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Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve flashes her a grin. "Best idea ever." She turns back to the others and nods. "The script of the note was so beautiful. I knew it had to be one of my clan that did it. There was also some writing on the leather strip, I've still got it on me somewhere." she digs in her pockets before holding it up triumphantly.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"See that's the problem with stereotypes is they're usually wrong, I wouldn't call his script all that beautiful myself. Not to mention everything points to him being the one who tried to set you up. Awfully convenient that everything would point to him when he's trying to set you up for committing a violation."

Ronny thinks for a moment before continuing.

"He's also a harpy in Calgary which could mean his failing to get aid for them would cause him to lose status and look foolish. Still I would think he would be more likely to just try and ruin us in court than to risk final death. I guess the only way to find out if he set us up or if someone set us up to take him out would be to investigate him."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Izzy listens quietly to Eve's recollection of the events, just closing her eyes briefly as the other Kindred gleans over the fact that Claire killed someone. Somehow, that shouldn't really surprise her, but then, if they needed to protect the Masquerade, it wasn't much different than what she'd done with Lucky.

Eve pulling out the cord gets her attention. "Writing on the strip? Can I see?" She recalled Claire mentioning the note. "Was that the one that said something like 'If you're smart, you'll figure it out?'" She also seems pretty thoughtful as Ronny speaks. "Maybe it was the Sabbat. I mean, he's here, trying to get us to help him. Even if we spoke up against going to Calgary, we did just turn around and take out a Sabbat nest. Pit their two enemies against one another and while we're at each other's throats, they run amok. Or more amok. Or whatever."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

The strip of leather has a string of letters across it, reading KH_SEOIFMUNAPSNI_EIL. Obviously it's a code or something of that sort but what the key could be Izzy isn't exactly sure of yet. Though she does have a few ideas that occur to her. Something she remembers from a history class in particular, she'll need a tool for that though.

Ronny looks over at the strip of leather as she looks it over and just shakes his head before saying.

"Guess I'm not smart enough for that clue. You got the piece of paper still too. Might be something on that as well. I guess we shouldn't discount the Sabbat though they don't seem to be that subtle about things. To come up with that sort of plan."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Subterfuge and misdirection. Course, isn't that supposed to be our schtick?" She chuckles, taking a minute to try and figure the bits with the letters out. Then the lightbulb comes on. The others can see it. "I think I know what this thing is. But we need, like, a pipe or a tube or a toilet paper roll or something." She laughs at the last one, shaking the bit of leather in her hand. "You wrap it around and then read it. Trick is finding the right sized center. Can I keep this?" She looks at Eve. "I'll see if I can't figure out what we need?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Ronny just blinks when Izzy says she's figured it out but after hearing her explain it he shakes his head as if he understands.

"So do you think a chair leg or maybe a table leg might work. It's about all I see in here that's the right shape."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Do you think a chair leg would be the right size?" Claire asks, eyes slowly moving from Ronny to Izzy. She didn't say anything else, didn't move, just stared, hands folded behind her head.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Maybe. I mean, I can give it a try." She eyes up the ones that are in there. "Can't hurt to try. If it doesn't, just means it'll look like even more gibberish than it already is."

Likely with help, she'll pick one of them up and flip it over so the seat's sitting on the table, legs in the air. Before doing anything with it, she flips the cord over to make sure that there isn't anything on the other side as well. It could wait anyway, but she was just making sure nothing was there to begin with. Fixing one end of the strap on it so they can see the letters, she begins wrapping it tightly around the leg, winding it so that the letters line up with one another, possibly needing a third hand in the process.

"Ronny, we'll need some of that scratch paper of yours, too, likely. Let's see if we've got ourselves a 'dun dun dun dunnnn' clue or if we need to go raid the bathroom," she chuckles.

((Sorry wasn't around to do this earlier. Party. Zombies. Stupid frigging storm wonks out my internet.))
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Gets herself out of her chair and steps forward to help Izzy out with the ribbon.

"Damn tedious work...," she grumbled.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Ronny helps with the chair, than opens the notebook and gets ready to write down the possible clue. While he waits for the girls to read off the message he says.

"You know I've got an invitation to a dinner party at Heidrich's mansion later this week. Might be a good time for the rest of you to try a little snooping in the mansion. So does it say anything?"

It takes Izzy a while to get it aligned so she can read it but eventually she gets the letters lined up. Apparently she was right about the method because she has a message or at least she's pretty sure it's the message. KEMP_HOUSE_INNISFAILS.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve nods at Izzy's question and looks at the thing excitedly when they're done. "Do you think it was left for us purposely?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

She reads it off slowly, spelling it out so that Ronny can write it down for them. "Innis fails? Kemp House?" She blinks for a moment, brow furrowing. "I wonder if Innis is someone's name. This mean anything to any of you?" ((@Ronny: Or for that matter, to Izzy?)) She shakes her head a bit at Eve's question. "I don't know. If it was left with the note that was meant to taunt you, then yeah, likely. But why?" She frowns. "And how'd you manage to score dinner with the big dogs there, sport?" she asks, giving Ronny a look with slightly raised eyebrows.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"A dinner... well depending how distracted you can keep them I'm reasonably sure me and Fletch here at least can get in," Claire says, throwing a glance towards her fellow Gangrel.

"Though of course this Innis Fails and Kemp House is certainly interesting as well. I know that Innisfail is a town south of here, that could be the reference. Though of course it could be something else," Claire said letting out a forced sigh.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Well, it's something. Though Kemp house. I wonder if they're talking about someone's home there or if it's a particular building or historical site or something." She blows a raspberry. "I'll see what I can dig up on the net, maybe?" She frowns.
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Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

((Woops forget that S on the end it's the town Innisfail just like Shrike explained, don't know why I added that S at the end.))

Ronny writes the message down and looks at it for a second before answering Izzy.

"I guess some of my talents came to their attention and they figured I might prove useful i.e. I make a great pawn. I don't know how busy I can keep them but it still probably be the best chance we'll have of finding anything out here in town aside from actually conversing with people."

Thinking for a second more he also asks.

"Hey isn't Penhold on the way to Innisfail, if so that might put this around where that Mary and her fiancee were attacked."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

((I'll take the line out then.))

"Seems we're catching a lot of their attention lately," Izzy remarks, thinking about Raven's conversation with Alexander. "Wonder how good a thing that is." At Ronny's comment about Mary, she looks thoughtful. "I don't recall her saying where she was from, but then, I was mostly just concerned with keeping her from freaking out." She unwinds the cord and starts playing with it a little, muttering a quiet thanks to Claire for her help with it. "Does this scream 'Trap' to anyone else?" She asks with a chuckle.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Everything is a trap anymore. Or a political ploy. Fuckin Camarilla," Claire cursed, pulling the chair down from atop the table. She ran a hand through her hair and stood still for a moment.

"I'd love to get a look through any police reports, see if Kemp House pops up at all. Or even old newspapers... any of you internet savvy youngin's feel like using Google on it? Izzy?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Yeah. I can probably get on it now, if we've still got the time." She pats the bag at her side. If it doesn't look like they're going to be summoned out, she'll take out her laptop and boot it up to get a little research in, at least to get started. "Y'know, Claire, if you think of yourself as old now, what are you going to be like in a century?"

For the moment, she just does a straightforward search: KEMP and INNISFAIL together, seeing if there's any hits.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve sits back and watches her coterie. She really wants to get to the bottom of this, to catch whoever set her and Claire up. Though she can't help but be cautious. She doesn't want to kill the wrong person. Their last bit of conversation catches her attention. "Mary? Mary who?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

((Ha, how's that for funny. There is an actual museum in Innisfail called Kemp House. I accidentally made up a real place.))

"Everyone ends up a pawn of someone at some point in their lives or in our cases unlives. It's not necessarily a good thing but it's not completely bad either, just depends on how you look at things I guess. It does scream trap though so being careful isn't a bad idea."

Ronny does a quick check outside to see if they have time and returning flips through his notebook to check on something while saying.

"Adam said it'll probably be a while before the actual court gets started. Prince Ken is apparently pretty involved in a discussion with the primogen about the Anarchs. I was right about it being near Penhold where Mary was attacked, at least writing things down has helped somewhat."

When Eve asks about Mary he explains.

"Forgot you weren't with us, Mary was the one we found buried in the basement of the old farm house. Apparently her fiancee was the one I staked after he tricked Claire and I with some kind of fake fire trick. We turned them both in to Jack when we got to town and haven't heard anything about them since."

Izzy's search shows a hockey club, a farm business, a Kemp House museum, and an old historical village. Apparently Kemp was one of the founding families of the town is what she gathers though she doesn't really see anything important that might give them a clue as to why it would be important.