, I let my fingers dust over his shoulder, leaning in and laying a kiss over the rough skin there. It's funny how different we are and yet are so alike. This reminds me of that.

"C'mon," sounds softly in my ear before a hand turns me up to meet a pair of lips. "Better places for you to use those, hey?"

A kiss that seems a long time coming holds me until we need to part for air. Sun and passion linger from kisses that have a different sort of heat to them. As we draw back, I snag the band in his hair and he stills until I tug it loose, letting the strands fall through my fingers, landing against tanned skin.

I feel Micah at my back, now as nude as I am, catching me between the two of them again. This. This is my favorite type of warmth. Skin on skin as the want of your partner starts to build.

"Take me to bed," tickles over the shell of my ear and I see Matt's brows arch at the shudder. I take a step back, fingertips trailing down his arm, fingers twining together as I tug him along with us.

Of course, we're sharing space with Julian and Loki, but the bed is accommodating enough that we don't interrupt. Micah crawls back to the nest of pillows reaching out to brush back Loki's hair. His fingers are threaded in Julian's locks, those bright eyes of his pinched shut as groans and mewls of pleasure roll from his throat, coaxed forth with each slide of the other man's lips. The pleasure both of them are in is beautifully obvious, enough that I feel something coiling tight inside me.

Sharing a look with Micah across the bed, I'm rewarded with a teasing smile from her and she crooks a finger, a summons I readily answer.

"Did you grab--" I watch her drop a strip of silver onto the night stand. "Clever little pickpocket." I grin.

"No interruptions, right?" She grins back.

"None." Taking a brief second, I 'cheat' as Matt put it, becoming a little closer to the ghost inside of me.

Micah gets a hungry kiss before I start working my lips downward, her body slouching to accommodate the soon to be new position. When I'm at her stomach, though, I feel hands around me, urging me up. Matt's getting growled at, though softly.

"Can you take her on your back?" He nuzzles close to my ear, hands skimming breasts and stomach.

"Maybe," I tease, pressing back against him. "Why?"

His hand dips lower, the brush making me hiss. "Because you're not the only one who wants a taste." The flicks that follow are a good distraction, enough to get me to nod.

She and I swap positions, with me settling to brace her around my head and shoulders. A pillow gives me the height I need an I'm rewarded with a hiss after the first brush of my tongue.

As I tend to Micah, I feel the skim of hands guiding my knees and thighs apart, lips kissing their way along the inside of them as I crook them up to give my other partner room. I can feel his breath against me and feel myself holding one as well, unnecessary but instinctive.

The three of us groan nearly together at the first swipe and very soon it becomes an exercise in concentration. Matt's strokes and suckles have me moaning, which rumbles against Micah while my own lips pull and tease between her legs. It's a careful dance we're playing at, taking care to keep our steps in time.

Beside me, I hear a hiss, not quite of pleasure, and "Julian," moaned out, along with a "Damn it."

"Shhh. Trust me."

A beg now, not something I'm used to from Loki. "Julian, please, I'm so close."

Hearing the want in his voice makes my own muscles coil again, making me even more sensitive to Matt's attention. And with me moaning even more, Micah is definitely enjoying the extra attention. I can hear it in her own cries. Beyond that, more whimpers from Loki and another plea not to tease. Seems Matt's listening to him, picking up what he's doing, growing firmer in his suckles and circles.


"Ohgod, Steph!"

Hearing the two of them, I realize Julian's game. I let out a throaty moan of my own, encouraging Matt with the sound.

No surprise that Loki comes first, that touch of a yowl defining his pleasure at finally finding his release. The sound runs through me, adding to the shudders that come as my own body gives over to my pleasure. Fingers dig into Micah's legs, as though I could pull her closer, swirling and wriggling my tongue to bring her over on the tails of my own orgasm.

I continue to stroke at her shivering muscles until she shifts enough that I know she wants to draw away. As she collapses between me and Loki, Matt stretches out beside me, nuzzling into my neck.
"Well-played, Jules," I get out when I remember how to talk. I can hear him laugh at that. Loki growls, but is silenced as Micah curls against him, fingers soothing through his hair.

"You were gorgeous to watch," she coos to him, making him purr at least.

"Someone wasn't distracted enough, then." I spider fingers up her back and she squeaks. Bringing the same hand around over my head some, I comb through Matt's hair. "Thank you."

He chuckles. "He's not the only gorgeous one in the bed." I feel his cheek tip up, nuzzling my palm.

"Yeah. Micah's here, too."

"Flatterer." She grinds hips back against me but is still paying more attention to Loki.

"And here I am. Forgotten." Julian's looking at Matt and me over the other two, violet eyes sparkling with mirth and desire.

"Mmm, yeah. Such a performance shouldn't go unrewarded." I grind back into Matt, as there's another I know needs tended to.

When Julian lets out a purr, I realize Micah isn't petting just Loki any longer. She and he manage to trade places with a few teasing steps along the way and I watch those amethysts flutter under her hands.

Loki curls to me and between him and Matt, my hands have no shortage of skin to explore. And while Loki's attentions are lazy, Matt's are gently becoming insistent.

"Grab a packet. Two," I murmur to him.

He gropes on the table and comes back with two squares. I reach over Loki and press one into Micah's hand, then twist around, urging Matt onto his back. Loki's fingers dance over my skin while I roll the cover down along Matt's length, careful not to tease too much, given how tense he already feels.

"Figured you'd like being on top." He grins at me.

"Thought you'd appreciate me doing all the work." Straddling his thighs, I shift my hips enough to slide against him, watching his head tip back and his throat bob with a moan. Leaning down, I give his Adam's apple a little nip.

His fingers slide into my hair, keeping me close as my hips move, finding where I can ease down around him. The pinch of his eyes, followed by lips parted in a groan, is utterly gorgeous.

I'm allowed to set the rhythm, keeping it slow at first, wanting to draw this out between us. Slowly, he lets me ease up, hands on his chest while my hips grind down into his.

Warmth at my back and I feel Loki's arms slip around me, teeth grazing at my neck while his hands knead at my breasts. I feel Matt's hands clench at my thighs as he watches the two of us.

One of Loki's hands drifts lower, but a whispered "Not yet" has him back up, kneading again and scratching over my nipples and stomach. His hands drift around and drag up my back, hard enough I know he's leaving lines.

Given that I moan instead of hiss, I feel the grip on my legs tighten, nails dragging there, too. I buck when he reaches my knees.

"Like a bit of that, do you?"

Loki scrapes one finger up my arm, then across my shoulders, all of his claws then moving down my spine, giving Matt his answer in a moan and with a nod.
Re: Copper's Corner

"You trust me?" I feel palms skimming my thighs now.

I lock eyes with him, nodding slow. "Yeah."

And suddenly the hands aren't so smooth anymore. I hear a chime as his fingers move and very fine points scrape down my leg. After that, one of those golden claws comes up, etching light across my stomach.

"You're going to give Loki a run for his money."

"Don't know about that. Besides, wouldn't it be better if we weren't competing?"

Cat claws drag up my arms, golden ones along the length of my thighs, both making me shiver. The nip I feel at my shoulder from Loki's teeth makes me jump, which bucks my hips for Matt.

The two of them are merciless. Claws and teeth graze along my skin just shy of bruising, red lines blossoming shortly after the pass of a hand. With Loki's help, Matt sits up, my legs still straddling his, still with him buried inside of me. Except now he can join Loki in nibbling at my ears, my neck, my shoulders.

At some point, while he's kissing me, there's a poke at one of my nipples, which makes me groan against his lips. I can feel the tip of a claw circling around it, the sensation dragging shivers along my spine. Just as I settle into familiarity with that, there's a pinch that has me gripping at his back, my own bowing as a squeal pulls from my throat. It makes me fall back against Loki, who soothes at my shoulders while I come down from that.

Before I can fully catch my breath, I feel it again, this time joined by Loki's fingers around the other one. My hands flail out, gripping at Matt's arms, anything solid to bring me back to reality. It doesn't last long. Loki pulls me back against him, teeth nipping at my throat, fingers still tweaking the nub between them. Given the groans I hear from Matt, the feeling has me rolling my hips again.

There's the scratch of his hands along my arms and I feel fingers and claws wrap around my wrists. He pulls my arms up, circling both with one hand while the other comes down to brush along my cheek. If I try to pull, it'll hurt. I know it. But I can't help but do it anyway, given my reactions to Loki's teasing.

Matt's watching my face now, the very tip of a claw tracing down my chest. The pain grows between my breasts, that sting of a thin cut that barely draws blood. I can feel my eyes pinch, but I keep watching him, daring him to do more. The tip circles around my navel, tickling there with a scrape, and keeps going lower. That's a pain I don't know if I can handle. Eyes slipping closed, I wait for it, body tense despite what Loki's doing.

Instead of metal, I feel skin, the brush of a thumb against the inside of my wrists. He starts to tease as he can reach, the pleasant sensations from below washing through me as a counter to the pain at my chest.

After a few heartbeats, he and Loki trade tasks. My arms tumble around his shoulders as Loki's dip below my waist. Matt teases and pinches while my hips start to move against his again.

It isn't long before I feel my muscles tense around him, his motions growing erratic. Right on the edge, I groan out a "Yes!" before I feel myself tumbling over, clinging to him as I can while both of us ride the pleasure that catches him up as well.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I let my lips brush at his throat, content noises slipping free while we catch our breath. Turning to look, I see Micah and Julian spooned together, lazily teasing one another while they've obviously been watching the three of us.

Boneless, we settle to the bed, Micah getting a kiss, which gets me a purr. Julian catches Matt's hand and kisses the palm of it. As I feel Loki settling behind me, I roll and cuddle with him, my fingers causing him to purr as they brush up and down his back.

"There's a joke to be made there," murmurs Julian.

"So go ahead and say it."

"Nah. I'm more mature than that."

Snorts all around. "Just spit it out, Jules."

"Well, there's a vibrator comment to be made in there somewhere, I just know it."

I flash him a smile over my shoulder. "Honey, you have no idea."

"Oh, really?" He sounds more awake now.


Micah lets out a bit of a noise as Julian insists on changing places with her and I find myself sandwiched again. Loki continues to purr and I can feel him brushing against me.

"I did promise you, didn't I?" I murmur to him.

"You up for it?"

"Always for you."

He purrs again and I find myself urged onto my stomach. Given the extras, Loki's a little more comfortable this way. Matt passes him a packet before rolling off the bed to pad around to Micah's side.

I flash Julian a toothy smile. "You just gonna watch?" I conclude by snapping my teeth at him.

"Depends on if there's something in it for me."

Pushing myself up, Loki and I move back a little. "You'll just have to take that chance, won't you?"

I let Loki guide me to hands and knees, though I keep propped up, watching Julian. Challenging him. As Loki starts to brush against me, my eyes flutter, tongue dragging over my teeth as my lips pull back in a wide smile.

There's a tug in my hair and I find myself looking up at Julian. He's gauging me. Testing. The look he gets back is far from submissive, despite my position. I let a groan rumble against my lips, smirk telling him that he's only wasting time.

And just like that, he's on his knees in front of me. Flashing him a grin, I take him in without hesitation, as deep as I can manage without changing the angle. Given I moan when I do it, he tips his head back and lets out a cry of his own.

The three of us find a rhythm, mostly with my relaxing between the two of them, giving up control for the moment and letting both find their own pleasure. The moans from Loki's thrusts making Julian twitch and the bobs from him which would push me back into the neko.

Nails curling into my hip herald Loki's release and I add a grind to the push of my hips to help urge him over. Julian's taking a bit longer, so I change angles again, taking him deep and sucking on him as much and as hard as I can. Still wanting as Loki finishes, my groan at his withdrawal is changed to a moan as he uses fingers now instead. It doesn't take long from there, given how worked up I was already. And between the moans from that and my attention, I'm soon swallowing Julian down while I feel him twitching against my lips.

We're all spilled onto the bed again after that. Matt cuddles with Micah, who pillows Loki. He and I are back to back and Julian snuggles into my arms with a yawn. Someone manages to find covers and we tangle up in them as much as each other's limbs. Promises and threats of more to come banter around, but we don't truly settle until Micah jokingly murmurs out "Night, John-boy."

"G'night, Sam. G'night, Ralph," comes from me.

"Did someone remember to put the cat out? Ow! Hey!" Julian.

"Try it, asshole," Loki growls, but there's no real malice in it.

"You kids pipe down and go to bed," finally comes from Matt, making us laugh.

True good nights float about the bed, including some kisses and hugs. Very sated, I settle to sleep, though an unknown amount of time later, I feel the bed shift enough to rouse me. Untangling myself from Julian and Loki, I push up, looking around to find Matt padding across the floor.

"You okay?" I call softly.

"Yeah." He turns and flashes me a grin. "Thought I'd grab a shower while I still could."

"Mmm. Good idea." Carefully maneuvering between bodies, I ease off the foot of the bed and pad over to join him. "I enjoyed last night."

His eyes skim over me, lingering in places I know I have marks. His hand comes up and he brushes a knuckle down the center of my chest. "I did, too."

Smiling at him, I turn to glance at our lovers, still nestled in the bed. "I never did properly thank you."

"For what?"

"Micah. Just--"

"Nah, Steph. You didn't need me for that. From what I heard, all you needed was fae liquor and Vivian."

I bap him with the back of my hand. "You know what I mean."

He smiles. "Yeah, I do."

Looking at him, I find myself twitching for something to play between my fingers instead of my impulse to reach out to him. "You know, Micah and I have an agreement."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"It's not cheating if the other's in the bed, too."

He cocks his head a little to the side. "Interesting agreement."

"Yeah. It's worked out pretty good."


My fingers slide into his hair, pulling him to me in a kiss that's as much want as it is warmth. "I love her," I whisper when we part. "I love her with all of my heart and soul. And I know you love Julian just as much."

"And if she loves you, she'll understand."

I glance back to the end table across the room. He turns me back, laying another kiss against my lips.

"I'll behave. I promise."

And I know I can trust him to do that. So I let him tug me over to the couch, the two of us stretching out with him on top of me. This time, when I start kissing at his scars, he doesn't tell me to stop. He does draw away enough, though, to lay kisses on each of my snowflakes.

I fight to keep my voice down, not wanting to wake any of the other three, but it's hard. I want him to know how good it feels to have him inside of me, to feel him moving with me. We're a good fit, he and I. So many differences and yet, so alike. This moment changes nothing between us and at the same time, confirms everything that he and I feel.

He takes things slow, his motions easy. It gives us plenty of time to touch and tease, fingers tracing body lines or threading into hair. The tension builds, but there's no urgency to it.

"I'm close," I hear murmured in my ear, feeling him shift to pull away.

For an instant, my legs tighten, keeping us together. My arms wrap around him and I turn, pressing a kiss to his lips. Just as I trust him to stop, I trust him enough to have him not. But promises are made and neither of us likes breaking them.

I press my fist to my lips, muffing the whine I can't help as he pulls away. He picks up his attention immediately with his fingers, but for a brief instant, my body protests that it's not the same, not until he starts making me twinge again. And he's tall enough to lean over me again, muffling my groans with his kisses, especially as they grow higher along with the tension.

It breaks as my back arcs and I pull away to bury my face against his neck. Words soothe as he eases me down, my breath slowing as the world comes into focus again, framed by strands of caramel hair.

"Your turn," I whisper, urging him to trade places with me on the couch. Once he's on his back, I start kissing my way down, taking moments to tease at his nipples or the line of a scar I hadn't noticed before. By the time my lips are around him, he's beyond tense.

It's so tempting to tease. To play and suck and stroke to draw this out as long as I'm able. But he's so close and there was none of that when he was tending to me. Instead, I work my hand against him, moving in time with the bob of my lips. I tease my tongue at the slit, swirling around before going down on him again. Lips tight, I moan down his length as I take him in. It's as I'm pulling back, doing the same, that I feel the twitch that heralds his release and I don't stop until I coax every last bit from him.

His hand at my arm urges me up and I carefully stretch out on top of him. Fingers lazily tickle over my back while my own tangle into his hair.


"Mmm, I can wait. Go ahead." I pick my head up and smile at him. "That bed's looking comfy again."

He laughs. "All right."

We don't move, though, not for several more minutes. Eventually, we part and I crawl back into bed, settling behind Micah. She stirs a little and rolls to nuzzle against me.

"Love you, beautiful," I whisper, watching her smile.

"Love you, too," she mumbles out. "Always."

I smile, too, and kiss the top of her head. "Always," I echo before drifting off again.
Re: Copper's Corner

Been a while since I've updated in here and since my one game is gearing up for a major plot, figured I'd work in the beginnings of another soundtrack to it, courtesy of Rin, of course.

The (short as I can make it) background to the situation is that the Hunters in the game are divided into two factions: The Traditionalists, who are grounded in Italy, and are lead by Gabriella, who believe in traditional Catholic values and if something is not 100% human, it needs to die. This includes vampires, shifters, mages, and if they knew more about them, sin-eaters. Fae are all right, though, because the families have close ties with them. The other faction are Progressives, headquartered in NYC, lead by Raphael (who, himself is a fetch (clone) of Jace. For more on this, see earlier posts.) They have more of a "let the peaceful ones alone" policy because they feel throwing yourself at every abomination is part of the reason why the Hunters are getting killed off faster than they can breed more baby Hunters. Going after the vampire that's racking up a body count is fine. Going after the mage that just wants to finish grad school is excessive. And because certain higher members of the family don't think that this division is wise, it sparks a civil war between them. Not to mention the fact that, in addition to being one of the abominations they're supposed to be hunting (not that 99.9% of the Hunters know this), Raphel is also married to his lover, Cassian, which the family is royally torqued about. So Gabriella decides to take matters into her own hands and makes the first strike: attempting to assassinate Rafe, Cass, Jace, Becca, and Kale, the upper echelons of the Progressives. She fails and that's what's going to kick things off.

- The song that defines the players in the war. The first stanza is for Davin and Rin, the ones who don't fit in and refuse to live up to what society expects of them. Next is Becca, who refuses to conform to the role that Jace's family thinks she's supposed to be portraying (the good little wife, at home, making Hunter babies, not out there killing nasties with him.) And last is Steph, who would be the one standing in the crosshairs going "Bring it, bitches!" to take the heat off of the others and show Italy that they don't know what they've started.

- Italy doesn't put much stock in the folks in Erie, where Kale is located. This is a mistake, because it is also where Steph is located and ignoring Steph in a fight is like ignoring that freight train that's coming down the tracks at you. Plus, she considers it her primary job to watch Kale's back, so if you go after her boss, you are one dumb sonofabitch.

- Something that basically is telling the Traditionalists that, well, we aren't going to be like them. Ever.

- More of a rally song than anything else. Something of a "we freaks stand together." And on that note...

- Another rally song, in the instance of there's nothing wrong with being a freak and that's where they're going to get their strength from.

- Put this one in Becca's soundtrack, but the sentiment of the song fits with the sin-eaters when it comes to helping out in the war.

- One of the few song that seems to embody Steph and portray her feelings on the Italy folk.
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Re: Copper's Corner

Getting bored again and since I haven't put out much writing that hasn't been tabletop game-based lately (read: I haven't done fanfic in a while.), I figured I'd start working on the soundtrack for my newest White Wolf character: Lancer.

Lancer started out as a throwaway NPC in a D&D Planescape game, but the little bastard decided to stick around, mostly due to a conversation between me and the then player who is also my WW ST of "How could we get him to meet Matt and Julian for real?" So a character that started out as a tiefling (not a 4E tiefling, the cool ones from earlier editions.) turned into one of the Lost, ie, a Changeling.

As short a backstory as I can make it: Lancer started out as 16 year old Adam Spears, growing up in not quite rural Ohio. Was on the cross-country team at school. Grew his hair long to get on his father's nerves. Had the girl best friend and guy best friend in classes, then the new kid shows up who gets into a fight the first day when one of the jocks calls him a fag. Adam not-quite sticks up for him, then helps patch him up when aforementioned jock slams him into a locker later. That night, mom asks him to hike a casserole down to a recuperating neighbor when a changeling rider and her pack of dogs bear down on him, scoop him up, and cart him off to Arcadia. There he gets dumped in a sort of "proving ground" belonging to the Fae lord which is akin to a zoo. There he meets a collection of anthropomorphic individuals, chief among them Tiri (who is very Thundercat-Cheetarah-ish), Merit (swan/ermine, who eventually becomes his girlfriend), Gypsy (a male cockatoo), Briar (or more apt, Briar Rose, another guy. More on him later.), and Blake (who is silver/moonlight based and eventually becomes his lover.) Adam himself starts a slow change, his hair turning a dark-cherry red with heartsblood highlights, his eyes stay brown, though they facet in almost a floral pattern (rather than like an insect's does.) and the most important: he grows a set of wings. Easiest way I can describe them is somewhat similar to from X-Men: First Class. Of course, shortly after that, the fae lord's rider plucks him (somewhat violently) out of the enclosure to be taken to a "bug box" where he joins several other individuals who have traits similar to him (mostly insectoid but some other plant/animal but all stunningly beautiful, too) where he basically becomes a porn star, to explain it easily enough. Those in the box are expected to perform for the Keeper and those that don't have any obvious talent, well, they have to do something. That's where he meets Ash (a death-moth) who becomes his Dom. And that's where Adam becomes Lancer and becomes very good at what he's expected to do. He finally gets out when he and a few of the others in the box are stolen by a group that sells them off to a goblin market and he's liberated by some well-meaning-but-having-ulterior-motives members of the NOLA court. Which is where he pops out of Arcadia...about 35 years later and only 2 or 3 years older. He's taken in by another Lost named Lucas, who's a musician, who helps him get his bearings, find a job and reconnect with Ash, who also got out. Now he works as a model for one of the college art professors and moonlights in an Unseelie brothel. All the while, he's working on getting enough resources together to go *back* to Arcadia to get Blake out.

So, yeah, me, short synopsis, not so much. Ah well. Here's some of the songs that have soundtracked his game so far.

(Putting in a bit of a trigger warning for the first entry, even though I glean over the situation for the sake of recounting events/song explanation.)

- Bit of an odd one, but somewhat apt. Blake, Lancer's lover, was initially part of a different camp in the enclosure. He had sworn to stay with them, or more appropriately, *his* former lover, Briar. Even before they really became a couple, Lancer sought to bring Blake back to his own camp (where Blake had originally belonged). To do that, he had to go through a Tam Lim style trial during which the oath and Briar tried to stop him. He won. Flash forward a little bit and Lancer's out, alone, and he gets ambushed and kidnapped by Briar (who is more than a little unstable and a lot sadistic), who ties him up in briar vines and proceeds to sexually molest him until Tiri breaks up the "party." This leads to Lancer having some rather odd scarring on his wrists, Briar being punished by the others, and some H/C between Blake and Lancer. Hence the song.

- Lancer got wings and can fly. I can't think of anything more apt than this one.

- This song sort of fits Changelings in general to me, especially when they've just gotten out of Arcadia, like Lancer. Here's a kid that was pulled out of 1986, only spent 3 or 4 years there, near as he could figure, and got dropped out into 2013, where his fetch is a 44 year old accountant and there are computers that fit in your pocket. Kid's got a lot of catching up to do.

- Lancer used this to catch the attention of a guy at a party on campus. Suffice to say it worked. That, and, well, he is a submissive and very into the BDSM scene.

- The song that Lancer and the aforementioned guy dance to in which Lancer uses him as a stripper pole (for a while) before they decide to go off somewhere else. It also turns rather appropriate because Lancer inadvertently winds up the bastard one-night-stand when he finds out the guy's looking for something more in a relationship and while Lancer is very faithful to his lovers, there's an 's' on the end of that word and Dan, the guy, wasn't willing to be a part of that.

- Yes, I know it's about a chick, but both the ST and I agree that we can see Lancer doing a pole dance/strip routine/table dance to this. I think it's the hair.

More to follow as things crop up and as the little angstball gets himself into further trouble. May not seem like it, but he's actually a really complex character, if you look beyond the fact that he's also something of a sexpot.
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Re: Copper's Corner

Throwing in an odd post here or there because it's been a while since I've posted here and this is insurance that it's got a recent post in it for when the pruning happens. I also find it amusing that my baby Lancer is nearly half a year old. Doesn't seem like I've been playing him all that long and yet...