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User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Characters

Name: Miraboreasu Ryu (Mira for short)

Race: Elder Dragon

Gender: Female

Age: Newly born/Eons old

Physical Description:
Normal mode: A commanding monsterwoman looking like an albino dragon. She doesn't wear clothes however. Her tail is also longer, at least her height and half again, and covered with a fine white fur.

Rage Mode: Mira's scales dissapear as does her tail and wings and her hair grows long. Red lines of energy run across her skin.

Dragon form: A huge, sinuous dragon with white scales and fur with red energy running across it.

Legends say that, millenia ago, there lived a civilization on the island that worshiped the sky. They built huge monuments to try to reach their beloved heavens, massive towers that rose above the clouds. It was said that in trying to touch the sky, they awakened powerful entities in order to assist them. These beings, ancient and powerful beyond measure did not take kindly to these lowly beings making demands of them. The three beings went on a rampage, destroying the civilization, leaving only ruins behind. With the impudent beings destroyed, the three entities returned to their eternal slumber. One took a massive castle for its resting place, another a volcanic fissure, and the third slumbered on the top of the highest tower built by the civilization.

Now, untold ages later, at least one of the beings has been roused again, but this time, something is wrong. Instead of the mighty draconic body it once had, this being now had the body of a voluptuous woman. Confused by its new form, and the strange feelings coursing through its head, the being known as Miraboreasu Ryu decends from its towering resting place in search of clues to its new form.

Though possessing only a fraction of the power it once held, Miraboreasu Ryu is still frighteningly strong, capable of summoning bolts of lightning from clear skies and possessing scaled armor more durable than any known substance. Even when it finds itself in danger, Miraboreasu Ryu can shed its armor allowing mystical energy stored deep inside the creature to come to the surface tainting its skin with lines of red energy and granting it tremendous power at the cost of some protection.

For short periods of time, Miraboreasu Ryu can unravel the magic keeping it bound to its female body, returning to its massive dragon form and regaining its lost power, if only for a short while.

Although possessing immense power, Mira is very unused to her new body and thoughts. As a result, she is very curious about the world and the beings that inhabit it. As she was just reborn very recently, she's also very ignorant of the world. Mira also lacks any knowledge of language, having had no need for it before now. She is very intelligent however, and will begin to pick up languages very rapidly.

Being newly born into the body of a female, Mira isn't quite aware of the various kinds of things that would grant pleasure. Viewing its new body in a reflective surface on the way down from the tower, however, has instilled within Mira a desire for the female form. Despite being a creautre of untold power, Mira's body is remarkably sensitive to pleasure of any kind.

(Player fetishes, in decending preferance: Yuri, futanari, light bondage/domination, oral, straight sex, anal, everything else.)
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Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: Characters

Name: Leon "Atlas" Kingsley

Race: Altered Minotaurus

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Physical description: Leon is a 6'3 male version of the Minataurus native to Monster Girl Island although with more human like legs from the results of magical experiments.

Backstory: Occasionally an extremely lucky person manages to capture a monster girl, rarely even luckier people get them off the island without being torn apart. Leon is the result of a reclusive half-senile wizard getting ahold of a minotaurus off the island and years of strange unexplainable magical experimentations. Leon was the first breakthrough, a male minotaurus with a more human body and average sex drive, he however was just the first step and after a decade he had outlived his usefulness and he was allowed to leave, slowly becoming a traveling mercenary who never stayed in one place too long. After almost two decades of wandering he began feeling unsatisfied with the almost dull life of being a bodyguard or simple muscle to fight one generic evil wizard/king after another. He finally decided to find passage to monster girl island, a dangerous place that few who went there returned from, not to find treasure or glory from fighting monster girls, but simple curiosity to see what interesting things he would stumble onto.

Personality: Despite his larger than normal height and impressive strength Leon rarely throws it around and is known as the friendliest meatshield ever by the parties that have worked with him. Leon is very loyal and once he has befriended someone no amount of bribery, threats, or trickery will cause him to betray them. He has a very simple outlook on things and tends to become shy or flustered in awkward or confusing situations. It takes a lot to set of Leon's racial minotarus anger and once it has been, whatever caused it will not be able to hide behind enough minions, armor, or spell wards to prevent his hammer from smashing them like a grapefruit.

Fetishes: (Leon doesn't have any himself, though personally I'm pretty open outside of extremely rough things, blood and scat. I also have a leaning towards monsters that are woman on top, half something else on the bottom with extra points to serpentine)
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Characters

Name: Kala

Race: Slime/Dark Slime

Age: 18

Physical Description: Kala as a human was 5"6" with a skinny frame, short blond hair, green eyes, and small breasts. After her transformation, Kala's figure at rest is an amorphous pool of bluish goo, with eyes that are white when in a normal state, but turn red when angry or using spells. She instinctively forms a similar feminine shape to her old body out of the goo when she's awake and maintains it with a small effort. Often her body becomes incomplete near the knees, where it's still just a mass of slime, but if she concentrates hard enough, she can form herself into a semi-solid figure that would look like her old body except that it's a dark blue, semi-transparent surface. Any part of her figure can be penetrated, or even pierced completely through, without being necessarily lethal. In the depth of her body is a shining diamond that usually rests where her heart would normally be. It is her "core" and houses her magical essence.

Backstory: Kala was a young mage hoping to earn her spurs by helping a band of adventurers to take down an evil succubi living in a mountain temple. She was the most inexperienced of the group, but not without some power in her magics, and she had quite a lot of potential to advance further, for her true strength was in her hidden reserves of will. She and her companions arrived at the final confrontation with the succubi, who was a powerful sorceress and was in league with a strange being who seemed to be as powerful as she - something her companions called a Dark Slime. The battle was fierce, but it went ill for the forces of good. Her experienced companions were slain in battle and the succubus, brought near to death, was so angered that merely killing the young Kala wasn't enough. The young mage was sexually tortured, by both the succubus and the dark slime. At the end of this, the dark slime began to fill Kala with what seemed to be parts of her own body. As she did this, Kala felt herself changing, first at her extremities, then up her legs and arms, then her torso and shoulders, and finally her face, until everything faded and she next awoke in a formless state, as a new slime, out in the wilderness, alone.

Unlike normal slimes of her color and appearance, Kala has retained her wits and intelligence, as well as her magical abilities. She has the same needs as slimes, however, and so in a sense she has become a monstergirl, and is driven to seek out males for their nutrients. Finally, since she was corrupted and made into a slime by the evil magics of a dark slime, she feels her creator's corruption within her - especially when she is feeling angry or aggressive. Dark, lustful thoughts begin to haunt her if she goes too long without feeding on male seed.

Personality: Kala is curious and clever, as well as a bookworm. Normally shy when meeting others, she displays great aptitude for magic. She is naturally kind, but the dark slime's corruptive properties might change that if given a chance.

Fetishes: Kala was a very vanilla girl before the transformation. Nothing out of the ordinary. But the corruptive influence of the dark slime has made her reconsider such things. Her current physical state also affects how she goes about things as well, and offers unique sexual opportunities that she is compelled to explore. (but she doesn't want to eat anyone so no guro).
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Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: Characters

Name: Glenn Doppler Jr.

Race: Human (Human/Elf - HalfElf)

Gender: Male

Age: 45 (looks like a human in early 20's)

Physical Description:
Average appearance and height. Short brown hair, with Green/Hazel eyes. Youthful but weathered appearance sporting a few light wrinkles with stubble.

Usually wears leather equipment. Leather brigandine in the style of a simple leather Doublet over a mail shirt. Leather Boots and Gloves, along with a Belt and Bandolier. Usually also adorned with a simple neck scarf for additional concealment. Leather greaves with added loose padding strap over the front and back.

Carries three distinct blades with him; dagger, shortsword, and a longsword. No shield. Also wears a feathered medieval felt hat.

Native son of one of the great kingdoms of the mainland, the majority of his early life was lived in his hometown. He attended an academy in his country's capitol where he excelled greatly in metalwork, industrial and machinery studies, making him quite capable for work as a mechanist. Ultimately, tragic circumstance and a long standing wanderlust existing since childhood would compel him to venture off and adventure, becoming an advent explorer, treasure hunter, and general wealth opportunist.

He is normally a kind individual, with a rather friendly and laid back attitude that makes it easy for most people to be comfortable around him. Despite this appearance however, it's hard for himself to be comfortable around others as he holds an air of skepticism and cynicism towards people and their motives, a hold over of an earlier time from dealing with Nobles/Aristocrats and their secretive schemes. Investigative and logical at heart, due to several circumstances in his life certain subjects effect him more emotionally than most. Some making him more empathetic and sympathetic and others more scornful and cold. Usually, he tries to mask his emotions all behind a confident but playful attitude with a smile. This Facade has a tendency to both flux and wear away sometimes in moments of conflict and reflection. Haunted by events in the past, he tends to strive towards what would be considered virtuous behavior albeit with a bit of inner struggling. These events make him tend to despise conflict within families and the truly cold-hearted. Alternatively, these events make him relate and sympathise with people who wish to live without conflict and those who still possess shreds of decency and softness in their hearts.

Will sometime let out a light cheerful exhale or laugh when deciding to do something

When wearing his hat, will thump the end of it during a boast, thumping air if not wearing

Has a tendency to rest his head in hand while in thought

Has a fear of Ghosts (Spectrophobia), Not intensely but still there

Religious, holds faith in a being known as Bellasaur (usually depicted as a Golden Phoenix or the Sun) a goddess of creation and light. Complimented by being known only as Bathasor (usually depicted as a Ash Phoenix or a Dark Sun) a goddess of atrophy and darkness.

Fetishes: Receptive to tenderness and gentleness (ties to backstory), has a soft spot for Birds/Cats/Lizards, Usually prefers feminine partners with decent sized breasts, Mildly Addicted to Slime (from a mainland beverage)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Characters

Name: Demeter

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Age: Appears about 20 (for a human,) real age unknown, though she thinks that she's about 60.

Physical Description:
Tall for a woman, particularly an elf, standing at about 6 feet tall, and with dark green eyes and long auburn hair. Normally, it's held up in a highly functional bun, but she has been told, on the rare occasions that she lets it down in front of others, that it is quite striking when allowed to flow naturally. She has an athletic build with very modest curves, mostly due to her fairly rigorous lifestyle which also occasionally involves not being able to eat quite as much as might be considered healthy.

Backstory: The daughter of a fairly powerful sorceress, through a brief affair with an incubus (a fact she didn't learn until many years later,) Demeter has had something of a checkered past. Growing up, she was always just a little bit off from her peers, which were few enough given her race, and as such had no friends to speak of. She never met her father, but was always told that he had been a hero, who had saved her mother from a demon, and as such had earned her love, but who had sadly been slain in battle shortly after her conception. It wasn't until much later, when she was an adult by human standards, that Demeter learned the truth. It wasn't from her mother. Speaking of, her mother was something of a community leader, and did her best to keep her secrets from those around her, save for her maid. Powerful in her magic and wise in most matters, Jasmine hid her every mistake, her every doubt, and her every fear from all save one. Her maid, a human woman, whom she one day threw from her household over a petty matter. The maid, bitter, told all of her secrets to those she held power over. The details of it are fuzzy in Demeters mind, but suffice to say, Jasmines reputation did not survive the revelation of a hundred scandals.

Demeter cared little at the time. As she had matured, she had had trouble with many things. Her magical talent was awe-inspiring, greater perhaps than even her mothers, but she had lacked concentration on her studies. She generally just shunted power into things, solving most problems with brute force, and it took her many years to master any of the more subtle magics. Around people, she constantly felt... Urges. Men in particular caused them, but around women as well, Demeter felt desires that she didn't understand, and the one time she had asked her mother about them, she had been harshly rebuked, and told to ignore them. Which she tried, to the best of her abilities, and even marginally succeeded at, though it was more because of how her own kind were so repulsed by her than by any efforts of her own.

When the secret of her fathers identity became public knowledge, and it was from one of her teachers, one of the few who had treated her with anything resembling respect, that she learned the truth of it across a closed, locked and magically warded door, Demeter was furious. She came upon her mother just as she sat before a council of elders, and confronted her, their screaming could be heard from miles away. The end result, both she and her mother were exiled from their home, with nothing more than what they could carry. Both furious with one another, as soon as they were away from the community, it came to violence. And, while power she might have, Demeter had never truly understood just how skilled and powerful her mother was. It was barely even a contest between the two, and her mother left her upon the road, a look of disgust the last expression that she ever gave to her daughter.

Newly humbled, exhausted, and with nothing to her name after having lived a fairly pampered life, Demeter crawled from her former home, and wandered for a time. Eventually, she came upon another community. There, she did not even try to restrain herself, and it was then, at the age of 20, that she lost her virginity to some farm boy, whos name even she couldn't remember now. Her time there didn't last long either, and she set to wandering from place to place, often barely able to survive, and she surely wouldn't have without her magic. Eventually, she found a small shack, off in some desolate swamp, that had been abandoned, and made of it her home. There she had been, living in poverty and solitude, save for the rare occasions when she stopped in on one of the towns. The locals thought her a witch of some sort, and even though their beliefs had no foundation in reality, they avoided her all the same.

She'd lived in the swamps for longer than she cared to count, and the shack she'd found had gradually been patched up, until it felt as though it were held together with little more than mud and willpower, but it was her home all the same. She'd never had guests, at least not the type that were invited at any rate, but she always strove to keep her little shack as clean as could be expected given her surroundings, in order to avoid attracting pests, and a series of warding magics kept most beings, human or otherwise, from getting too close to her home. She'd learned much about magic from practical experience over the years, and had developed some skill with the finer uses of it, or at least she thought so, but she also hadn't truly been tested very strongly in that time.

Fetishes: She doesn't have any yet.


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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Re: Characters

Name: Iggy Vulpes

Race: Fox-Boy (Looks completely human save for the fuzzy brown fox ears and fluffy fox tail)

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Physical Description: Messy brown hair, 5'10", green eyes, wears leather clothing and boots he made himself from his catches, and carries a home-made bow.

Backstory: Iggy's parents disappeared when he was an infant and was later adopted a human mother and her daughter Ally who was just about his age. As he got older, it was his responsibility as the only man of the house to hunt small creatures and forage for berries for his family. Occasionally, during the night, he has perverted dreams about him and his sister or mother or on rare occasions, both. He keeps these dreams to himself to prevent his family from looking upon him in shame. He has many submissive fantasies, that he frequently dreams about, and often masturbates while he is out hunting to pass the time as he waits...

Fetishes: Humiliation, Feminization, Forced Incest, Enslavement, Forced Exhibitionism, Vore (non-guro), Transformed into a Doll, Petrification, Latex, Encasement, Shackles, Bondage, BDSM, Role-Reversal, Forced Beastiality, Milfs, Webbing, Coccoonification, Constriction, Nyotaimori, Foot Worship, Armpit Licking, Milking, Lipstick/Kiss-Marks, Penis Milking, Pet Play, Underwear Gags, Parasites, Breast Smothering, Sexy Mermaids, Lamia Orgies,...
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Jungle Girl
Aug 27, 2010
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Re: Characters

Name: Zero

Race: Ziltchwulf (Luporaptor)

Gender: Female

Age: Magically/Alchemically cloned being. Physically adult.

Physical Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=531&pictureid=7538 Just under seven feet tall, Zero is an unusual humanoid, mixing together saurian and lupine traits, having both smooth, well oiled white hide and shaggy black fur.

Backstory: Zero knows little of her life before she woke up naked in a ditch, and even less about her origins. The only clue she has to her identity is a "0" tattooed on the back of her right hand.

Fetishes: Pretty much everything but watersports/scat/guro. Light blooding is ok. Impregnation, tentacles, inflation, -big round bellies-, rape, scales, knots, beastiality...

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Characters

Name: Lenneth S. Markosian

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical Description:

Backstory: Lenneth began her study into magics at a very young age, although she would find that even in the beginning she was far more adept with the animating of the dead. Of course, by being more adept, it meant she was far more interested in the act. It continuously fascinated her, how these soulless things could so easily be moved around by her weaving. The local community, however, did not appreciate such acts, and often she would be found running away from angry villagers, her one zombie in tow, trying to avoid being set on fire.

As the years passed, frustrated at her lack of improvement, the young girl wandered around the mainland, looking for ways that she could get stronger, to improve herself, and of course, to find more bodies. As she neared the docks of a large city one day, she heard about an expedition, to an unknown island where ships were disappearing. Eager for a fresh start, and perhaps, with the idea of disappearing ships leaving behind bodies for her to play around with, she secretly boarded the boat, hiding herself and her zombie in the cargo hold, waiting, eagerly, to see what new things awaited her...

Fetishes: BDSM, Futa, RJ should know by this point what I like :X
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Re: Characters

Name: Sherioa Shinonen

Race: Nereid

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical Description: Sherioa is a short girl, who was born in an egg of mysterious origin. She has pink markings all over her body, but is mostly lavendar. When too dry, she becomes darker.

Backstory: Not knowing who her mother is, much less her father, she learned from the sea. She learned to speak by observation. She had grown alone on land and sea. She is more serious in the sea, often able to swim incredible distances to get things done. On land, she behaves a bit more younger than she actually is, given her 'cute' face and overall appearance. She loves pork, but also will eat live fish when having to spend more time in the sea than land.

Fetishes: Hip testing, which is the act of stretching her hips through penetration and spanking.
Milking, which is the act of draining her milk from her breasts through magic. Or impregnation.
Futa, males, strapons. She blushes at any kind of penetrations of her honeyhole really.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Characters

Name: Jenna

Race: Lizardmangirl

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical Description: Jenna is about 6 feet 2 inches tall, with about an average figure, though perhaps a bit more muscled and fit than normal. She has long blond hair and pale-ish gray eyes with reptilian slits for pupils. Also a long scaly tail, clawed hands and feet, and her ears end in green spines to match the tail. She typically wears relatively form-fitting green attire, with light bits of armor when she goes out.

Backstory: When she was growing up, Jenna and her mother never really saw eye to eye. She was too stubborn and proud to take orders and instruction, and so the two of them clashed constantly. One day Jenna had had enough, and snuck out of her mother's cave never to return. She very much enjoyed life on her own, the relative solitude of her own cave
allowing her the freedom to do whatever she wanted. As a result she spent much of the next three years in quiet meditation, clearing her mind of worries and enjoying the peace. Now that she has grown up a little more, though, she can't help but worry that she's neglected her training as a warrior too much, and that her severing ties with her mother has left her without much technique. She's also getting to the age where she's starting to think about perhaps finding a mate. The combination of these things is leading her to set out on a journey across the island, in a generic quest to get stronger.

Fetishes: None that she knows of. As for me, I'm not picky.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: Characters

Name: Jayna Chernova

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical Description:
Jayna has pale, wintery skin with long blonde hair that trails about midway down her back. She has a small frame of about 5 feet 4 inches tall. Her curves are subtle but attractive, suiting her small, soft form. Her eyes are blue-grey like mist gliding over a cool stream. Jayna's fashion can be described in two words: black and goth, drawing attention to herself with the contrast to her alabaster skin. Her school teachers did not approve of her black pleated skirts, but she doesn’t care.

Jayna has always been curious about things unknown to her and none more so than magic, demons, and monsters. She's been satisfying her curiosity ever since she was a little girl. In school, she felt constrained by what she considered the mindless rubbish her teachers fed her. Her teachers criticized her for “being lazy and daydreaming.” To her fellow students, she was mysterious and aloof, shy and sweet, but rarely had the occasion to share her sweetness. Behind all that, Jayna satisfied her curiosity about everything that she wasn't supposed to. Scavenging ancient sections of libraries for forbidden books, prodding miscreants in pubs for stories of love and war, and sneaking out whenever she could to try to see the world in action. Most of all, Jayna learned in her basement by trial and error (especially error!), constantly trying to weave magic.

Jayna wasn't very good at magic. She started out with a small group of friends enamored by her magical fantasies. Unfortunately, Jayna's grand project to create a love potion only managed to get her friend's crush to throw up all over the floor. “He was sick with love!” Jayna pleaded blushingly later on, but it was no use. After a few failed sessions like that, Jayna's friends left her to her “silliness.” Still, Jayna was a persistent girl throughout the adversity. Nothing would deter her from learning. Jayna ignored her friends' criticism, practicing for hours on end even if all she could manage was a little flicker of light, a weak bolt of magic, or the slightest of telekinesis.

Recently, Jayna was taken with the idea of occult magic, not so much for any malicious or lusty intent. She was rather the opposite, really – the opposite of malicious at least. Jayna had an innocent heart, but she was driven by a burning desire to learn. Increasingly estranged by the The Order and their frustrating tendency to prevent her from learning anything, Jayna hoped to learn on her own, perhaps even with the help of supernatural entities. Where better to learn than from the source itself? She filled her little head up with old stories and books about communicating with demons and summoning them with dark magic and rituals. Like most of her other magical experiments, this one was a failure so far, but she was determined to do it. She even got special candles for the occasion!

Jayna hasn't experienced many fetishes, probably because she can be shy about personal relationships, but she has fantasies during her somewhat frequent masturbation sessions. She's a lesbian. She longs after women almost as much as she longs after magical power. And like her magic, she does it in secret (maybe that's why she hasn't gotten any!) She especially likes tenderness: things like brushing, stroking, fingering, massaging, and cuddling. She's also into giving and receiving oral sex. She likes kissing and licking pretty much anywhere. She likes to be submissive but enjoys it much more when her dom makes her feel safe. Spanking, light bondage, and grinding turn her on. And for a few weird ones, being lifted into the air, dirty talk, and orgasm teasing.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Characters

Name: Hallerna
Race: Red Oni
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Physical Description: Busty, buxom, platinum blonde babe with a bubble butt. Her skin is a rich crimson, and her eyes are like flecked gold. She has six small white horns adorn her head, as if she was wearing a crown. Her face is warm and inviting, often in a welcoming smile. She often wears a tight white cotton shirt showing some underboob and cleavage, an open fur jacket, a fur skirt that goes to just below her knees and fur boots. She wears no bra and her cotton shirt is stretchy to allow her breasts to gainax about.

Backstory: Unlike most of her sisters, Hallerna never was one for a constant drunken state. While she enjoys enjoying a relaxing drink as much any other Red Oni, she finds that a sharp mind is more aware of their surroundings, and can enjoy every sensation a little bit more. She is always polite and friendly,

She lives with her brother, Olaf, a rare occurrence in Monster Girls families. When he left home to avoid having sex with any of his older drunk sisters, Hallerna tagged along to keep him safe. She was 14 at the time, and has matured along side her aloof brother as a near opposite. They share a a dream of being brew-masters, and both work hard in setting up their brewery next to unclaimed plantation of wild rice patties they found.

The two siblings' day to day life is nearly without problems. They both share the load in chores, work and foraging, but he doesn't let her cook as they only she makes that tastes any good is always loaded with alcohol.

Recently, Olaf has been talking about finding a woman to have children with, and Hallerna has been feeling that, instead of the occasional rut in the bushes with a stranger, she'd like a stable relationship as well. She's taken it upon herself, much to his grumbling agreement, that she'll make sure he gets an especially worthy human woman as his bride.

Fetishes: Hallerna is a bit of a quirk among Red Oni. While she appreciates drunken orgies as much as the next, her fantasies have involved more romantic encounters, and her escapades have involved more aggressive approaches in broad daylight. When any of her sisters visit, she isn't above getting frisky with them to arouse a man, and has on a few occasions taken barmaids and other women home with her. What would really drive her wild is a man stronger than her and getting aggressive, but with her deitific strength, what are the chances of that?

Hallerna isn't sure what her brother likes, as he clams up on the subject of sex. The most she's gotten out of him has been "Eh, you know. Stuff." She would very much like to get involved in a threeway with a woman and him, and is willing to kidnap a girl he fancies to do it, just to find out his interests. Under no circumstances would she want to have sex with her brother, nor has she ever fantasized about him. Not even once!
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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Characters

Name: Rhapsody

Race: Succubi

Gender: Female

Age: She's been a succubus for 8 years, give or take.

Physical Description:

Backstory: Rhapsody used to be a human woman, under another name. She was a part of The Order, and made the mistake of trying to go into Hell itself to kill a powerful demon. She succeeded, but she spent too long doing it, and the ambient energies corrupted her, changing her into a succubi. The demon she had killed was one of Jezebel's lieutenants, and she wound up taking the dead demon's place, enjoying her new power and position and embracing it eagerly.

Fetishes: Tentacles, slime, and webbing. Usually the sub, though she loves to dominate men with her newfound power.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Characters

Name: Zachary Mareth

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Physical Description: Zachary was once a man of pride and strong of stature, though since the death of his mother and sister he has become a shadow of his former self. While standing a shy under six foot Zachary lacks the youthful drive typical of someone his age, which overshadows his pretty toned body. Zachary's black hair is unkempt and matted with dirt from neglect, and while it looks like there's been many an attempt at cutting it back Zachary's hair hangs just above his shoulders, roughly cut and chunks missing here and there. Zachary's facial hair, whilst tidier than his hair is still pretty unkempt and as such the man looks to have a constant five o'clock shadow.

Backstory: Zachary comes from a humble background, the son of simple farming folk. From a young age he worked his parents farm, they produced much of their towns food and for many years everything was fine. Though during Zachary's thirteenth year his father was killed by bandits that raided the farm. Without his father the farm work soon became too much for Zachary to do on his own.

Deciding it was time to leave the farm Zachary, his mother Emilia, and his sister Sofia, then twelve, left the town, travelling across the land until they finally found a town that they felt they could call their home. For several years it seemed as if Zachary could finally live a normal life, though in time that changed.

It was during his nineteenth year that Zachary had left the house for the day to run some errands, however when he came back his mother and sister lay dead on the kitchen floor, their throats and stomachs cut open, blood and entrails splattered all over. Zachary, naturally distraught and racked with guilt for not being there the save them fell into a deep depression. While every effort was taken no one could find who the killer was, and so Zachary decided to spend the remainder of his days tending to the grave yard that his mother and sister was buried in, feeling that if he couldn't protect them in life he'd make sure their resting place is left undisturbed.

Everything was as fine as it could be for several years given Zachary's mental state, however four years later Zachary was suddenly arrested for the murder of his mother and sister. When questioned they refused to answer Zachary, who grew to assume they simply wanted someone to blame for the murder. With his will to live waning Zachary went along with it without protest.

Fetishes: I'm up for most stuff so long as it's not too extreme, also nothing homosexual or furry.
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Characters

Name: Calethrodorn "Cale" Faerodorn

Race: Half-elf

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Physical Description: Cale stands just a little above average height for an elf, at 5'8" tall. He has a small but well built physique, with good musculature. He has bright blue eyes, and fiery red hair. He normally wears a grey cloak, green pants and t-shirt with a brown breastplate, beavers, and boots with green fingerless gloves. He carries twin scimitar passed down to him by his father. He also carries a bow and arrows. Cale is a simple young man. He often asks
For nothing mire the courtesy, kindness and acceptance from other beings. He also has a kind and open heart and is more willing then not to help people in need out if they ask. He values honor, fairness, and justice above all else. Despite of hardships visited on him by other humans he honestly believes humans and mamonos can exist peacefully along each other. He is shy and bashful when confronted by the opposite sex, though he can't keep himself from occasionally ogling a woman if openly presented with a view to certain parts and other attractive features, he tries to be respectful and polite at all times. When in thought or confusion he will occasionally scratch his head or rub his temples. He also has a habit of chewing on things when nervous.

Reference Pic:

Backstory: Cale grew up in the Order Port Town, up towards the northern parts of the island. He is the only child of a male Hero by the name of Leonheart and a Female Elf sorceress named Welveria. Janiel was a powerful mage and succubus who lived in a swamp. and defender of the forest. Leonheart traveled to Welveria's swamp castle, fighting past her forces of Goblins, Imps, two Lesser Succubi, and a Dullahan before finally confronting and defeating Welveria herself. It was during the trip back in her holding, that she managed to escape and seduce Leonheart. Through her seductions and charms, Leonheart fell in love with Welveria and eventually offered up his semen, impregnating Welveria. They traveled to a Dark Church where the dark priests helped Welveria deliver Cale. Because Mamono were looked down on by his people, Cale never really knew his mother. It wasn't until he was fifteen, 10 years after he and his father moved to Fios village that he found out the truth. Cale started displaying gifts in magic and his began to point. A group of Order zealots attacked his house and overpowered his father, forcing Cale to flee into the wilds, taking his mother and fathers weapons with him and providing and forging for himself in the woods. He now wishes to reunite with his mother as well become a great hero like his father and help to promote peaceful relations between humans and mamono alike; unknowing of the hand fate has in store for him.....

Swamp Witch:

Fetishes: None that he knows of yet.....
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Characters

Name: Garret

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Physical Description: Tall and decently built Garret stands 6'1", his body muscle from top to bottom from all of the running and climbing he spent his entire life up until now doing. A thief by nature he tends towards light, dark clothing and comfortable boots. With dirty brown short hair and brown eyes he easily blends into a crowd and he slides through people with the ease only brought by practice. An accomplished pickpocket and burglar, Garret's main strength is that he's always been fast and agile, preferring to run rather then fight whenever the option is available.

Known Fetishes: Bondage, and he's got a soft spot for Neko's and Kitsune in particular, hes never known why. and its ALWAYS gotten him in trouble. Vore and Engulf are other more streamlined fetishes
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Characters

(Once decided on a dullahan, still ended up on this. Derp.)

Name: Mizuna

Race: Sahuagin

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Physical description: Unlike the majority of her race, Mizuna has a more developed body, having grown out from the somewhat child-like norms that most sahuagin display. She has the body of a buxom and tall young lady, with the usual sahuagin's scaled arms, ear fins, tail and feet. Her scales are a bit lighter blue than most, and she carries her black hair free-flowing, the thing reaching down to her mid-back. With the loss of the smaller frame, the sahuagin girl has assumed a more adult style of clothing, dressing in a loose top and skirt that almost match the color of her scales. Mizuna's face is almost permanently set on a gloomy expression, even more than the usual sahuagin if such a thing is possible, and partially decorated with a pair of swirly designs made from scales. Whenever she is out from her home cove, the girl has her double-pointed spear with her, both for hunting and defense.

Backstory: A somewhat different-looking member of the sahuagin species, Mizune has never felt at home with others of her kin. She has lived by herself almost the entirety of her existence, managing to keep herself healthy with the ample supply of sea creatures and plants. While it is a lonely state of being, the sahuagin has kept herself content through all the years. From within her seaside cove, the fish-girl has recently began to make brief investigations into the land that the sea meets with, finding somewhat curious things there.

Personality: Like pretty much all sahuagin, Mizune is an emotionless, quiet being who is difficult to figure out. She might say a word here or there, but usually keeps to herself and the quiet ways. Somehow, she still manages to send a picture of herself being gloomy or depressed with her expression, a thing that is not totally wrongly assumed. While she is a formidable wielder of the spear, Mizune usually prefers avoiding conflicts that she views unnecessary.

Fetish thingies: Mizuna hasn't experienced that many things yet, despite her age. (Am open to a wide scale of things, just not any of the usual no-nos, guro and such bad things.)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: Characters

Name: Welkin Edelweiss

Race: Human, with traces of a inhuman ancestor.

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Physical Description: Welkin is a little of six feet tall and has a muscular body with the largest muscles on his right arm. His skin is tanned and bears the mark of several light burn marks. His medium length silver hair is often covered with a soot covered bandana. He'll often be found wearing leather reinforced pants with a light cotton shirt and will often add a leather apron when he's at work.

Backstory: Welkin was born in what is technically considered Order territory far north east of the Order-recognized capital. But the settlement, hidden far off the beaten path, was actually home to a secretive small cult that followed their what they call 'Mother Goddess.'

While not strictly pro-monster they did not buy the Order doctrine that Monsters were still blood thirsty and they secretly trade with some friendly Monster traders. Welkin didn't strictly believe in the tenants of the cult but he went through the motions as he trained as an apprentice to the local blacksmith.

He looked forward to a relatively simple life as a blacksmith; planning to one day open his own forge, eventually marry and raise a family. The Elder once discussed magic with him briefly but nothing came of it and Welkin was rather confused by the whole discussion as there hadn't been a magic user in the settlement for as long as anybody could remember. Eventually he shrugged the whole thing off and focused on living his life.

This ended on one summer evening. As per their traditions, Welkin had been sent out into the woods alone to 'commune with the Mother Goddess.' Welkin just called it a vacation. As he settled down for his week alone, a wounded Monster Girl appeared in his settlement begging for shelter. The people bandaged her wounds and tried to hide her but an Inquisitorial Monster hunting party had followed on her footsteps. The settlers pleaded ignorance but the Monster Girl was discovered.

When Welkin returned from his wilderness venture, he returned only to find the burned out ruins of his home. He searched desperately through the ruins until he found a horrifying sight. The execution site at the center of the settlement bearing the emblem of the Order and a posted notice.

“Under order of the Inquisition, this settlement was destroyed for the crimes of harboring Monsters and Heresy.”

He couldn't remember much of what happened next. Only that he had left with the pack he'd originally left with and what little he could scrounge from the ruins. He had no idea where he was or where he was going... but he couldn't stay there.

Fetishes: He is paradoxically attracted to both dominant and submissive women. He find the power of the dominant one intoxicating while the submissive ones trigger his protective instincts. He also finds women who are also visibly warriors particularly attractive.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
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Re: Characters

Name: Nessa

Race: Scylla

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Physical description: Nessa's top half has the features of a girl her age, with golden blonde hair often done up in a tight bun, but otherwise let down when she travels underwater. Her frame is average--not incredibly lithe nor voluptuous, though she does have D-cup breasts that remain incredibly perky due to gravity not having as much of an effect on them underwater. Like many scylla, she tends to wear minimal clothing, only bearing cloth remnants and some gemstone-based jewelry either scavenged or stolen from ships. Her tentacled bottom portion is normally tinted a more reddish shade of violet, though it can change color slightly in order to blend in with whatever surface she might be attached to at a given moment (not that it helps her female torso any). Underneath, she does have female sex organs mildly similar to that of a human female, but it lies safely beneath her mass of flexible, powerful tendrils, which start right under her shapely bottom where a woman's legs would otherwise be.

Backstory: Most of Nessa's life has been spent in one area; the waters that she grew up in were peaceful, at least for the first decade of her existence. However, with it being in a part of the ocean rich in fish, as well as other sea creatures edible to humans, it soon became a popular target area for large groups of fishermen. Not only did the young scylla actually begin to go hungry for the first time due to the overfishing that soon occurred, but she was also subject to various degrees of humiliation by the sailors. Accidentally being caught in the fishers' nets, as well as having to witness their rubbish being thrown into the water, and the destruction of her once beautiful undersea environment caused Nessa to develop a deep resent for the human race. Her home, once a thriving reef rich with sea life, is now a desolate, rocky ridge, and she is now forced to travel elsewhere or starve to death. In addition to finding more food, she hopes to capture her own fleet of sailors and subjugate them for the purpose of serving her every whim, whether it be providing food or satisfying her other worldly needs. While the loss of her home is still a sore point for Nessa, returning it to the way it was isn't necessarily a priority for her--she simply wishes to live a comfortable life with her reverse harem, so that she will never be hungry or without a home again.

Personality: As one might expect from her past, the actions of men, namely the seafaring type, have drawn much of Nessa's ire. For a scylla, she is not only aggressive, but proud and disdainful of those she deems in lower standing. However, she does have a cowardly side which can sometimes be exposed when she is clearly outmatched. Some even describe her as a bully of sorts, preying on the weak while attempting to worm her way around creatures that are apparently more powerful than herself. She sees men as her eternal playthings, and would like nothing more than for them to serve her constantly as loyal slaves in order to compensate for the anguish their race has caused her.

Fetish thingies: Nessa is quickly turned off by being restrained in any way, shape or form; on the other hand, it pleases the scylla greatly to see a pathetic human held fast and rendered helpless by rope, netting, or her own tentacles. She loves to talk down to those she views as inferior to herself--namely men, having something of a penchant for verbally humiliating the ones she captures. Nessa is easily aroused when put into a position of power, and is driven wild by the urge to mate whenever a man verbally admits to how pathetic he is--a situation she often tries to induce via the threat of physical harm. The young scylla is fond of being pampered and put up on a pedestal, and as such is naturally drawn to those who find her beautiful or have the potential to become her peons via charm or other methods.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Characters

Name: Azure

Race: Lamia

Gender: Female, obviously

Age: 20-something?

Physical Description: Contrary to her name, Azure is actually a red-head and that color scheme continues down into the patterns of her scales as well, with deep colored ones covering the back and wrapping around to taper into golden and then pale underneath. She is long enough to wrap at least twice around the legs of an average human and still perch herself up to look him in the eyes. When she is relaxing, her hair will tumble down past her shoulders, but if she's on the move, she often ties it back. Like her lesser reptilian kin, her eyes lean toward a goldish color, though might be mistaken for hazel in the proper lighting. Her garb is usually a loose top of some sort and a wrap or belt around her waist. If she's traveling, she usually has a bag that can be slung on her back as well. (Pic may be forthcoming if I can find something suitable.)

Backstory: Discontent with having to compete with her older sisters when it came to, well, everything, Azure decided to take matters into her own hands. While food was plentiful enough (even if the elders did insist on a lion's share), competition was particularly fierce whenever they managed to acquire a source of essence. Though other monsters did tend to satisfy her clan's need for it, being one of the younger members often left her having to fight for her portion of any takes. So, in listening to the old tales, she slipped off one evening to see how well she would fare on her own.

Staking out her own territory had been difficult, but she was at least clever enough to hide from some of the larger members of the community and able to charm or intimidate the smaller ones, not an easy task when her chosen location was close to the shore. Men, she had learned, were very susceptible to charms and the power of legends. So often, she would bide her time by the shore, languid among the rocks, the end of her tail kept carefully out of sight. When a ship would pass within proximity, she would play the nereid or mermaid, doing her best to lure a meal from them, sometimes succeeding, other times not. Now her game is interrupted with the situation on the island, the shore no longer as deserted as it once was. Of course, this means more hunting abounds, but also a disruption of the way things usually were. And with that in mind, she sets out to investigate just what's going on.

Fetishes: Azure likes bondage, provided she's the one doing the tying up. The only exception to this is constriction (more autoerotic asphyxiation), but then, if her partner can squeeze her while she's squeezing them...
She loves having her breasts and nipples played with and she loves vocal partners, be it moans or begging. She also has a thing for rough (but not completely bruising) sex, be it bites or nails down the back. Drawing blood is her limit at that.
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