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Club Grounds

Re: Club Grounds

Dressmaking, Theater, Art, even Music after a moment's hesitation, Autumn seems to want a schedule too busy to even leave time to think. "Okay, all that's left is Tea, right?" She asks, looking around for the proper direction, having gotten used to the crowded maze somewhat.
Re: Club Grounds

"I think so. Were you really interested or did you just want to harass Ian with me?" Sho grins. Seems she's only signed up for the literary club, but that doesn't discourage her from chatting with the members of the other groups that are out and about this afternoon.
Re: Club Grounds

"Is he still over there?" Autumn asks, kind of nervously.
Re: Club Grounds

"Doesn't look like it, but he could be sitting down. Want me to walk by first and check for you?" Clearly something about this situation amuses Sho.
Re: Club Grounds

Autumn stands on her tip-toes to try and see over the crowd better. "Would you?" She asks meekly, still looking nervous.
Re: Club Grounds

On her way over, Sho would spot Aya looking fairly lost, as if she didn't know what to sign up for, while Siphon was across to the other side of the room, apparently having signed up for anything to do with swords, or martial arts.

Neither had spotted Sho or Autumn just yet.

((Sorry on late post, completely had a block.))
Re: Club Grounds

"Oh crap, that time already?" Art says as he checks his watch, the time reads 16:45. "Well, I'll leave you to the rest of the clubs though they'll be closing up soon." Art says to Rolf. "I'll probably see you tomorrow." With that Art rushes back to the boy's dorms.
Re: Club Grounds

Grace idles about for a while, generally looking at whatever the cosplay club had put up on display, as well as half heartedly listening to what the others were talking about. Eventually she decides she might as well go collect her schedule, but has one more thought before she leaves. Approaching Art again, she puts up her hand with a enquiring smile, "Em, hey. So say, if I happened to want some material, for stuff, how might I go about getting it?"
Re: Club Grounds

((I'll take this as happening before Art rushing off))

As Art leaves he stops as Grace addresses him. "Well you could either ask the Dress Making Club for some material or I'll order in some when it's needed. I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow, I've gotta go now. Seeya." With that Art makes his way back to the dorm.
Re: Club Grounds

((Oh, that post wasn't there when I started. But then I was doing other stuff while writing. No matter.))

"Hmm, all right then. See ya laters." Grace says, her raised hand turning into a little finger wave. She looks about once more in thought, then spins on her heels and strolls into the dressmaking club.

'Never thought I'd want to visit a group like this.' She thinks to herself walking up to whoever looked in charge, "Em, hey. I'm looking to get some material to work with..."

A short time latter Grace emerges from the club, a small bundle of cloth rolls under arm, and yet a slightly defeated look on her face. 'Man, they are surprisingly persuasive in there... I'll go get that schedule now then...'


Meanwhile, over at the Martial arts club, things were winding down. Most signers had come and gone by now, and Ellisia had just finished what would probably be her last sword play demonstration of the day. "It's been a decent group." She says to one of the other hosts, sitting down to take a rest. 'Not quite the same as working with the Etheirian academy initiates, but this lot still have spirit.'
Re: Club Grounds

Siphon nodded approvingly of Elissia's display, then walked over to her.

"Remind me some time to have us compare notes, maybe even friendly spar with foil or something. Your really good with that."
Re: Club Grounds

"Good grief, you really are nervous about seeing him." Sho laughs quietly, not drawing attention to the two of them. "All right, I'll check and see if he's still there." Autumn can hear the other girl humming the "kissing song" softly as she goes. That stops as she spots the blonde. "Hey, roomie!" She slides up to Aya, mission forgotten at the moment, but then, so is the song. "What brings you here?"

Remembering her offer, she glances over to the booth. Ian isn't anywhere to be found, so she gives Autumn a thumbs-up before going back to talking to the blonde.
Re: Club Grounds

"No! Well, maybe a... Yeah..." Autumn admits as Sho walks off, immediately followed by the string of denials when she hears the humming. "Don't! It's not, we're not..." She says, trailing off as Sho continues out of range.

She just kinda mills around where she was standing until Sho gives her the thumbs-up, and slowly makes her way over to the Tea Club, keeping a close eye in the meanwhile, just in case...
Re: Club Grounds

If Sho hears the denials, she's definitely ignoring them. Thankfully, when Autumn gets to the area manned by the tea club, Ian isn't anywhere around, giving her a little bit of a reprieve. About the only thing she'll have to deal with now is Sho's teasing.
Re: Club Grounds

Aya looked up to Sho and shrugged.

"Hell if I know, don't really know enough about these things, but figured I'd see if .... well ANYTHING caught my eye. So far nothing."
Re: Club Grounds

Ellisia looks up to Siphon as he approaches and replies, "Thank you. And absolutely. Feel free to visit the club any time I'm around and I'd be glad to have a match with you. I'm always looking for a new challenge."
Re: Club Grounds

Autumn signed up for the Tea club quietly, not saying much to the club leader as she put her name on the list. That done, she started to head back to where she last saw Sho, hoping to be able to find her again...
Re: Club Grounds

Sho's right where she left Autumn, standing by Aya. "Really? Nothing? Well, I can see avoiding Art at the cosplay club, even if it is a chance to play dress up." She grins a little. "You could always join the literary club with me. That's just reading and talking about books. Might help expand your horizons." She gets a sly look on her face. "Ian's in the tea club." She stuffs her hands in her pockets and whistles innocently after that, rocking on the balls of her feet and pretending not to pay any attention to what she'd just said.
Re: Club Grounds

Autumn walks up to the pair just in time for Sho's last comment, no doubt made for the express reason of teasing her. "Weren't you thinking of signing up for that too?" She asks, before turning to Aya. "Hi again..." She says with a small smile.
Re: Club Grounds

She's actually teasing both of them, really, since the Australian seems to be a link between the other two girls. "Me? Oh, god no. I'm too hyper. I tried it my first year. I don't have the patience for it. Good luck with it. And I mean that."