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Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Donning the jacket, Rain makes her way to the cafeteria without much trouble, finding her path to be surprisingly clear given what has happened so far. There, she finds the source of the red glow, a glass orb atop one of the tables...

(Oh and before I forget...

Rain is now Level 2! You have 3 points with which to allocate into stats! Please state where you would like to add points/if you would like to save your points, then update your character sheet accordingly!

Should have given you this after outrunning the slime, but I forgot.)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( I would like to add one point in strength, dexterity, and endurance, bringing them all up to two. I would like to save my stats. )

Getting the white jacket on had brought a small bit of comfort to Rain. This entire horrifying time she had been completely naked and cold but now, with this white jacket on, the girl felt a bit warmer and covered up. The thing was able to be buttoned up, covering her chest up, and went down a little past her waist, unfortunate for her not covering up her womanhood. Rain wasn't whining about it though, after all this was a lot better then nothing, she was better off now then she had been.

Making her way back out of the office and into the cafeteria where the red glow was Rain's dark blue eyes looked around, scared and curious. Upon getting in the dark blue haired girl saw the source of the glowing red light. An evil looking red orb that sat on one of the lunch tables. Rain was afraid to get near it but found herself slowly walking over to it, speaking to herself as she did. " I've seen this glow before..." She paused before quietly speaking to herself. " I-its the same red glow that came from those rooms on upper floor..." Rain then had an idea, an idea that might save her and get her out of here.

" Maybe... If I break it... This place will go away and... Ill be free... "

This orb looked evil, it very well could be the source of power in this place. The thing making the envelopes appear and the red text appear in places, Rain was positive it was at least responsible for the mysterious red glows. It may of even been controlling that blob that had... Killed Winfred. Rain was afraid to try but she was going to pick and smash it on the ground, throwing it to the ground as hard as she could and as quick as she could. Rain got close to the table now, close enough to reach for the orb. Quickly, Rain reached out to snatch the orb and break it...

( Action: Smash the red orb against the ground. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Uh, BG, read the announcements thread please, that's not how stat points work...)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( Oh, whoops. All points into dex, bringing it to level 3. )
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Still off >_>;; You can bring Dex to level 2 with the points given to you, and have one left over... but that's it for now.)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( Ok, I understand now. Ill bring dex up to two and just save the remaining point for later.)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

As Rain is about to grab the orb, she finds her arm restrained all of a sudden by another's, something that shouldn't have been there.

"Afraid I can't let you do that sugar', that be the Lady's property."

Turning around, the girl would find herself having been grabbed by a particularly attractive woman in black lingerie, with bat wings and a tail coming out of her. Whoever this person was, she was most likely not on Rain's side...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( So... Is the bat woman's hair and eyes red? )

Rain was caught off guard when something had suddenly stopped her arm from reaching the red orb. Rain was frozen with fear when this happened, her eyes shooting open with fear and surprise as her heart jumped and began to pound. Upon hearing human language being spoken then Rain found herself able to turn around and face whatever had grabbed her arm. Rain's confused and frightened eyes looked over the person, blushing slightly at seeing the attractive figure is such suggestive clothing speak with her. The bat wings and tail, seeming not to be fake but apart of the woman's body, scared Rain a little more, seeing that this was not just some normal human.

Rain quickly thought back to something upon hearing that the orb was the lady's property. The first envelope that said this was all a game had been signed by someone called the Lady, master of this world. Rain's mind put something together then. This Lady was responsible for everything that had happened. This woman who was stopping her was some servant of the woman. The woman was trying to stop Rain from doing something that would hurt the lady, something that could harm her or this strange world she had created. Rain then knew that this woman was her enemy and would stop at nothing to keep the dark blue haired girl from destroying the red orb.

Rain didn't know how to fight, she wasn't strong and wasn't armed with any kind of weapon. Winfred wasn't her to protect her, she was gone and Rain knew that she would have to rely on herself now. She knew that she would have to fight if she wanted to get to the orb and destroy it.

( Action: Without warning Rain suddenly try's to stomp on the woman's foot and get free. If possible she try's to knock the orb off of the table. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Ouch at succubus critical...And no, this one actually has yellow hair and brown eyes)

Missing the demon woman's foot with her stomp, Rain soon finds both of her arms restrained as the woman grabbed her, and drew her within its wing span.

"Now now sugar, why not have some fun with me first before you try breaking other people's property? We can start by getting those clothes off of ya."

Maneuvering its tail expertly, the severed all of the jacket's buttons with one quick slash, exposing Rain's front to whatever the succubus should desire...

(Rain is now naked once more...)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( Yikes, looks like I'm starting this fight off bad. I have a feeling I'm about to get a bunch of unlucky rolls. )

Rain had let a quiet gasp out when she found both her arms bound by blond haired woman and herself drawn in by the wing span, her back now touching against the woman's front. She felt herself shaking a little once her jacket had been destroyed and had come to the realization that this woman was planning to do something ill to her. The way the woman looked and her desire she had to rip off the little amount of clothing Rain had, this told dark blue haired girl that the woman was going to rape her, the thought of being raped by other woman terrified Rain. She badly wanted to escape such a fate. Rain's fear was starting to make her think of begging, begging for forgiveness and not to be harmed or touched. For a short moment Rain mentally struggled over what she should do, and in the end the thought of giving into someone who worked under the person who had killed her best friend was enough to keep her from surrendering. Rain was flustered and scared but would struggle and would try to escape.

( Action: Rain attempts to escape. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Erm...Yup? One for Rain... Eight for the Succubus... Did I mention the Charm roll was an overkill?)

Voice becoming very sensual and sultry as she spoke again, the lingerie clad woman easily kept her prey restrained before beginning the process of the task she was best at...seduction.

"Now now sugar, stop your struggling already. You know you want this...in fact, you need this... you'll die without it."

As if some hidden power was laden behind those words, Rain feels herself ceasing to resist subconsciously as she becomes mesmerized by her captor's voice, a strange desire beginning to well up within her as she felt something prodding at her nether regions...

(Rain is now charmed and must pass a roll to break out of the charm after a minimum of two turns...)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain had weakly struggled against the woman's hold on her arms before realizing that it was hopeless, the woman was too strong for her to break away from. Rain's fear was about to have her start begging for mercy until something happened, something odd. Once the woman began speaking to her in a hot and and suggestive tone the innocent girl's face completely flustered up as she felt her entire attitude change, she felt an irresistible desire to obey the woman and to completely submit to her. Rain's mind tried to resist for a moment along with her body but it was quickly defeated, Rain had given in. Rain stopped struggling after her mind had given in, she let her arms relax as she tilted her head, looking up to the brown eyed woman's face. Rain's cute and innocent eyes that showed that she had fallen under the woman's whim were looking at the woman's eyes themselves, right into the demonic brown eyes. Rain then, feeling the unusual and alien feeling in her nether regions, spoke to the woman.

" I... I'm sorry..." Rain spoke in a submissive and slightly soft voice. " I... Won't struggle anymore..."

Rain, sadly, only had an average mind as far as resisting mystical mind controlling powers went. She didn't have the mind to resist the woman, she had given in and without the help of someone she would happily submit herself as the woman's pet or just let her do as she pleased. Not a part of Rain's mind screamed for help and thought to resist, it had all been taken over, for now.

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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"That's a good sugar, here's a reward for your obedience."

Drawing the girl into a deep kiss, the demoness began to caress the girl's breast with one hand, making slow sensual circular motions to build up arousal. Meanwhile, near Rain's nether regions, the "hard object" had begun to run itself up and down her silt, stopping occasionally to stimulate the girl's clitoris as she began to become wet. When the succubus decided that her "victim" was sufficient aroused, she broke out of the kiss, intent on making her beg for more pleasure as she tweaked the girl's nipple.

"Now then sugar, tell me what you want..."
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

After Rain had submitted and said sorry for struggling she had kept still as she looked into the woman's eyes. When the woman had called her a "good sugar" and said she would reward her for obedience Rain's now submissive and obedient mind wasn't sure what to expect. However, once the demoness drew the innocent girl in for a kiss Rain slowly began to understand. Rain's eyes slowly began to close and stopped halfway once her lips met the the woman's own soft lips. Once her arms were free and the woman stopped holding them they quickly went to her sides and kept still. Once one of the blond demoness's hand began to caress one of her c cup breasts and the hard thing that had been prodding began to slide up and down the lips of her flower, tweaking her clitoris occasionally, the girl began to completely shut her eyes as she softly moaned into the kiss, the odd sensation of being sexually stimulated and her pussy getting wet filling her.

When the kiss broke Rain's innocent blue eyes opened up as she obediently looked into the blond demoness's eyes. Upon hearing the woman ask her what she wanted Rain slowly responded, the only change in her voice was now it had lust in it. " I... I want..." What Rain wanted was more, she wanted more of the alien pleasure that the woman was giving her. She didn't know how to refer to the strange pleasure so just referred to it as more. " I... I want more... Please give me more... Please..." Rain begged for the woman to violate her, her mind not even realizing how horrible Rain would feel about this later on due to the demoness's control over it. Then again, if the woman kept Rain then the dark blue eyed girl wouldn't ever have to worry about feeling bad.

With a wet pussy and a flustered face Rain awaited for the woman to take her violation to the next step...
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"Good girlie, here's another reward being honest."

Smiling devilishly as she toyed around with Rain's nipples, it was then that the succubus penetrated the girl with her tail in one swift stroke, beginning to pump in and out of her while playing havoc with the girl's body using her hands. From massaging the girl's breasts, to tweaking her clitoris, the demon was in her element as she utilized her knowledge of love-making to its fullest while fucking the girl with her tail, sending various sensations throughout the girl's body and bringing her one step closer to orgasm...

(Rain's Orgasm Status: Yellow)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

When the succubus's tail rammed its way inside of her, pushing right into her virgin pussy, Rain let out a cry of pain and pleasure as tears began to form in her dark blue eyes. Her head went back as she shut her eyes, her arms remaining limp. A trickle of blood ran down the demoness's tail as it continued to pump Rain's virgin pussy, the flower leaking love juices as it was violated skillfully.

Rain moaned out and cried from the intense and unfamiliar pleasure that she felt, loving every moment that the woman toyed with her body and fucked her pussy because of the control she had placed on her. Rain's mind was still completely under the woman's mind control. If it somehow managed to break the spell Rain was under the poor girl would likely realize she was being raped and start rapidly hating the violation, crying from terror as she hopelessly struggled. It might of been best if her mind kept under the blond demoness's mind control so she would enjoy her first time ever having sex. If she was lucky someone would come and save her, however chances of someone in the dark and empty building coming to help her seemed very slim.

( Action: Rain gives in completely, her mind doesn't attempt to break the charm spell. )
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

As Rain seemed to give in completely, it was then that another feeling began to mix itself into those of pleasure and passion, a draining sensation as her energy and mind seemed began to slip away from her. In combination with the tailing pumping in and out of her pussy, the stimulation of her clitoris, the massage of her breasts and teasing of her nipples, the sensation of having her very life and soul drained from her only helped serve to send her deeper to the depths of rapture even more. Reaching her peak, Rain found herself unable to contain herself any longer, and let out a scream of pleasure as the combined sensations culminated in a powerful orgasm, a shower of juices washing over the tail within her pussy. Body going limp as she felt the remnants of her energy and soul seemingly sucked out of her, she collapsed onto the ground to stare at her captor, finding her vision beginning to blur.

"Mmm...that was the best meal I've had in a while Sugar, thanks for that...Should really ask the Lady if I couldn't keep you to myself for a while before sharing with the rest."

The last thing Rain heard before she blacked out was the sound of a gunshot, and the shattering of glass...


Rain awoke to the jostling of a vehicle driving on a bumpy road, a blanket of sorts wrapped around her naked form. Finding herself to be in the passenger seat of an open roofed jeep-like vehicle, she turned to the left to see a person with shoulder length blond hair driving the car she was now in. More notable however, was the out of place cowboy hat the person wore, and large sniper rifle strapped his/her back, whatever the person's gender was...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain had moaned deeply then let a scream out as she came, her love juices rushing out and coating the tail in her pussy along with dripping out. As the girl fell to the ground and looked up, seeing her rapist speaking to her, Rain remained still and silent, to weak to move and still brainwashed and unable to say anything. The girls vision blurred, and then went as her eyes shut and she began to fade. Rain's ears just barley caught the sound of a gun as her mind completly went out, not even having time to think about it.

After being raped the dark blue haired girl had fallen and kept in an uneasy and dreamless sleep. After a while she stirred a bit then finally woke back up, Rain's dark blue eyes peering out from her opening eyelids. Her memory's just not coming back yet, the memory's of hearing her best friends final screams and the ones of being raped, Rain felt confusion at where she was and what was happening. The blanket covered girl turned her head to the left to see some person driving, Rain then noticed that she was in a moving open roofed jeep. For some reason the girl couldn't tell the gender of the driver just yet, however, she noticed the person had blond hair and sniper rifle, along with what looked like a cowboy hat. Whoever the person was Rain wasn't exactly afraid of it, mainly because she knew that if this person had wanted to harm her it would of done it already.

Working the courage up to speak Rain slowly began, her meek and confused voice passing her lips as she began to speak as her confused eyes looked at the person. " What's... Going on..? Rain paused for a second before she continued to speak. "Who are you..? " Those two things were what Rain wanted to know, she wanted to know who this person was and why Rain was with it in this jeep. At the moment Rain's mood had been simply neutral and confused, confused because she had woken up naked in a blanket in someone's jeep, however, her memory's of her time at the dark school were slowly starting to come back to her. Just now her mind was recalling the memory of Winfred screaming out in agony...

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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"Name's Artemis, demon-hunter and fellow enemy of the Lady."

Given the tone of the voice, one would believe that the person was more likely female than male, despite her demeanor. Of course, that was the furthest thing on Rain's mind, as the self proclaimed demon-hunter gestured to a familiar sight in the back.

"Found you and your friend in that there school back there, seems like you two had quite the adventure given how the two of you were."

There, wrapped in a blanket and lying unconscious in the back of the jeep was Rain's best friend Winfred, who appeared to be rather slimy and sticky given the way the white sheet clung to her. But more importantly, the girl was alive and breathing, seeming to have been knocked out by exhaustion rather than from any physical injury.
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain's mind took in everything the demon hunter had said right before her body spun around to see her best friend alive and well. The dark blue haired girl began to think. Rain's mind was suddenly taken back to when she had been raped by that bat woman. This really upset Rain, thinking of how she had become the things pet and had given her virginity up so happily. Rain wanted to cry and weep from what had happened, her purity was gone. However, as upsetting as this was for her Rain kept herself from crying. Her best friend was alive, which caused her so much happiness now that she wasn't going to let that rapist woman ruin it. Rain didn't want to think about that woman anyways, she had a good feeling the woman was dead. That bullet Rain had heard before she blacked out must of been aimed right at the bat and more then likely killed it.

A bit happy now Rain turned to face what she thought was the woman who saved her. Wanting to show her extreme gratitude for being saved the girl bowed her head and began to speak in a respectful voice. " Thank you..." Rain paused before continuing. " Thank you so much for saving my friend and I. If... I can ever do anything to repay you please, tell me..." Rain picked her head up and looked at the cowboy hat wearing blond woman then spoke again, her voice the same. " My name is Rain... It's nice to meet you Artemis. " Rain had already started to grow an incredibly great respect for this woman, after saving not only her but her best friend it's hard to see Rain not respecting and maybe even wanting to be like Artemis