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Class with a Witch... (Rain)


Nov 9, 2008
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"In the human world, if one is to be respectable in society, one is expected to receive proper schooling in mathematics, science, and all other sorts of subjects. However in a world ruled by a Witch, one will find that the criteria is very different than that of "normal society...Fufufufufufufufu~"


"Rain? Rain? Wake up!"

Slowly stirring from her slumber, the blue haired girl awakens to the sight of her friend, who was calling her name...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain didn't remember what had happened before she had gone to sleep. That really added to her confusion as her eyes slowly opened up and met with a pair of very familiar eyes. As Rain's eye lids opened and slowly began to blink her dark blue eyes looked out to see her close friend above her, looking at her with what Rain thought was a worried look. Feeling groggy and a bit weak the blue haired girl rapidly snapped out of the effects of sleeping as she sat up, her face flustering up at the realization that both she and Winfred were naked and sitting on a cold, white floor. Rain quickly closed her legs shut and covered her c cup breasts with one arm and she used her other arm to help keep herself sitting up.

Scared and confused along with embarrassed Rain meekly spoke out in a tone that matched the look in her eyes and face, asking Winfred what she wanted to know.

" W-Winnie... What's going on..? Where are we..?"

The scared girl called Winfred Winnie as sort of a nickname. She usually didn't call her by her real name.
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"I don't know! When I woke up I was like thisand...Oh god, where are we?..."

The room was almost completely pitch black, with only a single ceiling light to help with visibility, despite there being windows in the room as well. Should one attempt to peer through the glass, they would find that the outside was in a similar state, no moonlight or starlight to help one see very far...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Being the meek coward she was Rain was incredibly afraid as her surroundings were confirmed to be real, as she knew that this wasn't a bad dream she wouldn't soon wake up from. Being in a dark and and unfamiliar room without any explanation as to why made the girl want to shake and cry. As badly as Rain wanted to get her friend to hold her as she cried she didn't, Rain tried not to let her fear get the best of her as she tried to think rationally. For a moment Rain looked down, away from Winfred. She closed her eyes as she thought and tried to focus. The blue haired girl didn't know why she was here or what was going on, she did know that it might not be a good thing to wait in this dark room. Whatever put her and her best friend in here might come back for them. Seeing that both of them were naked whatever came back for them might have very ill intentions for the two girls.

Rain opened her eyes as she looked up to Winfred. Her voice a little bit shaky Rain spoke, her voice a bit less meek.

" Winnie... We shouldn't stay in this room, something might come to get us... We should find a way out. "

Slowly, Rain stood up from her spot. Her legs were still shut as her kept her right arm covering her globes, her let arm kept at her side keeping still.
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"Yeah...we should..."

Finally realizing that she was naked after calming down a bit, the black-haired girl's hands shot to cover herself, embarrassed that she had not done so earlier. Now wasn't the time for her to panic, seeing as Rain was most likely more scared than she was. As the bolder one out of the two, she would have to appear more firm and resolute...

"Look...I think there's a door over there..."

Pointing to what appeared to be an exit of the room, Winfred began to take a few steps towards it, the luminescent ink on an envelope dangling from the handle guiding her...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Seeing that Winfred was quick to get up and start leading Rain kept right behind her. As Winfred walked Rain kept close behind her, afraid to let her get too far away. As Rain looked, straining her eyes slightly, she noticed that something was dangling by a string close to the door the two girls were going to. Rain couldn't quite tell what it was but to her it looked like some kind of weird envelope.

Even with an idea of what the thing was Rain questioned it, speaking in her meek and afraid voice as she kept behind her friend.

" W-what is that..? "

Rain didn't want to touch the weird thing, she hoped Winfred took the initiative and just grabbed and inspected it.
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"I'll...go take a look..."

Carefully approaching the envelope, Winfred gingerly removes it from the string which its attached and opens it, finding the contents to be a letter which read the following:

"Learning is so much fun, is it not? Pain, pleasure, despair...Make sure to learn these thoroughly in this game of mine...

-The Lady and master of this world.​

"Game?...Whatever the hell does that mean?..."
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain had no idea what to think of this. The letter, it didn't make any sense. This was a game? The sound of this scared Rain, she wanted nothing to do with this so called game and just wanted to go home. The cowardly girl didn't want to learn about pain, pleasure and she really didn't want to learn about despair. All of these things made Rain want to hide and cry but she didn't, she tried to remain calm. With Winfred here right in front of her Rain felt a lot safer and didn't feel the pains of loneliness. The thought of being all alone in this situation sent chills down the dark blue haired girls spine.

Rain really didn't know what to tell Winfred about the letter and what it meant. Her honest and best guess was that some crazy person kidnapped them for her own amusement and it all was like a game to her. Rain really didn't want to say that to Winfred though, she might not like the sound of it. Instead Rain simply stated the obvious, hoping the bolder black haired girl lead the way out of this dark and creepy room.

" W-we should... Open the door..."

Rain waited, hoping her friend would open the door and she didn't have too...
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Winfred open the door and... ZOMG HEADCRAB!...Not.)


Nodding to her friend, Winfred carefully opens the door to an empty, and abnormally dark hallway. Such is the extent of the darkness, that the girl is barely able to see five feet in front of her...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(( Oh shit! It's followed me from AWMBI! ))

As Rain had feared the hallway was dark, darker then the room they were in. Rain had a feeling that whoever kidnapped her and Winfred knew one of Rain's greatest fears. The darkness. Rain didn't like being in a place she wasn't familiar with however when she was in a place she wasn't familiar with and it was super dark Rain was afraid. Her fear of the unfamiliar blackness was keeping her from walking out the door on her own.

Rain kept right behind Winfred as she meekly spoke out, begging her friend to lead them out of this room and hopefully to safety.

" Winnie... Could you... Please lead the way..?"

Rain waited for her friend to comply, not moving at all. Due to Rain's fear she had managed to forget about the fact that both her and Winfred were naked, for the most part. In the back part of her mind she still badly wanted something to put on, not only because this was awkward, being naked, but she was a little cold.
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"Right...Follow me..."

Keeping her guard up as she began moving down the hallway, in search of a light switch or something so that she and Rain could see better... In the end however, after a rather uneventful trip down the hallway, she finds that the only switch has been torn out, a ceremonial dagger embedded in its former place on the wall...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

As the two girls walked down the hallway Rain stuck close to Winfred, only inches away from the girl. During the walk the dark blue haired girl had been tempted to take a hold of Winfred's hand for extra comfort but didn't, as she didn't want to seem pathetically afraid. Keeping her hands to herself Rain kept on walking, keeping herself covered up even though nobody she knew of was looking at her. Getting to the end of the hallway Rain saw something that only added to her confusion. A strange looking dagger was embedded into a light switch panel.

The confused girl couldn't help but get from the behind of Winfred to her side, wanting to get a slightly better look. Looking at the sharp blade Rain spoke, her voice keeping it's usual quiet and meekness but having a slightly curious tone.

" Is... That a dagger? Why is a dagger in the wall..? "

Rain didn't want to touch it and just wanted to leave it alone. For all she knew it would spring a trap or something if they touched it. Whilst it could be a weapon used for self defense Rain doubted they could get it out of the wall and would just hurt themselves trying.

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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"I...don't know..."

Sharing a different mindset than her friend, Winfred reached for the dagger, finding that it came loose rather easily.

"But at least we can use it to protect ourselves..."

It was at that moment however, a sharp "screeching" sound which could raise goosebumps on the skins of normal people came from behind them, similar to the sounds of nails on a chalkboard. When the turned around to look, the would find the following words written on the wall behind them in ominous red ink:

Let the games begin.

And...almost as if on cue, a squelching sound from the direction which they had come from became audible to them...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain didn't stop Winfred from taking the dagger out from the wall, even thought she was afraid something bad would happen the moment it came out of the wall. Rain was right, things did happen the second the knife came out. The dark blue eyed girl had let a quiet and shocked gasp out when a sharp screeching sound started from the direction they came from. This also made Rain back away, only to bump into the wall behind her that the dagger had been in and spin around. To her shock and awe red text had appeared on the wall, saying "Let the games begin". Rain's shock eyes looked at them in awe as she back up away from the wall, back over to her close friend, afraid to be near the wall.

Rain finally let a cry out when she heard a squelching sound. She was quick to grab onto Winfred's arm out of sheer fear, not caring that their nude skin was touching. Rain held onto her friend tightly as she let a whimper out, afraid to even move from all the horrifying sounds in this dark place. She felt like she was in a horror movie and something close by was about to come and eat her.

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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Given the surroundings and the thing ominously approaching them, it would appear that calling this situation something out of a horror movie was far too accurate. Slowly beginning to move backwards, Winfred attempted to comfort her friend who had clutched onto her arm in fright.

"Rain, listen up...I think there are some stairs behind us...run down them, and whatever you do, don't look back. I'll try to keep whatever this thing is busy, until you can get some help... ok?"

Holding the dagger in both hands, similar to the way one would hold a sword, Winfred steeled her nerves as she stared straight at the abomination coming closer towards them, which seemed to be an enormous blob of some sorts that covered the entire span of the hallway...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain listened to what her friend said as she continued to latch onto the girls arm, not wanting to let go of it. When Winfred told her to run off on her own whilst she held the thing coming off Rain was about to listen until she saw what was coming. A... Blob. A monstrous blob was heading for them. Upon seeing it Rains eyes opened up in sheer fear as she was instantly reminded of an old horror movie she was once forced to watched called The blob, a movie where a monstrous blob came and killed its victims by absorbing them, or in a sense eating them. Seeing that her best friend was about to try and face this foe set off alarms in Rains head, telling her to get Winfred to run away with her.

Panic and fear in her voice Rain spoke, praying her friend would listen to her.

" W-Winnie! It will kill you! P-please, run away with me! "

Rain held onto Winfred as she tried to get the girl to run away with her. Her fear was about to overtake her, seeing the monster coming closer and closer. If at the last second Winfred refused to come then Rain's fear would kick in and make her bolt away, running away as fast as she could.

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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Letting out a gulp as she continued to stare down what was surely impending doom, Winfred tried to reassure her friend into leaving without her, knowing that both of them might be caught by it if nothing was done to slow it down.

"I'll be fine! Just go!"

As the blob drew closer, the black-haired girl began taking a few steps back towards the stairs herself, dragging Rain with her. Then, just as the creature appeared to reel back to launch itself towards the girls, it was then that Winfred forcibly shoved Rain into the stairway, slamming the door shut as a monstrous wave of liquid crashed against it...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain's eyes began to tear up as she stood in awe and shock, thinking that her friend was now dead, captured and being killed by a blob of goop right behind the door that was only feet away. As tears began to roll down her cheeks Rain felt an urge to open the door and to try and save her friend... However too many things in her head told her that it was too late and she should run, not letting her friend sacrifice be in vain. Afraid that the goop would quickly seep through the door after it finished of her friends body a stunned Rain began to turn and around, then, quickly go down the stairs. Afraid and clearly upset Rain began to go down the stairs as fast as she could, even though it was still dark and hard too see...

( Action: Run down the stairs whilst trying not to run into something and get hurt. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Managing to make her way down the stairway without any incident despite her panic, Rain finds herself forced to stop about two floors down as the stairs ended there, blocked off by a tall fence of sorts... On a more positive note however, she hears the sounds of desks scraping about and crashing against the floor upstairs, almost as if her friend was still engaged in combat with the beast...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

When Rain ran into the fence and was forced to stop her confusion and fear were only increased. Why was there a fence here inside a building and why was it blocking off the stairs? Rain didn't know the answers, all she knew was she didn't think she could get past this fence, at least without help. The nude girl sat down, cold and afraid, shaking a bit as she wrapped her arms around herself in a futile attempt to keep herself warmer. Rain kept still sitting, her eyes shut. She began breathing deep in an attempted to calm herself down and slow down her racing heart, just a little bit. However she was interrupted in her calming exorcise as her eyelids only shot back open as she looked around upon hearing sounds on the floor above her. The girl closed her eyes again as she covered her face with her hands, shaking a bit. Rain didn't know what to take of the sound, she could only hope it was the sound of her friend beating that blob that attacked her.

Rain kept silent and still, she wanted to run up and see if her friend was alive, to see if there was anything she could do to help her, but wouldn't budge from her spot.

( Action: Wait. )
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