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Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison


Nov 10, 2008
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The rest of the week went quietly for the coterie or at least as quiet as was possible for the undead. Ronny only made one brief appearance that week at Fletch's garage to try and apologize like he had with Izzy and Raven. The apology seemed sincere but his delivery probably suffered from the usual drawbacks. Beyond this small visit none of the others saw or heard from him for the rest of the week.

Izzy and Raven's week went by even quieter than the others as they tried to only concern themselves with classes. Raven seemed against helping the others when they did discuss the problem that Claire had warned them about but he wasn't going to stop Izzy if she wanted to help them. It wasn't so much that he didn't want to help it just seemed that being around others so much was putting a strain on him. One night he hurriedly left her on her own saying he had something he had to do. It worried her at first because he was so forceful that she not come with but she still agreed to his wishes. He returned later that night more like his usual self though with a large wad of bills which he tossed on the table and quite a few scrapes and bruises. Izzy also noticed that she got the strangest urges to take small items from anyone she ran across especially when she fed from people mostly it was money. Still she was putting to together a rather strange collection of trophies so to speak.

Fletch busied himself with his mobile haven and with Chase now handling most of the daily managerial duties of the shop he found the work going faster than he planned. The vehicle would be ready a full week faster than he had planned originally. Bubba had taken well to the bonding and followed Fletch everywhere now without even a word. Though Fletch found he had to be careful around others as the dog had become very protective of him, even growling at Chase and Eve if they got to close to his master. Vincent made a short appearance to get his key to the garage and to make some quick repairs to his car. He also suggested that if Fletch wanted to go through with ghouling Chase that one of the Ventrue would be better suited to explain the ins and outs of the process. He had never made use of ghouls himself as he found them to be a little too clumsy for his purposes. Not once did he mention the cat like creature that had been on the roof of his car or the other Tremere, nor did he explain anything if asked about merely explaining it as clan business.

Claire found herself avoiding any place she thought she might run into any of the local Camarilla members. Though she constantly found herself feeling like she was being watched but whom she had no clue. She did go to the firing range under the army surplus store on occasion to blow off steam but found that most of the Brujah were annoying as all get out. especially since they seemed to harp on about politics, though she did find that they would leave her alone if she told them to buzz off. Her mentor Renee stopped in one night to check on Claire, though she was extremely aloof when they spoke as though upset at something. She didn't act as if she knew anything about what had happened to Claire at the fort and didn't bring it up unless Claire mentioned it.

Eve's week was spent on a mixture of the classes she was taking, her modeling for Alexander, and adding the finishing touches to her haven. The classes were going fairly well as the art professor seemed especially talented. Though she found herself having to be especially careful as she found herself lost in his works when he would show them to the class. Her work with Alexander was incredibly enjoyable as she found herself modeling all kinds of fashions for Alexander and his protege Morgan Baird. Morgan was the owner of the premiere shop in the area for the latest fashions. Eve sensed a bit of a rivalry between the pair though it was far more playful than the one between her sire and Alize. Morgan focused on female clothing and the running of the business whereas Alexander was more in the line of male clothing and photography.

River continued with her usual business of either playing video games or patrolling for Sabbat from the rooftops of the city. Her patrols for any nightly trouble however proved to be unfruitful for the rest of the week. One night while she was settling in to play some games after returning from one of her excursions. Cody who had been bent over his computer screens while she came in suddenly looked up and called her over saying he had a message for her. The email was quick and to the point inviting her and any other Gangrel in the city to a gathering just outside of town from someone by the name of Mina Carruthers. Noticing that River didn't seem to know the name he explained that Mina was the childe of Ian MacLochiel, who he explained as being the closest thing to a primogen your clan has.

In the mean time however it's time for the weekly court at Elysium and whatever shenanigans that may bring.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Claire stood in her basement, pickaxe held in her hands as she broke apart the stone floors, getting through to the soil underneath. Each time she exposed a new chunk she smiled and ran her hands through it. She piled the rubble in the corners of the room, and buried some of her weapons beneath the dirt. Her old cot was tossed on one of the piles, forgotten. Claire had taken to sleeping within the earth itself, sinking beneath the surface.

The project had taken a majority of the week, time taken away mostly to shoot at the range or to hunt, which she took greater and greater enjoyment out of. She could spend hours a night stalking a single person, watching them, their movements, their breath. When she finally attacked from the darkness she savoured their gushing blood, felt their bodies relax as she held them close and felt their warmth.

Claire stopped swinging her pickaxe and looked up at the staircase. Time for the Elysium. Tossing a chunk of concrete into a corner Claire walked up the stairs and into the night. She pulled on her usual leather jacket, the tank top beneath stained in blood and dirt. Her hiking boots were scuffed and the tips ripped. The knees of her cargos were torn open, long tears running down the lower legs. She didn't care as she melted into the night, becoming an unseen presence amongst the shadows as she moved towards the Elysium, pulling herself from the shadows in an alley not far from the court, and walking casually to the back doors.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Fletch sighs and puts on his trusty baseball cap before heading out the door, Bubba close on his heels. Time for another family reunion, it seems. Really, he'd rather skip them all and keep on working - it's been going all too well recently, he's almost getting suspicious. But as ridiculous as it seems, appearances have to be kept up, respect paid and all that shit. He looks down the street and sighs. "C'mon boy, I'll race you to the meeting," he grumbles towards Bubba before taking off down the street.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve pulls herself away from her homework with a grumble. Alexander would probably strangle her if she didn't show up, homework or not. She is trying to get the perfect color for the "Personal Painting" she needs to do for class. Her home back in Tennessee is the perfect subject. But the right color for the porch, her daddy's blue tick hound, and the steel gray of the misty morning elude her for the moment.

With a quick, irritated glance at the clock she realizes if she keeps this up, she'll be late. So she washes her hands, drapes her smock over her work bench and hits the road, wishing she'd left early enough to grab a bite.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

On Claire's arrival Adam greets her at the door with a thoughtful nod before saying.

"Claire right, as usual just leave any weapons you have with me. I'll be sure to take good care of it till you leave. Oh and Jack wanted to talk over something with you and Fletch when he gets here. In the mean time try to enjoy yourself as best you can while we wait on the Prince."

Adam also greets Fletch as he and Bubba arrive, at the sight of the kindred at the door Bubba gives a deep growl, at which Adam simply strokes his chin.

"Hmm, pets aren't usually allowed at Elysium, they don't like most of the kindred. Something about sensing the beast in us I guess. Couldn't you just send him off to run around and then Beckon him back when you leave?"

Before Fletch can answer Eve comes walking up to the door after having parked her car a short distance away. Seeing her Adam gives a short nod in greeting while he waits for Fletch's response. Bubba uncharacteristically growls towards Eve as well despite the fact that he's seen her before.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

She gives a fond snort in Bubba's direction. "You silly fool. You know I'm not going to hurt him." But she refrains from patting him until Fletch has him calm.
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"Down, boy. Silly dog," Fletch grumbles. "You know Eve, you mutt. You stay here and don't move a muscle until I come back, you heard me? Stay. Is that gonna be okay? I don't want to have to pick him up from the dog pound or something," he says towards Adam.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Little trophies which are starting to decorate the haven. Though for the time being, she's careful to keep them small, easily overlooked or lost items, or, well, cash is always easiest to lift. Now and then, though, she can't resist the odd little trinket that catches her eye.

One thing that she does keep an ear out for is any mention of the corpse from the night of their meeting with Lucky. That still niggles at her, given part of her wants to do right by the deceased where the other part of her knows that getting involved, even anonymously, could potentially be very problematic. She just hopes no other problems arise from it.

The disagreement with Raven seems to weigh heavy on her and she does give her Sire's words some thought. If the two of them weren't involved, would it really be a good thing for them to do so? Still, if Claire were right and whomever tried to set them up was going after the whole Coterie, then it would probably best that they all worked together. When he's back to feeling better, he does get scolded for the scrapes, though not harshly, and she finds time to talk to him about it. She knows he's not comfortable around the others all the time, so she promises to keep the interactions to a minimum, if she can, as a compromise.

One interaction they can't avoid, though, is Elysium. And so, after cleaning up after class, the two of them will head over that way. Catching sight of the scene at the door, she chuckles. "You still having trouble with Bubba, there, Fletch?"
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Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Yes. It's Claire. And no weapons tonight," she said briskly before stepping inside shortly before the others had arrived. Her nostrils flared as she sniffed at the room, her eyes scanning everyone present quickly. Mostly just looking for Jack. Why did he need her and Fletch?

Must have been some kind of clan thing then. That's all she could think of as she made her way through the crowd towards the sheriff, ignoring the scoffs as her garb. Most others had attempted to clean up some what, and the backed away from Claire, trying to avoid getting dirt smeared over their clothing.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

He looks over at Izzy and nods his head in greeting. "Yeah, ever since I bonded him, he's been mighty protective. Otherwise he's following better, though." He waits for Adam's consent to leave Bubba here. If not, he'll let him roam free before heading in.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Bubba stops growling when Fletch tells him to but he doesn't look like he's about to leave his master alone. At Fletch's words Adam gets a slightly confused look on his face before he says.

"What is a dog pound? I think we may be able to put him out back if you're worried about him running off. There is a fenced area where the lepers usually arrive by but they shouldn't have much trouble getting past a dog. Just go through there."

He says pointing to the back of the building.

"I'll have Edward let you in. Oh and if your Fletch, Jack wished to speak with you and Claire. Before any of you go in though please leave any weapons with me as is the usual custom."

Once any weapons are turned in Adam allows everyone else to enter while Fletch and Bubba head towards the back. Once out back Fletch sees a fenced in alley with a dumpster in it. The door to the fence isn't locked and Fletch lets Bubba in just as the back door opens up revealing an extremely corpulent Nosferatu with an odd grin on his face.

"Howdy you must be Fletch, right. Names Eddie Griffin, Fast Eddie to most. I hear you been having Anarch troubles but what can you expect from a bunch of teenagers am I right. Well don't stand there gawking, you never know when ya might be missing a story."

Bubba sniffs around the alley at first but finally settles down in a corner allowing Fletch to go inside. Once inside Eddy shoves a card at Fletch with his meaty hand and a grin.

"Just in case you ever need to dig up something on well pretty much anything, I'm the guy to go to."

Once inside the coterie notices that they must be some of the first to arrive for the weekly court. Alexander stands near the judges box quietly observing Ronny, who apparently arrived earlier than all the others, as he sits on one of the front benches.

Ronny seems to be his normal self for the most part just quietly observing the goings on, though he also seems to be jotting notes down in a notebook on his leg. He also seems to be rather dressed up from his usual outfit with a nice shirt and a tie, a dress jacket sits over the bench behind him.

Jack is involved in a conversation with a tall metis, who you seem to remember as one of those who sits in the primogen box.

Eve is almost immediately mobbed as she enters by the girl she remembers as Alana.

"Oh good, you've arrived early. This will be the perfect time to finally introduce you to Primogen Alize. She so wants to meet you we just haven't had the proper time to do it yet."

Eve feels herself politely dragged off toward a side hall as Alana explains.

Eddie quite literally disappears after leading Fletch to the entrance of the court room.

Izzy and Raven, who as usual is a little nervous though he seems to be all right, are left standing near the entrance as well. Though as they stand there they notice Alexander beckon them over towards him.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Claire strolls up to Jack and gives a slight nod towards the metis, before quickly putting her attention on Jack.

"You wanted to speak with me," she said, not bothering to apologize for interrupting.
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"Well, I could have a few words with him, if you want," she offers the Gangrel, but as Adam offers up the solution, she lets it go, unless Fletch says otherwise.

Finding the others sort of branching off, or getting dragged off, especially before Izzy can ask Eve how she's doing from the other night, she settles into her usual demeanor, though her hand will slip into Raven's if he wants it. Catching sight of Alexander's motion, she'll give him a little tug in that direction, that seeming to be her aim for the time being.

"Evening, Sir," she says by way of greeting as they approach the Toreador.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Fletch touches the card like a dead mouse and gingerly puts it in his pocket. Not carrying any weapons, he didn't have any problems wit Adam otherwise. Once inside, he spots Jack and walks up to him, bowing his head towards the metis in greeting before turning towards Jack. "Evenin' Sheriff, you wanted to see me?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Alana seems to realize that she's practically dragging Eve away from the others and stops. She gets an apologetic look on her face as she explains her actions while they continue walking.

"I'm sorry, Eve. It's just that I get so over anxious sometimes. Please try to understand but it really is time that you've had a chance to meet Miss Alize. She likes to keep things as informal as possible when meeting with clan members individually, so don't be afraid to be yourself. I'm sure she'll like you as you impressed me so much with the way you spoke at the last court."

They finally reach the door to a side office and Alana indicates that Eve should enter first.

Jack doesn't immediately respond as Claire and Fletch come up to him as he seems to be listening closely to the Metis. The Metis speaks slowly and uses a lot of hand movements to accentuate his speech as he explains something to Jack.

"We must guide the wind around the mountain not through it. Going through the mountain only wastes their strength. Guide not force mind you, forcing has it's place and time but we must avoid it now."

Jack nods his head as the Metis finishes his speech not out of agreement but more out of respect. They both nod their head in greeting to the Gangrel and the Metis speaks one more time before heading off toward the jury box.

"Ah this must be the Gangrel I've heard so much about from my childe. You've impressed him greatly though I think he may have confused your wish to be left alone with a wish for freedom."

Now that Jack has the two alone he shakes his head before responding. He hands them a slip of paper as he finishes and gives Claire a wink as he does so.

"Don't mind Primogen Dumont, he's just an old out of touch injun. Anyways I just thought I should answer your enquiry about possible Sabbat nests. I just got the message last night so pardon the late reply, just remember to be careful."

Raven follows along with Izzy a little slowly, though her hand seems to give him the courage to not worry too much. Alexander smiles warmly at Izzy's greeting and looks appraisingly at Raven before speaking.

"Please just call me Alexander or Mr. Alexander if you must, sir just sounds so formal amongst friends. I was hoping to have a chance to speak with your sire about something. I won't keep him long, it's just that a particular talent of his has been brought to my attention by a mutual friend."

Raven doesn't let go of Izzy's hand and looks in Izzy's eyes unsure of what to say, not like he's worried more like he's just nervous, before responding.

"I-I g-guess that would be all right, i-if it's okay w-with you Izzy?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Giving a glance over to Claire - he sure as shit didn't ask for hideouts - he none the less skims over the information. "Are there any tracks of that Nosferatu Oggly? Or Mist? If we get our hands on Oggly, we might be able to find her."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Habit," Izzy replies with a bit of a smile. "I'll try to remember you're not one for too much formality." She gives the Toreador a little wink. And it's a little difficult to tell what surprises her more: Alexander's request or Raven deferring to her. She gives a little chuckle at his question and smiles at him. "Of course. Why wouldn't it be? I'll find myself someone else to pester in the meantime, then you can sweep me away before we have to be all formal and quiet."

She gives his hand a subtle squeeze before slipping away from him to leave the two men to talk. Much as she wants to, she can't exactly hover close and eavesdrop. Eve's been dragged off and Claire and Fletch are busy at the moment, and there's no sign of River. Not entirely comfortable chatting with the elders, she heads over to the chairs and plops down into the one next to Ronny not occupied by his jacket. "You going to a funeral or something?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve follows Alana glancing back at her coterie before nodding. "I understand, and I'm really very nervous about this, you know." She takes a deep breath and does as indicated, stepping though the door...
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Claire watched the primogen wander off before taking the paper and looking over the information scrawled across it, her eyes flicking over the words again and again so as to lock it all in her mind. When she was done she looked up at Jack with a smirk.

"And what of the biker attack last night? Any new leads?" she asked, head cocking to the side slightly, ignoring Fletch's glance.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve opens the doors to be greeted by the sound of a Duke Ellington jazz piece playing from an old Victrola in the corner. She almost jumps at the sight of the head sitting on the desk, until she realizes it's just a wig stand with a set of curly blond hair on it. Primogen Alize is seated on divan off to the side with a look of amusement at Eve's expression. She's dressed in what looks like a modern version of a flapper dress with her dark brown hair in a bob cut. She almost looks like she could be straight out of a 1920's musical though it still looks incredible on her.

"Please excuse the poor decorating, Eve my dear. I'm just borrowing it for the night. Please be seated and can I interest you in a drink before we talk."

Eve hears Alana close the door behind them and walk over to a small refrigerator from which she pulls two already poured glasses of a certain red liquid.

((Hey now don't be jumping to conclusions till you've read the note. The sheriff is trying to be discrete here.))

Claire opens the note to see what Jack had dug up for them concerning the Sabbat. What she sees though is not quite what she expected, the paper doesn't seem to show any Sabbat hideout. However it does have security schematics and blueprints for a mansion on the north side of town. A tiny scrawl along the side reads.

"Perhaps these schematics of the Vanderwahl Estate can be of some use, signed a friend."

Jack shrugs his head as if he doesn't know what she's talking about when Claire asks about a biker attack say, before moving off to the judges chambers.

Raven and Alexander walk off slowly towards the entrance hall to the court room. Raven looks nervous as all get out but he still seems to be interested in the conversation as they leave the room.

Ronny is finishing jotting something down as Izzy sits next to him, just as his pencil breaks.

"Damn, do you think they make these things with tougher lead. This is the third one I've broken in a half hour."

He tucks the pencil in the notebook as he closes, setting it beside him and moving his jacket to the other side. His outfit looks more like business attire than funeral attire and his tie looks almost comical as if he did while half asleep, though for once he does seem to have shaved just fine.

"Funny that you should mention a funeral. I brought you a present."

As he says that he hands her a newspaper folded to the obituary page with one entry circled. It's about the girl who died earlier in the week at the campus, it was finally determined to be a horrible accident in which the girl broke her neck while walking. Foul play has been ruled out and the wake is scheduled for the next two nights at the Dunsirn family funeral home.

"I'm sorry."

Ronny adds as she reads over the column.