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Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor saw Sean walk off to his bike, promising answers in time. He was actually rather surprised at how he was being treated. Considering how this group came off, he was assuming he'd be kept in the dark and practically treated like a child when it came to information, but they've actually been straightforward. He thought to himself working for 'em might not actually be so bad, as he joined Claudia in the car.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

It didn't take long for Connor, Claudia and their police friend to make it back to the station.

What did take long was the moving of the device to the proper place, as the cop felt it best that he be the only one to move it, since he'd already touched it.

Claudia kept him engaged in conversation until they had the chair in place, then she gingerly set the bomb on the chair and ran out.

The explosion left very little of the chair left, and what WAS left wasn't a problem to dispose of in the bags.

After they were done, Claudia decided to walk back with Connor to the base, as it wasn't that far.

"Well this sure has been an interesting day huh?"

She'd taken the time to buy a new pair of jeans, tossing her old ones out as they were so badly torn she didn't want to walk around in them.

((Soon as the others post I'll be bumping this back to the Warehouse and a new day soon. In order to keep with plot lines, the main group will need to be gone on their second mission before RJ returns.))
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen nodded to Sean, and walked back out to the main room, sitting down on one of the pews. A shaft of sunlight came in from one of the stain-glass windows, landing on the pew beside her arm. Ellen watched it for a second, then slowly pulled her sleeve back and laid her arm in the light, watching it intently. She felt the warmth on her arm, and after a minute of nothing happening, she smiled and leaned back, simply waiting for everyone else to finish up. For the first time in a long time, she actually felt tired.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

((Retro-post here, since I'd forgotten to have him mention it.))

Ellen's Farnsworth went off, and when she answered it, Sean rather quickly apologized. "Sorry about running off when there was something you seemed to want to ask...But a second artifact turned up suddenly, and I'm having to run it back to the warehouse. We may need to wait on talking until you get back, since I really need to get this back."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"Not a problem, I have all the time in the world. See you there." Ellen said lazily. The way she said it sounded like she expected it to be the end of the conversation, but she left the Farnsworth open, her face looking serene as she stared into the middle space somewhere above the device.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Sean did end the conversation there, closing his end.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

The screen on Ellen's went blank, so she simply closed it and pocketed it again, her hand returning to her side afterwards. Mentally, she replayed the scene that had happened a few bate minutes ago, trying to gain any new insights she had missed the first time around. Her mind drifted to Kevin, and that arm of his. He had fought gracefully with it, and Ellen found herself wondering how far back his memories actually went. She added him to the list of people she needed to have a conversation with, and simply drifted a while...
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor kept his eyes open for the majority of the trip, under the assumption they might be attacked since it was brought up by Sean, and clearly wasn't interested in the chair's destruction. He had no objection to walking back, but felt that his conversational skills would be lacking considering all the things he was trying to process while staying on his toes. "Interesting is one way to put it. Maybe the shock of it will hit me later and I'll start writhing in mind-numbing agony, but for now.. I really don't know what to think.... Kind of a state of awe, I guess."
After a small hesitation, he shook out a bit realizing he should probably ask something back to keep it going. "What about you? Is this a regular day?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Claudia chuckled slightly.

"Besides the Hunter trying to rip my clothes off and do gods knows what to me, pretty much. I guess I just proved that those B.O.W's aren't immune to artifacts after all. But yeah, artifact hunting is pretty much a daily thing, although sometimes things get really hairy. One time we came across an artifact that could let the person who used it toss fireballs at people. It was kind of cool."

She sent a general buzz on the Farnsworth's to let people know to move to the base, that it was time to go.

"So if you weren't here, what would you be up to anyway?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen flipped open her Farnsworth again and read the message, finally standing from her seat and leaving the church. She gives one of the dead creatures a glance as she passed by it, wondering what they were going to do about cleaning it up. Deciding it wasn't her problem, she stepped out and hailed a taxi, heading off to the base.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor's eyebrow raised at the mention of being able to shoot fireballs. Now he's heard just about everything.

"I don't know. Call me naive, but part of the reason I've been so open-minded about this is cuz of this feeling I should always help other people. Maybe call it some sort of faith or belief system or just some inner justification, but I feel like a judge of a person is based on how they act with others. I've been studying to be a medical student and it's been coming to me really easily, but I took a break for the immediate approach of being a cop. I don't know when I plan to get back to studying but, I know that's what I want to end up doing" Connor slowed a step and frowned a bit and quietly adding "or at least what I wanted... And your life before this? What was that like?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

There was a pause before she answered.

"Hecktic. Both my parents died some years ago, and my only brother managed to get himself sucked into a parallel reality to our own and I had to get Chris's help to fish his ass out. Damn near killed me in the process. Before that I guess you could say I was your typical teen punk girl."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Realizing it might be a touchy subject, Connor still asked about the unknown.
"But your brother is ok now?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

She nodded.

"Yeah he's good now. Shipped out to Princeton a month or so ago after he caught up on everything that had changed. What about you, any people your close with?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira, feeling a little abandoned by everyone, heads back to the air base on foot, looking rather sullen and confused. A little disappointed too that Connor had run off to talk to someone far more interesting.

After a short amount of time, Akira shows up at the air base, waiting for the others.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

He tried to describe how he moves through life on a social standpoint, notably not sad or depressed about it, but almost inquisitive about his own nature. "No, not really. They say you don't keep your friends when you go to a new institution, so when you spend most of your time graduating at higher levels, you move on to a new group. Then there were some officers I work with, but I think I'm only friendly with them because I work with them. Even my parents are kinda drifted. I moved pretty far to continue my education, and years away from them... I mean they're still my parents, it's just... I don't know."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen stepped out of the taxi once it reached the base, paying the man and looking around once it drove off. Spotting Akira, she went up to talk to her. "Hey there." She said simply. "How are you feeling?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Kevin sat crouching on top of a building, his Farnsworth open in his hands as he read the message "Time to head back. I'll have to keep a wide berth from that one girl. Can't have her scared half to death of me." he thinks, closing the Farnsworth and sliding it into his pockets before standing and taking off in a dash across the rooftops, arriving near the base and sliding down the side of a building with his left hand, then walking towards it, noticing the taxi exiting the base "I still cant believe that THING made me reveal myself. I was hoping it would remain a secret." he thinks, walking towards Akira with his head hung low, passing her by. "Don't be afraid of what you don't understand." he says in a low voice as he passes her
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Claudia nodded.

"Yeah I get you. Ah, finally, we're here. Now we can head home and get some showers."

She'd get them clearance, then they'd board their plane and fly home.

((Moving this to the Bed and Breakfast now.))
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira looks up at the speaker and shrugs, shaking a little still, "I'm... well... scared." Watching Kevin as he passes, Akira looks over at the plane, "I... I don't know why they brought me along... I'm useless..." Noticing that Claudia had boarded the plane, Akira stands up and rests a hand on the plane, then smiles, and walks onto the plane, "I want to get some rest."